"...Non esistono razze e popoli inferiori o superiori,
ma in ogni razza ed in ogni popolo esistono persone migliori e persone
peggiori. I migliori sono quelli che pur avendo una alta opinione di se
stessi sanno rispettare gli altri, e costruiscono le loro vite ed il
loro paese contando sulle proprie forze e capacita'...
L'Europa imparera' dalla piccola Serbia, anche su questo ponte, che cosa
significa la dignita' storica e la liberta' umana." (S. Milosevic)

STOP NATO: NO PASARAN! Home Page: Archive: Message #9792

Date: May 30 2000 10:59:09 EDT
From: Petokraka78@...
Subject: [STOPNATO] Milosevic's latest speach

HEADLINE NEWS - (Tanjug News Agency)


NOVI SAD - Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic arrived on Monday
by train to Novi Sad by way of the newly-built railroad-road bridge
over the Danube, marking the resumption of traffic on the shortest
traffic link between north and south Europe.
Opening for traffic the bridge across the Danube at Novi Sad,
Milosevic at a magnificent people's rally of more than 15,000
citizens of Novi Sad, Vojvodina and the Republic greeted with
ovations said-
"Dear citizens, allow me to greet you all and express great
satisfaction that we all have an opportunity to share in the joy for
the success, for a great working success by which we mark the
greatest results achieved in the reconstruction and recovery of the
This time last year war was waged against Yugoslavia. The
aggression of the NATO pact. It was one of the most blatant examples
of violence against a people in the second half of the 20th century
and the only war in Europe after WW II. The nature of the war was
really unusual. Quite unique.
The war was waged by the biggest and strongest European
countries, under the command of a non-European country, the United
States, the most powerful country of our time, against a rather
small European country, exhausted by years of economic sanctions
imposed by those countries. Who, along with sanctions brought also
war, because the sanctions did not produce the amount of suffering
necessary to lose the will to fight and to extinguish the love for
Why have cruel sanctions been introduced against Serbia, and then
an even crueler war started against it? Criminals and murderors will
never be able to explain this to anyone intelligent and honnest.
When the explanation comes, truthful and convincing for the whole
world, those criminals will be history. But until then, the war that
was waged against Serbia will be on the conscience, or as our people
says on the soul, of the entire world.
It is little consolation for us that the murderors of our people
will not sleep peacefully as long as they live. Even the worst of
men understands from time to time, in some part of his conscience,
that he did evil. Ideologists and NATO pact commanders, and even
their army, will have difficulty avoiding that reality, although we
by our Slav nature tend to forgive, especially those who are not
directly responsible.
But many have also stayed awake after the war. Not because of
pangs of consciousness, but because of an honorable conscience. In
this country, since the war ended to this day, many have not slept
at night because they were working.
In less than a year, the bombed country has been rebuilt so
quickly that it has most probably not been registered in the
experience of modern Europe.
We, of course, have not rebuilt everything that was destroyed.
Damaged have been many apartment buildings, family houses, schools,
churches, monasteries, hospitals, health institutions, state
institutions, but most of them have been rebuilt by the most modern
and quickest means.
This bridge, which we are opening today for the use of citizens,
symbolizes in the best way the impressive and daily results of
reconstrcution and rebuilding. So far no-one in the world has
succeeded to build this kind of project, for which two years are
needed, in 100 days. And it is at the same time a railroad bridge.
That is why we came by train, but not any kind of train. We came
here in a train whose carriages are of domestic production, which
have been designed and manufactured in our factories for speeds of
200 km per hour. That is a great result, because today only four
countries in Europe can produce independently carriages for such
Without carriages for such speeds cannot be realized TGV railroad
projects anywhere in the world. And one of those four countries is
our country, and this bridge has very good technical-construction
solutions. It is modern in form, essential traffic and communication
wise, and morally superior. It represents a sparkling construction
and moral victory. We have prevailed over our enemies not because we
are stronger, but because we are better. That is the combination
that makes the world go round since its creation. We in Yugoslavia,
the most European European country, build our country with a lot of
love, with a lot of knowledge and a lot of work.
If there is something of what Europe should be proud of in the
year 2000, that is the rebuilding of Serbia. But if there is
something of what Europe should be ashamed of in the year 1999 -
that is the devastation of Serbia. No-one should tell us where is
Europe and where it is not. First and foremost, because Europe is
situated on every foot of the soil belonging to the European
continent. Behind the classification of European countries into
those who are in Europe and those who are waiting to be admitted to
it, there is a cynical division into superior and inferior countries
and peoples. That tendancy to separate peoples into upper and lower
class has already been seen. If Europe accepts it, it runs the risk
of being placed as a whole in the zone of lower class peoples and
countries, and also of lower class continents. There are no higher
and lower races and peoples, but there are better and worse people
in all races and in all peoples.
The best are those who have a high opinion of themselves, but who
also respect others, who build their life and their country by
relying on their own forces and capabilities, but who are ready to
help everyone else, and especially the weakest, who love good
people, who believe in good and contribute to it themselves. And who
are the worse? The entire world saw that a year ago when, among
other things, the bridges in Novi Sad disappeared in a wink. The
worse kind of men outside Yugoslavia were detsoying our country. The
worse kind of men in Yugoslavia serve them today.
Those who destroyed our bridges, just as we, who are rebuilding
them, should be a lesson to Europe and to the world. Let Europe,
historically important and discouraged at the end of the 20th
century, learn from small Serbia, also on this bridge what is the
meaning of historical dignity and human freedom. On what human
values should be built a new era into which we are entering, and the
whole world should know that it will be a target, just as Serbia was
a target, if it does not put up a resolved, united resistance which
is necessary and justified, just as resolved, united, necessary and
justified was the resistance put up by Serbia against violence and
Long live the heroic and creative people of Serbia. Long live
free Yugoslavia. Let there be a free Europe. I congratulate the
builders of this bridge on their huge success, on their great
contribution to the reconstruction of the entire country, on their
greatest patriotism. A country is best loved by those who defend,
build and develop it. I wish you, dear builders the best of
happiness with your families. I wish the citizens of Vojvodina that
this bridge becomes a symbol of progress for all people who live in
it. I propose that this bridge be named after Bosko Perosevic. I
wish peace and prosperity to our whole country, President Milosevic


NOVI SAD - Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic said in Novi Sad on
Monday that the beginning of the building of the second lane of the
Belgrade-Novi Sad highway will start in a few days and that the
works will be completed within two years.
In talks with the political leadership of Vojvodina and the
representatives of the most successful firms in Vojvodina, President
Milosevic said that after works are completed on the highway between
the two biggest cities in Yugoslavia, builders will immediately
start construction works on the highway section towards Subotica.
President Milosevic assessed that everything that happened in the
past few years in Yugoslavia and in neighbouring countries,
unequivocally indicates that peace is the fundamental factor also of
economic development of every country.
That, he said, is best evidenced by the "disastrous situation in
countries in our environment," in spite of the praise and aid
received by the governments there from Western capitals.
"On the other hand, we have shown that a free country is capable
of developing more quickly and better than countries that have lost
their freedom. That is why we a "a bad example" for them, he added.
Speaking about good relations between ethnic communities in
Vojvodina, Milosevic underlined that it was precisely in Vojvodina
that had failed the policy of national confrontation successfully
applied by the West in the break-up of multiethnic states.

e-mail: crj@... - URL: http://marx2001.org/crj