Da: ICDSM Italia
Data: Gio 13 Mag 2004 11:08:04 Europe/Rome
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Oggetto: [icdsm-italia] Milosevic "trial" - News

[ Il Consiglio Mondiale per la Pace, recentemente riunitosi ad Atene
alla presenza di 150 delegati, per il tramite del suo nuovo presidente,
il cubano Fundora, ha espresso appoggio alla causa della difesa di
Milosevic e sostegno alla campagna per la sua liberazione.
Nel frattempo: il riavvio del "processo" slitta al 22 giugno, anche a
causa dei persistenti problemi di salute di Milosevic; la legge per il
finanziamento della difesa dei prigionieri dell'Aia in Serbia e' stata
bloccata; 250 serbi bosniaci, ex internati nei lager di Izetbegovic,
chiedono di andare a testimoniare in favore di Milosevic... ]

1. World Peace Council on Milosevic, Kosovo and the Hague Tribunal

2. Law on rights of the Hague prisoners suspended

3. Group of 250 Bosnian Serb ex-camp inmates to testify for Milosevic
in the Hague

4. Milosevic's Ill Health Delays UN War Crimes Trial Again

Milosevic "trial" - Prosecution witness list

---( 1 ) ---

Da: "Vladimir Krsljanin"
Data: Gio 13 Mag 2004 02:59:09 Europe/Rome
Oggetto: World Peace Council on Milosevic, Kosovo and the Hague Tribunal


"The illegal process that US and NATO carry at The Hague against
Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic and by that against the people of
Serbia and Yugoslavia defending their freedom from the aggression,
deserves full condemnation and must end.

The peace-loving forces all over the World demand accountability of
real criminals and cease of the persecution of President Milosevic, his
family and all freedom fighters of Yugoslavia.

Athens, 9 May 2004
Orlando Fundora,
President of the World Peace


The above statement was issued by new elected President of the World
Peace Council (WPC) Orlando Fundora after the end of the works of the
Assembly of the World Peace Council, reflecting the position expressed
during the deliberations.

The highest WPC body, the Assembly, meets every three years. This time,
in Athens, 6-9 May 2004, around 150 delegates representing 60
member-organizations from more than 50 countries from all continents
took part.

After the long and fruitful discussion, the Assembly adopted a
political Declaration with a Plan of Action, underlying the need to
strengthen the role of WPC in achieving the World peace through the
opposition to imperialist wars and policies - within the ranks of the
most massive peace movement emerging in the World - and analyzing all
the contemporary challenges and points of war, oppression and people's
struggle in the World.

The paragraph on Yugoslavia in the WPC Declaration expresses solidarity
with Yugoslav peoples in struggling against the consequences of NATO
aggression and occupation of the Serbian province of Kosovo and
denounces the so-called Hague tribunal as a notorious tool of
manipulation with truth aiming to legitimize the aggression and other
crimes of USA and NATO.

Due to the lack of time, the Assembly authorized its executive bodies
to deal with the issues treated in the topical draft Resolutions.

The Assembly also adopted the Amendments to WPC Rules and Regulations
and elected new leadership.

Orlando Fundora from Cuba was elected WPC President and Thanassis
Pafilis from Greece was elected General Secretary. WPC, one of the
oldest and most glorious international non-governmental organizations
in the UN system reelected its Presidents of Honor: Romesh Chandra
(India) and Evangelos
Mahairas (Greece).

Since November 2003 Sloboda/Freedom Association is a full member of WPC.






SLOBODA urgently needs your donation.
Please find the detailed instructions at:

To join or help this struggle, visit:
http://www.sloboda.org.yu/ (Sloboda/Freedom association)
http://www.icdsm.org/ (the international committee to defend Slobodan
http://www.free-slobo.de/ (German section of ICDSM)
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http://www.icdsmireland.org/ (ICDSM Ireland)
http://www.wpc-in.org/ (world peace council)
http://www.geocities.com/b_antinato/ (Balkan antiNATO center)

---( 2 )---

Serbian Constitutional Court puts temporary ban on law on rights of
ICTY indictees

Tanjug - April 15, 2004
11:32 BELGRADE , April 15 (Tanjug) - The Serbian Constitutional Court
on Thursday put a temporary ban on the implementation of the law on
the rights of detained indictees of the International Criminal
Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), based in The Hague, and the
members of their families.
The Court found that the law insufficiently precisely regulates this
delicate legal issue and that there is grounds to believe its
implementation could consequently result in violations of the
elementary Constitutional principles.


Da: "Vladimir Krsljanin"
Data: Gio 15 Apr 2004 21:59:59 Europe/Rome
Oggetto: Law on rights of the Hague prisoners suspended

Additional explanation: The Federal Constitutional Court which was a
serious institution was dissolved after the abolishment of Yugoslavia.
Judges of the Constitutional Court of Serbia were appointed in the
period of Djindjic dictatorship. The 'public pressure' mentioned below
is a chorus scream of the US paid obscure NGO's whose 'prominent
members' appeared in desperation of loosing any significance. The
decision was made this morning to release the Government from the
burden to issue a Decree on the session later today which would make
the implementation of the Law possible. Issuing of that Decree was a
Government's obligation according to the Law. The problem was that
Minister of Finance Dinkic (one of the leaders of G17+ Party, which
abstained from vote on the Law) announced that he has prepared a decree
which would cut Milosevic and Seselj from any assistance. Such a Decree
would overrule the Law itself, drafted by the leading opposition
Serbian Radical Party and the leading governmental Democratic Party of
Serbia. Possible lack of consent on the Decree on the session of the
Government could produce a threat to its survival. So, the best
solution was a solomonic solution - of course on the detriment of the
national interests.

Associated Press Worldstream
April 15, 2004 Thursday 7:59 AM Eastern Time

HEADLINE: Constitutional court suspends disputed law aiding war crimes

BYLINE: JOVANA GEC; Associated Press Writer
DATELINE: BELGRADE, Serbia-Montenegro

Serbia's Constitutional Court on Thursday suspended a disputed law
allocating financial and other benefits to Slobodan Milosevic and
fellow war crimes suspects jailed at the U.N. war crimes tribunal.
The court issued a "temporary ban" until it decides on a final ruling.
The court said that its move is based on Serbia's Constitution
stipulating that all citizens of the republic are "equal and enjoy
equal rights and duties."
Serbia's parliament - which passed the law last month - can respond
within 30 days, the court added.
Disputing the ruling, Milosevic's loyalists in the parliament, who
drafted the law, accused the Constitutional Court of being a "political
institution," they said was controlled by the previous, pro-Western
Separately, Djordje Mamula, an aide to Prime Minister Vojislav
Kostunica, urged the court to provide more detail on its decision and
told the Beta news agency that the move was the result of public
The legislation formally came into effect when passed March 31 but no
payments have been made due in part to disputes over who - if anyone -
should benefit.
It stipulates that the state pays expenses, including phone bills and
family visits for Milosevic and other war crimes suspects being tried
or awaiting trial by the tribunal in The Hague, Netherlands. It also
grants them financial help for legal expenses and pays for postage on
packages mailed them by family members.
The law was drafted and approved by legislators loyal to Milosevic, and
opposed by the pro-Western Democratic Party, which led the 2000
rebellion against Milosevic and extradited him to the U.N. tribunal in
2001 to face charges stemming from the Balkan wars of the 1990s.
Approval last month is an illustration of the revival of the
nationalists who won December elections in Serbia, allowing them to
form a government led by Kostunica and supported in the parliament by
Milosevic's Socialists.
Officials from Kostunica's government have argued that the law would
encourage the fugitive war crimes suspects to surrender voluntarily,
but critics have claimed that the law rewards Milosevic and associates
they say bankrupted Serbia.
The Constitutional Court debate on the law followed a motion by the
Democrats and a number of human rights groups, which disputed its
legality because it provides aid only to war crimes suspects before the
Hague tribunal and not to others tried in the country.
Explaining its decision to suspend the law, the Constitutional Court
said that the move was necessary because "application of the law could
violate basic constitutional rights," the official Tanjug news agency

---( 3 )---


SRNA - April 24, 2004

Banja Luka, 24 April: The (Bosnian) Serb Republic Association of
(former) Camp Inmates decided at today's annual convention in Banja
Luka that 250 former prisoners - who were held (during wars in the
former Yugoslavia) in as many Muslim, Croatian and Slovene prison
camps for Serbs - will testify for the defence of the former Serbian
and Yugoslav president, Slobodan Milosevic.
"Among these 250 former camp inmates, there are 11 women who had been
raped and 19 young men who were taken to Muslim and Croatian prison
camps as children at the beginning of the war," SRNA has been told by
Branislav Dukic, president of the Serb Republic Association of Former
Camp Inmates.
He added that the camp inmates veterans will prove with their testimony
in The Hague that not only Muslims and Croats, but also Serbs, had
suffered in the former Yugoslav republics.
Dukic said that, at today's annual convention, Slavko Jovicic was
re-elected as the vice-president of the Serb Republic Association of
Former Camp Inmates. He had been suspended from this post because of
his outbursts at gatherings of the opposition (as published) in Banja

---( 4 )---


Press Release . Communiqué de presse
(Exclusively for the use of the media. Not an official document)

The Hague, 30 March 2004


Please be advised that the Defence case in The Prosecutor v. Slobodan
Milosevic will commence on 22 June 2004 and not on 8 June 2004, as
previously scheduled. The Pre-Defence Conference will now be held on 9
June 2004, instead of 17 May 2004.

In its Order of 5 May 2004, the Trial Chamber considered that the
material filed by Mr. Milosevic on 13 April 2004, including his list
of proposed witnesses, still needed to be translated and would need to
be examined before the Pre-Defence Conference took place. Furthermore,
the Trial Chamber considered Mr. Milosevic’s bad health during the
three month period assigned for the preparation of the Defence case,
his present bad health and his doctor’s advice to rest.


Milosevic's Ill Health Delays UN War Crimes Trial Again

THE HAGUE (AP)--Former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic will start
his defense against war crimes charges at the U.N. tribunal two weeks
late, in part due to his ill health, the court said Wednesday.
Milosevic's trial, which began in early 2002, has already been delayed
by 65 days because he was repeatedly ill with the flu and the effects
of high blood pressure.
Prosecutors rested their case in February after calling around 300
In reaching their decision to further delay the hearings, the judges
considered Milosevic's "present bad health and his doctor's advice to
rest," a statement said.
Milosevic will defend himself against 66 counts of war crimes,
including genocide, allegedly committed during the Balkan wars of the
1990s. His defense will now begin on June 22, instead of June 8.
Other reasons for delaying the hearings were that Milosevic's witness
list - which reportedly contains 1,631 names - needs to be reviewed and
translated, the statement said.
Milosevic's lawyers say he hopes to call former U.S. President Bill
Clinton, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and U.N. Ambassador
Richard Holbrooke to the stand.
Last month, Scottish judge Lord Iain Bonomy was named to join the
three-judge panel hearing Milosevic's case after the senior judge,
Richard May, resigned due to ill health.

Dow Jones Newswires

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