1. Russian Duma on Milosevic
2. Secret Witness C-025 vs. Milosevic

=== 1 ===

International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic (ICDSM)
URL for this article is http://www.icdsm.org/more/duma2.htm

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An ICDSM delegation is going to The Hague. You can help. (See end of text.)

Russian Duma is Unanimous: 'Political Prisoner Milosevic' must be Given Proper
Medical Care!
[Posted 13 December 2002]


* Declaration of the State Duma *

Concerning the inhuman treatment of the political prisoner, Slobodan Milosevic,
by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia:

The State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation views with deep
concern information concerning the sharp deterioration of the health of the
former President of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Slobodan Milosevic who
is being held in the prison of the International Criminal Tribunal for the
former Yugoslavia (ICTY) at The Hague.

According to official sources from The Hague, during the nine months of the
process in the case of Slobodan Milosevic (since February 2002) the ICTY
sessions have been disrupted four times, which makes 31 working day (without
weekends), specifically due to Slobodan Milosevic's poor health. The lawyers
(amici curiae) appointed by ICTY have addressed to the ICTY judges a proposal to
make a one year recess in the process in the case of Slobodan Milosevic for the
same reason - the prisoner's poor health.

The arterial hypertension associated with the cardiovascular illness from which
Slobodan Milosevic has suffered since before his imprisonment, is an imminent
threat to his life. The exhausting ICTY sessions, which are many hours long, the
lack of specialized medical aid and the lack of opportunity to get fresh air
worsen the health condition of Slobodan Milosevic.

The former President of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia undergoes a
humiliating procedure, which includes being handcuffed every time he is
transported from the prison to the court and back.

The State Duma has condemned the actions of the ICTY more than once in the
resolutions of:

- June 28, 2001, No.1719-III GD, "On the address of the State Duma of the
Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation to the leadership of the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia concerning the outlawing of the handing over Slobodan
Milosevic to the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia"

- And of February 15, 2002 No.2480-III GD "On the necessity to impose time
limits to the works of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former

These Resolutions made critical estimates of the ICTY's work, emphasizing
violations of the norms of international humanitarian law and the political
character of the ICTY [Hague Tribunal].

In relation to the above-mentioned, the State Duma considers it a priority that
political prisoner Slobodan Milosevic undergo appropriate medical examination
administered by Yugoslav doctors and other specialists.

The State Duma, in accordance with the provisions of UN General Assembly
Resolution 37/194 of December 18, 1982 on the Principles of Medical Ethics,
determining the role of health care workers, in the first place physicians, in
the medical protection of prisoners, requests the Government of the Russian
Federation to send to The Hague highly qualified Russian doctors to take part in
the medical examination of Slobodan Milosevic.

(Adopted unanimously, December 11, 2002)

Note from ICDSM: For the UN Resolution mentioned above go to

We're Taking on The Hague Dec. 16th! Please Help Get us There!

Slobodan Milosevic has requested to meet with a delegation from his support
committee, the ICDSM. That delegation is going to The Hague the week of 16
December. It includes Quebec Attorney Tiphaine Dickson, whom the ICDSM has
retained as counsel, as well as ICDSM Vice-Chairmen, Nico Varkevisser and
myself, Jared Israel, who are also editors of the Emperor's Clothes Website.

It is very possible that on Wednesday, 18 December, the Tribunal will rule on
two vital issues. One is whether and how to adjust the trial proceedings to
remove the mortal threat to Mr. Milosevic's life. The second is whether to force
unwanted counsel on Mr. Milosevic.

It is very important that we be there to help fight for Mr. Milosevic - and the
truth - through publicity and legal measures. The Tribunal is trying to justify
forcing substitute counsel on Mr. Milosevic based on the false excuse that that
is the only way to protect his health. This is discussed in our motion which can
be read at

We are desperately short on cash to cover the expenses of this trip. If you can
help please do so. The ways you may contribute are listed below.

If possible, please help, and ask others who support this work to help as well!

-- Jared Israel

You can contribute any amount - $30 $60 $100 $250 $500 or more. (More would be

** Here is How to Make a Donation **

Donate using PayPal. Go to
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Send us a check. Make it payable to:
831 Beacon St., #295
Newton Centre, MA 02459 (USA)

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Thank you!


Backup ICDSM Website at

=== 2 ===

Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2002 11:10:20 -0500 (EST)
From: "Wolfgang Mueller"
Subject: Secret Witness C-025 vs. Milosevic


DEc 10th report from Un Tribunal - Secret Witness C-025 vs. Milosevic
jurist.com ^ | Tuesday December 10, 2002 at 8:53 pm | Vera Markovic

Posted on 12/11/2002 4:01 AM PST by vooch

There was another witness, who testified yesterday and today: C-025.
This was another protected Serb from CRO, a former policeman, but
from a region first time introduced - Baranja.

For those unfamiliar, it's a rich flat triangle between rivers Drava
and Danube, almost at the far east of CRO, not far from Vukovar. What
is interesting about this particular piece of Serb-inhabited
territory, it didn't exactly have too many clashes, actually hardly

Thus, any potential witness living there has very little to testify,
and C-025 couldn't and didn't meet the Prosecution's needs. Why they
called him to the stand anyway, it really beats me. Is he one of
those 14 lesser-quality witnesses given up in exchange for the
prolongation of Babic? Or do they consider him a higher-quality
witness? They're really scraping the bottom of the barrel here.

The man only testified that the Serbian Security Service had been
active on the territory of Baranja (imagine that!), that there were
some weapons distributed to people by somebody, to which he never
witnessed, and that some Croats had been arrested and exchanged later
on. He finished his examination-in-chief in couple of hours, although
Nice dragged each question endlessly. Would you believe that he even
dwelled upon the alleged misappropriation of stolen cars within the
local police force (war crime, no doubt!).

However, Milosevic had a field trip with this one: in a dozen short
descriptions he managed to sum up the happenings in Baranja in 1991-
92, that really showed what the 'war' in CRO was all about. Listen.
(Milosevic finished each one of these descriptions with a
question 'Would you agree with that?', and C-025 agreed each time.)
There were hardly any clashes in Baranja. JNA intervened just once to
divide local Serbs and Croat forces, and prevented any battle to
happen by its mere presence, by placing few armoured cars between the
two sides. The same happened in the nearby Vukovar region, in Borovo
Selo, the difference being that there were about one hundred dead
before JNA stepped in [this was the famous case that triggered it
all, which happened 3 May 1991: the Croatian police first provoked by
putting new Fascist flag in the middle of this Serb village, the flag
was taken down, the police came back tomorrow in few buses with
hundreds of paramilitaries, shooting wantonly around, but the
peasants were ready with their hunting guns - Croats were ambushed,
about a hundred of them got killed and the others were saved by JNA].

C-025 further confirmed that there were several militant extremist
Croat groups organized, openly calling themselves 'Ustasa'. That
there were Serb houses and business premises mined, as well as
POLITIKA representative office in Osijek (major town of the region).
That he personally knew 7-8 prominent Serbs from Osijek, mostly
doctors, holding no extremist views whatsoever, who got killed.

That 57 Serbs got killed in the municipality of Beli Manastir (the
second major town) in the period 1991-93. That after one of such
killings, few villages organized their village patrols. That the
local Serbs from Baranja organized their own military unit, complete
with mortars, uncertain of the possible JNA help they would receive.
That the local Serbs made no attacks upon the Croatian villages or
individuals. That JNA, before it was withdrawn from Baranja as well
as from the whole of CRO, had fought several battles with the newly
established Croatian forces which would always try to penetrate this
area through the Hungarian territory (and Hungary let them!); this is
a marshy region, with an important border army watchtower Torjanci.
The first time the Croats tried to seize it, they came into the mine-
field and got all captured.

The second time, they managed to come by a small village of Torjanci,
where they killed all its Gypsy population, but the JNA fought them
back to Hungary. The third time was interesting: they came via
Hungary with heavy weaponry (mortars, artillery); either they were
invisible or the Hungarians mistook them for their own forces (?);
again they had to retreat with heavy casualties. C-025 confirmed all
that and recognized names of the Serbs killed, quoted by Milosevic.

In short, he turned out to be another witness for the Defence, making
its case to perfection.

Nice must've been mortified, so when he got another chance to
redirect, I expected he would find something strong to pull out this
sinking ship. But look what he came up with. He reiterated about the
illegal arming of the Serbs; C-025 said that "part of it was legal,
which was the arming of the TO (Territorial Defence)"; Nice suggested
so subtly that maybe this 'illegal part of the arming was causing the
disturbance among the non-Serbs, contributing to their moving out of
the region', to which C-025 responded: "Well, I think that part of
the arming had been made in secrecy."

So, the non-Serbs could not have been disturbed by it, could they?!
Poor Nice, he just abruptly ended: "Er… Thank you. That concludes my

But, what was really amazing is the more and more obvious expert help
(and I mean intelligence data) available to Milosevic. He not only
quoted all the events, dates, places, even names of villagers, he
also started to quote some seriously fresh info re Croatian current
Security Service.

In the part of his cross-examination aimed at undermining the
credibility of the witness, he quoted some names of local as well as
top Zagreb Counter-Intelligence Service officials, with whom C-025 is
allegedly connected and accused him of being their witness,
instructed by them. He described dates of their phone calls last
month, places of their meeting, organization of the trip to The Hague
from Osijek via Zagreb, even the make of the car used, a Zagreb
tavern of venue, who said what at the goodbye-meeting with the top

Really scary. Of course, C-025 denied it all, but had to admit he
does "go fishing with Pekic quite often" [Pekic being a local top
official of the Service in Osijek]. You know what makes me believe
there is some truth in it? You remember the witness Mustafa Candic, a
Major/Muslim/ex-JNA Security Service officer? Remember how he spoke
of the 'secret operations for arming of the Serbs, called
Breakthrough 1 and 2' (of which nobody else but him knew the
existence!) and how it was subsequently established that, after
leaving JNA, he went over to the Croatian Secret Service and sold
them his stories, before crossing over to Alija Izetbegovic?

Well, in his testimony concerning weapons, C-025 mentioned 'Operation
Breakthrough'. Now, how could a simple local policeman know about
such a thing, even if it did exists, and particularly if it didn't?!
Obviously, the Croatian Service briefed him and the Prosecution
wanted to use him as another source who would independently confirm
this bogus story.

But, C-025 simply wasn't up to the task; he did mention that, but
somewhat shyly (I hardly managed to notice it) and instead dwelled
endlessly upon the re-registration of stolen cars, as any simple cop
would do. The truth is always so much more interesting and easier to
spin to simple people. You should've heard him while eagerly
confirming every bit of the situation-depicting description that
Milosevic gave.

Keep these witnesses coming, Prosecutor Nice. Another one of even
lower calibre already came - Jeri Laber.

Vera Martinovic

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