
CP of Bohemia & Moravia, Statement On The Danger of Breaking of Serbian
Republic’s Territory Integration
From: Communist Party of Bohemia & Moravia, Monday, March 26, 2007  , mailto:leftnews@

Statement of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Bohemia and
Moravia on the danger of breaking of Serbian Republic’s territory

In the present dispute over the future of Kosovo and Metohija, which has
acquired an international dimension, the Communist Party of Bohemia and
Moravia stands on the side of law, and on the side of support of Serbian
statehood in its full integrity, and for the rejection of the plans to
promote and to achieve a break-up of the Serbian state in favour of a
local separatism from so-called Kosovo´s Albanians.

Both the cases of 1938 Munich and NATO aggression in 1999 represent the
reminders, that every violence poses harm, which is worthy of disdain
and condemnation.

The Kosovo and Metohija region remains an integral part of the Serbian
state territory, even though it can be currently considered to be a
protectorate under an international administration. This fact is
anchored in the constitution and in international documents by which the
international borders of the Serbian state have been ratified; it is
also included in the UN Security Council Resolution No. 1244 of June,
1999, by which has been established the current regime in the region.
Unfortunately, after almost 8 years, that regime always shows a dramatic
deficit in observance of the Resolution No. 1244 as a security standards
for all citizens, for their freedom of movement, for returning of
Serbian exiles back to their homes, for the rights of both the Serbians
and the Non-Albanians to use their personal properties. It follows, that
no advance has been achieved since summer 1999 in anything for which the
Serbian side is neither guilty nor responsible, in conditions of
multiethnic coexistence, but in which the Serbian side is in the
position of victim.

The Central Committee of the CPBM entrusts the group of its Members of
Parliament to strive on the parliamentary grounds for a government of
the Czech Republic’s presentation of an official statement on the
situation in Kosovo and Metohija, and on the manner of solution of that
situation, and strives to achieve that the Czech government will
undertake and not to allow Czech troops in Kosovo to be unilaterally
abused for actions, which could be out of accordance with an official
standing of the Serbian Republic and out of accordance with the UN
