Dear Sirs,
ARTEL GEOPOLITIKA is offering to you a serial of booklets of the NGO
We believe that you might be interested in serious analyses of the main
issues related to Serbia and Montenegro from the point of view of
specialist in the matter.
BELGRADE FORUM is a non governmental, independent, non profit
association of citizems gathered in the aim to promote principles of
peace, justice, equality, human rights and democracy in our country and
in the world.
The members of BELGRADE FORUM are prominant and well known
intellectuals from diplomacy, university, business, media.
BELGRADE FORUM organised in the past two years many round tables,
inviting other prominent individuals to participate, with the topics of
the first priority for our country.
The booklets we are offering to you are the selections of the best
interbventions of the participants in those round tables.
The booklets are in Serbian but we believe that some of you could have
find people that can translate the most interesting inteventions.
We are offering to you a folloving booklets:
1. Kosovo and Metohia - price 200.oo Dinars +sending fees
(Interventions of Vladislav Jovanovic, former MFA, Dr Vojislav Micovic,
former Minister of information of Serbia, Dr Slavenko Terzic, former
Director of the Institute of History of the Serbian Academy of Sciences
and Arts, Dr Miodrag Mitic, former lergal adviser of the yugoslav
President and others)
2. International Terrorism - price 200, 00 Dinars + sending fees
(Interventions of General Radovan Radinovic, Zivadin Jovanovic, former
MFA, Prof. Dr Dragan Simeunovic, Huan Sanches Monro, Ambassador of Cuba
in Belgrade, Jacques Verges, barrister from Paris, Prof. Dr Miroljub
Jeftic and others)
3. Yugoslavia nad Military and Political Euro - Atlantic integrations -
200,oo Dinars +sending fees
(Interventions of General Radovan Radinovic, Prof. Dr. Oskar Kovac,
Prof. Dr Gavro Perazic, Oliver Potezica, former Ambassador of FRY in
Jordania and others)
4. Relations between Serbia and Montenegro- price 200,oo Dinars + 
sending fees
(Intervention of Academician Mihajlo Markovic, Dr Milan Tepavac, Prof.
Dr Stevan Djordjevic, General Ljubomir Domazetovic and others)
5. Constitutionl Charter of the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro -
price 300,oo Dinar + sending fees
( Interventions of Prof. Dr Ratko Markovic, former vice - president of
the Serbian government, Prof. Dr Smilja Avramov, Vladislav Jovanovic,
former MFA, Zivadin Jovanovic, former MFA (his intervention is also in
English), and others)
6. Strategie of development in unstables conditions and privatisation-
price 300,oo Dinar + sending fees
(Intervention of Academitian Kosta Mihajlovic, Dragutin Zelenovic,
former Prime Minister of FRY, Rade Drobac, former diplomat, Rados
Smiljkovic, former Ambassador in Bulgaria, Dr Blagoje Babic and others)
We are offering to you more two books published by BELGRADE FORUM:
1. Supression of the State- author Zivadin Jovanovic, former MFA- price
600,oo Dinars + sending fees
2. Bridges- Diaspora- Homewland- Author Zivadin Jovanovic, former MFA-
price 600,oo Dinars + sending fees
The intersted ones can order by mail: office@..., or fax: +
(38111) 2699-495
The ordering of the booklets and books would help you to understand
better the political reality of our country. That would also help
BELGRADE FORUM to continuo to work and produce new round tables and
Hoping to hear from you soon,
Rade Drobac- member of BELGRADE FORUM


RAVNOPRAVNIH, nevladine organizacije iz Beograda, koje ce vam dati
analitican uvid u akrtuelna zbivanja u i oko nase zemlje.
Beogradski forum je NVO koja se izdrzava od clanarine, priloga
prijatelja foruma i istine i prodaje svojih svesaka.
Colj Beogradskog foruma je rad na promociji mira, stabilnosti i
saradnje u svetu, na osnovama ravnopravnosti i jednakog uvazavanja,
postovanje demokratskih i ljudskih prava i ocuvanje interesa nase
zemlje i naroda.
Beogradski forum okuplja ughledne pojedince iz nase zemlje iz oblasti
diplomatije, univeziteta, akademije nauka, medija, privrede i drugih
Sveske su tematske i svaka je posvecena poosebnom pitanju. One su izbor
najuspesnijih islaganja ucesnika okruglih stolova koje je u toku
protekle dve godine organizovao Beogradski forum.
Nusimo vam sledece sveske:
1. Kosovo i Metohija- cena 200,00 + postarina
(Izlaganja Vladislava Jovanovica, Dr Vojislava Micovica, Dr Slavenka
Terzxca, Dr Miodraga Mitica i drugih)
2. Medjunarodni terorizam- cena 200,oo Dinara + postarina
(Izlaganja Zivadina Jovanovica, Prof. Dr Dragana Simeunovica, Generala
Radovana Radinovica, advokata Zaka Verzesa, Ambasadora Kube u Beogradu
Huan Sancez Monroa i drugih)
3. Odnosi Srbije i Crne Gore- cena 200,oo Dinara
(Izlganja prof Dr Gavre Perazica, Akademika Mihajla Markovica, Dr
Milana Tepavca, prof. Dr Stevana Djordjevica i drugih)
4. Jugoslavija i Evroatlantske vojne i politicke integracije- cena
200,oo Dinara
(Izlganja generala Radovana Radinovica, Prof. Dr Oskara Kovaca, Dragosa
Kaslajica, Zivadina Jovanovica i drugih)
5. Ustasvna povelja Drzavne zajednice "Srbija i Crna Giora"- cena
300,oo Dinara + postarina
(Izlaganja Prof. Dr Ratka Markovica, Prof, Dr Smilje Avramov,
Vladislava Jovanovica i drugih)
6. Strategija razvoja i nestabilnim uslovima i privatizacija- cena
300,oo Dinara + postarina
(Izlaganja akademika Koste Mihajlovica, Dragutina Zelenovica, Radoisa
Smiljkovica, Radeta Drobca i drugih)
Pored svesaka ARTEL GEOPOLITIKA van nudi i sledece knjige, izdanja
Beogradskog foruma:
1. Ukidanje drzave- autora Zivadina Jovanovica- cena 600 Dinara +
2. Mostovi - Dijaspora- Martica- autora Zivadina Jovanovica- cena
600,oo Dinara + postarina
Sveske i knjige ce vam pomoci da bolje razumete nasu stvarnost. Mogu
biti i llep pokon za vase prijatelje, pogotovu u inostranstvu. Najzad,
kupoivna knjiga pomoci ce Beogradskog forumu da nastavi svojra i
produkciju novih izdanja.
Knjige i sveske mozete naruciti na e-mail adresu: office@...,.yu i
na fax: + 38111 - 2699495
U ocekivanju da cete nam se uskoro obratiti,
S postovanjem,
Rade Drobac, Clan Beograddskog foruma