Della miseria della opposizione di destra in Serbia
Seconda parte:


>The Washington Post
>Yugoslavia's 'Propaganda'
>Tuesday, March 21, 2000; Page A24
>With so many aspects of Slobodan Milosevic's regime worthy of reproach, it
>difficult to see why the March 14 editorial "Repressing the Press" attacked
>one of
>the few areas that is less clear-cut.
>The editorial dismissed Yugoslavia's allegation that the opposition media
>the financial control of the West. In fact, through the Support for Eastern
>Democracy (SEED) program, the United States poured nearly $25 million into
>Yugoslavia in 1999, much of which bankrolled pro-Western media. It also is
>important to note that Studio B, the station addressed in the editorial, is
>operated by
>the opposition Serb Renewal Party and shares its studio and broadcasting
>frequency with station B2-92. This latter station, formerly known as B-92,
>has been a
>primary recipient of U.S. SEED funding since 1998. And U.S. aid is not
>limited to
>radio--the U.S. Agency for International Development says it was the
>donor" in launching the ANEM television network.
>Given that so much Western money is going to "independent" media sources,
>Yugoslavia's claim sounds a lot less like propaganda.
> Љ Copyright 2000 The Washington Post Company



Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999 07:10:12 +0300 From: P.Treanor@... [Add
to Address Book] Subject: B92 "solidarity" money goes to Soros Fund To:

B92 "solidarity" money goes to Soros Fund

The new FreeB92 website carries an appeal for funds in


It asks for money to be sent to a New York Bank account
of the Media
Development Loan Fund. It is a US Foundation, part of
the network of Soros'
Open Society Institute, and listed as such at their
main site:


Here is the main MDLF site

Its activities are described as

"MDLF was founded in late 1995 to meet the financial
needs of the new
independent news organizations that had taken root in
the former communist
states of Central and Eastern Europe and the former
Soviet Union. While these
news organizations were politically independent and
practiced responsible
journalism, they lacked access to affordable capital
and often were
inexperienced in the art of commerce. As a result, they
could not subsist and
develop with only their own revenues.....From its
inception in December 1995
through April 1999, MDLF has made or committed to make
low interest loans and
other financings totaling approximately US $10.6
million to media institutions
in 11 countries.

Staff are listed at

the Board at


The Media Development Loan Fund is therefore a main
channel for Soros funding
of media in eastern Europe. However, as with many of
Soros' projects, it has
other sources of funds:

- Eurasia Foundation (
- J.M. Kaplan Fund
- Knight Foundation (
- MacArthur Foundation (
- Open Society Institute (
- Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
(SIDA) (


It works closely with the Swedish Helsinki Committee,
which in turn acts as a
channel for funds from the Swedish government. Their
site says this about its
cooperation with the MDLF

"Co-operation with the Media Development Loan Fund
(MDLF), a Soros institution
in Prague, was established during 1997 and will be
further developed this
year. The aim of this co-operation is to support media
organisations in the
region of the former Yugoslavia, through loans on
favourable terms. The
co-operation with MDLF and SHC is based on funds
provided by the Swedish
International Development Co-operation
Agency, Sida, and Open Society Institute (New York

According to the site of the International Center For
Journalists MDLF started
in 1995, and now works with the USAID agency on the
Media Viability Fund,
indirectly controlling newspapers in Russia and the

"Money loaned would be provided by the Prague-based
Media Development Loan
Fund, an independent, non-profit agency established in
1995 by the Soros Foundation."


Sasa (Sasha) Vucinic is according to the IWPR site

"executive director of the Media Development Loan
Fund (Prague and New York) and former director of Radio
in Belgrade"

Vucinic is also an IWPR Trustee.


The MDLF in Praha (Prague) also runs the Center for
Advanced Media Prague:

"established in early fall 1998 with the aim of
introducing new media concepts
and solutions to independent media and non-governmental
organizations in
Eastern Europe"


Now, the question is, why should anyone send money to
George Soros? I think
that he has enough already. No doubt the other funds
financing the MDLF also
have a lot of money already. So has USAID, a US
government agency.

It seems bizarre to send these wealthy organisations
money, so that they can
control the media in eastern Europe. Probably, the idea
is to create the
impression of political solidarity with B92 rather than
collect money. The
Soros funds and other financiers of the so-called
"independent media" in
eastern Europe have been very successful in presenting
their campaigns as
grassroots solidarity actions, making good use of the
Internet. But it is
certainly an extraordinary hypocrisy to deceive people
into thinking they are
sending their 10-dollar donation to a struggling
"radical" radio station -
when in fact it is going to the Foundations of one of
the worlds richest men.

Paul Treanor


On Thu, 18 May 2000 20:40:09 Andrej Tisma wrote:
>I don't understand how can anybody have an illusion that media paid by
>NATO (U. S. A. State Department) can be "independent" and "free". Those
>media are just instruments in the proved NATO hegemonism,
>interventionism, fabrication of conflicts. One of the first things NATO
>did for "democratization" of media in Yugoslavia was bombing of state TV
>and radio stations and transmitters, while the Western media were all
>visible in the "totalitarian" Yugoslavia.
>The Yugoslav "independent" and "free" media are openly sponsored by NATO
>and just transmitted the NATO propaganda before and during the bombing
>of Yugoslavia. They broadcasted uncritically the Jamie Shea type of
>lies, disinformation and propaganda, the same lies we could see in CNN,
>BBC, Sky News, Free Europe etc. They shamelessly broadcasted NATO
>threats before the bombing aiming to induce panic in our people and
>Army. Also during the bombing they gave false numbers of casualties and
>effects of bombing. Do you still remember the "free", "independent" and
>"truthful" information about 100.000 killed Albanian civilians, about
>"Racak massacre", about 200 destroyed Serb tanks, etc.? Doing so the
>"free" Yugoslav media took part in the NATO aggression. But they were
>still left in existence by the Yugoslav "authoritarian" regime till now.
>Now when those media started to call Yugoslav people for "uprising",
>"armed resistance", killing of democratically elected state leaders and
>violent change of political system, they had to be shut down. Everything
>is clear if we know that Studio B was led by Serbian Renewal Movement
>and its leader Vuk Draskovic, who after the criminal and disastrous
>bombing of Yugoslavia kissed bloody hands of Madeleine Albright.
>NATO couldn't conquer Serbia militarily, and it wants now to destroy it
>from inside, trough such instrumental mercenaries. It is obvious that
>call for uprising by Draskovic and Studio B is the continuation of NATO
>aggression on Serbia and its system, and that Studio B and other likely
>"free" media were just NATO's instruments to provoke inner conflicts and
>civil war in Serbia. That is why they had to be shut down. They were
>shut down according to Yugoslav Constitution, where nobody has right to
>call publicly for violence and civil war, and no media can transmit that
>call uncritically and repeatedly from day to day, as Studio B did.



The Group of 17 represent the Serbian oppositions ECONOMIC PROGRAM, you
can read their material at

Some examples of their stuff (as you will see there is NOTHING
democratic, but a whole lot TECHNOCRATIC about

Ministries of a Transitional Expert Government [NOTE: Campaign slogans,
and programs added :-) ]

1.Prime minister [Hi I'm a puppet dictator!]
2.Deputy prime minister for reconstruction and economic
reform [....]
3.Deputy prime minister for national and cultural renewal
[resistance is futile, servility is good...resistance is futile,
servility is good...liberty is a hollow dream, bow to your new
masters...liberty is a hollow dream, bow to your new
4.Justice [there isn't any...]
5.Finance [the West's occupation of your country!]
6.Internal affairs [Ah, yah know...we just crush ah few bones here
and there, beat some strikers!]
7.Foreign affairs ["At your service Missah Clinton!"]
8.Industry, mining and energy [High ho! High Ho! Off to work we go!
To toil and slave, for a dollar a day, High Ho!,
High Ho!]

9.Agriculture, forestry, water management and ecology [Let's pretend
these things matter!]

10.Transport and communication [forward deployment and survaillance
bases for NATO?]
11.Trade and tourism ["And here children is where Chief
Mi-Lah-Shevich, used to hold pow-wows with his fellow
12.Privatization [Bye, bye independent automotive and airospace
13.Construction [of bases, ports, and bordellos for your friendly
neighborhood NATO soldier!]
14.Science and education ["Hmmm...Joschka", "Yes, Gehrhard!",
"Joschka, I was wondering why we just don't use this
dusty German curriculum that's been lying around the Reichstag since the
1940s?", "Which one was that again?", "Oh, you
know Joschka, the one that says: "Children shall be taught to respect
their German masters. [insert ethnic group of
choice] children shall only learn the requisite amount of German
necessary to fulfill tasks as good and obedient
workers"", "Oh, yessss Gerhard! That would just be perrrrrrrrrrrrrfect
for our new slaves,, I mean Slavs in the
16.Health [You try drinking cyanide and being poisoned by DU for a
few millenia and see how you hold out!]
17.Labor [upon whose blood and sweat we will grease our colonies],
social welfare [must be destroyed] and war veterans
[who can shrivel up and die for having resisted US]

[The rest of the text is unaltered...(its scarrier that way!) :-(

Chief Tasks of a Serbian Expert

Within a one-year transitional period, the chief tasks of a Serbian
Expert Government will be the following:

I Reconstruction and Economic Reform

1. Reconstruction of the demolished infrastructure, so as to
secure a normal life to the population during the next winter:

reconstruction of the electric and energy infrastructure
reconstruction of the public heating system and fuel supply
(gas, crude oil)
reconstruction of the demolished housing fund
initiation of the transport infrastructure reconstruction and
its modernization (bridges, roads, gas and oil pipelines)

2. Inclusion of Serbia and Yugoslavia in the international
community and all relevant international institutions, securing the

immediate lifting of all sanctions, together with a so-called
"outer wall of sanctions"
immediate inclusion of Serbia in the Stability Pact for
South-East Europe and all accompanying financial
renewal of membership in the key international financial
institutions (IMF and WB) till the end of 1999; Serbia will
thus obtain a free approach to the world capital market and
fulfil the conditions for solemn foreign investments essential
for economic reconstruction of the country
swift solution to the problem of succession with formerly
Yugoslav republics
start up of negotiations on a "newly associated member" of
the European Union, as of January 1st, 2000
inclusion in all relevant regional integrations and free trade
with South-East European countries.

3. Radical economic reforms

introduction of a stable currency (consisting of three phases:
introduction of a dual currency monetary system; issuing of
a new domestic convertible currency through the institution
of a currency board; a full "euroization" as of January 1st,
2003, presuming a complete integration in the European
Union monetary system
renewal of confidence in the financial system (full integration
of the banking system in the international financial system,
reform of the domestic banks and free inflow of the foreign
banks of high reputation; initiation of payment of the foreign
debt towards the population, renewal of domestic savings,
crediting of the economy and the population)
equilibrium of the government budget and beginning of the
fiscal reform (substantial reduction of tax rates, radical and
immediate simplifying of the tax system so as to be based on
a few tax rates, increase of the public revenues through
legalization of the turnover in the shadow economy,
reduction and gradual elimination of delays in tax payments
through the increase of the fiscal discipline and motivation
of tax payers to adhere to their duties in time, introduction
of the elements of an integrated information system by
providing the electric cash registers, etc.)
foreign trade liberalization (abolishment of all export and
import quotas/except for agriculture/and their replacement
by appropriate tariffs; substantial tariff reduction with
securing relevant budget compensations by the European
Union; export preferentials to the European Union;
abolishment of all trade limits with the neighboring
countries; immediate annulment of exit tax)
relatively swift, binding and transparent privatization,
stimulation to the capital market development; privatization
will be conducted combining the direct sale and voucher
social and health security for the most vulnerable categories
of citizens (refugees, unemployed, retired, employed in the
public sector) through a special fund to overcome budgetary
difficulties; such a fund will be partially formed from the
domestic capital, while foreign donations will constitute its
major portion; without such a fund at the very beginning, the
economic reform has no chances to succeed.

II Reform of the legislature and solution to all issues
in the federation of Serbia and Montenegro [NOTE their adoption of
State Department POLICY not to refer to
Yugoslavia by name]

agreement with the Government of Montenegro on
jurisdiction and composition of a Federal Transitional
irrevocable affirmation of the rule of law
preparation and enforcement of the several key laws
The Law on University
The Law on Judiciary and Judges Appointment
The Law on Local Self-Governance

upon a proposal by the Expert Government, relevant laws in
the monetary area, foreign currency rate and foreign trade
can also be brought, if the Federal bodies do not perform
their duties in the interest of Serbia and in compliance with a
concept of the economic reforms conducted in it.

III Preparation of Free Elections at all Levels

free media and information, a new Law on public information
electoral laws:
Law on Deputies and Councilmen Election
Law on Political Parties
Law on Political Parties Financing
control of the electoral process in compliance with the
OSCE principles.

e-mail: crj@... - URL: