I - Memorandum del Governo della RFJ sulla applicazione della
Risoluzione del Consiglio di Sicurezza 1244 (1999), 3 aprile 2000
II - Riassunto degli atti terroristici e delle altre violazioni della
Risoluzione 1244 al 30/3/2000
III - Stralci dal rapporto dell'inviato speciale ONU Jiri Dinstbier
alla 56esima sessione della Commissione per i Diritti Umani





1. Persistent warnings to the violations of UN SC resolution 1244 (1999)

Even ten months since its adoption, no changes whatsoever have taken
concerning the respect of UN SC resolution 1244 (1999) as well as of
Military Technical Agreement by the international forces, KFOR and
in the southern Serb province of Kosovo and Metohija.
Continuous warnings of the Government of the FR of Yugoslavia to the UN
Security Council, UN Secretary-General, KFOR and UNMIK and other
international organizations and factors to the flagrant violations of
key provisions of the Resolution, Ahtisaari-Chernomyrdin document and
Military Technical Agreement have not been heeded at ll. At the same
the processes in the Province run contrary to the letter and substance
the Resolution and its related documents, threatening the security of
entire region.

- Memorandums of the Government of the FR of Yugoslavia: It is only a
from the latest, third, Memorandum of the Government of the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia (1 March 2000), and in spite of clear examples of
direct violations of the key provisions of the Resolution and its
documents by KFOR and UNMIK, as well as of unambiguous demands of the
Government of the FR of Yugoslavia that UN Security Council, as a
responsible body, should finally take energetic and urgent measures in
order to stop dramatic worsening of the overall situation in the
Serbian Province, the United Nations Security Council continues closing
eyes before the facts and tolerates flagrant violations of fundamental
principles of the Charter, key provisions of the Resolution and its
documents, as well as all other widely accepted international standards
the field of human and civil rights.

- The Government of the FR of Yugoslavia, in more than its 60 direct
communications to the Security Council, continuously pointed to the
examples of non-compliance with or gross violations of the mandate of
and UNMIK, particularly related to the violation of the sovereignty and
territorial integrity of the FR of Yugoslavia in Kosovo and Metohija.
Particularly well substantiated and justified are the warnings to the
continuation of terror, ethnic cleansing and genocide of Albanian
terrorists and separatists against the Serbs, Montenegrins, Roma, Turks,
Goranci and other non-Albanian population in the Province.
- In its direct communications to the head of UNMIK and KFOR commander,
through its Committee for Cooperation with the UN Mission in Pri{tina,
Yugoslav Government has on a daily basis drawn the attention to, and
regular protests in connection with, flagrant violations of their
and failure to implement their mandate, clearly established by UN SC
resolution 1244 (1999).

2. Passive attitude of UN SC and other bodies of international community

- In view of the continuous and dramatic deterioration of the situation
drastic violations of fundamental human rights, as well as of
of historical and cultural monuments, constituting an integral part of
world cultural heritage, the Government of the FR of Yugoslavia has
informed timely and in a well-documented way other international
organizations engaged in Kosovo and Metohija (UNHCR, UNHCHR, UNESCO,
OSCE, EU, Council of Europe, etc.). In spite of the demands that they
should also fulfil their share of responsibility in accordance with SC
resolution 1244 (1999) and other relevant international legal
within their field of activity, there are still no signs of the real
readiness to engage in earnest in order to put an end to the present
devastating trends in the Province, seriously undermining the authority
the United Nations and weakening the confidence in the genuine readiness
the world Organization to meet its obligations and offer protection to
Member States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.


1. Systematic violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of
FR of Yugoslavia and the mandate of UN Security Council

a) UN SC resolution 1244 (1999) unambiguously confirms the sovereignty
territorial integrity of the FR of Yugoslavia in Kosovo and Metohija
(preambular para 10; subpara 8, Annex 2)

- Decisions of UNMIK and KFOR: Regulations of UN Secretary General
Representative and head of UNMIK B. Kouchner lack basis in the
and are aimed at severing all ties between Kosovo and Metohija and the
Republic of Serbia and the FR of Yugoslavia, i.e. totally separating
Province from the constitutional, legal, economic, monetary, financial,
banking, customs, visa, administrative and other systems of the FR of
Yugoslavia and the Republic of Serbia.
Regulations and decisions of the UN SG Special Representative for Kosovo
and Metohija B. Kouchner, systematically and directly undermine the
sovereignty of the FRY in Kosovo and Metohija as a basic principle
guaranteed by SC resolution 1244 (1999) and bring into question the
basis and prerogatives of statehood of the State of Serbia and the FR of
Yugoslavia, in the southern Serb Province, as an integral part of the
sovereign territory of the Republic of Serbia and of the FR of
Special Representative B. Kouchner continues with his illegal acts aimed
at creating prerequisites for the independence of the Province from the
Republic of Serbia and the FR of Yugoslavia, favouring political and
interests of Albanian separatists and terrorists, which is unprecedented
history of UN missions. Illegally established the so-called Interim
Administration Council, de facto Provincial "Government", composed
exclusively of Albanians, mostly from the ranks of the terrorist
KLA and separatist Albanian political parties, even before the minimum
security and living conditions have been created for non-Albanian
population, represents an attempt of legalizing ethnic supremacy of
Albanians, with a view to creating an ethnically pure Kosovo and
Persistent efforts to include the Serbs into this body, mostly for the
functions of irrelevant political importance and influence, represent
Kouchner's attempts to legalize the status quo to the detriment of the
Serbs and other non-Albanian population.
The developments in the Province unambiguously confirmed that the claims
of the Government of the FR of Yugoslavia to the effect that the UNMIK
decision on the transformation of the terrorist KLA in an alleged
organization - "Kosovo Protection Corps" are justified, and that the
decision is not only illegal as it lacks basis whatsoever in SC
1244 (1999) and its related documents, but is also one of the main
generators of exacerbating the situation and the crisis in the Province.
The attack of well-armed members of the so-called Kosovo Protection
on a patrol of the Republican Ministry of the Interior near Bujanovac,
outside the administrative area of Kosovo and Metohija, unambiguously
confirms that the so-called Kosovo Protection Corps is not any
structure - its members are re-cycled terrorists of the so-called KLA,
whose combat structure and command personnel have been fully kept,
a core of a future Albanian army in Kosovo and Metohija, as has been
publicly pointed out by its "commander", notorious terrorist A. Cheku.

- Building of military bases: The Government of the FR of Yugoslavia
energetically opposes the building of KFOR military bases in a part of
sovereign territory, without its approval. It represents the most
violation of its sovereignty and provisions of UN SC resolution 1244
(1999), as well as the existing laws of the Republic of Serbia and the
of Yugoslavia. The building of foreign bases without the approval of the
receiving State is contrary to the character and spirit of peace
under the auspices of the United Nations and represents a dangerous
precedent, contrary to the fundamental principles and purposes of the
United Nations.
- Military exercises of NATO/KFOR: The Government of the FR of
resolutely opposes military exercises of NATO and KFOR in the Province,
under any pretext, which represents the most flagrant violation of the
territorial integrity and sovereignty of the FR of Yugoslavia.
Sabre-rattling in the Province, which is obviously not in the function
creating security conditions for all its citizens, is just another form
support to the Albanian terrorists in their attempts to cement
structure of the Province, as a basis for its total separation from the
constitutional and legal system of the Republic of Serbia and the FRY.
provocative conduct on the part of KFOR represents a factor of serious
destabilization of the region and directly threatens peace and stability
Although it is obliged to prevent any act of violation of UN SC
1244 (1999) and to eliminate all sources of instability in the region,
Security Council did nothing to protect the sovereignty and territorial
integrity of the FR of Yugoslavia, thereby directly violating not only
key provisions of the Resolution but the fundamental provisions of the
Charter of the United Nations as well.

- Representation of some countries: Despite the warnings and protests of
the Government of the FR of Yugoslavia, UNMIK continues to tolerate the
establishment of foreign para-diplomatic missions in the Province,
consultations with and approval of the Government of the FR of
which represents a gross violation of the principle of the sovereignty
territorial integrity of the FR of Yugoslavia. The attempt of Kouchner
even legalize that (his draft regulation on "immunities and privileges
the liaison offices of foreign Governments in Kosovo") is a direct
on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the FR of Yugoslavia
grossly violates the principles of the UN Charter, provisions of the
Conventions on diplomatic and consular relations and the Convention on
Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations as well as prevailing
international practice.
- The Government of the FR of Yugoslavia reiterates once again that it
never ceded or intends to cede the sovereignty over any part of its
territory and resolutely rejects the tactics of manipulating or
the attention from the alliance of UNMIK and KFOR with the terrorist
so-called KLA. It particularly refuses all moves in line with fait
- The sovereignty and territorial integrity of the FR of Yugoslavia are
inviolable and final: overall conduct, decisions of KFOR and UNMIK
particularly of the UN SG Special Representative and head of UNMIK B.
Kouchner, including his decision on the establishment of the "Interim
Administration Council of Kosovo" disregarding or violating the
of sovereignty and territorial integrity of the FR of Yugoslavia, as
as all measures, acting and failing to act, contrary to the UN SC
resolution 1244 (1999) or MTA, or represent an attempt at their
the FR of Yugoslavia considers null and void and they cannot have any
effect or be binding on the FR of Yugoslavia or its organs in any way.

2. Massive violations of human rights

Terror and violence : Albanian terror and violence, ethnic cleansing and
genocide against non-Albanian population, above all the Serbs and
Montenegrins, but also Roma, Muslims, Turks, Goranci and others,
destruction of their homes, usurpation and destruction of private and
State-owned property, rampant crime and chaos in the Province, continue
despite the presence of several dozen thousand of well armed members of
KFOR and more than 2,000 UNMIK policemen. That speaks convincingly that
KFOR and UNMIK do not fulfil their basic obligations arising from their
mandate, particularly in terms of guaranteeing full personal and
security and safety of all citizens in the Province, above all the Serbs
and Montenegrins, who have been exposed to systematic ethnic cleansing,
terror, killings and abductions.
- The Government of the FR of Yugoslavia insists that KFOR and UNMIK
fulfil without delay all their obligations and create as soon as
the conditions for a safe return of all expelled persons to Kosovo and

Ethnic cleansing: Since the deployment of KFOR and UNMIK, more than
350,000 Serbs, Montenegrins, Roma, Muslims, Turks, Goranci and other
non-Albanians were forcibly driven out of the Province. Terrorists are
increasingly targeting Albanians, loyal citizens of the Republic of
and the FR of Yugoslavia, who refused to obey the demands of Albanian
terrorists and criminals.
- The fact that the alleged search of the Serbs in Kosovska Mitrovica by
KFOR was used by Albanian terrorists to expel additional 16,000 Serbs
Montenegrins, should serve as a warning. It is evident that this form of
intimidation of the Serbs in Kosovska Mitrovica, with direct
of the members of KFOR, is just another example of the proven policy of
bringing pressure to bear on the Serbs, with a view to completing ethnic
cleansing of the Province.

- Terrorism: In the period from 10 June 1999 through 30 March 2000,
was a total of 4,564 terrorist attacks (4,314 against Serbs and
Montenegrins); 936 persons (835 Serbs and Montenegrins) were killed; 876
(824 Serbs and Montenegrins) were wounded, and 867 (798 Serbs and
Montenegrins) were abducted. More than 50,000 homes, mostly those
to Serbs, Montenegrins and Roma, were destroyed, burned down or severely

- The latest serious crimes: During the month of March, the crimes
committed by Albanian terrorists continued. There were motivated by the
desire to scare the remaining Serb and other non-Albanian population
leaving the Province. The manner in which these crimes were committed is
yet another proof that Albanian terrorists have neither been disarmed
demilitarized. The most brutal crimes include: planting of explosives
the home of Azem D`aferi, a Muslim, in Prizren (1 March 2000); shelling
the village of Grabovac and a bombing of the building housing the
centre in Obili} (3 March 2000); brutal attacks on Serbs in the villages
Bostane and Trni}evce (6 March 2000); terrorist bombings of the Serbian
section of Kosovska Mitrovica, in which 19 Serbs were injured (7 March
2000); shelling of the Serbian village of Gora`devac (10 March 2000);
brutal murder of Srdjan Peri} by beating him about the head with a axe
the terrorists opened machine gun fire at a group of Serbs working in
field (11 March 2000); blasting of a railway overpass causing
of services between Kosovska Mitrovica and Le{ak, municipality of
(23 March 2000).

- New forms of terror against Serbs and other non-Albanian population:

Instead of providing full security to Serbs, KFOR resorts to the use of
brute force, harassment, physical violence, including causing damage to
Serb property, which represents a new form of an inadmissible behaviour
international forces with a clear message to the Serbs. Particularly
drastic incidents occurred in Kosovska Mitrovica (on 20-25 February) as
well as in the villages of Mogila (on 25-26 February), in which Serbian
houses were searched by using the method of most brutal physical
Draganovac (Gnjilane municipality) and Mioli~e (Leposavi} municipality),
Mali Zve~an (27 February), Gornje Kusce (1 March) and the Serbian
of Rudare and Grabovac (1 March). The searches were conducted by KFOR
jointly with the terrorists of the so-called KLA, who wore international
security forces uniforms, thus proving the strong links between KFOR and
Albanian terrorists.
The illegality and brutality of this action as conducted by US and
KFOR contingents were also condemned in the OSCE report of 21 February
2000, saying that in doing so, KFOR violated the provisions of the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Establishing also
that the operation was illegal, the fact was brought to the attention of
the head of UNMIK B. Kouchner.

- Terrorists attacks outside the Province: In the belief that the
destabilization of the situation on the widest possible territory
facilitates the achievement of their separatist goals, Albanian
are seeking to spread terror, chaos and lawlessness outside the Province
other parts of the Republic of Serbia and the FR of Yugoslavia, which
not have been possible without the support and direct assistance by
of KFOR and UNMIK, whose responsibility is to prevent all attempts of
violating safety within the administrative territory of the Province.
fact that the members of the so-called Kosovo Protection Corps take part
terrorist attacks outside the Province, clearly confirms that Albanian
terrorists from the so-called KLA have neither been disarmed nor
demilitarized, and least of all, that the so-called Kosovo Protection
is an allegedly a civilian structure.

- "Labour camps" for Serbs: The prisons, run by the terrorist so-called
throughout Kosovo and Metohija, house several hundred abducted Serbian
civilians, who have been placed in "labour camps" controlled by the
so-called KLA. The abductees have been subjected to extremely cruel and
inhuman treatment in these "labour camps" located in the village of
Mati?ane, 15 kilometres away from Pri{tina, as well as in the village of
Du{anovo near Prizren and in Drenica. Access to these people is strictly
forbidden, even by ICRC representatives.
Additionally, in the Republic of Albania there are also some 350
of Serb nationality, who have been abducted in Kosovo and Metohija. The
international forces in Kosovo and Metohija are aware of the existence
such prisons for the abducted Serbs. Despite the fact that it represents
the most inhuman violation of individual human rights and freedoms they
have done nothing to free the abducted persons.
Other representatives of the international community (UN
Secretary-General, the Security Council, the ICRC as well as Mrs S.
Mr. J. Dienstbier and others) have been fully informed about the lists
abducted Serbs without any major effect as regards the release of those
were not executed in the meantime.

- Attacks on aid convoys: Attacks on aid convoys and prevention of the
delivery of basic food staples, medical supplies for hospitals, etc.,
intended for the Serb population under several months blockade have
become increasingly frequent, which is a special form of genocide
Serbs, calculated at bringing about their physical destruction. In this
respect, particularly striking examples are the following: attack on the
Serb convoys headed for [trpce, near the village of Radivojce (on 22 and
February); attack on the Serb convoy en route to Koreti{te, in the
of Dobri~ane (28 February); attack on the bus transporting Serb children
their way back from school, on the road between Gornje Kusce and
(29 February); attacks against Serb convoys in the village of Koretin
and 20 March); repeated attacks against Serb convoys in Gnjilane (7 and
March); an attack on a Serb convoy in the village of Dobrovce (27
KFOR has not prevented these attacks by terrorists. Also, it has refused
to provide security escorts (Lieutenant Peter Ramstel, KFOR, Kosovska
Mitrovica area, banned all KFOR security escorts for buses transporting
Serbian schoolchildren and sick persons to Gra~anica, 1 March. It is not
prepared to escort convoys between Merdare and Kosovo Polje) which is
another proof that KFOR does not carry out is obligations under the
resolution, thereby encouraging Albanian terrorists to freely continue
their daily violence against Serbs in order to force them to leave
Polje and other places.

- Destruction of cultural and historic sites: Destruction of Serbian
monuments of culture and the most precious symbols of centuries' old
of Serbian statehood and spirituality in the region of Kosovo and
has continued. In total, 85 churches and medieval monasteries have been
destroyed, burned or seriously damaged.

- Discrimination against Serbs and a cultural and spiritual genocide of
Serbs: UNMIK continues to tolerate and encourage through its actions
discrimination against Serbs especially in education (the closure of
universities, schools), culture and the media in the Serbian language.
doing so the most frequently cited excuse is alleged attempt to preserve
the multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and multi-religious structures in the
Province. The fact that this is done where the Serbs have managed to
in larger numbers clearly shows that KFOR and UNMIK directly encourage
aspirations of Kosovo Albanian terrorists towards breaking apart the
ethnically solid Serbian communities, and that they directly pressurize
Serbs into leaving their ancestral homes.
- The policy of double standards and unobjective criteria disfavouring
Serbs, applied by UNMIK on the one hand have deprived not only Serbs
also Roma, Muslims, Turks and Goranci of their jobs, doing nothing to
ensure their reinstatement to the jobs they were forcibly kicked out of.
the other hand, they favour Albanians irrespective of the lack of skills
their part, constituting the most flagrant violation of the principle of
equality and multi-ethnicity.

- KFOR and UNMIK bear sole responsibility for massive violation of human
rights in the Province, for lawlessness, chaos and breaches of the
provisions of Security Council resolution 1244 (1999), relating to the
preservation of the multi-ethnic, multi-confessional and multi-cultural
character of the Province, by becoming outright accessory to ethnic
cleansing and genocide.

3. Disarming of the terrorist so-called KLA

Daily terrorization, violence, killings and destruction of Serbian homes
and settlements, cafes and other places frequented by Serbs in massive
numbers in the remaining Serb enclaves, as well as attacks on civilians
Yugoslav security forces beyond the boundaries of the Province, with the
use of heavy ordnance even, all testify to the fact that the terrorists
the so-called KLA have not been disarmed.

Leaders of these terrorist/separatist formations, Hashim Thaqi, Agim
and others, continue to openly advocate the independence of the
whereby the so-called KPC, which is nothing but a "transformed"
so-called KLA, would be a core of the future Albanian army.

The Government of the FR of Yugoslavia recalls once again its position,
expressed in the letter of 22 September 1999 to the President of the
Security Council, that purported transformation of the terrorist
KLA into the so-called "Kosovo Protection Corps" was a sham and a
manipulation, so as to avoid the obligation of a genuine
and disarming of this illegal terrorist organization. This has been
clearly proven by the situation in the Province, as is being
openly admitted to even in the biased media and Western political
KFOR and UNMIK, in particular Bernard Kouchner, bear full responsibility
that the so-called KLA has not yet been disarmed, and that with their
blessing, an illegal Albanian armed formation was created, composed
of proven Albanian but also of international terrorists recruited in
neighbouring and other States known for sponsoring international
There is information that Islamic extremists from Chechnya are
in large numbers in Kosovo and Metohija where they enjoy the protection

- Thriving crime in the Province: Direct proof that KFOR and UNMIK have
failed to discharge their mandates strictly, notably with respect to
securing the international borders of the FR of Yugoslavia with Albania
Macedonia, is their patronizing attitude towards Albanian terrorists and
separatists who enter the FR of Yugoslavia without hindrance, which is
main cause for the thriving crime and chaos in the Province.

As a result of an unprotected border, in flagrant violation of Security
Council resolution 1244 (1999), KFOR and UNMIK have allowed illegal
into the Province of several hundred thousand criminals and looters from
Albania, aimed at spilling over the chaos from Albania into Kosovo and
Metohija. Kosovo and Metohija have, thus, been turned into a stronghold
organized international crime, terrorism, narco mafia, illicit arms
trafficking, white slavery, juvenile crime and prostitution rackets in
Central and Western Europe, with a view to spreading crime and
destabilizing Europe and preventing the ongoing integration processes.

4. Civil registration and local elections in Kosovo and Metohija

On the basis of UN SC resolution 1244 (1999), UNMIK has no authority to
conduct civil registration and issue personal IDs to the citizens of the
of Yugoslavia from Kosovo and Metohija. In accordance with the
and territorial integrity of the FR of Yugoslavia, that right has been
vested in the competent State authorities of the Republic of Serbia and
FR of Yugoslavia, in line with the existing legislation.
UNMIK has no authority to conduct local elections in the Province,
particularly not without explicit approval and participation of the
competent authorities of the Republic of Serbia and the FR of
but only to monitor them.
The Government of the FR of Yugoslavia confirms its commitment towards
fair and democratic elections in the Province. However, it warns again
it will be possible to organize such elections only after necessary
conditions are created and the structure of local government
autonomy) is established, for which the elections are being held, which
should be an outcome of a comprehensive political process, with active
equal participation of the official authorities and institutions of the
Republic of Serbia and the FR of Yugoslavia as well as representatives
all national communities in Kosovo and Metohija.
Against a background of continuing terror, final stages of the ethnic
cleansing of Serbs and other non-Albanian population in the Province,
absence of conditions for the return of over 350,000 expellees and a
presence of a couple of hundred thousand illegal foreign citizens in
and Metohija, it is evident that there are not even the basic conditions
for civil registration in the context of the preparations for the
to be held in near future. Ignoring these facts and insistence by OSCE
UNMIK to proceed to civil registration in the circumstances described
represent an attempt at the policy of fait accompli, i.e. at legalizing
local para-Statal institutions set up by the terrorist so-called KLA
the deployment of KFOR and UNMIK in the territory of the Province, and
thereby at encouraging the further destabilization of the Province along
the lines of achieving the separatist goals of Albanian extremists.

The Government of the FR of Yugoslavia strongly rejects any attempt at
calling for early elections in the Province until basic conditions are
met, i.e. consolidated peace and stability on the basis of Security
resolution 1244 (1999).
This, first and foremost, implies a free and safe return of all expelled
Serbs and other non-Albanian population, expulsion of more than 200,000
non-residents of the FR of Yugoslavia who illegally entered the Province
since the deployment of KFOR and UNMIK, and agreeing, with the
of the FR of Yugoslavia, basic parameters for the political settlement
Kosovo and Metohija, in line with UN SC resolution 1244 (1999).

5. Parameters of "substantial autonomy" of the Province

All attempts to establish parameters of "substantial autonomy" of the
Province outside the constitutional and legal framework of the FR of
Yugoslavia and the Republic of Serbia, are illegal, particularly without
active participation of their competent authorities.
The Government of the FR of Yugoslavia most resolutely opposes all
attempts that the projects on the future status of autonomy and
self-government, enable the separation of the Province from the current
constitutional and legal system of the Republic of Serbia and the FR of
Yugoslavia, which has no basis in UN SC resolution 1244 (1999), nor in
existing constitutional order of the FR of Yugoslavia, which is
The FR of Yugoslavia will not accept, nor will in any way be bound by
acts of imposition of outside solutions for the Province, no matter
they came from. In line with this, it is absolutely against the Security
Council legalizing any document containing parameters of a future status
autonomy in Kosovo and Metohija, in whose formulation the official
representatives of the Republic of Serbia and the FR of Yugoslavia did
participate directly.
Democratic and fair solution implies a political agreement, with full
equal participation of the representatives of the Republic of Serbia and
the FR of Yugoslavia and representatives of all national communities in
Province, when all relevant preconditions are fulfilled:
- ensuring full security of all citizens;
- safe return of all expelled and displaced Serbs and other non-Albanian
- disarming of all terrorists and eliminating combat structure of the
terrorist so-called KLA, i.e. dismantling of illegal Kosovo Protection
- suspension of all illegal decisions of "Interim Administrator" and
para Statal and para political structures based on them;
- ensuring full respect and application of the Constitution and laws of
the FR of Yugoslavia and the Republic of Serbia;
- normal functioning of the competent State authorities and
- ensuring conditions for the establishment of democratic, multi-party
structure of the Province, etc.

- The Government of the FR of Yugoslavia recalls that the State
of the Republic of Serbia, during negotiations in Paris, on 15 March
signed an agreement with the representatives of all national communities
Kosovo and Metohija on self-government in the Province. This
confirmed its commitment to have the question of autonomy and
self-government in the Province resolved by exclusively political means,
the basis of guaranteeing full equality of all citizens and ethnic
communities living in the Province. However, only the representatives of
Albanian political parties refused to sign the agreement, those parties
whose platform includes separatism and terrorism as an end to it. In
so, they clearly demonstrated that they were interested only in full
"independence" of the Province from "Belgrade", in other words - only in
the project that implies the change of the State borders of the FR of
Yugoslavia and the Republic of Serbia, which is in direct contravention
the Charter of the United Nations, the Helsinki CSCE/OSCE principles and
the basic provisions and substance of UN SC resolution 1244 (1999) and
related documents.

6. The return of Yugoslav Army (VJ) and police (MUP)

- It is unjustified and absolutely unacceptable to continue to fail to
implement clear provisions of the Resolution and Military Technical
Agreement (operative para 4, subparas 6 and 10, Annex 2 of the
and para 4 of Military Technical Agreement), on return of members of VJ
MUP to the Province, particularly when KFOR and UNMIK have proved
inefficient in ensuring security for all citizens, peace, rule of law in
the Province and particularly in guaranteeing full safety of persons and
property, safe and unimpeded return of all expelled Serbs and other
non-Albanian population. By such attitude, KFOR and UNMIK directly give
to the interests of Albanian terrorists and separatists and encourage
to continue with their daily terrorization of Serbs and other
with the aim at completing the ethnic cleansing of Serbs and other
non-Albanians in the Province.

- The Yugoslav Government insists that this obligation be fulfilled
immediately and without any conditions, in the interest of all citizens
the Province and of the protection of the sovereignty and territorial
integrity of the FR of Yugoslavia and the Republic of Serbia.

6. Responsibility of the United Nations Security Council

The Security Council, as guarantor of its resolution 1244 (1999), is
fully responsible for the failure to comply with, and for the flagrant
violations of, its key provisions, primarily those reaffirming the
sovereignty and territorial integrity of the FR of Yugoslavia on all its
Continued gross violations of the provisions of the Resolution and its
related documents by KFOR and UNMIK which brought about an alarming
development of the situation in the Province, with potentially
harmful consequences for the entire region, have not been responded to
adequate measures of the Security Council to put an end to such
developments. This confirms the lack of readiness on the part of the
Security Council to fulfil its obligations arising from the Charter, and
therefore to be held directly accountable for the detrimental
caused by such conduct as well as for all future developments should the
Council continue to be passive.
The Government of the FR of Yugoslavia insists that the Security
in accordance with its obligations, took immediate and urgent measures
implement strictly the resolution and its related documents thud
the further undermining of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of
FR of Yugoslavia.

- In accordance with the primary responsibility of the Security Council
for the consistent implementation of the Resolution and its related
documents, the Government of the FR of Yugoslavia resolutely rejects all
attempts to delegate the competencies of the Security Council in
with the Resolution in any part, to some narrow groups with interests
outside the Security Council, such as G-8, the Contact Group, etc. The
decisions of such ad hoc bodies, whose mandate is established outside
competencies and control of broader international community,
the Security Council, are absolutely unacceptable and cannot have any
binding effect for the Government of the FR of Yugoslavia.


1. Overall performance of KFOR and UNMIK

The results of the ten-month long international security (KFOR) and
civilian (UNMIK) presence in the south Serb Province are devastating.
utterly disturbing situation is characterized by wide-spread crime,
and lawlessness, large-scale terror, genocide and ethnic cleansing of
and other non-Albanian population, destruction of their private
looting and usurpation of the property of the State and of private
carried out by armed Albanian extremists, members of the terrorist
so-called KLA in particular.

- Multiethnic Kosovo and Metohija - hypocrisy of KFOR and UNMIK:
Developments in the Province, owing to non-implementation of SC
1244 and its flagrant violation by KFOR and UNMIK have fully revealed
verbal commitment by KFOR and UNMIK for the maintenance of multi-ethnic
structures in the Province are mere farce. Total failure of the
international mission under the auspices of the United Nations is a
blow to the reputation and credibility of the world Organization. In
particular, it is inadmissible that the KFOR and UNMIK, in a situation
they are doing nothing to ensure the return of more than 350 thousand
expelled Serbs and other non-Albanian population
are trying to impose their commitment for an alleged multi-ethnicity by
force only on the remaining Serb enclaves, which is a clear message to
Serbs that they are undesirable.

- Ethnic cleansing of Serbs and Montenegrins in the largest part of the
Province has been already accomplished. Concentrated attacks of Albanian
terrorists and senseless moves by KFOR and UNMIK towards the remaining
Serbian enclaves, above all Kosovska Mitrovica as the largest one,
a direct collusion between Albanian terrorists and international forces
Kosovo and Metohija in an ethnic cleansing campaign of the Province of
non-Albanian population, primarily Serbs.
The insistence of KFOR and UNMIK on the establishment of multiethnic
communities, particularly the so-called security zones, in the remaining
Serbian enclaves in particular is both unconvincing and cynical, while
the same time no one is even mentioning for example Pri{tina in which
40 thousand Serbs and Montenegrins used to live before the arrival of
and UNMIK, with hardly hundred of them remaining now. Particularly
is the fact that of the previous 250,000 Serbian school children and
undergraduate students who attended classes in Pri{tina there are now
35 of them who attend school outside Pri{tina (Laplje selo).
At the same time, there is not a word about the re-establishment of
multi-ethnic structure in Prizren, Pe}, Orahovac, Djakovica, Glogovac
many other towns, villages and areas in Kosovo and Metohija, like Kosovo
Pomoravlje, which are also completely ethnically cleansed of Serbs and
Montenegrins. Moreover, the most responsible official of the world
Organization, Secretary-General Kofi Annan, in his latest report to the
Security Council (C/2000/177 of 3 March 2000) only notes that there are
conditions for the return of expelled Serbs and other non-Albanian
population, while at the same time he does not even mention that he will
undertake measures to create such conditions, although it is an explicit
obligation under UN SC resolution 1244 (1999).
The latest "games" by KFOR and UNMIK over Kosovska Mitrovica are but a
new confirmation of the proven policy of demonizing Serbs in order to
justify true ends, namely finalization of the ethnic cleansing of the
Province of all its Serbs and to cover up the fact that the members of
terrorist the so-called KLA have neither been demilitarized nor
Recent articles in the French press fully expose perfidious tactics of
Kouchner and those who stand behind him, aimed at fuelling and
maintaining at all cost the picture of the Serbs as usual suspects. In
doing so, B. Kouchner seeks to conceal that he is directly involved in
catering to the interests of a separatist movement of H.Thaqi and A.
to the detriment of the vital interests of the Serbs and other
population, the Republic of Serbia and the FR or Yugoslavia.

- Non-compliance and gross violations of the basic provisions of
Council resolution 1244 (1999) and its related documents by KFOR and
has resulted directly in the dramatic security and general situation in
Province, above all in the continuation of Albanian terrorism, violence
ethnic cleansing of Serbs and other non-Albanian population and wide
crime and lawlessness in the Province. Thus KFOR and UNMIK have become
accomplices in the most serious crimes committed against Serbs and other
non-Albanian population and they are responsible mostly for the lack of
elementary security of Serbs and non-Albanian population in the
However, the tested tactics of deluding the world public and of
the attention from the complete fiasco of international mission under
auspices of the United Nations is in place, while the attempts are being
made to blame at any rate the remaining Serbs. This is not only a
of its own kind, but also a proof of direct protection of Albanian
terrorists and separatists, of organized international crime and of the
continuation of a new form of aggression against the FR of Yugoslavia
though the alliance of NATO and terrorist so-called KLA. Such activity
obviously aimed at spreading the destabilization over the entire region
southeastern Europe and transforming Kosovo and Metohija into a centre
prolonged destabilization of Europe, and the entire region into a centre
for the concentration and spreading of international terrorism
Europe in order to jeopardize the processes of integration.
The continuous deterioration of the overall situation in the Province is
in line with the efforts to provoke artificially the prolonged
destabilization in the region which should justify the existence of NATO
and rehabilitate its prestige and authority which have been seriously
brought into question by its illegal aggression against the FR of
Yugoslavia. Therefore, manipulations with utterly malicious assertions
KFOR and UNMIK officials about an alleged success of the international
mission in the Province have continued, as also evidenced in the recent
report of the UN Secretary General to the Security Council.
The statements of KFOR and UNMIK representatives of alleged success of
international mission in the Province are absolutely unacceptable since
they are not founded on real situation on the ground and consequently
inevitably leads to a conclusion that they are based on the assessment
some other goals which are different from those set up in Security
resolution 1244 (1999) and its related documents. The data presented by
KFOR and UNMIK concerning the decrease of crimes in the Province are
unacceptable and malicious, because they are the result only of a
continuous reduction of the total number of Serbs and other non-Albanian
population who are the victims of Albanian terrorists.
Open cooperation of KFOR and UNMIK with Albanian separatists and
terrorists in jeopardizing the sovereignty and territorial integrity of
sovereign Member State of the United Nations is without a precedent in
history of the UN peace-keeping missions, whereby the reputation and
authority of the United Nations are seriously brought into question. The
credibility of the world Organization is particularly eroded by the
behaviour of its representative B. Kouchner, which has been recently
openly spoken about in France (articles in "Le Point", "Le Canard
and other media).

2. Strict implementation of the Resolution and its related documents -
imperative for the normalization of the situation in Kosovo and

All parameters unambiguously confirm that the developments in the
are moving towards the further worsening of the overall situation, its
dangerous compounding and increased threats to the overall stability of
By the gross violation of the provisions of the Resolution and by
overall conduct, KFOR and UNMIK have unambiguously confirmed that the
presence of international forces under the auspices of the United
in Kosovo and Metohija so far is a complete fiasco. The United Nations
Security Council bear primary responsibility tragic consequences brought
about, since it failed to undertake necessary and energetic measures it
bound to under the Resolution, to ensure a strict implementation of the
provisions of the Resolution and its related documents.
It is obvious that there is no longer an excuse for further stay of the
mission of the so-called international community, since it was not able
did not want to carry out the mandate entrusted to it in UN SC
1244 (1999). It is therefore necessary that this shameful mission be
as soon as possible and that the competent authorities of the FR of
Yugoslavia and the Republic of Serbia be enabled to:
- restore order and peace, rule of law and legality;
- ensure personal protection and the protection of the property of all
its citizens irrespective of their ethnic origin or religion;
- ensure normal functioning of all commercial entities and local
authorities, and
- create all necessary preconditions for launching political dialogue
between the representatives of the State and ethnic communities in
and Metohija about the parameters of autonomy and self-governance in the
Province, within the constitutional system of the Republic of Serbia and
the FR of Yugoslavia.
Strict compliance with the resolution and its related documents is the
fundamental precondition for the normalization of the overall situation
the Province and the obligations of all to respect it unconditionally.
In that context, the Government of the FR of Yugoslavia expects that its
previous initiative for a mission of the Security Council to visit the
of Yugoslavia and sees first hand the dramatic developments in the
Serb province has been implemented in the very near future.


Proceeding from its sovereign rights, guaranteed by Security Council
resolution 1244 (1999), Ahtisaari-Chernomyrdin document and Military
Technical Agreement, the Government of the FR of Yugoslavia most
reiterates its demand:

- that the Security Council undertake urgently energetic measures to
ensure strict respect of all provisions of the Resolution and its
documents, above all, those guaranteeing the sovereignty and territorial
integrity of the FR of Yugoslavia on its entire territory;

In this context, the Yugoslav Government insists in particular :

- that UNMIK and KFOR unconditionally and without delay respect and
implement the mandate set up in the Resolution and its relevant
- that KFOR and UNMIK strictly respect sovereignty and territorial
integrity of the FR of Yugoslavia and the Republic of Serbia and
immediately end all acts and behaviour violating them, and restore the
situation in the Province to the status quo ante;

This, above all, implies:
- full normalization of customs and border regime, inevitable return of
Yugoslav border authorities, customs and passport control to the State
border of the FR of Yugoslavia with Albania and Macedonia;
- normalization of public services (PTT, power supply system, railway,
banking system) in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Serbia
the FR of Yugoslavia and principles of market-oriented economy in view
restoring the ties of the Province with the Republic of Serbia and the
of Yugoslavia which have been artificially broken;
- that all regulations and other decisions of UNMIK and KFOR which
territorial integrity and sovereignty of the FR of Yugoslavia and the
Republic of Serbia be rescinded, that the respect for the laws in force
the FR of Yugoslavia and the Republic of Serbia be ensured on their
territory; in that context, it most resolutely opposes the abuse of
by UN SG Special Representative B. Kouchner in connection with civil
registration and local elections in the Province and planned procedure
establish parameters of "substantial autonomy", without direct
participation of the competent authorities of the FR of Yugoslavia and
Republic of Serbia, in accordance with the existing Yugoslav
- to undertake energetic measures to put an end to terror, intimidation
and ill-treatment of Serbs, Roma, Muslims, Goranci, Turks and members of
other non-Albanian ethnic communities, as well as abuse of force which
results in violation of their fundamental human rights and efficiently
prevent further ethnic cleansing of the Province of non-Albanian
- that all illegally seized State, public, socially-owned and private
property primarily PTT, power supply system, railway, banks, mines,
factories, firms, as well as private property of citizens of the
be returned to legal owners.
- that immediately a safe environment for all citizens and their full
personal safety and safety of their property be ensured;
- that a free and safe return to the Province be ensured without delay
more than 350,000 Serbs, Montenegrins, Roma, Goranci, Turks, Egyptians
other inhabitants expelled in a campaign of ethnic cleansing after UNMIK
and KFOR came to the Province;
- that several hundred thousand citizens of Albania who have illegally
entered the Province by crossing the unprotected Yugoslav State borders,
expelled immediately;
- that without further manipulations and delay, the combat structures of
the terrorist so-called KLA be disbanded and all its members disarmed as
well as other Albanian armed gangs, that all their weapons be destroyed,
which is the main reason for the lack of security in the Province and
overall thriving crime, and in particular to declare null an void the
document on the "transformation" of the so-called KLA;
- that, without delay, an unhampered return of the members of VJ and MUP
to Kosovo and Metohija be allowed, in compliance with the MTA, in the
interest of normalizing security and preventing further massive
of the remaining Serbs and other non-Albanian population from the
- that full freedom of movement on the entire territory of the Province
ensured and that all existing ghettos, detention camps, blockading of
and villages, such as Kosovska Mitrovica, Orahovac, Gnjilane and others,
where the remaining Serbs now live, be removed;
- that an unimpeded delivery of humanitarian assistance be enabled,
particularly to isolated Serbs, as the most vulnerable category of
population in the Province;
- that normal functioning of education, respect for the autonomy of
university and other educational and cultural institutions and the
especially those in Serbian language and wherever Serbs are predominant
(Kosovska Mitrovica, etc.) be ensured;
- that full and permanent protection of remaining cultural and historic
monuments, medieval monasteries, churches and cemeteries be ensured and
undertake measures for their gradual restoration;
- that without delay, the leaders of the so-called KLA, H. Thaqi and A.
Cheku in the first place, as well as all other instigators of serious
crimes, genocide, ethnic cleansing and terrorist acts against the
non-Albanian population, their property and State and public property,
against cultural and historic sites, educational, health, commercial and
other institutions and facilities, be held accountable and punished in
exemplary fashion;
- that without any further delay, a comprehensive agreement between the
of Yugoslavia and the United Nations on regulating the status of the
international presence under the auspices of the United Nations in
and Metohija and on other relevant issues, be concluded without further

Belgrade, 3 April 2000


of terrorist and other acts of violence and of certain violations of
Security Council resolution 1244 (1999) in the Province of Kosovo and
Metohija since the arrival of KFOR and UNMIK in the period
from 10 June 1999 to 30 March 2000

(1) Number of terrorist attacks: 4,564

4,314 were committed against Serbs and Montenegrins, 104 against
and 146 against Roma, Muslims, Goranci, Turks and members of other

(2) Number of killed persons: 936

835 were Serbs and Montenegrins, 72 were Albanians and 29 members of
nationalities in Kosovo and Metohija.

(3) Number of abducted and missing persons: 867

798 were Serbs and Montenegrins, 40 Albanians and 29 members of other
The fate of 744 persons is still unknown; 81 abducted persons were
6 persons escaped while 36 were released.

(4) Number of wounded persons: 876

824 were Serbs and Montenegrins, 20 Albanians and 32 other

(5) Ethnic cleansing: In the campaign of ethnic cleansing following the
deployment of KFOR and UNMIK over 350 000 Serbs, Montenegrins, Roma,
Muslims, Goranci, Turks and other non-Albanians were expelled from
and Metohija, of whom 270 000 are Serbs.

The following towns and villages are ethnically cleansed of Serbs, Roma,
Muslims, Goranci, Turks and other non-Albanians:
- Pri{tina (all Serbs have been driven from its largest suburbs of
Ulpijana, Su~ani Breg, Dardanija, Univerzitetsko Naselje). Of the 40 000
Serbs who used to live in Pri{tina before KFOR and UNMIK came to the
Province, 25 000 were schoolchildren and undergraduate students. Today,
only 35 Serb schoolchildren live there and attend classes a local school
the village of Laplje;
- Gnjilane, Uro{evac, Prizren (only 100 Serbian families remained);
- Djakovica, Pe}, Podujevo, Glogovac, as well as the wider areas of
Kosovska Mitrovica (Vu~itrn, Srbica), Lipljan, Kosovo Polje, from which
per cent of Serb residents were expelled (their homes are burned, looted
and property is seized from the owners of cafes and shops, while
terrorists brutalize and mistreat those Serbs who refuse to sell their
homes and leave Kosovo and Metohija, in the presence of KFOR);
- the whole area covered by the municipalities of Istok and Klina
the villages: D`akovo, Osojane, Tu~epom, Ko{, @a~, Belica, Krnjine,
Mati~ane, Ka~anik, [timlje, Kmetova~ka Vrbica and others, where 3 440
Serbian homes were burned down;
- the surroundings of Uro{evac, Slivovo, Nedakovac, Nevoljane, Vrpica,
Lje{tar, @egra (municipality of Gnjilane), @itnje, Po`aranje, Grmovo,
- the surroundings of Vitina (Kaba{, Bina~and other villages), the areas
Kosovska Kamenica (villages of Bratilovce, Firi}eja and others) and
Kosovsko Pomoravlje, as well as the villages of Topli~ane, Rujice,
Slovinja, Staro Gracko, Klobukar in the municipality of Novo Brdo. (All
Serb houses have been burned down and all its owners forced to leave.)

Members of the terrorist "KLA" exercise particularly strong pressure on
region of Gora populated by an indigenous ethnic group - Goranci, who
not allowed to use their mother tongue, i.e. the Serbian language, in
schools and in everyday life, in an attempt to misrepresent this ethnic
group as members of Albanian nationality.

In the area of Istok municipality, expulsion of the Muslim ethnic
community, who are loyal citizens of the FR of Yugoslavia, has been
particularly intensified.

(6) The latest brutal crimes: Planting of explosives in the home of Azem
D`aferi, a Muslim, in Prizren (1 March 2000); shelling of the village of
Grabovac and a bombing of the building housing the training centre in
Obili} (3 March 2000); brutal attacks on Serbs in the villages of
and Trni}evce (6 March 2000); terrorist bombings of the Serbian section
Kosovska Mitrovica, in which 19 Serbs were injured (7 March 2000);
of the Serbian village of Gora`devac (10 March 2000); brutal murder of
Srdjan Peri} by beating him about the head with a axe when the
opened machinegun fire at a group of Serbs working in the field (11
2000); blasting of a railway overpass causing interruption of services
between Kosovska Mitrovica and Le{ak, municipality of Leposavi} (22

(7) New forms of terror against Serbs and other non-Albanian
KFOR's security actions against Serbian and other non-Albanian
increasingly demonstrate force, harassment, physical violence, including
causing damage to Serb property. Drastic incidents occurred in Kosovska
Mitrovica (on 20-25 February) as well as in the villages of Mogila (on
25-26 February), in which Serbian houses were searched by using the
of most brutal physical violence, Draganovac (Gnjilane municipality) and
Mioli~e (Leposavi} municipality), Mali Zve~an (27 February), Gornje
(1 March) and the Serbian villages of Rudare and Grabovac (1 March). The
searches were conducted by KFOR jointly with the terrorists of the
so-called KLA, who wore international security forces uniforms, thus
proving the co-ordination between KFOR and Albanian terrorists.

(8) Latest terrorist attacks on Serb convoys:
Attacks on the Serb convoys headed for [trpce, near the village of
Radivojce (on 22 and 29 February); attack on the Serb convoy en route to
Koreti{te, in the village of Dobri~ane (28 February); attack on the bus
transporting Serb children on their way back from school, on the orad
between Gornje Kusce and Koreti{te (29 February); Lieutenant Peter
(KFOR, Kosovska Mitrovica area) banned all KFOR security escorts for
transporting Serbian schoolchildren and sick persons to Gra~anica (1
March); attacks against Serb convoys in the village of Koretin (6 and 20
March); repeated attacks against Serb convoys in Gnjilane (7 and 10
an attack on a Serb convoy in the village of Dobrovce (27 March).

KFOR has not prevented these attacks by terrorists. Also, it has refused
provide security escorts between Merdare and Kosovo Polje. This is yet
additional pressure on Serbs to leave and flee the daily terror against
them in Kosovo Polje.

(9) Number of arbitrarily arrested persons by KFOR and UNMIK: 191
Arrested Serbs are detained in prisons in Pristina, Prizren, Sojevo near
Uro{evac, Kosovska Mitrovica, Gnjilane, Lipljan and Klokot Banja.

They have been arrested without any explanation or charges, only on the
ground of information provided by the Albanians, most frequently by the
members of the terrorist so-called "KLA".

(10) Prison and labour camps run by the so-called "KLA" for abducted
The abducted Serb civilians are detained by the so-called "KLA" in the
labour camps located in the village of Mati~ane and in the wider area of
Prizren (Ortokal estate, a building situated on the road to Djakovica)
in Drenica.
The prisons run by the so-called "KLA" for Serbs, Montenegrin and other
residents who are not supportive of Albanian terrorists are also
around the village of Brod, Draga{ municipality, and along the Djakovica
road towards the village of Junik, De~ani municipality, as well as in
villages of Glodjane, Izbica and Strovce in the Kosovska Mitrovica

(11) Situation in Kosovska Mitrovica:
Since KFOR and UNMIK were deployed in Kosovo and Metohija, the security
situation is particularly serious in and around Kosovska Mitrovica,
characterized by:
- the looting and destruction of 2,365 homes belonging to Serbs,
Montenegrins and other non-Albanians (1,200 in Kosovska Mitrovica; 1,060
Vu~itrn; and 105 in Srbica);
- 700 Serbian families being thrown out of their flats (500 in southern
part of Kosovska Mitrovica; 150 in Vu~itrn; and 50 in Srbica);
- the looting and destruction of the property of the following
1. In Kosovska Mitrovica: Socially-owned companies "Kosovo-Sirovina",
"Betonjerka", "Lux", "AMD", "Kosmet-Prevoz", "Trans-Kosovo", Duvanska,
Minel, Zemljoradni~ka zadruga (cooperative), Hortikultura, Mitrov~anka,
DES, "Ibar-Ro`aje" warehouse, the utility company "Vodovod" (water), the
printing company "Progres", the public company "Elektro-Kosovo", PTT and
larger number of bars and cafes owned by non-Albanian residents.
2. In Vu~itrn: Socially-owned companies "Sartid", "Vu~itrn-Prevoz",
"Ratar", the local cooperative, the paints and coatings factory
the construction company "Kosovo", the utility company "Sitnica", the
private company "^i~avica", the Labour Exchange, the local community
centre, the municipal authorities of Vu~itrn, the Building Land Fund,
local department store, the Auditing Office building, Jugobanka, primary
and secondary schools, Jugopetrol, Beopetrol, the public company
"Elekro-Kosovo", PTT.
3. In Srbica: Hunting munitions factory, plastics factory, the
socially-owned company "Budu}nost", local cooperative, the public
company, the socially-owned company "Dijamant-produkt", the local
centre, the local self-managing community of interest, the
company "@itopromet" and its silos.

(12) Recent killings and terrorizing of Albanians loyal to the FR of
The terrorist so-called "KLA" has stepped up execution of Albanians who
not back it, in particular in the areas of Pri{tina, Podujevo and Pe}.
most drastic examples are: the murder of Hejdi Sejdiu, a member of the
Serbian Socialist Party Committee in the province, in his home town of
Uro{evac in front of his wife and three children (on 10 February), the
killing of Danu{ Januzi in Vitina (on 10 February); the massacre of
Bekim, who was abducted and later killed by the terrorists of the
"KLA" (parts of his mutilated body were found on 24 February).

The terrorists of the"KLA" have burnt down the house of Selim Bro{i,
head of the Ministry of the Interior of the Province, in the village of
Odanovce, municipality of Kosovska Kamenica on 20 March 2000. They are
trying to catch Red`epi Sinan, former employee of the Ministry of the
Interior of the Province. Every day they are threatening Sadik Hajrulah
from Vitina, Ramadan Sermad`i, an employee of the Ministry of the
in Gnjilane, Minir Krasni}i from Kosovska Kamenica, as well as other
or present members of the Ministry of the Interior of the Province in
Gnjilane, who are of Albanian nationality.

Besides Serbs, the terrorist so-called "KLA" also round up Albanians
to the State of the FR of Yugoslavia and bring them to their prison
(around the village of Brod, Draga{ municipality).

(13) Destruction of churches, monasteries and cultural monuments:
85 churches, monasteries and other cultural monuments were burned down,
demolished or seriously damaged including the following: the Church of
Assumption of Our Lady in Dolac, monastery of St. Marco in Kori{a from
1467, monastery of Prophets Kosmo and Damien in Zo~i{te from 14th
the church in Kijevo from the 14th century, the Holy Trinity monastery
the 14th century near Mu{uti{te, monastery Devi~ built in 1440, Church
St. Paraskeva in Drenik from the 16th century, Church of St. Dimitri
Pe}, the Orthodox church in Grmovo near Vitina, Church of St. Ilija in
@egra near Gnjilane, church of Holy Mother in Mu{uti{te from 1315,
of St. Prophet Ilija in Bistra`in, Church of Apostles Peter and Paul in
Suva Reka, monastery of St. Uro{ in Nerodimlje, monastery of St.
Gabriel from the 14th century in Bina~, Church of the Holy Virgin from
16th century in Belo Polje, Church of St. John the Baptist in Pe}ka
churches in the villages of Naklo, Vu~itrn, Petrovac, Uro{evac,
Djurakovac, Kru{evo, Osojane, Samodre`a, Dresna near Klina, Rekovac,
Petri~, monastery Bina~ near Vitina, Holy Trinity Cathedral in
St. Nicholas' Church in Gnjilane.

Clergy, monks were terrorized and persecuted. More than 150 parish
residences were destroyed or damaged. Over 10,000 icons and other sacred
objects, most of which are cultural monuments and landmarks under the
special protection of the State, were stolen or destroyed.

Assaults on members of the Catholic religious community by the
of the so-called "KLA" have become more and more frequent in Prizren and
Pe}, particularly assaults on clergymen (The homes of two Franciscan
priests were burned down.).

The following cultural monuments were damaged or demolished:
- monuments in memory of the giants of Serbian and Montenegrin
Vuk Karad`i? and Petar Petrovi} Njego{ in the very centre of Pri{tina;
- monuments in memory of King Uro{ in Uro{evac and King Du{an in
- memorial to Prince Lazar in Gnjilane and the memorial to Serbian
from the Nemanji} dynasty in the village of Gornje Nerodimlje;
- memorial to Milo{ Obili} which was the symbol of the town of Obili}.
have placed the damaged statue within the compounds of the thermal power
plant "Kosovo B".

Many of the destroyed monuments are outstanding examples of the Serbian
cultural heritage and are on the list of the monuments of exceptional
cultural value under the protection of UNESCO.

(14) Forced and illegal taking over of public institutions:
- Forcible and illegal take-overs of premises and buildings of post
offices, banks, medical institutions, water and power supply systems,
university, elementary and secondary schools, municipal and other
authorities of local administration, local communes, buildings of the
Ministry of the Interior and the Army of Yugoslavia, factories,
enterprises, cooperatives, etc. in Pri{tina (premises of the Clinical
Centre "Pri{tina" and the health station whose equipment has been stolen
and taken to private practices, the Federal Customs Administration, the
Public Housing Company, the Institute for Urban Planning, the public
enterprise "Vodovod", thermal power plant "Kosovo B", depots and petrol
stations of "Jugopetrol", the shareholding companies "Kosmet-Pri{tina",
"Kosovo-Trans", the public enterprise "Energoinvest", the public
"Autopri{tina", the car shock absorbers factory, "Jugotrans", etc.) as
well as in Prizren, Draga{, Podujevo, Lipljan, [trpci, Kosovska
Kosovo Polje (with the assistance o<br/><br/>(Message over 64 KB, truncated)