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Brokered by a Top U.S. Official:
From BETA wire service
[Posted 26 January 2002]

you've seen everything, check out the
dispatch from the BETA wire service,
posted below.
In the midst of the infinite war
against terrorism, John Menzies, top
U.S. official in Pristina, capital of the
Serbian province of Kosovo, has arranged
a deal appointing a KLA terrorist to be
the so-called Premier of Kosovo.

How can the U.S. foreign policy
Establishment expect to get away with
this open endorsement of terrorism?

Actually it's quite simple. Although
BBC WorldWide Monitoring has posted
transcripts of Albanian secessionist
sources reporting that Menzies was
trying to arrange such a deal, not one
important English-language news source
has at this time (2 AM ET, 26 January)
reported that Menzies pulled it off.

The motto of our brave new Empire might
be: an uninformed people is a placid people.

The dispatch from the BETA wire service
refers to the Democratic [sic!] Party
of Kosovo (DPK). The DPK is one of two
parties formed from factions of the
terrorist Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA).
Keep in mind that these same
terrorists are continuing to attack
southern Serbia and Macedonia, and
assassinate Serbs and others in Kosovo.
(1) & (2)

The DPK is the party of Mr. Hacim
Thaci's faction. The other KLA party is
called the Alliance for the Future of
Kosovo. It is led by Ramush (or Ramus)
Haradinaj, who participated in Mr.
Menzies' meeting in Pristina, discussed
in the BETA dispatch.

Haradinaj is infamous for the bombing
of the Panda Cafe in Pec in December
1999. Haradinaj's KLA opened fire on
the Cafe, machine gunning six Serbian
teenagers. (3)

If you are distressed that this deal,
giving Thaci's party the post of
Premier of Kosovo, was arranged by the
top U.S. official in Kosovo - you
should be. Alas this is nothing new.
The U.S. has been using Kosovo
secessionists, including the KLA, to
destabilize the Balkans for years. (4)
& (5)

-- Jared Israel ]

January 24


[EC Note: The following is the full
text of the BETA dispatch concerning
the agreement.]

An agreement was reached in the U.S.
office in Pristina on the distribution
of top political duties in the
province, BETA learned from unofficial

According to the sources, leaders of
the three strongest Kosovo parties had
talks with the head of the U.S. office
in Pristina John Menzies on Jan. 22
and 23, about ending the political
crisis in Kosovo.

Besides Menzies, the meeting was
attended by the president of the Democratic
Alliance of Kosovo (DSK) Ibrahim
Rugova, Fatmir Limaj and Hajredin Kuci
of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (DPK),
and by the president of the Alliance
for the Future of Kosovo Ramus Haradinaj.

Sources close to the participants of
the meeting said that the DSK gave up
on the duty of Kosovo premier and agreed
that this position belongs to the DPK,
which won 26 seats in the Kosovo

According to BETA's sources, the DSK
still requested that the premier be
proposed by assembly speaker Nexhat
Daci and not directly by the DPK.

So far the DSK had offered five
ministerial positions to its partners,
two deputy premierships and one deputy
assembly speaker post, which the DPK and
the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo

According to the new agreement, the DSK
will take the office of Kosovo
president and assembly speaker. If the
DPK is to supply the premier, the
party will then have only one minister
in the future Kosovo government.

Out of nine portfolios in the future
cabinet, seven will be controlled by
Albanian parties. Meanwhile, Kosovo
Albanian leaders are under great pressure
by representatives of the international
community in Pristina to appoint top
officials of the interim administration.

(c) BETA 2002 - Posted for Fair Use Only
For full dispatch from which the
section concerning this meeting was
taken, see


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[See Below]
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* 'Afghan Operation Leaves Russia
'Encircled' by US-NATO'
by Sergey Ptichkin and Aleksey
Chichkin. Can be read at

1) 'How NATO and the UN Sponsor
Terrorists in Kosovo'
by Jared Israel and Rick Rozoff Can be read at

2) 'Dragoljub Markovic, Murdered by
NATO Terrorists on Orthodox Christmas'
by Jared Israel at

3) Regarding both the slaughter in the
Panda Cafe and the current
British/U.S. policy of grooming the KLA
terrorists in the disguise of
humanitarian, democratic politicians,
see 'Which Terrorists Are Worse?
Al Qaeda? Or the KLA?' by Jared Israel at

4) In 'The Cat is Out of the Bag,' we
quote Western media sources to confirm
that the U.S. Establishment used the
so-called Kosovo Verification Mission
in the fall of 1998 to reorganize the
Kosovo Liberation Army, attempting to
create a more effective terrorist force.

This is U.S. strategy is brilliantly
explained by Kosovo Archivist Cedomir
Prlincevic in the interview, 'Why
Albanians Fled During the NATO Bombing,' at
This is must reading for
anyone who would understand a) the
Balkans and b) the skill with which
U.S. covert operations manipulate ethnic
groups for geopolitical ends.

(5) 'Articles Documenting the U.S./NATO
Assault on Macedonia,' can be read at

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