(I partiti comunisti e dei lavoratori riunitisi a Praga gli scorsi 25 e 26 novembre - nell'ambito della Conferenza internazionale su diritti umani e democrazia, contro l'anticomunismo - hanno formulato la seguente Risoluzione "contro i cambiamenti forzati dei confini statali nei Balcani, in Europa e nel mondo".
In essa si legge tra l'altro: "I partecipanti alla conferenza si oppongono alla secessione forzata della parte meridionale della Serbia - il Kosovo - e contro la dichiarazione di questo come 'Stato indipendente' (...) si schierano per l'adempimento ed il rispetto della Carta dell'ONU e del diritto internazionale in relazione alla protezione della integrità e sovranità di uno Stato membro delle Nazioni Unite."
In base alle informazioni pervenuteci, questa Risoluzione è stata sottoscritta, tra gli altri, anche dagli italiani PRC e PdCI, dallo jugoslavo NKPJ, dai bosniaci della RKP-BiH, dai croati della SRP, dal PC della Macedonia ex-jugoslava...)


of the International Conference: 
"The Communists and Other Democratic Forces for Human Rights and Democracy in Europe and the World - Actively Against Anti-Communism" 

against forced changes of state borders in Balkans, Europe and in the world

November 25-26, 2006, Prague

Communist and other democratic parties declared at the International Conference on November 25-26, 2006 in Prague against forced changes of state borders in Balkans, in Europe and in the world and insist on abiding by Helsinki Declaration from 1975.

In the spirit of this the participants of the conference stand against forced secession of southern part of Serbia - Kosovo and against its declaration as "independent state".

The participants at the conference stand for abiding by and respect to UN Charter and international law in relation to the protection of the integrity and sovereignty of a member states of United Nations.

Communist Party of Austria
Party of Communists of Belarus
Workers Party of Belgium
Workers Communist Party of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Communist Party of Britain
Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia
Party of Democratic Socialism in the Czech Republic
Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist)
Communist Party of China
Socialist Labour Party of Croatia
Communist Party of Cuba
Progressive Party of The Working People of Cyprus (AKEL)
Danish Communist Party
Communist Party in Denmark
French Communist Party
Left Party.PDS
German Communist Party - DKP
Communist Party of Greece
Communist Party of India (Marxist)
Communist Party of Israel
Party of Italian Communists
Party of the Communist Refoundation
Japanese Communist Party
Socialist Party of Latvia
Communist Party of Macedonia
New Communist Party of the Netherlands
Portuguese Communist Party
Socialist Alliance Party
Communist Party of Russian Federation
New Communist Party of Yugoslavia
Communist Party of Slovakia
Communist Party of Peoples of Spain
Party of Communists of Catalonia
Sudanese Communist Party
Communist Party Marxist-Leninist (R)
Baath Arab Socialist Party
Communist Party of Syria
Syrian Communist Party
Communist Party of Turkey
Communist Party of Ukraine
Communist Party of Vietnam

From: Communist Party of Bohemia & Moravia, November 29, 2006
http://www.kscm.cz , mailto:leftnews  @... )