(ANSA) - PRISTINA, 10 OTT - Oltre 600 manifestanti albanesi hanno
inscenato oggi pomeriggio una protesta a Pec, nel Kosovo occidentale,
attaccando con lancio di sassi e bottiglie incendiarie un autobus che
trasportava una cinquantina di pensionati serbi. I soldati italiani
della Kfor si sono schierati in difesa degli anziani insieme ad agenti
della polizia dell'Unmik, la missione delle Nazioni Unite in Kosovo. Sul
posto sono giunti in rinforzo battaglioni mobili spagnoli e argentini.
''Dopo oltre due ore i manifestanti sono stati dispersi con il lancio
di lacrimogeni - ha detto all'Ansa Andrea Angeli, portavoce dell'Unmik -
due agenti della polizia sono rimasti contusi e alcuni nostri veicoli
sono stati danneggiati''. Non si ha notizia di feriti tra i militari
italiani. Il pullman con a bordo gli anziani serbi era giunto a Pec
dalla vicina enclave di Osojane, una delle poche zone del Kosovo dove
e' in corso un esperimento per il ritorno dei profughi costretti a
fuggire dopo la fine della guerra. I serbi si dovevano iscrivere
all'ente pensionistico locale. Gli albanesi si sono radunati intorno
all'autobus che viaggiava sotto scorta. I serbi si sono rifugiati in un
edificio e nessuno di loro e' rimasto ferito negli scontri. Nel tardo
pomeriggio l'intero gruppo e' riuscito a ripartire da Pec e far ritorno
al villaggio. (ANSA).
BLL 10/10/2002 18:06

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
October 13, 2002


About 600 ethnic Albanians clashed with Spanish and
Argentinian UN police as well as Italian KFOR troops
in Peja on 10 October, RFE/RL's South Slavic and
Albanian Languages Service reported. The Albanians
used stones and Molotov cocktails to protest the
arrival of a busload of about 50 mainly elderly Serbs,
who are in the process of returning to the nearby
village of Osojane and had come to Peja to open bank
accounts. The police fought the Albanians for two
hours with tear gas while the Serbs took shelter in
the bank. The Serbs subsequently returned to the bus
and their homes. At least two police were injured in
the clash. Members of the international community have
repeatedly told the Kosovars that they must treat the
Serbian minority according to European standards if
Kosova is to have any possibility of attaining
independence. PM

PEC, Oct 10 (Beta) - On Oct. 10, around 600 Albanians attacked
around 30 Serbs from the village of Osojane who arrived in Pec under a
KFOR escort in order to regulate their pension and social welfare
UNMIK spokesman Andrea Agneli confirmed for Television Kosovo.
After the Serbs' entry into the Welfare Bureau, the crowd of
Albanians attacked the Serbs' bus, and then clashed with KFOR. One KFOR
soldier was wounded, while the bus and several KFOR and UN police
vehicles were demolished.
Agneli said that UN forces used tear gas and that the clashes
lasted several hours.
The Serbian "Return" coalition's party whip in the Kosovo
Assembly, Rada Trajkovic, called on the international community
representatives in the province to provide security for the Serbs and
other nonAlbanians, explaining that the international community "has
to solve Albanian extremism".

UNMIK spokesman says incident in Pec is disgusting
PRISTINA, Oct 11 (Tanjug) - What happened in Pec on Thursday is
disgusting, to say the least, since it is unacceptable that somebody
should attack and intimidate Serb IDPs while we are trying to take
them back, UNMIK spokesman Simon Haselock told Tanjug.
He invited international police to arrest and bring to justice the
perpetrators of Thursday's attack at UNMIK police and Serbs from
Osojane, who were heading for Pec to get their pensions.
Two UNMIK policemen were injured in the attack.

PRISTINA. Ungefähr 600 ethnische Albaner haben Steine und
Molotow-Cocktails auf die UNMIK und KFOR-Soldaten geworfen,
als diese gestern ca. 50 Serben sicher nach Pec, im Westen
Kosovo und Metochiens, bringen wollten. Die UNMIK setzte
daraufhin Tränengas und Plastikgeschosse ein.
Bei dem Zusammenstoss sollen zwei UNMIK-Polizisten verletzt
und mehrere Polizeifahrzeuge beschädigt worden sein. Auch ein
spanischer KFOR-Soldat wurde verletzt, wie man aus einer
Erklärung des KFOR-Sprechers Anthony Adams entnehmen
Die 50 Serben, überwiegend ältere Menschen, sind vor kurzem
zurückgekehrte Flüchtlinge aus dem Dorf Osojane. Sie wollten
sich in Pec im UN-Versorgungsfond registrieren lassen, um
Rentenzahlungen beziehen zu können, wobei sie vor dem Gebäude
von ethnischen Albanern angegriffen worden sind.
Balkan-Telegramm, 11.Oktober 2002 - http://www.amselfeld.com