Da: ICDSM Italia
Data: Ven 22 Ott 2004 14:54:07 Europe/Rome
A: icdsm-italia@ yahoogroups. com
Oggetto: [icdsm-italia] L'imbarazzo dell'avvocato Kay

(english / italiano)

L'imbarazzo dell'avvocato Kay

1. Greek Communist Liana Kanelli Testifies (20/10/04)
2. Milosevic witness seeks protection
3. Response to Steven Kay's Letter to Sara Flounders

4. Dispacci ANSA:

---( 1 )---


Macedonian Press Agency (Greece)
October 20, 2004


The Hague - Greek Communist Party Parliament deputy
Liana Kanelli testified yesterday in the trial of
former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic in the
International War Crimes Tribunal for the former
Yugoslavia in The Hague.
Mrs. Kanelli stated to MPA during a telephone
communication that for the first time since the
beginning of the trial the court's attention turned to
the NATO bombings in former Yugoslavia through the
testimony of a witness.
The Greek Parliament deputy and member of the
International Committee for the Defense of Milosevic
referred to the NATO bombing of the city of Alexinac,
30 kilometers north of Nis, on April 6, 1999 that
resulted to many civilian deaths, stressing that there
was no military target there, contrary to what the
allied forces said to justify the action.
At this point, said Mrs. Kanelli, the judges gave her
a map and told her to find Alexinac on it. She
forwarded the map to Slobodan Milosevic who reacted by
saying that this was not a complete map of his country
and made the court authorities to bring another NATO
map on which the former President of Yugoslavia found
the city where one of the darkest pages of the NATO
bombings in former Yugoslavia was written.
For the first time during yesterday's procedure,
stated Mrs. Kanelli, a NATO document was presented in
court dated April 14, 1999 where a clear reference is
made to the civilian victims in Alexinac. NATO in
essence admits that civilian targets were hit.
Prosecutor Jeffrey Nice said that NATO had stated on
the specific incident that the target of the bombings
was an artillery unit of the Serb army deployed in the
city and pointed out that the alliance had admitted
that certain buildings had been hit by mistake during
the raid.
Mrs. Kanelli wondered why NATO's mistakes and NATO's
genocide should be forgiven and added that if
Milosevic had cooperated more with the western leaders
he wouldn't be with the “defeated” but with the
Responding to the question on what her opinion was
about the International War Crimes Tribunal, the Greek
Parliament deputy stated addressing the judges that
they are “21st century witch hunting inquisitors”.
When asked to comment on the NATO and US policy, she
stressed that their policy is neo-nazi and anyone who
is against it defends the rights of all peoples, a
response that caused the reaction of Presiding Judge
Patrick Robinson, according to international news
For the record, Mrs. Liana Kanelli is one of the few
witnesses who agreed to testify in the Milosevic trial
after the appointment of British lawyer Stephen Kay as
the defense attorney of the former Yugoslav President
Most of the defense witnesses refuse to testify
stating that they agree to respond to questions posed
only by Milosevic who repeatedly has asked to be
allowed to undertake his own defense.


Associated Press - October 19, 2004

Greek MP gives evidence for Milosevic

THE HAGUE – A member of the Greek parliament today
told the Hague Tribunal that UN war crime charges
against Slobodan Milosevic were politically motivated.
Liana Kaneli, 50, is a member of the "International
Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic," and an
independent politician allied to Greece's Communist
She is one of the few witnesses willing to testify on
Milosevic's behalf since the UN tribunal appointed him
a defence lawyer against his will last month. Most of
those who had been scheduled to appear during the
defence phase of the trial have cancelled in an
attempt to pressure the court to reverse its decision
or to derail proceedings.
Kaneli said that if Milosevic had cooperated more with
Western leaders "he wouldn't be here with the losers,
he would be with the winners, and nobody would ever
make a political court like this."
Presiding Judge Patrick Robinson described her comment
as being "completely out of order."
Defence counsel Steven Kay asked Kaneli about her
visit to Yugoslavia during the NATO bombing of 1999,
which forced Milosevic to withdraw his troops from a
crackdown on ethnic Albanians in the southern Serbian
province of Kosovo.
Milosevic has described the Kosovo war as a defensive
action against terrorists.
Kaneli testified that the US-led bombing had killed
Serb civilians and destroyed buildings in the town of
Aleksinac on April 6th, 1999.
"There was nothing that could be a military target
there," she said.
Prosecutor Geoffrey Nice said that there was a Serb
artillery brigade located in the town, and NATO
acknowledged that two stray bombs had hit civilian
buildings during a raid.
"Why should we forgive NATO mistakes, NATO genocide,
and not those of others?" Kaneli replied.
Milosevic interrupted several times to make comments,
and said once that Kay didn't ask Kaneli all the
questions he should have - but he declined when judges
offered him the chance to ask her follow-up questions
"I'm not entering into the substance of the material.
Until my right to defend myself is restored to me,
this is a pure and simple farce," Milosevic said.

---( 2 )---


Beta (Serbia and Montenegro) - October 19, 2004

Milosevic witness seeks protection

BELGRADE - The president of the Association of
Families of the Abducted and Missing in Kosovo has
sought protection from the Serbian government and
police against being subpoenaed by the Hague Tribunal.
Simo Spasic, who is listed as a defense witness for
Slobodan Milosevic, said today that he will not give
evidence even if he is forced to travel to The Hague.
“I will be silent in court because I don’t want to
give legitimacy to defense counsel Steven Kay and the
Hague Tribunal, which does not want to hear the truth
about events in Kosovo from the arrival of KFOR to
today,” he said.
Lawyer Aleksandar Lazarevic told B92 that without the
complete cooperation of witnesses it is impossible to
prepare a quality defense case.
“Preparing the witnesses is one of the most important
aspects of a defense case before The Hague Tribunal.
If you have not had the opportunity to speak directly
with the witnesses, you cannot possibly be prepared
for what who think might or might not occur, and you
would find yourself in a very bad situation.”
Lazarevic said.

---( 3 )---


Hague Tribunal - Refusal to Testify

ICTY-Response to Steven Kay's Letter to Sara Flounders

20 Oct 2004

Steven Kay, QC
goodnightvienna@ btopenworld. com

Dear Steven Kay,

Thank you for your response to my letter refusing to testify at the
trial of President Milosevic under the present conditions set by the

I realize, as you explain, that the Appeal Hearing against the decision
of the Trial Chamber assigning counsel to Mr. Milosevic is scheduled
for tomorrow Thursday.

In your letter you review all that you have done to technically appeal
this ruling that denies President Milosevic the right to represent
himself. However you are ignoring your own responsibility of continuing
to represent someone against their will and when you have an obvious
conflict of interest. You are also ignoring your own ability to take an
action that would stop this legal farce.

As I stated in my letter: “You were not compelled to accept the
"assignment" as his counsel and against his wishes. In addition to
violating the express will of President Milosevic, your representation
is a direct conflict of interest, since previously you served as a
friend of the court – amicus curie... You are part of the problem.
President Milosevic’s rights could be restored quite simply and
immediately by your refusing to continue in this assignment. By
remaining in the position as his false counsel you are preventing this
trial from continuing. As long as you remain his defense cannot take
place. If you had any sense of propriety and honor you would step down

I urge you to make the only ethical and honorable decision – refuse to
continue in this “assignment”. The choice is yours.

Sara Flounders


Dear Ms. Flounder, You might be interested to know that the Appeal
hearing against the decision of the Trial Chamber assigning counsel to
Mr. Milosevic is scheduled for tomorrow Thursday 21/10.04 at 9.00 am.

This is the appeal filed by myself and Ms. Higgins to overturn the
decision of the Court. If we had not taken such steps then the
arguments on his behalf would not be possible. If you don't appeal you
don't get a chance to change the ruling. I have consistently argued
from the start of the process for his right of self-representation. You
may care to look up the transcripts containing the passages and the
documents as they are public and a matter of record. You might even
have been able to attend some of the conferences at which I have spoken
over the last 3 years in support of these rights. Furthermore, you
might like to know that all the points being raised by you and others
are in fact recycling the arguments and particular words used by me in
the first place. Indeed I believe I have put into the arena even more
reasons! In fact, you might like to know that Mr. Milosevic and his
lawyers are deeply appreciative of this work.

So please don't insult me.

Furthermore, I have been to the Professional Conduct Committee of the
Bar Council in London, who have advised that I am not in breach of my

Steven Kay QC  


19 October 2004
Dear Mr. Kay,

I received your letter dated 5 October 2004.

My decision in regard to the testimony I was planning to present to the
ICTY on behalf of the defendant Slobodan Milosevic is unchanged. It is
not possible for me to participate in the trial in the circumstances
under which the trial is now proceeding. This is also true for the
overwhelming majority of witnesses who had agreed to testify in
President Milosevic’s defense. The ICTY's decision violates basic legal
and ethical norms. The ICTY has violated its own rules. Under Article
21, paragraph 4 of the Statute of the ICTY, a defendant is entitled to
certain "minimum guarantees," including the right "to defend himself in
person or though legal assistance of his own choosing."

If all of the witnesses that President Milosevic had planned to bring
were able to testify freely there is no question that he would be
acquitted and the real guilt of those who brought about the tragic
violence would be fully exposed.

The rights of President Milosevic have been usurped, not only by the
Tribunal, but also by you. You were not compelled to accept the
"assignment" as his counsel and against his wishes. In addition to
violating the express will of President Milosevic, your representation
is a direct conflict of interest, since previously you served as a
friend of the court – amicus curie. This is especially a conflict of
interest because of the open hostility of the court to the rights of
President Milosevic. Your conduct is a violation of your Bar code of
ethics as well as the Statute o the Tribunal to represent someone who
does not wish to be represented. You are part of the problem. President
Milosevic’s rights could be restored quite simply and immediately by
your refusing to continue in this assignment. By remaining in the
position as his false counsel you are preventing this trial from
continuing. As long as you remain his defense cannot take place. If you
had any sense of propriety and honor you would step down immediately.

It is true that some of my testimony, if I had an opportunity to
present it, would be considered expert testimony in light of the first
hand information I acquired and studied during my previous visits to
Yugoslavia and the books and articles I have written. I am also a fact
witness. I was in Serbia during the U.S./NATO bombing and have personal
and direct fact testimony. It is also true that I met with President
Milosevic at his request in June 2004 to discuss the relevant testimony
that I could present. I have reviewed my documentation and evidence and
I am fully prepared as a witness on behalf of the defense.

Please check your records to confirm that you have received my letter
of 12 September 2004. This letter, which I jointly authored and signed
with three other prospective witnesses, was sent to President Slobodan
Milosevic and a copy to the ICTY Registry. In that letter I stated my
decision that I would not appear as a witness in this case as long as
President Milosevic’s rights to choose and conduct his own counsel were
usurped by the court. I have not changed my mind on this matter. For
the same reasons, I refuse your offer to discuss the method and content
of my testimony at this time. I will make ready an expert witness
report along with the documentation, both written and on video, to be
presented as part of my testimony in the event that Mr. Milosevic’s
rights to self-defense are fully restored to him and the defense case
can resume under legitimate conditions.

I believe that my decision best serves the interest of justice and is
upheld by democratic legal standards. As I have previously stated, I am
fully convinced that the charges against President Milosevic are false
and that they represent a continuation of the war against Yugoslavia
and the Serbian people by the U.S. and its NATO allies. I remain ready
and very willing to appear as a witness in the event that Mr.
Milosevic’s rights to self defense are restored to him and his will in
these matters is not abrogated by any arbitrary decision of the court.

To proceed in any other way would be unethical and illegitimate.

I am attaching to this letter a copy of my previous letter of 12
September 2004.


Sara Flounders

cc.: Evelyn Anoya, Pro Se Legal Liaison Officer, Officer of the
Registry of ICTY, Fax #: 31 (0) 70 512 8637; Tel. #: 31 (0) 70 512
5661, e-mail: anoya.icty@ un.org

(SOURCE: International Action Center
39 West 14th Street, Room 206
New York, NY 10011
email: iacenter@ action-mail.org
En Espanol: iac-cai@ action-mail.org
web: http://www.iacenter.org
CHECK OUT SITE   http://www.mumia2000.org
phone: 212 633-6646
fax:  212 633-2889
To make a tax-deductible donation,
go to   http://www.peoplesrightsfund.org )

---( 4 )---


(ANSA) - LA PAZ, 20 OTT - La Bolivia ha ricevuto dall'Onu una richiesta
di disponibilita' ad ospitare eventuali condannati nel processo in
corso davanti al Tribunale penale internazionale (Tpi) contro l'ex
presidente jugoslavo Slobodan Milosevic ed ha risposto positivamente.
Lo scrive oggi la stampa di la Paz. Il quotidiano 'La prensa' cita in
particolare il direttore dei servizi penitenziari Tomas Molina, il
quale ha indicato che la richiesta da New York e' giunta una decina di
giorni fa. ''Non avevamo - ha detto - ragioni per dire di no. Anzi,
abbiamo inviato una risposta positiva indicando il carcere modello di
'El abra' (Cochabamba), che e' quanto di meglio abbiamo, ponendo come
unica condizione un aiuto per migliorare il regime alimentare dei
detenuti''. Molina ha comunque invitato la stampa a non dare per
definito l'arrivo di Milosevic, perche' ''esistono altri paesi
latinoamericani, come Argentina e Messico, che hanno avanzatissimi
edifici penitenziari''. Ieri il presidente del Tpi Patrick Robinson ha
annunciato che per l'assenza di testi a difesa, l'udienza del processo
e' stata rinviata alla settimana prossima. Secondo la stampa
statunitense, una sentenza contro Milosevic e gli altri imputati non
dovrebbe definirsi prima della fine del prossimo anno.(ANSA). SAL
20/10/2004 16:11


(ANSA) - L'AJA, 21 OTT - L'avvocato britannico Steven Kay, uno dei
difensori d'ufficio di Slobodan Milosevic ha detto oggi di ''non essere
nelle condizioni di svolgere tale compito'' cui lo ha designato il
Tribunale penale internazionale (Tpi) per la ex Jugoslavia. Kay ha
spiegato che ''la relazione cordiale'' che aveva con l'imputato quando
il legale faceva parte degli 'amici curiae', gli avvocati incaricati di
vegliare sul corretto svolgimento del processo, ''non esiste piu'.
Milosevic non accetta i due difensori d'ufficio e non collabora. ''Mi
trovo in una situazione professionale difficile'', ha aggiunto,
assicurando: ''Ho provato, ma invano, a trovare una forma corretta per
svolgere il mio compito''. Kay ha ricordato che Milosevic ha scelto il
conflitto e l'antagonismo nei confronti del collegio degli avvocati
perche' insiste nel volersi difendere da solo. L'avvocato britannico ha
parlato davanti alla corte d'appello che esamina il ricorso che lui
stesso a presentato contro la designazione quale difensore d'ufficio.
Ieri il Tpi e' stato costretto a rinviare le udienze a martedi'
prossimo per mancanza di testimoni a difesa. Malgrado l'imputato ne
abbia citati centinaia ed i giudici abbiano preparato una lunga lista,
la maggior parte non si presenta per protesta contro la decisione di
non consentire a Milosevic di difendersi da solo. Il provvedimento e'
stato giustificato dalla necessita' di evitare continui rinvii delle
udienze perche' l'accusato denuncia problemi di salute. L'ex presidente
jugoslavo deve rispondere di genocidio e crimini di guerra e contro
l'umanita' per fatti avvenuti durante le guerre degli anni '90 nei
Balcani. Il processo contro Milosevic e' cominciato nel febbraio del
2002 e dovrebbe concludersi entro la fine del prossimo anno.(ANSA). VS
21/10/2004 11:19


(ANSA) - BRUXELLES, 21 OTT - Slobodan Milosevic non cede. Davanti alla
corte d'appello del Tribunale penale internazionale per i crimini della
ex Yugoslavia, l'ex presidente reclama nuovamente il suo diritto a
difendersi da solo, mentre uno dei due legali nominati d'ufficio dice
di non essere nelle condizioni di poter svolgere il proprio compito.
''Voglio che mi si renda il diritto alla difesa, che possa chiamare
testimoni'', ha spiegato Milosevic davanti ai giudici dell'Aja chiamati
ad esaminare il ricorso contro la designazione di avvocati d'ufficio
decisa dalla corte a meta' settembre, dopo che un rapporto dei medici
aveva stabilito che Slobo non era in grado di poter assicurare la sua
difesa. ''Sono in una situazione professionale difficile. Ho provato,
ma invano, a trovare una forma corretta per svolgere il mio lavoro'',
ha dichiarato l'avvocato britannico Steve Kay sottolineando che
Milosevic ha ormai scelto la strada del conflitto perche' continua a
volersi difendere da solo. ''Nessun avvocato e' capace di
rappresentarmi perche' questo e' un processo politico'', ha ribattuto
l'ex presidente assicurando, un po' piu' tardi, di non avere niente di
personale nei confronti dell'avvocato Kay. Sul capo di Slobo pesano
piu' di 60 accuse per genocidio, crimini di guerra e crimini contro
l'umanita' per i conflitti nell'ex Jugoslavia dei primi anni '90.
Sofferente di ipertensione, sul piano legale l'ex presidente non ha
tuttavia mai mostrato un segno di cedimento durante il processo
cominciato nel febbraio 2002 e sospeso a piu' riprese. Fino alla nuova
dimostrazione di forza di oggi che ha portato il procuratore Geoffrey
Nice a domandarsi: ''Chi dirige questo tribunale, l'accusato o i
giudici assunti per fare il loro lavoro?''. Eppure, se l'avvocato Kay
dovesse rinunciare al suo incarico, la situazione potrebbe divenire
ancora piu' problematica. Molti legali potrebbero teoricamente chiedere
di prendere il suo posto, ma questo provocherebbe a sua volta un
inevitabile prolungamento nei tempi. Ieri intanto il Tpi e' stato
costretto a rinviare le udienze a martedi' prossimo per la mancanza di
testimoni a difesa. Malgrado l'imputato ne abbia citati centinaia e i
giudici abbiano preparato una lunga lista, la maggior parte non si
presenta per protesta contro la decisione di non consentire a Milosevic
di difendersi da solo. (ANSA). PUC 21/10/2004 19:48

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