E' arrivata la democrazia in Iraq!
E' arrivata la democrazia in Iraq???

1. COMUNICATI STAMPA dalla newsletter di "Un Ponte per...":
* IRAQ: aiuti umanitari e affari
* IRAQ: Da settembre a Baghdad osservatorio internazionale
sull’occupazione militare

Il nuovo video di Fulvio Grimaldi... Ed il link alle corrispondenze da
Bagdad censurate da "Liberazione"

3. IAC / International ANSWER - Call to Action
- Bring the troops home now
- End the occupation of Iraq
- Money for jobs, education & healthcare - Not war


*** The looters of Iraq:

Names and surnames of the looters of the Iraqi cultural heritage

The Looting of Iraq

How and why the US encouraged looting in Iraq (by Patrick Martin)

*** Some more links:

Analysis: Kosovo's Iraqi lessons - I (by Sam Vaknin)

Analysis: Kosovo's Iraqi lessons - II (by Sam Vaknin)

The stage-managed events in Baghdad's Firdos Square:
image-making, lies and the "liberation" of Iraq (by Patrick Martin)

Killing the "Unembedded Truth" (by Michel Chossudovsky)

Biblical Vengeance in the 21st Century (by John Stanton)
Chinese Paper Sees Media Manipulation in Iraq War

Arab News War: Western Journalists Beaten, Starved by Americans (by
Essam Al-Ghalib)

Washington's colonial regime in waiting for Baghdad (by Peter Symonds)
Who Are the Real Criminals?

A Report on United States War Crimes Against Iraq (by Ramsey Clark   -

American "free press" in action (by Henry Michaels)

The Attack on Iraq from the Perspective of a Serbian Woman

=== 1 ===

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Iraq: aiuti umanitari e affari

Dichiarazione di Fabio Alberti, presidente del "Tavolo di solidarietà
con le popolazioni dell'Iraq"

"Che l'Italia, dopo aver sostenuto la distruzione dell'Iraq, sostenga
un intervento umanitario è il minimo che si possa pretendere. Si
tratterebbe di un risarcimento per il danno
arrecato. Ma un minimo di buon gusto avrebbe voluto che ci si astenesse
dall'inviare altri militari che si aggiungeranno alle già numerose
truppe di occupazione e che si demandasse alle
Nazioni Unite il compito di distribuire gli aiuti.
Non è bello che chi divide la responsabilità di tante vittime si faccia
poi bello del soccorso portato agli scampati.
Invece ci sembra che il Governo italiano stia mettendo in atto un
intervento abborracciato, fuori dal coordinamento Onu e politicamente
Non sono i militari a servire da protezione agli aiuti, ma sono
piuttosto gli aiuti a servire da copertura all'invio di truppe che
serviranno per sedersi al tavolo su cui si spartiranno i lucrosi
contratti della ricostruzione.
Come Tavolo di solidarietà con le popolazioni dell'Iraq, ci uniamo alla
richiesta di gran parte delle ONG a livello mondiale chiedendo che gli
interventi umanitari non siano gestiti dagli eserciti e dalle nazioni
belligeranti, ma dalle Nazioni Unite. Ci opponiamo all'invio dei
Chiediamo che tutti i fondi stanziati siano inviati alle agenzie Onu e
alla Croce Rossa e che l'Italia si astenga da ogni intervento diretto. "


IRAQ: Da settembre a Baghdad osservatorio internazionale
sull’occupazione militare

"Occupation Watch", un osservatorio internazionale sull’occupazione
militare sarà attivo, a partire da settembre, a Baghdad per denunciare
le violazioni dei diritti umani da parte delle forze occupanti,
monitorare la ricostruzione, l’utilizzo del petrolio, il comportamento
delle aziende straniere, il processo democratico in Iraq.
Lo hanno annunciato nella capitale irachena un gruppo di organizzazioni
pacifiste internazionali, tra cui l'italiana "Un Ponte per ..."
Fra i compiti specifici dell’osservatorio, la denuncia dei
comportamenti illegittimi dei militari, degli arresti e delle
detenzioni arbitrarie, dell'uso della forza non necessaria.
Esso dovrà inoltre monitorare gli appalti e i contratti per la
ricostruzione fino ad oggi assegnati tutti a multinazionali
statunitensi "senza gara di appalto e senza trasparenza", come è stato
denunciato da Medea Benjamin di "United for Peace and Justice", una
coalizione di 600 associazioni e comitati pacifisti americani.
"Sinora le forze occupanti – ha affermato Ted Lewis di Global Exchange,
organizzazione di San Francisco - non hanno rispettato gli obblighi
internazionali di assicurare cibo e servizi essenziali alla
popolazione. Non possiamo credere che un paese che ha una tecnologia
così avanzata, che può permettersi di spendere 500 miliardi di dollari
all'anno in armamenti, non sia in grado di riattivare l’energia
elettrica in due mesi"
Per l’associazione "Un Ponte per .... che è tra i promotori
dell’osservatorio, Fabio Alberti ha affermato che: "le forze di
occupazione agiscono in una paese apertamente ostile non tanto perchè
la popolazione ha nostalgia del passato regime , che nessuno rimpiange,
ma quanto perché ogni giorno che passa gli intenti dell'occupazione
militare - il controllo del petrolio e di un area strategica, gli
affari della ricostruzione - appaiono più evidenti".
Nei giorni scorsi il "Tavolo di solidarietà con le popolazioni
dell'Iraq" presieduto da Alberti ha lanciato una petizione popolare per
il ritiro immediato delle truppe italiane.
"L’osservatorio – ha continuato Alberti – avrà grande attenzione nel
monitorare i contratti di subappalto a cui aspirano centinaia di
aziende italiane e degli altri paesi occupanti quali Gran Bretagna e
"Occupation Watch", basato esclusivamente sul volontariato e totalmente
finanziato da associazioni pacifiste, sarà frutto del lavoro di un
gruppo di ricercatori internazionali (tra cui un italiano) e iracheni
che opereranno a Baghdad. I risultati delle ricerche saranno pubblicati
su un sito dedicato.

Roma, 10 luglio 2003

=== 2 ===

Fulvio Grimaldi

nell'Iraq invaso un deserto chiamato pace
Il nuovo video che documenta l'aggressione angloamericana e la
resistenza irachena. Una verità negata dall'informazione ufficiale.
Insieme a  Chi vivrà...IRAQ! , il video che illustra vita, storia,
cultura, società dell'Iraq prima dell'invasione, in un'unica cassetta.

Per ordinazioni e presentazioni con l'autore:
e-mail visionando@... tel/fax 06 5896991.

Alla fine di aprile sarà disponibile, al costo di 17 euro, il nuovo

Si tratta di un documentario di 45 minuti che testimonia l'invasione e
la resistenza ed è stato messo in testa a "Chi vivrà...IRAQ" (50
minuti), il  video che, unico in Italia, illustra la storia, la
cultura, la società dell'Iraq senza pregiudizi, stereotipi, categorie
prefabbricate, eminentemente dal punto di vista negato, quello del
popolo iracheno.

Anche le "lettere dall'Iraq" di Fulvio Grimaldi, censurate da
Liberazione, sono presenti nel "Diario di guerra" che il sito
provinciale della federazione di Savona espone in home page.

L'url è: http://www.rifondazione.it/savona/pigudi00.html

=== 3 ===

Da: <ActionCenter.balkan@...> (Action Center)
Data: Ven 11 Lug 2003 04:22:00 Europe/Rome
A: <ActionCenter.balkan@...>
Oggetto: [IAC]Oct. 25: March on Washington DC



- Bring the troops home now
- End the occupation of Iraq
- Money for jobs, education & healthcare - Not war

To ENDORSE the October 25 International March on Washington, fill out
the easy-to-use form at

The people in Iraq want the U.S. occupation to end. The U.S. soldiers
in Iraq want to come home. On Saturday, October 25, tens of thousands
of people in the U.S., joined by delegations from countries around the
world, will go back into the streets to demand End the Occupation,
Bring the Troops Home Now! Under the banner, "The World Unites Against
U.S. Militarism," the demonstration, marching from the Justice
Department to the White House to the Pentagon, will also demand an end
to the looting and destruction of social programs by the Bush

The Bush Administration lied to the people, to the Congress, and to the
United Nations as it raced to wage war against Iraq. The Bush
administration is now carrying out a cover up of its lies and

Every day, people are dying as a consequence of this illegal
occupation. Every day human misery expands in the drive for world
Empire and corporate globalization. Every day, vital social programs
that serve and protect working people in the U.S. are being destroyed
as the Bush administration cynically manipulates the slogan of the "war
on terrorism" to carry out the social transfer of wealth from the
bottom to the top. It has served as a public relations ploy for their
Robin-Hood-in-reverse politics. Stopping Bush's war abroad and his war
at home is a matter of life and death. None of us has the luxury of
waiting. The time to act is now.

Tens of thousands of Iraqis and hundreds of U.S. GIs have been killed
and maimed. As the anger of the Iraqi people will inevitably grow, the
body count on both sides will sharply increase.

As the anti-war movement predicted, the Iraqi people view U.S. forces
as colonial occupiers, not liberators. U.S. troops, frightened by the
hostile environment and encouraged by the racist climate created by the
military brass, are killing and being killed in a war that serves only
the interests of U.S. oil monopolies and corporate elites - George W.
Bush's real constituents. U.S. soldiers and their families are now
realizing that high government officials, mostly millionaires who
shuttle between corporate boardrooms and government posts, are using
U.S. troops as a private security detachment for Corporate America's
plunder of Iraq's oil riches.

The October 25 International March on Washington will include
delegations invited from countries around the world whose banners will
represent resistance to the threat posed by the Bush Administration's
hyper-aggressive "preemptive war" strategy. The Bush Administration
has also just won approval from Congress to proceed with the creation
of a new generation of tactical nuclear weapons explicitly designed to
be used in the Third World in coming conflicts. The march will demand
an immediate end to this new nuclear arms race.

As we continue the movement in opposition to the occupation of Iraq, we
must also oppose the daily threats against the people of Palestine,
Afghanistan, Iran, Korea, Cuba, the Philippines, Colombia, Liberia,
Zimbabwe, and all others that are targets of the Bush administration.

The demonstration will be followed on October 26 by an assembly with
international delegates from the global anti-war movement to assess and
strategize challenging the Bush Administration's war drive and the
component assault on civil rights and civil liberties taking place in
many countries under the cloak of "national security" laws, including
the Patriot Act in the U.S.


The Bush administration will spend $2.7 trillion in a vast expansion of
the U.S. military-industrial apparatus, while eliminating or severely
cutting taxes for Corporate America and the one percent of the richest
part of the United States population to the tune of $1 trillion. The
administration is pursuing a calculated strategy to create a fiscal
crisis inside the United States so that lawmakers will be compelled to
cut or eliminate social programs for which there will no longer be

Pentagon officials now admit that they intend for the U.S. to maintain
at least 150,000 troops in Iraq for the "foreseeable future," while the
cost of the U.S. war in and occupation of Iraq is nearly $4 billion a
month, a "burn rate" that will also continue.

The government of the richest country in human history is spending more
for war than any government in human history and has its troops
stationed in more than 750 military installations and bases located in
more than 130 countries all over the world. This is the means by which
the Bush administration, the Pentagon and Corporate America are
advancing the goal of Empire.

The rapid expansion of U.S. militarism under the Bush administration is
not only a threat to the people of the world, it is a calculated
assault on the standard of living and rights of working people. Bush,
Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz have a plan to destroy every social reform
that has been achieved since the 1930s. What are they seeking to
destroy or privatize? Social security, medicare, medicaid, public
education, affirmative action, civil rights, women's rights,
reproductive health, l/g/b/t rights, environmental protections, and any
other programs or social rights that are perceived as either a
restriction on corporate power and profits or are a focus of attack by
the ultra-right's political program. Under the Bush Administration, the
war at home has also meant a rise in attacks against communities of
color. Police brutality against the African American and Latino
communities in particular have escalated, from New York City to Ohio
and across the country.

The October 25-26 weekend is also the second anniversary of the signing
of the so-called Patriot Act authorizing political arrests, indefinite
detentions and domestic spying. As the Bush administration - which only
came to power due to massive racist disenfranchisement and voting fraud
-- violates international law it has been systematically engaged in a
campaign of division and repression in the United States including a
wholesale assault on the Bill of Rights, institutionalization of racial
profiling, and aggregation of near dictatorial powers to the Executive
branch. The demonstration will be a political challenge to the attack
on civil rights and civil liberties and the expansion of the system of
repression in the U.S. and in countries around the world which have
also adopted new repressive National Security laws.

The people of the world went into the streets unparalleled global
mobilizations before the war started. On October 25, we will go into
the streets again. The anti-war, civil rights and social justice
movement, whose ranks are being joined in ever increasing numbers by
the family members of military personnel and U.S. veterans, can create
the effective political force that will end the occupation of Iraq and
bring the troops home immediately. It was only the people's movement
that ended the invasion and occupation of Vietnam and it will be the
global people's anti-war movement that will help end the U.S.
occupation of Iraq.

To ENDORSE the October 25 International March on Washington, fill out
the easy-to-use form at


The A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition was formed in the days after September 11 by
progressive organizations and people in the United States who
recognized the need to take immediate action in response to the Bush
administration's headlong rush to war and the racist attacks against
the Arab and Muslim communities in the U.S. The Coalition organized the
first national demonstration against war and racism following September
11 on September 29, 2001, which brought 25,000 people into the streets
of Washington DC and 15,000 in San Francisco. The Coalition has worked
to build an anti-racist, peace and social justice movement, including
mass mobilizations on April 20, 2002 (in support of justice for
Palestine) and October 26, 2002 (the first demonstration in opposition
to the war drive against Iraq), and the first global day of action
against the war in Iraq, January 18, 2003, when millions of people
around the world took part in simultaneous demonstrations, including a
half a million people in Washington DC. The Coalition coinued to
organize mass demonstrations in February and March and began the
campaign against U.S. occupation of Iraq in April, 2003.

Its national steering committee represents major national organizations
that have campaigned against U.S. militarism and intervention in Latin
America, the Caribbean, the Middle East and Asia, and organizations
that work towards social and economic justice and civil rights for
people inside the United States.


New York 212-633-6646
Washington 202-544-3389
Los Angeles 213-487-2368
San Francisco 415-821-6545

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