Neonazismo: il Vaticano e la Croazia (5) - italiano / english -

Proteste sui viaggi "pastorali" di Wojtyla in Croazia e Bosnia-Erzegovina

1. Mass on the place of massacre.
La protesta dello storico Milan Bulajic, con traduzione in italiano.

Cronaca dettagliata della carneficina operata nel 1942 a Petricevac, sulla =
quale il papa
tace benche' vada a celebrare la messa sul posto.
Contiene numerosi link a documentazione storica sul clerico-nazismo croato.=

3. Commenti sulla continuita' storica della complicita' vaticana con il gen=

=== 1 ===

La protesta di Milan Bulajic

Messa sul luogo del massacro

La visita di Papa Giovanni Paolo II nella Repubblica Serba di Bosnia (RS) =
iniziera' con
una messa nel convento di Petricevac,

Il Dr Milan Bulajic, presidente del Fondo di Indagine sul Genocidio, ha esp=
scetticismo ed amarezza ieri a causa del fatto che nessuno abbia condannato=

ufficialmente il piano di Papa Giovanni Paolo II di incominciare il 22 giug=
no la sua
visita nella RS con una messa e con la beatificazione di Ivan Merc nel conv=
ento di
Petricevac, luogo in cui i fascisti croati (ustascia) commisero genocidio c=
ontro i serbi
durante la II Guerra Mondiale.

In una intervista all'agenzia di stampa Tanjug, Bulajic ha ricordato che gl=
i ustascia,
guidati da un prete francescano, lasciarono il convento di Petricevac il 7 =
1942 quando nello spazio di sole 10 ore riuscirono a sterminare 2730 serbi,=
tra i
quali 500 bambini, nei villaggi di Drakulic, Sargovci, e Motike.

<<Il Papa ha gia' visitato la Croazia due volte, ma mai Jasenovac. Nessuno =
ha mai
offerto le sue scuse alle vittime di un genocidio al quale parteciparono (d=
urante la
seconda guerra mondiale) i rappresentanti della Chiesa Cattolica in Croazia=
e Bosnia;
ed ora il papa ha in programma di celebrare una messa nel luogo in cui fu a=
ttuato il
genocidio contro i serbi, nonche' di beatificare il laico Ivan Merc che cre=
o' il
Movimento della Gioventu' Cattolica (dal quale nacque la Gioventu' Ustascia=
)>>, ha
detto Bulajic.
<<Il genocidio fu iniziato dal (Secondo Corpo d'Armata) degli ustascia di A=
nte Pavelic,
guidato dal luogotenente colonnello Josip Mislov e dal capitano Nikola Zeli=
c; tutti
accompagnati da un prete di Sargovci, padre Vjekoslav Filipovic. La carnefi=
cina ebbe
inizio all'alba, con l'occupazione della miniera di Rakovac, quando 37 lavo=
furono uccisi a colpi di mannaia, ma il culmine della barbarie si ebbe in u=
na scuola,
dove 60 bambini furono massacrati di fronte ai loro insegnanti, i quali imp=
dopo avere assistito all'orrore.>>

Milan Bulajic?s Protest

Mass on the Place of Massacre

Pope John Paul II?s visit to the Republic of Srpska will begin with a
Mass in the Petricevac Monastery

Dr. Milan Bulajic, the president of the Fund for Investigating
Genocide, expressed disbelief and bitterness yesterday because of the
fact that no one has officially condemned Pope John Paul II?s plan to
begin his visit to the Republic of Srpska on June 22 with a Mass and
beatification of Ivan Merc in the Petricevac Monastery, a place where
Croatian Fascists (Ustashi) committed genocide against Serbs in the
Second World War.

In an interview with the news agency Tanjug, Bulajic reminded everyone
that the Ustashi, led by a Franciscan priest, left the Petricevac
Monastery on February 7 of 1942 and in the space of 10 hours managed
to massacre 2730 Serbs (among which were 500 children), in the
villages of Drakulic, Sargovci, and Motike.

?The Pope visited Croatia twice but never Jasenovac. No one ever
offered an apology to the victims of a genocide in which the
representatives of the Catholic Church in Croatia and Bosnia
participated [during World War Two], and now the Pope plans to hold a
Mass on the place of genocide against the Serbs, and also to beatify
the layman Ivan Merc, who created the Catholic Youth Movement (out of
which originated the Ustashi Youth),? said Bulajic.

The genocide was begun by the ?Second Corporal Army? of the Ustashi
leader Ante Pavelic, and led by Lieutenant Colonel Josip Mislov and
Captain Nikola Zelic; they were all led by a priest from Sargovci,
Father Vjekoslav Filipovic.

The mass murder began at dawn with the occupation of the mine at
Rakovac, in which 37 workers were killed with picks, but the pinnacle
of this savagery took place in a school where 60 children were
butchered in front of their teacher, who went insane after witnessing
the horror. (M. Bulajic)

=== 2 ===

From: Manastir Decani [mailto:decani@...]
Sent: June 7, 2003 1:24 AM
To: piotr.bein

Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Raska and Prizren
Kosovo and Metohija


Glas Javnosti Daily, Belgrade
03 June 2003

Serbian text at:

Why Serbian Patriarch Pavle will not welcome the head of the Roman Catholic=
to Republika Srpska

Mass at massacre site, amnesty for crimes

Foreign Minister Svilanovic proposed that Patriarch Pavle welcome the Popei=
n Banja
Luka; the head of the Serbian Orthodox Church refused. Mass at the massacre=
site of
Petricevac, where Ustashe* slaughtered 2,730 Serbs, among them 500 children=
Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church: a provocation

(PHOTO: Franciscan friar Filipovic, known as "Brother Satan", a commander o=
f the
Jasenovac Concentration Camp and a brother of the monastery where Pope John=
II will serve mass on June 22)

The scheduled visit of the head of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope John Pau=
l II, to
Republika Srpska and Banja Luka has stirred up strong passions both in Repu=
Srpska and in Serbia. Serbs on both sides of the Drina River are especially=
with the announcement that the Pope will serve mass at a massacre site near=
Luka. According to the itinerary, the head of the Roman Catholic Church wil=
l serve in
the Franciscan monastery Petricevac, where Ustashe* performed genocide agai=
nst the
Serbs, slaughtering 2,730 people, 500 of whom were children.
According to announcements, the Pope's visit to this part of Republika Srps=
ka is
expected to be glamorous. His trip will cost approximately five million eur=
os; new
grass lawns will be built for the "popemobile"; and several hundred thousan=
d Catholic
believers are expected to welcome the Holy Father. Representatives of the R=
Catholic Church have indicated that it is their wish that the Pope's host b=
e the head of
the Serbian Orthodox Church, His Beatitude the Serbian Patriarch Kyr Pavle.=

"Glas" has learned, however, that the Patriarch will not welcome the Pope o=
n June 22.
"Prior to the conclusion of the session of the Holy Synod of Bishops of the=
Orthodox Church from May 13 to May 24, Serbia and Montenegro foreign minist=
Goran Svilanovic visited the Patriarchate and the Bishops of the Serbian Or=
Church. At that time Svilanovic proposed to the Patriarch that he host the =
Pope's visit;
however, the Patriarch rejected this, most probably due to the location whe=
re the
Pope will serve mass," one of the bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church an=
member of the Holy Synod told "Glas".
This senior church official emphasized that under the circumstances it is n=
customary for the head of the Roman Catholic Church to be welcomed by a sen=
delegation of the Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church, and that this would=

probably be done by Bishop Jefrem of Banja Luka, who, it appears, has not y=
received an official invitation.
Dr. Milan Bulajic, the president of the Genocide Investigation Fund, expres=
sed his
bitterness and disbelief that no one has officially condemned the Pope's in=
tent to
serve mass at the massacre site.
"From Petricevac Monastery the Ustashe, led by Franciscan parish priest Vje=
(Tomislav) Filipovic, set out on a massacre of the Serb population. In just=
ten hours,
on February 6, 1942, in the villages of Drakulic, Motike and Sargovic, they=

slaughtered no less than 2,730 Serbs, 500 of whom were children. The genoci=
de was
committed by the Second Corporal Battle Unit of Ustashe leader Ante Pavelic=
, headed
by Ueberlieutenant
Josip Mislov and Captain Nikola Zelic, who were led by the priest Filipovic=
," Dr. Bulajic
told "Glas".
One of the greatest pogroms against innocent Serb civilians began at dawn w=
ith the
takeover of the Rakovac mine, where 37 workers were killed with a pickax. T=
he worst
scene of the monstrous crime occurred at the school, where 60 children were=

slaughtered before the eyes of their teacher, who lost her mind as a result=

Ante Pavelic, the chief of the Ustashe Nazi regime in Croatia, with the Rom=
an Catholic
Episcopate and the recently beatified Cardinal Aloysius Stepinac (right fro=
m Pavelic).

Vatican has never condemned the Ustashe movement or told the truth about th=
e open
involvement of the Roman Catholic clergy in its ranks According to "MAGNUM =

CRIMEN" ("The Great Crime") of author Viktor Novak, who described the besti=
al acts of
the Ustashe against the Serbs during World War II, a brother of the Petrice=
Monastery, Tomislav Filipovic, entered the classroom during class with 12 U=
imitating Jesus Christ and his twelve apostles. He ordered teacher Dobrila =
to bring a Serb child
to the front of the class.
Suspecting nothing, the teacher called Radojka Glamocanin, a pretty and nea=
t child,
the daughter of Djuro Glamocanin, a respected citizen of Drakulic then impr=
isoned in
Germany. The brother gently received the child, lifted her to the lectern a=
nd then
slowly began to slit her throat in front of the other children, the teacher=
and the
Ustashe. Panic broke out; the horrified children screamed and jumped. The b=
calmly and in Jesuit-like, dignified fashion addressed the Ustashe: "Ustash=
e, by this in
the name of God I baptize these degenerates and you should follow my exampl=
e. I am
the first to accept all sin onto my soul; I will confess you and absolve yo=
u of all sin."
The priest then ordered the teacher to take all the Serb children into the =
He issued the same order to teacher Mara Tunjic in another classroom. In th=
schoolyard, on the trodden snow, he placed the 12 Ustashe in a circle and t=
ordered the children to run next to them. As each child passed, an Ustashe =
gouge out an eye and push it into the child's slit belly; he would cut off =
an ear from a
second child, the nose from a third, a finger from a fourth, the cheeks fro=
m a fifth...
And so on until all the children collapsed. Then the Ustashe finished them =
off in the
Priest Filipovic later became the administrator of the Jasenovac concentrat=
ion camp
and earned the nickname "Brother Satan".
Whether the long announced visit of the head of the Roman Catholic Church t=
o Bosnia
and Herzegovina has to begin with mass on a terrible Serb massacre site is =
question which will surely remain in the focus of public attention in comin=
g days.

Blessing of crime site

"The Pope has visited Croatia twice and Jasenovac not once. He has never ad=
an apology to the victims of the genocide in which representatives of the C=
Church participated. Now he is planning to hold Holy Mass at a Serb massacr=
e site
and to beatify a layman, Ivan Merc, who founded the Catholic youth movement=
, from
which the Ustashe youth organization later sprang," emphasized Bulajic, add=
ing: "Isn't
the Pope blessing a crime site and amnestying criminals by this act?"

Church opposed

The bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church consider the decision to have th=
e Pope
serve mass in Petricevac to be a provocation, a member of the Holy Synod to=
ld "Glas".
"The bishops are divided on the issue of whether to meet with the Pope, eve=
n though
the dominant view is that talks are certainly necessary. However, with resp=
ect to the
mass at Petricevac, all the bishops were opposed," said the senior church o=
"Glas" learned that the bishops spoke about "acquainting the Pope with crim=
against Serbs committed in this region during World War II."

Marovic visits the Pope

VATICAN (Beta) - Serbia and Montenegro president Svetozar Marovic expressed=
hope yesterday that intensive work could be done in the next year on a visi=
t by Pope
John Paul II to the state union.
After talks with the Pope and the state secretary of the Holy See, Cardinal=
Sodana, Marovic said that the possibility of a papal visit to Serbia and Mo=
was discussed. He added that, as head of the state union, he could have inv=
ited the
Pope to visit Serbia and Montenegro but that he wants the visit to occur at=
a moment
when the conditions are right in the view of the Serbian Orthodox Church. T=
he Pope
expressed his support for peace and stability in Serbia and Montenegro and =

Southeastern Europe. The head of the Roman Catholic Church welcomed the act=
of the Serbia and
Montenegro government toward affirmation of dialogue and compromise.
Translated by (June 4, 2003)

*Ustashe - Croatian NAZI troops during the Second World War. Parallel of
German SS units.


Related Links (Ustashe movement, Jasenovac camp, Involvement of the Roman
Catholic clergy)

Museum of Holocaust (Washington D.C) - HOLOCAUST ERA IN CROATIA -
JASENOVAC 1941-1945

Jasenovac - Pavelic Papers
An independent project researching the history of the Ustashe Movement

Miroslav Filipovic-Majstorovic "BROTHER SATAN"

Franciscan priest and enthusiastic commandant at Jasenovac. Known to inmate=
s as
Fra Sotona (Brother Devil) for his appetite for cruelty and blood.
Never excommunicated from the order, he continued to preach sermons and tak=
confession while he took part in monstrous cruelty against inmates at Jasen=
Captured by Communists after the war, he was summarily tried and hanged in =
friar's robes.
Jasenovac Survivor on Miroslav Filipovic-Majstorovic - Excerpt

A powerful passage from an interview with Jasenovac survivor Dr. Nikola Nik=
olic on
concentration camp commandant and priest Fra Miroslav Filipovic-Majstorovic=
Miroslav Filipovic Majstorovic (WIKIPEDIA)

"Miroslav Filipovic-Majstorovic (died 1946) was a former Franciscan friar f=
rom the
monastery of Petricevac, who commanded the Jasenovac concentration camp in =

Yugoslavia during World War II. A member of the Croatian ultra-nationalist =
Ustase, he
continued in his role as a member of a religious order, even while commandi=
ng the
camp, earning him the epithet Fra Sotona ("Brother Devil") among the inmate=
A Croatian nationalist and a fascist, he combined religion with his politic=
al ideology.
In one instance, in a raid on a Serb Orthodox village in 1942, he slashed t=
he throat of
a child and exclaimed: "Ustasha, this is the way in which I baptise these b=
astards in
the name of God. You should just follow my example. Let this thing be on my=
but I am going to give you my forgiveness and the forgiveness of the Church=
for your
acts." At his
trial for war crimes, he later admitted to personally killing at least one =
people, including children, PER DAY [our emphasis] in the camp. After the w=
Filipovic-Majstorovic was tried and sentenced to death. He was hanged weari=
ng the
friar's robes he often wore in the camp, when giving confession and murderi=


The Role of Stepinac - Mass Conversions and Genocide
Cardinal Stepinac and his clerics at one of the Nazi ceremonies
The Holocaust Revealed - What is the Vatican Hiding

Jasenovac Concentration Camp

The Yugoslav Auschwitz and the Vatican, by Vladimir Dedijer

From the editor's preface:
? Catholic Croatia, the 'Kingdom of God', everyone who did not belong =
to the
Catholic faith - for the most part Orthodox Serbs - was compelled to conver=
t to
Catholicism. Those who refused - as well as many who had already converted =
- were
murdered, usually after prolonged torture in which the order of the day was=
cutting off of noses, ears, or other body parts, or poking out of eyes. Chi=
ldren were
cut out of the bodies of pregnant women and subsequently beheaded; people w=
chopped to pieces before the eyes of loved ones, who were even forced to ca=
tch the
spurting blood in a bowl, etc., to list only a few horrors as examples. The=
se atrocities
assumed such an extent that even German Nazis, who were not exactly sensiti=
ve in
such matters, protested. ... If this historical fact is little known where =
we are, another
fact completely escapes our knowledge: the decisive
involvement of the Vatican in these massacres. .?
The way the Croatian side is ?burying the ghosts of the past? is tailor-mad=
e to thrill
the hearts of the Catholic and the Green faction: the leader of the Croatia=
n regime,
Tudjman, has meanwhile had Jasenovac levelled to the ground, destroyed all =
documents and declared it a ?bird sanctuary?.

"The commanders and executioners at the Jasenovac camp, Vjekoslav Maks Lubu=
Ljubo Milos, Ivica Matkovic, Zvonimir Brekalo, Ivica Brkljacic, Saban Mujic=
a, a Muslim
known as 'bloody Mujo', Zvonko Lipovac, were known for their sadistic bruta=
lity and
inhumane cruelty. The most noted for his cruelty, however, was Frater Miros=
Filipovic-Majstorovic, a former Roman Catholic friar, known as 'Brother Dev=
il' (Fra
Sotona), who was a commander at the Jasenovac camp from June to October 194=
Filipovic-Majstorovic was ordained a Roman Catholic priest in 1939. He was =
chaplain in an
Ustasha brigade which massacred over 2,200 Serbian civilians in the village=
s of
Drakulic, Motika and Sargovac, near Banja Luka. Accused of inciting this ma=
ss murder
of Bosnian Serbs, he was court-martialled and brought before a German milit=
court. The papal legate Ramiro Marcone suspended him after the massacres. T=
the intervention of Vjekoslav Luburic, he was brought to Jasenovac on June =
l0, 1942
where he was a commander until October 1942.
From Jasenovac, he went to the Stara Gradiska camp, where he was a camp
commandant until March 20, 1943. During his four-month command at Jasenovac=

over 30,000 inmates were murdered. Filipovic-Majstorovic, tried as a war cr=
after the war, admitted that he oversaw the extermination of at least 30,00=
0 inmates:"



No comment:
Pope John Paul II prays in front of the effigy of Cardinal Stepinac,
inspirer and main ideological supporter of Ustasha movement and
genocide against Jews and Serbs

=== 3 ===


From: sergio

Durante la guerra civile in Croazia nel 1992    mi e' capitato di assistere=
su  una delle
reti  RAI ,non ricordo bene quale delle tre ma probabilmente su RAI2 ad una=
fatta all'allora cardinale  croato Kuharic (se non  sbaglio il nome).
Se fosse possibile reperire questa intervista nel loro archivio sarebbe una=
"mazzata" al papa innanzitutto e a coloro che hanno appoggiato le politiche=

Giudicate voi:
Nella fase finale dell'intervista il zelante giornalista chiede a sua Emine=
nza: "lei crede
che la Chiesa puo' giustificare per patriottismo l'uccisione dei Serbi??"
La risposta inequivocabile fu': "La chiesa per patriottismo puo GIUSTIFICAR=
l'uccisione  dei Serbi, ma i
patrioti NON DEVONO FARLO CON RANCORE O ODIO" ( in pratica e' quello che
facevano i nazisti quando rastrellavano i civili e li mandavano a morire co=
n fredda
L'intervista si interrompe qui. Un  deferente saluto all'illustre intervist=
ato ed una
sensazione agghiacciante pensando all' orribile destino che incombeva  alle=
inconsapevoli future vittime dell'odio fratricida alimentato in questo modo=



Da: "Piera Graffer"
Data: Mar 10 Giu 2003 10:56:08
A: "Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia"
Oggetto: Re: [JUGOINFO] Neonazismo: Il Vaticano e la Croazia (4)

Forse ho l'Alzeimer, ma mi sembra di ricordare chiaramente
il Metropolita Ortodosso di Belgrado, il quale, durante la guerra
NATO del 1999, chiedeva al Papa di intercedere presso la Nato
stessa, perché sospendesse i bombardamenti in modo da
permettere ai fedeli di celebrare in pace la Pasqua.
Ho ancora davanti agli occhi l'immagine televisiva del giornalista
che comunica al mondo la negazione dell'intervento papale, dicendo
che la Santa Sede sosteneva entusiasticamente quella guerra
in quanto buona e giusta.
In altre parole il Papa, Grande Portatore do Pace nel mondo,
ha rifiutato di chiedere ai signori della Nato che concedessero
qualche ora di pace per i suoi fratelli cristiani ortodossi.

Guardando quelle immagini mi chiedevo con quale faccia
il Papa avrebbe mai più potuto farsi passare da Patrono
della Pace.

Ma lo ha fatto e lo sta facendo, perché al mondo nessuno
ricorda mai nulla.

Chissà se se ne ricorderanno gli ortodossi.
Piera Graffer

----- Original Message -----
From: "Coordinamento Nazionale per la Jugoslavia"
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 9:10 PM
Subject: [JUGOINFO] Neonazismo: Il Vaticano e la Croazia (4)

Il Centesimo del Papa

E' soltanto una coincidenza il fatto che il centesimo viaggio di Papa
Wojtyla sia stato compiuto con la terza visita in Croazia?
No, non lo crediamo! Troppe sono le "coincidenze" nella distruzione
della Jugoslavia...