Milosevic "trial":
Towards the November 8th Demonstration in Den Haag

(english - Portuguese)

All the following documents have been forwarded to us by the SLOBODA
Association, Belgrade:

at The Hague, on November 8, 2003

2. Brazilian Workers for President Milosevic

3. Sloboda appeal to humanitarian organizations and UN

=== 1 ===

(download this leaflet at:
Nov8Poziv.doc na srpskohrvatskom
Nov8latPoziv.doc isto latinicom)

SLOBODA udruzenje - FREEDOM association
Belgrade, Rajiceva 16, tel./fax +381-11-630549

Our demonstrations held on June 28 at The Hague delivered our demands
to the “tribunal” and to UN, under which formal auspices this
institution acts. It is not only that our main demands have not been
fulfilled, but also the human rights violation record of the “tribunal”
became even worse. For that reason SLOBODA/Freedom Association endorses
the call of the Serbian-International Organizational Committee to hold
at The Hague, on November 8, 2003

«By the terror and tyranny they try to prevent, or at least minimize,
the obvious fiasco of the false tribunal, which is serving as the
weapon of war against our country and our people. Nothing new! As
Montesquieu wrote in 1742: “There is no crueler tyranny than one
perpetrated under the shield of law, and in the name of justice.” »
Slobodan Milosevic, 17 August 2003

The “tribunal” at The Hague is not an instrument of justice, but of
aggression and war;
The “tribunal” at The Hague attempts to falsify Serbian history, to
retaliate against the freedom fighters and to protect the perpetrators
of the policies of war and colonization, condemned by the whole World;
The “tribunal” at The Hague, by its terror against Serbian people and
President Milosevic and by the persecution of his family and
associates, attempts to silence the truth;
A court which violates the human rights in the way the “tribunal” does,
should not exist in any democratic and civilized country;
For the existence of such “tribunal” most responsible are the
governments USA and UK, but also of the other UN Security Council
permanent member states;
In the Autumn 70 years ago, “The Third Reich” “tried” Dimitrov. On
November 8, 65 years ago, one of the biggest Nazi crimes was committed
– the “Crystal Night” of pogrom. Killing nations – never again!


The demos and the struggle for these goals need the financial
Send a check to our address or transfer your donation to the following
German ICDSM, c/o Peter Betscher, Account Number (Konto-Nr.): 102013409
Bank: Volksbank Darmstadt, Bank Number (BLZ): 508 90 000, use: defense

=== 2 ===

URL for this article is:
Brazilian Workers for President Milosevic

In the protest letter sent today to the Hague tribunal, Antonio Neto,
President of the General Confederation of Trade Unions of Brazil
(Central Geral dos Trabalhadores, CGTB), one of the main trade union
organizations in Brazil, expresses indignation against the recent
decision to ban visits to President Milosevic. Brazilian workers
condemn NATO crimes and the tribunal as an instrument of US government.
The letter demands rights of President Milosevic to be guaranteed,
including the right of access to media.

Bellow is complete text of the letter and the link to the Portuguese
translation of the speech of President Milosevic delivered after the
end of 1999 NATO military aggression, published in CGTB newspaper “Hora
do Povo”.


Filiada à Federação Sindical Mundial – FSM

São Paulo, August 29, 2003

Mr. Hans Holthuis, Registrar 
ICTY, The Hague, The Netherlands 

Dear Mr. Holthuis,

The General Confederation of Trade Unions of Brazil - CGTB - finds it
necessary to express its indignation against the recent Hague tribunal
decision to ban visits to President Milosevic.

That arbitrary decision furthermore, reinforces the idea shared by wide
sections of the international public opinion that The Hague tribunal
was created with the sole objective of condemning President Milosevic
to justify the aggression against Yugoslavia and the crimes committed
by EUA/NATO when, in less than 90 days, they threw 25 thousand tons of
bombs on Yugoslavia murdering 5 thousand civilians and wounding another
10 thousand, of which 40% were children.

In the 3rd Congress of our Confederation, which took place in March of
2002, the Brazilian workers were aware of the crimes practiced by
EUA/NATO. They condemned the foreign aggressor and they questioned the
role of The Hague tribunal, considering it one more instrument
controlled by the government of the USA.

Today, after the attack on Iraq, all the people in the world are aware
of the farce that is set up by the North American administration to
justify the invasion of a sovereign country and to guarantee with that
their own interests. Therefore, if The Hague tribunal continues acting
in an arbitrary and unilateral way as it is doing, it is taking the
serious risk of becoming totally discredited.

In this sense, we consider it indispensable that The Hague tribunal
should respect the broad rights of defense and of visit of President
Milosevic and guarantee immediately his right of access to media, a
right that is today insured to the prosecution by the tribunal at any

Yours sincerely,

Antonio Neto              President CGTB
Vice-president of  World Federation of Trade
Maria Pimentel Secret. of Inter. Relations of CGTB


Iugoslávia heróica derrota desmembramento de Kosovo

"Nós năo apenas defendemos nosso país, mas trouxemos de volta ao
cenário internacional a ONU. Esta é a nossa contribuiçăo ao mundo. O
heroísmo de nosso povo na resistęncia ao inimigo, muitas vezes mais
forte e maior, marcará o fim do século 20"

O altivo discurso do presidente Milosevic (HORA DO POVO)

*** Read the whole speech in Portuguese: ***

=== 3 ===

Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights – Geneva
World Health Organization – Geneva
International Committee of the Red Cross - Geneva

Copies to: 
Office of The UN Secretary General – New York
The Permanent Missions of the Members of the UN Security Council – New

Belgrade, August 29, 2003

           Dear Sirs,

           As an NGO dealing with issues of human rights, democracy and
peace, a pending member of The World Peace Council, we would like to
draw your attention and urge your immediate reaction to protect life,
health and fundamental rights of the long term democratically elected
President of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and of the Republic of
Serbia Mr. Slobodan Milosevic, presently detained in UN Detention Unit
at The Hague, The Netherlands.

           The most extensive specialist medical report about the
health condition of President Milosevic in detention, made on November
18, 2002 by the cardiologist Dr P. R. M. van Dijkman, appointed by the
ICTY says:

         “Essential hypertension with secondary organ damage:
hypertrophy of the left ventricle. (...) In recent weeks during trial
again steep increase in blood pressure up to around 220/130 mmHg. (...)
During the tiring process of the trial, Mr Milosevic experiences a
condition that looks like hypertensive urgency.

           Reducing (seriously) increased blood pressure also reduces
the possibility of coronary disease, cerebrovascular accident, heart
attack and death. (…)

           It can be concluded that with combination of sufficient rest
and medication the level of Mr. Milosevic’s blood pressure will be an
acceptable one. (…)

           I agree (…) that the pressure of the trial may lead to
extreme exhaustion on the part of Mr. Milosevic. (…)

           I leave it to the Tribunal to decide in what way sufficient
rest periods can be incorporated in the trial.”

           In February 2003, President Milosevic has been examined also
by a specialists’ medical team form Belgrade. Serbian doctors agreed
with their Dutch colleagues appointed by ICTY that the health situation
of President Milosevic requires regular specialists’ monitoring. But
since then, in spite our many times repeated requests, there was no
more specialists’ examination and the access of the Belgrade doctors to
President Milosevic was denied.

           With the lack of proper medical care, with the denial to the
Belgrade doctors to perform regular check-ups, and with the trial
burden (two years lasting prosecution case with at least five hours of
every day court sessions) in obvious contradiction with the above
doctor’s recommendation, the ICTY as a subsidiary organ of the UN
Security Council, bears great responsibility for the life and health of
President Milosevic and acts in violation to UN documents securing the
fundamental human rights.

           There are also other examples of arbitrary and illegal
behavior of ICTY in relation to President Milosevic, such as their
recent decision to ban all the visits of his close associates.

           We are convinced that only the provisional release of
President Milosevic for medical treatment and recuperation, can secure
his life and health and can secure that the truth will be achieved in
the subsequent continuation of the process.

           For further information, we can be reached by phones +381 63
8862 301 and +381 11 630 206 and by fax +381 11 630 549.

           We call you upon to act in accordance with your
responsibilities and to act urgently.


                                              On behalf of Freedom

                                                    Bogoljub Bjelica,


SLOBODA urgently needs your donation.
Please find the detailed instructions at:
To join or help this struggle, visit: (Sloboda/Freedom association) (the international committee to defend Slobodan
Milosevic) (German section of ICDSM) (ICDSM Ireland) (world peace council) (Balkan antiNATO center)