*NAME* :__________________________________
First Last

Home Address in Crna Gora: _______________________________*

*Military Rank Achieved ( CHECK ONE)
*General ___ Colonel ___ Major ____ Admiral _____

*Grandfather's Title:
*Baron ____ Duke _____* *Earl _____ Prince _____ Vladika ______

*Relationship to Tsar Nikola I (Check One)
Brat ot Stritca ___ Brat ot Tetke ____ Brat od Ujaka ___
**Rodjak ____ Dalji Rodjak ___ Komsija _______*

*Address of Property Owned in Belgrade
**2nd Belgrade Property Owned*

*Pictures of Njegosh Owned _____

*Job Information Section ---
* Please Check Appropriate Space for Each

*Position Applied For -
*Minister ____ Director _____ Manager _____V-President ____ Other

*Desired Department - * Resting ___ Hat Care ____
Medals and Military
Decorations ______
Poetry ___ Public
Holiday Planning ___
Black Market Control
_____ Speech Making ____
Njegosh Preservation
_____ Napping _____

*Hours Available ( Per Week) *
30 ____ 20 _____ 10 _____ Less Than 10 _____

*VACATION Requirements ( Per Year) *
More Than 10 Weeks ____ Less Than 10 Weeks____

*Personal Information Section ---
* Please Check Appropriate Space for Each Category

*Education :
*PhD ____ MASTERS ____ OTHER _________ (explain)

*Work Experience :
*Some ____ None ____ Former Jugoslav Government Employee _____

*Which sentence best describes your work philosophy?*
1) I have worked some , but don't really care for it ______
2) I have never worked but am willing to learn, within
3) I have my own cigarette smuggling business and
as long as this position doesn't interfere with it I'm ok _______
4) I have been working my entire life and enjoy the fulfillment
of a job well done.
I am up to any task assigned ( For Applicants of Mixed Marriage )
5) It's for Women Only _______

*Please Rate your Application Experience - from 5 to 1
Circle the appropriate response*
5 - Great - I was able to get a nap between sections.
4 - Excellent - I received a medal for completing form in less than
one hour
3 - Good - I was able to take coffee breaks between sections
2- Poor - To many questions, I got a headache
1- Terrible - We didn't have to do this crap under Tito, just
needed a licna karta

Sign and Date Here ----
