Kosovo and the Balkans as a US Presidential Election Issue (1)

1. The cost of US support (Blic , 26/3/04)

2. DioGuardi talks to Albanian officials (9/7/04)

3. Balkans may become priority for US (8/8/04)

4. Albanian American Civic League collects signatures for
independence of Kosovo (7/10/04) / Kosovo independence petition started

5. New Serbian President Supports John Kerry (8/9/04)

=== 1 ===

The cost of US support

Blic , 26/03/2004

Ten years after Croatia, B-H and Albanian leaders had realized that
their goals could not be achieved unless they hire and dearly pay
American lobbyists, at the beginning of 2001, the then Serbian
government for the first time made one such agreement with the
consultant Jim Denton. At the time when war images from Kosovo are
returning on the screens of world televisions, one cannot help asking
if there is any use of paying the lobbyists and what our strategy
should be. If you pose this question to Albanians, Croats or Bosnian
Moslems, their reply will be that lobbying is of key importance. Many
reports broadcast by the most powerful world televisions were not
journalists' reports, but reports made by powerful PR companies.
Rudder and Fin was the first agency to appear in the Balkan region. Its
clients were the governments of Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo Albanians.
According to the report by the US Justice Ministry, this agency's
minimal monthly compensation for the services was $10 000. However, PR
O'Duayer reported that in the first six months of 1993 Rudder and Fin
was paid $320 000 (Kosovo Albanians paid 230 000, the rest Croats and
Bosnian Moslems). Ibrahim Rugova signed the contract on behalf of
Kosovo Albanians in 1993 during his visit to Zagreb. Washington claims
that in recent years the amount that Kosovo Albanians have paid to
Rudder and Fin is over $1.2 million, and that they were willing to
invest additional 10 to 15 millions.
In 1997, Rudder and Fin decided to withdraw from this business. Their
place was immediately filled in by other companies that realized this
business could bring them immense profit. The Washington International
Group undertook Kosovo Albanians. During the rule of the socialists,
Serbia was not able to hire PR agencies because of the sanctions.
However, three companies were registered with the US Justice Ministry
as agencies that were to take the job – one day. Belgrade chose the
companies PBN, The Strategy XXI Group and AIDG. How little then
official Serbia knew about this field shows the choice of PBN company.
It was a Russian company having its representative office in
Washington, but without any connections in the US administration. On
February 20, 2001, the then Serbian premier Zoran Djindjic signed in
Belgrade an agreement with American consultant James Denton. His annual
services cost $120 000 plus traveling costs. Philip Zepter, businessman
of Serbian origin, was paying these costs on behalf of the Serbian
government. On one occasion Denton confirmed to Blic that he had
offered his services to then Yugoslav president Vojislav Kostunica, but
he refused the offer.

“Our state does not have a single lobby organization that would
represent our interests or promote our stances that are of Serbian
national interests,” historian Milan St. Protic told Blic. As Leon
Smith of PR World told Blic, it happens very frequently that
governments, especially of the developing countries, are faced with
impossible choice. Representatives of PR agencies are offering to such
governments their expensive services. If the offer is accepted then
there will be only several letters of support published in the American
media. If they refuse, however, then all doors are being closed. Mr.
Smith is dealing with the work of lobbyist companies in Washington.

=== 2 ===


Beta (Serbia-Montenegro) - July 9, 2004

DioGuardi talks to Albanian officials

GNJILANE – Former US Congressman Joseph DioGuardi met
with Albanian leaders in Southern Serbia today.
DioGuardi met with officials from Democratic Albanian
organizations and advised them to work together in
order to better their situation.
DioGuardi is known as a vehement supporter of the
Albanian community in Serbia and has planned to get
one million signatures onto a petition for Kosovo to
be recognized as an independent region.
After serving his term in congress, DioGuardi
dedicated himself to dealing with the situation of
Albanians in the former Yugoslavia and is also a
lobbyist for of the Albanian-American Civic League.

=== 3 ===


B92 (Serbia and Montenegro) - August 8, 2004

Balkans may become priority for US

BELGRADE, WASHINGTON D.C. - According to political
experts, the Balkans look to be becoming a top
interest on the US government’s political agenda once
With the looming presidential elections, the situation
in the Balkans might once again become the focus of
the US government’s agenda after being pushed out of
the limelight during the past several years by
America’s involvement in the Middle East.
One reason analysts believe this is so is that
presidential hopeful John Kerry’s political advisors,
which include Madeline Albright, Richard Holbrook and
James Rubin, are officials who have had a significant
interest in the situation in the Balkans in the past.
An expert on American foreign policies and
Washington’s relationship with Belgrade, Obrad Kesic,
says that a potential change in the ruling party of
the US brings into question the status of Kosovo and
the possibility of the US siding with Albanian leaders
in Kosovo becoming a big part of the presidential
“During the campaign many stances are stressed and
later forgotten when the election ends. We must
realize that the main goal of the candidates is to
garner as many votes as possible, considering that the
race between Bush and Kerry will be a tight one.”
Kesic said.
Commenting on the main differences between the two
candidates, Kesic said that “the main difference is
that Kerry has said that he is interested in a quick
solution concerning the status of Kosovo. Bush’s
administration are responsible for a good part of the
current plan in Kosovo in which first standards are
important, and then the status. Personally I think
that no matter who wins the election, we will not be
seeing any drastic changes in the policies for Kosovo
from the US administration. The Balkans remain in the
background, as far as international priorities are
concerned.” Kesic said.

=== 4 ===


MakFax (Macedonia) - October 7, 2004

Albanian American Civic League collects signatures for
independence of Kosovo

[See: http://www.aacl.com/indexmain.html%5d

Albanian American Civic League (AACL) kicked off on
Thursday a campaign of collecting signatures for
support of Kosovo's independence. The campaign will be
organized in Albania, Macedonia and Kosovo. AACL was
founded by the former US congressman Joseph DioGuardi
and a board of Albanian Americans in 1989 as the only
registered lobby in Washington, DC, representing the
concerns and interests of Albanian people.
The campaign in Macedonia will be led by Xhelil
Bajrami and Arben Lala. They set up an Organization
Board comprised of nine people.
Citizens could express their support to the initiative
by signing the petition or on the AACL's website on
the Internet. The campaign will last till 31 October.
Collected signatures will be sent to the League's
representatives in US, who will hand over the
petitions to the US President George Bush.
The Civic League reckons that the independence of
Kosovo will provide stability in the region.



Beta (Serbia and Montenegro) - October 10, 2004

Kosovo independence petition started

-The petitioning is being done throughout Macedonia,
Albania and Kosovo, and is planned on being submitted
to the US congress.

TETOVO, SKOPLJE [Macedonia] - The American-Albanian
Citizens League has started up a petition for the
independence of Kosovo.
The league, which is currently collecting signatures
of support, is lead by [former] US congressman Joseph
Diogardi, who is of Albanian descent.
The petitioning is being done throughout Macedonia,
Albania and Kosovo, and is planned on being submitted
to the US congress.
A promotion was held today in Tetovo [Macedonia], with
the presence of every Albanian led party in Macedonia
supporting the petition.
Opposing the movement is the Macedonian ruling party,
the Social-Democratic Party, whose representatives say
that they believe that the status of Kosovo needs to
be reached through institutions and through
discussions between Belgrade and Kosovo.
Opposition party VMRO-DPMNE agrees with the stance of
the ruling party and has called on the national
government to put an end to the petitioning action.
"The Macedonian government will have to decide by what
date the leaders of this initiative have to leave the
country." VMRO-DPMNE representative Slobodan Casule
said, adding that, "They are free to collect
signatures in Pristina."

=== 5 ===

NACIONAL - Belgrade (I, SN, PG)
Nacional, Pro-Serbian weekly from Belgrade

New Serbian President Supports John Kerry

Belgrade- Serbian officials are pleading to establish good cooperation
with the European Union and the United States. They unconditionally
accept the cooperation with The Hague Tribunal, NATO, the World Bank
and the International Monetary Fund. The President of Serbia, Boris
Tadic, is actively involved in the American presidential campaign, and
openly supports the democratic candidate, John Kerry. Tadic even
announced the improvements of the cooperation between Serbia and the
United States.
According to our president, the only obstacle at the moment is the lack
of cooperation with the Hague Tribunal. "Full cooperation with the
Tribunal is for our own sake as well as the resolving of all issues
related to the wars in the former Yugoslavia. All those responsible for
war crimes have to be tried. My victory at the presidential elections
strengthened the political stance, upon which Ratko Mladic and other
war crimes suspects have to be found. If Ratko Mladic is in Serbia, we
will arrest him. Serbia will not fail to obligate its international
obligations. Serbian friends in the American administration and the
Congress explicitly emphasized that full cooperation with The Hague
opens the door to Euro Atlantic Integrations, Boris Tadic said in his
written note that was published in the Washington post in July. He also
said that "Serbia is devoted to finding a solution for the situation in
Kosovo. And, Serbia will constructively work with members of the
Contact group and Kosovo's Albanians in order to ensure the
establishment of the long-lasting and just peace in Kosovo". However,
all those who committed crimes against Serbs and their cultural and
religious heritage have to answer for their crimes. In addition to
that, 200,000 Serb refugees and displaced persons must have the
opportunity to return to Kosovo. And, 150 monasteries and churches that
were destroyed in March have to be rebuilt. Joseph Bidden, Tadic's ally
and the future secretary of the State (If Kerry wins elections),
supported Tadic. However in his interview for the Washington Times, he
said "Although President Tadic is pleading that Kosovo remain in
Serbia, it is beyond imagination that Belgrade will rule over the
province ever again. The violent anti-Serb riot in March, in which 20
people were murdered and hundreds of Serb houses and churches were
destroyed, showed clearly that the status of Kosovo should be resolved
as soon as possible. The international community should make sure that
the Kosovo assembly has the power in the entire area of the province in
order to prove to the World that the Kosovo's Albanians are capable to
run the province and guarantee basic human rights to all ethnic groups.
At the same time as victims of Serb crimes have a right to expect that
those who committed war crimes over them will be punished, the left
over Serbs in Kosovo and Serb refugees, who want to return to the
province, have the right to expect to be safe in Kosovo". He commended
stances of the Serbian Minister of foreign policy, Vuk Draskovic,
describing him as "a passionate adversary of Slobodan Milosevic's and a
wise diplomat". John Kerry, US presidential candidate, called on
American- Serbs to vote for him. A few days later, he promised to
American Albanians that he would resolve the Kosovo problem. No need to
mention that Kosovo will be independent. As a reminder, Kerry is a
passionate adversary of the Serbs and Serbia. He was one of the two
senators who supported sending of the American land-forces to Serbia in
1999. Michael O'Hanion, one of the Kerry's closest team members, openly
supported the war between American soldiers and Serbs on the territory
of Serbia. One of conditions, Serbia has to fulfill is the
participation of Serbian parties at Kosovo's elections. The Serbian
Minister of Foreign policy, Vuk Draskovic, is the only one from the
leading coalition who has so far supported this idea. In a case that
Democrats win presidential elections, Serbia can expect so called issue
of Vojvodina to be open. Joseph Bidden described Tadic and Draskovic as
politicians who unconditionally accept conditions of the EU and the
United States. He described them as truly democrats with no connections
with Tito's communists or post-war ultranationalists. PS
