Il regime serbo ha decretato il licenziamento in un colpo solo di ben 17 am=
serbomontenegrini all'estero, la cui colpa e' quella di non far parte dei p=
artiti del
governo di destra. Tra i diplomatici che hanno perso il posto c'e' anche l'=
in Italia Miodrag Lekic.

Serbia-Montenegro recalls 17 ambassadors 
        BELGRADE, June 9 (Tanjug) - Serbia-Montenegro President Svetozar  M=
arovic has
adopted decrees on the recall of 17 ambassadors, the  Serbia-Montenegro Off=
Gazette said in its latest issue.  The recall refers to ambassadors to Russ=
ia Danilo
Vuksanovic, to  Finland Radoje Zecevic, to Denmark Branislav Srdanovic, to =
Radonja Radovic, to Belarus Nikola Pejakovic and to Syria Milutin  Ojdanic.=
        The Serbia-Montenegro president also recalled ambassadors to  Italy=
Lekic, to Albania Cafo Kapetanovic, to Cuba Ljiljana  Kadic, to Iraq Zoran =
Jocovic, to
Argentina Goran Jankovic, to Lybia  Vasilije Ilic, to Ukraine Rade Filipovi=
c, to Indonesia
Veljko  Cagorovic, to Ethyopia Vladimir Boricic and to Tunisia Momcilo  Boj=
        Head of the Serbia-Montenegro mission to the European Office of  th=
e United
Nations in Geneva Milorad Scepanovic was also recalled.  All the ambassador=
s were on
the list of the opposition Socialist  People's Party of Montenegro.