
[ Sul caso di Bobby Fisher vedi anche:
http://it.groups.yahoo.com/group/crj-mailinglist/message/3685 ]

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Bobby Fischer Fights On
Date: Tue, 3 Aug 2004 13:31:25 +0900
From: John Bosnitch

Bobby Fischer Battles On
New appeal, refugee claim, 1st asylum offer

Aug. 3, 2004 (TOKYO) The Committee to Free Bobby Fischer announced on
Tuesday that Fischer's lawyer, Ms Masako Suzuki, has completed her
submissions for his appeal to Japan's Justice Minister. The written
appeal to the minister is the next step in fighting his deportation on
false US allegations that his passport is invalid. The appeal to the
minister follows a two-day oral appeal made to the Immigration Bureau
over Friday, July 23 and Tuesday, July 27 that was summarily rejected.
The oral appeal was made in response to a July 15 Immigration Bureau
deportation decision that was scandalously printed and sealed even
before Fischer's first hearing was convened.

The current written appeal to the minister says that due process has
been denied to Bobby Fischer by a politically motivated US effort to
unlawfully revoke his passport retroactively, and by the illegal
seizure and destruction of his passport by a man who visited the
airport jail, would not give his last name, but claimed to be a US
consul. The legal filings also state that what Japanese officials are
calling a "deportation" is in fact an effort to extradite Fischer in
violation of the Japan-US Extradition Treaty. Under the treaty, Fischer
could never be extradited for his December 15, 1992 US indictment under
a US presidential sanctions order against Yugoslavia. Extradition is
not possible because the alleged crime (of playing a game of chess) is
not also a crime in Japan. Fischer played a championship chess match in
Yugoslavia despite receiving a written warning from the US government
in 1992. His action was an intentional political protest against the US
sanctions on Yugoslavia. Bobby Fischer specifically played in
Yugoslavia, after for many years declining numerous offers to play
matches around the globe following his 1972 world championship victory.

In addition to pointing out that Fischer has been denied his US legal
right of appeal to any revocation of his passport, lawyer Suzuki says
the political nature of the US persecution of Fischer makes him
eligible for refugee status in Japan.

Fischer initiated a refugee claim on Monday, August 2. That claim is
separate and distinct from his appeal of the deportation order and has
its own series of procedures.

Appeals to the Justice Minister usually take no less than several weeks
and often run into months. Refugee claims can take years. There is now
no likelihood of any quick deportation if Japanese and international
law is respected.

Bobby Fischer has also started the process to apply a second time for a
Provisional Release from the jail at Narita Airport, which is about an
hour east of Tokyo by commuter train. After being assaulted during his
July 13 "kidnapping," Bobby was roughed up again the next day when he
was forced to meet with an unidentified person who said his first name
was "Peter" and that he came from the "embassy". It is now 21 days
since Bobby Fischer was seized and locked up. He has not been allowed
to see the sun or to get any outdoor exercise or fresh air. Fischer,
who is 61 and a nonsmoker, is also forced to endure jail conditions in
which other prisoners are allowed to smoke cigarettes all day in a
common detention area. This mistreatment is especially glaring
considering the fact that it is illegal to smoke a cigarette outdoors
in central Tokyo. His access to the telephone is restricted and
visitors, including his support committee, are only allowed to speak to
him for 30 minutes a day and have to travel over two hours by train for
each visit. His provisional release request is backed by a personal
guarantee from Mr. Ichiji Ishii, a former vice Foreign Minister of
Japan. The continuing denial of a provisional release constitutes
unwarranted and inhumane mistreatment of Fischer, who has not been
convicted of any crime.

The Committee to Free Bobby Fischer is continuing to contact
independent countries around the world to seek safe havens for Bobby
Fischer from US political persecution. The first public response has
come from President Filip Vujanovic of the Republic of Montenegro,
which hosted the 1992 chess tournament at its resort island of Sveti

About one week ago, John Bosnitch, who heads the Committee to Free
Bobby Fischer, proposed a list of over 20 countries that might be most
likely to come quickly to the aid of Bobby Fischer. Scanning the list,
Fischer picked Serbia and Montenegro as his first choice. The
intellectual art of chess is a national passion in Serbia and
Montenegro, and the people of the country recognize the terrible
sacrifice that Bobby Fischer has made for them over the past 12 years
for standing up against the sanctions on Yugoslavia in 1992. Acting on
Bobby's request, Bosnitch initiated contact with Montenegrin officials
through a respected Montenegrin academic based in Japan. The Committee
is now making further contact with Montenegro to determine the precise
details of the asylum offer. The Committee is also pursuing other
asylum options and is continuing to assemble the original documentation
of Fischer's current, existing German citizenship.

John Bosnitch says, "Japan's scandalous detention of one of the
greatest living human intellects can only become a bigger and bigger
national embarrassment. The story of the ordeal of Bobby Fischer is top
news around the world. It is being published and broadcast in North and
South America, Asia, Europe, Africa and across the Pacific. Coming just
as the Japanese government has announced a new initiative to seek a
permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council, the continuing
mistreatment of chess legend Bobby Fischer can only give a most
unflattering impression of Japan to the entire international community.
Millions are watching."

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Media Contact:
John Bosnitch
Committee to Free Bobby Fischer
j o h n . b @ i m c n e w s . c o m

Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2004 21:55:54 +0900
To: John Bosnitch


Fischer takes initiative in deportation/refugee battle

Chess champion Bobby Fischer's lawyer Masako Suzuki, and the Committee
to Free Bobby Fischer representative John Bosnitch are holding a press
conference at the Bengoshi Kaikan (Japan Lawyers' Association Building)
in Kasumigaseki, Tokyo, at 3:00 PM on Friday, August 6 to officially
release Bobby Fischer's decision on his citizenship status and to
outline the legal action commencing immediately against the Japanese

The domestic Japanese media and the foreign media are all welcome at
this unrestricted-access press conference. Interpreter will be present.

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3:00-5:00 PM
Friday, August 6, 2004
Room 1208
Bengoshi Kaikan
1-1-3, Kasumigaseki
Chiyodaku, Tokyo

Media Contact:
John Bosnitch
Committee to Free Bobby Fischer
j o h n . b @ i m c n e w s . c o m

For regular updates on the battle: