(english / italiano)

Dal Fronte Popolare di Liberazione - JVP, terzo partito politico
dello Sri Lanka - riceviamo e volentieri giriamo questa Lettera
Aperta recentemente inviata al nuovo Segretario Generale dell'ONU.
Nella quale, tra l'altro:

- si esprime preoccupazione per il progetto Ahtisaari mirato a
sancire la secessione del Kosovo dalla Serbia, creando il settimo
(sic) staterello etnico nello spazio di quello che era lo Stato
jugoslavo unitario e multinazionale;

- si stigmatizza questa tendenza in sede ONU a praticare politiche in
flagrante contrasto con la stessa Carta Costitutiva:
<< (...) Il JVP deve evidenziare come l'approccio dell'ONU per la
risoluzione dei problemi di natura etnica in vari paesi non si basi
sull'integrazione tra le nazionalità e la salvaguardia della sovrana
eguaglianza tra le nazioni, come pure richiesto dal Comma n.1
dell'Art. 2 della Carta ONU. La politica dell'ONU sembra piuttosto
voler promuovere il separatismo, violando la clausola suddetta... >>;

- proprio per questi motivi si esprime una decisa opposizione contro
il progetto di una missione di "peacekeeping" nel territorio dello
Sri Lanka, missione che peraltro non troverebbe alcuna
giustificazione in base ai principi ed agli scopi delle stesse
Nazioni Unite in quanto il conflitto "etnico" interno al paese non
minaccia nessuno Stato confinante;

- si ricorda infine come << Boutros Boutros Ghali aveva preso una
posizione decisa contro la frammentazione del mondo a pezzettini. Noi
sinceramente speriamo che l'ONU sotto la sua guida sarà capace di
unire i paesi sulla base della democrazia e della eguaglianza
piuttosto che creare nuovi Stati secondo linee etniche o religiose >>.

(sintesi a cura di AM per il CNJ)

----- Original Message -----
From: jvpitalia @...
Subject: letter to the UNO on Kosovo.doc

Dear Editor,

pls see attached file

Media Unit


His Excellency Mr. Ban Ki Moon
The Secretary General
the United Nations Organisation
New York

You're Excellency,


The Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP - People's Liberation Front) is
the third largest political party in The Democratic Socialist
Republic of Sri Lanka. The JVP has 38 members in the National State
Assembly consisting 225 members.

It has been announced that The UN envoy H. E. Mr. Martti Ahtessari
has discussed a Plan for Kosovo recently in Vienna with the six -
power Contact Group setting policy on Kosovo . NATO took control of
the province in 1999.

Kosovo is the last province to gain "independence" from the once
powerful Yugoslavia. The provinces of Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Macedonia and Montenegro separated from the Federation
of Yugoslavia and declared independence earlier.

Unlike the UN resolution 1244, the present UN plan for Kosovo does
not contain reference to Serbian sovereignty over Kosovo. Kosovo
will gain independence with limits on its sovereignty. These limits
will be decided by the European Union and not by Serbia. This is
clearly an attempt to neutralize the opposition of Serbia for the
plan and is a violation of the UN resolution 1244.

Russia however is unhappy about the UN plan for Kosovo as it will
create more problems for about 100,000 Serbs still remaining in the
province. The plan proposes separate ethnic enclaves for Serbs and
protection zones around most important Serb Orthodox religious
sites. This UN plan carries with it all the ingredients for failure.

The JVP must observe that the approach of the UNO when searching for
solutions for ethnic problems in various countries is based not on
national integration safeguarding the sovereign equality of nations
as required by the clause no. 1 of the Article 2 of the United
Nation's charter. The policy of the UNO seems to be to promote
separatism violating the above mentioned clause, " The Organization
is based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all its Members."

Sri Lanka is a country that is threatened by separatist terrorism.
The separatist Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) is fighting to
establish a separate state called Tamil Eelam - an ethnically pure
Tamil state. LTTE is guilty of massive ethnic cleansing in the
Northern and Eastern provinces of Sri Lanka and of suppression of any

The JVP is concerned about the above noted developments in Kosovo
because it has been suggested by some important individuals that the
UNO should undertake a peacekeeping mission in Sri Lanka. We believe
that the UNO has no mandate to interfere in Sri Lanka because the
conflict in Sri Lanka does not endanger any of its neighbors in
particular and world peace in general. Under these circumstances we
wish to point out that undertaking of peacemaking and peacekeeping
mission in Sri Lanka will be a gross violation of the Clause 7 of the
Article 2 of The UN Charter.

We remember that one of your predecessors Boutros Boutros Ghali took
a firm stand against fragmentation of the world into little pieces.
We sincerely hope that The UNO under your leadership will be able to
unite countries on the basis of democracy and equality rather than
creating new states along ethnic or religious lines.

Thank you,

On behalf of the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna,
Somawansa Amarasinghe
Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna.
27th February 2007.