La "Unione di Serbia e Montenegro" (SCG) - precaria ed artificiale
creazione decisa a tavolino dal regime serbo e dalla mafia al potere in
Montenegro su pressione del bombardiere Xavier Solana - ha
ufficialmente chiesto l'accesso nella Partnership for Peace, anticamera
della NATO.
La SCG in questa maniera ringrazia chi l'ha devastata riducendola ad un
fantasma destinato a scomparire entro tre anni. E' questo infatti il
tempo-limite stabilito per la secessione del Montenegro; il distacco di
Kosovo e Vojvodina potrebbe avvenire ancor prima, con l'appoggio della
stessa NATO.
(I. Slavo)
Belgrade, June 19 (Beta) - SerbianMontenegrin Foreign Minister Goran
Svilanovic on June 19 handed overt a letter to British ambassador
Carles Crawford who is also the NATO coordinator for SerbiaMontenegro
for NATO General Secretary George Robertson, with an official request
to admit Serbia to the NATO Partnership for Peace program.
The state union's admittance to the program would undoubtedly
help the in-depth reforms of society, particularly those of the armed
forces including their full, democratic control, the minister says.
Svilanovic especially underlined SerbiaMontenegro's willingness
to contribute to strengthening peace and stability in the region within
the program.
"In that sense, emphasis was placed on our contribution to the
fight against organized crime, including cooperation with other
countries in the region. Meantime, SerbiaMontenegro is determined to
fulfill all its international obligations, one of them being full
cooperation with the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former
Yugoslavia (ICTY)," a press release from the Foreign Ministry says.
The submission of an official request demonstrates the state
union's aim to enter European and world structures as soon as possible.
SerbiaMontenegro expects an improvement in cooperation with NATO to
result in the Alliance sending an official invitation for joining the
Partnership for Peace, the press release added.
La "Unione di Serbia e Montenegro" (SCG) - precaria ed artificiale
creazione decisa a tavolino dal regime serbo e dalla mafia al potere in
Montenegro su pressione del bombardiere Xavier Solana - ha
ufficialmente chiesto l'accesso nella Partnership for Peace, anticamera
della NATO.
La SCG in questa maniera ringrazia chi l'ha devastata riducendola ad un
fantasma destinato a scomparire entro tre anni. E' questo infatti il
tempo-limite stabilito per la secessione del Montenegro; il distacco di
Kosovo e Vojvodina potrebbe avvenire ancor prima, con l'appoggio della
stessa NATO.
(I. Slavo)
Belgrade, June 19 (Beta) - SerbianMontenegrin Foreign Minister Goran
Svilanovic on June 19 handed overt a letter to British ambassador
Carles Crawford who is also the NATO coordinator for SerbiaMontenegro
for NATO General Secretary George Robertson, with an official request
to admit Serbia to the NATO Partnership for Peace program.
The state union's admittance to the program would undoubtedly
help the in-depth reforms of society, particularly those of the armed
forces including their full, democratic control, the minister says.
Svilanovic especially underlined SerbiaMontenegro's willingness
to contribute to strengthening peace and stability in the region within
the program.
"In that sense, emphasis was placed on our contribution to the
fight against organized crime, including cooperation with other
countries in the region. Meantime, SerbiaMontenegro is determined to
fulfill all its international obligations, one of them being full
cooperation with the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former
Yugoslavia (ICTY)," a press release from the Foreign Ministry says.
The submission of an official request demonstrates the state
union's aim to enter European and world structures as soon as possible.
SerbiaMontenegro expects an improvement in cooperation with NATO to
result in the Alliance sending an official invitation for joining the
Partnership for Peace, the press release added.