1. Anniversary of Tito's Death Marked (HINA)
2. 23 godine od smrti Josipa Broza Tita; Titova udovica obele?ila godi?njicu
Titove smrti


=== 1 ===


KUMROVEC, May 4 (Hina) - Around 300 members of the Croatian Alliance of
Anti-Fascists, the Federation of "Josip Broz Tito" Societies and anti-fascist
fighters from Krapina County gathered on Sunday in Kumrovec, the hometown
of the president of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia,
Josip Broz Tito (1892-1980), to commemorate the 23rd anniversary of his
death. #L#Delegations from Croatia, Slovenia and Bosnia-Herzegovina laid
wreaths by a monument erected in the garden of the house where Tito was
born.The president of the Alliance of Anti-Fascists, Ivan Fumic, recalled
Tito's role in the Non-Aligned Movement."The Non-Aligned were a counterbalance
to the policy of big powers so they could not do what they liked, which
is what they do today," Fumic said.Fumic said the level of workers' rights
in the former Yugoslavia was among the highest in the world, and added that
it would take a lot of time for workers to claim back the rights they once
enjoyed."Tito was wronged the most in his own country and by the people
for whom he had done the most. Fortunately, this is changing every day and
more and more people are realising the greatness of his work and him as
a man," he said.The commemoration ended with an invitation to citizens to
come to Kumrovec on May 25, the day when Tito's birthday was celebrated.Tito's
wife Jovanka, members of his family, living fellow fighters and followers
laid wreaths at his grave in the "House of Flowers" in Belgrade today. Unlike
previous years, some Belgrade TV stations aired special programmes about
Tito.(hina) rml

=== 2 ===


23 godine od smrti Josipa Broza Tita

Na danasnji dan, prije 23 godine, umro je predsjednik bivse Socijalisticke
Federativne Republike Jugoslavije Josip Broz Tito. Tito, koji je rodjen
1892. godine u Kumrovcu, bio je vodja borbe protiv njemackog okupatora od
1941. do 1945. godine. Vladao je Jugoslavijom i komandovao njenim oruzanim
snagama od zavrsteka Drugog svjetskog rata do smrti, 4. maja 1980. Umro
je u Ljubljani, a sahranjen u Kuci cvijeca u Beogradu. Bio je predsjednik
Komunisticke partije Jugoslavije, proglasen je za dozivotnog predsjednika
SFRJ i jedini je imao vojni cin Marsala Jugoslovenske narodne armije. Jedan
je od osnivaca Pokreta nesvrstanih koji je okupljao, uglavnom, africke i
azijske drzave koje nisu pripadale ni jednom od, u to vreme, dva dominirajuca
bloka zapadnih i istocnih zemalja okupljenih oko NATO i Varsavskog ugovora.



Titova udovica obele?ila godi?njicu Titove smrti

BEOGRAD (Tanjug) - Na grob biv?eg predsednika SFRJ Josipa Broza Tita, koji
je umro 4. maja 1980. godine, venac je juče polo?ila njegova udovica
Jovanka Broz. Titova udovica sama je posetila Kuću cveća na Dedinju.


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