(Il cancelliere austriaco Gusenbauer annuncia che l'Austria sarà tra i primi paesi a riconoscere la "indipendenza" del Kosovo.
Che novità!! L'Austria fu tra i primissimi paesi a benedire i secessionismi su base etnica con i quali, nel 1991, si volle massacrare la Jugoslavia; ma la vendetta per l'assassinio di Franz Ferdinand evidentemente non è ancora completa...
Articolo segnalato da Rick Rozoff su yugoslaviainfo

Tanjug News Agency (Serbia) - January 4, 2008

Gusenbauer brushes off Serbian criticism 

VIENNA, BELGRADE - Austrian Chancellor Alfred
Gusenbauer has rejected Serbia’s criticism for his
views on Kosovo independence.

Belgrade submitted an official protest following
Gusenbauer’s announcement that Austria would be among
the first countries to recognize Kosovo independence. 

The Austrian chancellor said that the reaction was
merely part and parcel of the ongoing Serbian election

He reiterated that Austria would not wait for other
countries to recognize the province’s independence,
but underlined that "as far as Kosovo is concerned,
the ball is still in the UN Security Council’s court."

Speaking in the town of Hirschwang, where his Social
Democratic Party of Austria is holding a conference,
Gusenbauer stressed that Austria would monitor the
process, and take a decision in a timely manner and
"not wait for other countries to act." 

"Austria once again aspires to redraw borders in

“Judging by Chancellor Gusebauer’s statement, we may
conclude that Austria once again aspires to interfere
and redraw borders in the Balkans. However, those days
are long gone and cannot be repeated,” read a
statement given to Tanjug by Prime Minister Vojislav
Koštunica’s office. 

"It is true that superpowers, such as the United
States, have announced that they will recognize
unilateral independence, but the Austria of today can
only state that it will do so under pressure from this
super power. That is Austria’s realistic position
today," it continued. 

“Chancellor Gusenbauer’s statement confirms that
Austria openly and directly supports the undermining
of Serbia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity by
changing its internationally recognized borders,” the
statement concluded.