(Pochi giorni fa a Belgrado è stata commemorata la strage compiuta dagli aerei NATO il 7 maggio 1999. Quel giorno, un bombardamento mirato sull'Ambasciata della Repubblica Popolare Cinese causò tre vittime)


Xinhua News Agency
May 7, 2007

Chinese reporters killed in NATO bombing 8 years ago commemorated

BELGRADE - Three Chinese journalists killed in the
U.S. - led NATO bombing of the Chinese embassy in
Belgrade eight years ago were commemorated at a
special ceremony Monday.

Shao Yunhuan of Xinhua along with Xu Xinghu and his
wife ZhuYing from the Beijing-based Guangming Daily
newspaper were killed in the missile attack, which
inflicted serious damage to the embassy buildings on
the evening of May 7, 1999.

The ceremony was attended by the Chinese ambassador to
Serbia, Li Guobang, and members of staff from the

There was also a number of Belgrade-based Chinese
journalists, scholars and students, as well as various
representatives of Chinese companies at the event.

The guests laid wreaths and flowers at the ruins of
the former Chinese embassy.

The bombing aroused indignation in China and
condemnation from the international community.

China recalled its ambassador from Washington in
protest against the attack.