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From: "" <leftbooks  @...>
Date: February 21, 2008 11:51:20 PM GMT+01:00
Subject: LEFTBOOKS.COM on Fidel and Yugoslavia!

Reality Check Anyone?

Events in Cuba and Yugoslavia have once again inspired corporate media to dig up the same old spin of half and false truths to portray a hopeless and infinitely complicated world dependent upon U.S. imperialism.

But, you can bet that whatever events corporate media decides to cover, can shed some insight, without burying the truth and distorting the past.

Check out our latest and remember that, as usual at leftbooks, you get
FREE SHIPPING*!! (with every order of $50 or more).

AND feel good knowing your money goes toward the movement for social and economic justice and against war.

But first, here's a selection in honor of Fidel and the Cuban people for their life work in making the world a better, more hopeful place:

Fidel Castro Reader
Edited by David Deutschmann and Deborah Shnookal

Foreword by Felipe Pérez Roque

"Fidel Castro is a man of the masses... The Cuban revolution has been a source of inspiration to all freedom-loving people." —Nelson Mandela

"Fidel has his own special way of fusing himself with the people... At the great public mass meetings one can observe something like the dialog of two tuning forks whose vibrations interact, producing new sounds. Fidel and the mass begin to vibrate together in a dialog of growing intensity until they reach a climax in an abrupt conclusion crowned by our cry of struggle and victory." —Che Guevara, 1965

At last, a comprehensive anthology of one of the 20th century's most influential political figures, the Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro.

Fidel Castro has been an articulate and incisive political thinker and leader, who has outlasted 10 hostile U.S. presidents. With the wave of change now sweeping Latin America, this book sheds light on the continent's future as well as its past.

As the first selection of Fidel Castro's speeches to be published since the 1960s, this is an essential resource.

Softcover, b/w photos, chronology, index, 517pp

Fidel Castro:
Biografía a dos voces
por Ignacio Ramonet


Sociólogo, teórico de la cultura, periodista y una de las voces más representativas del movimiento altermundista, Ignacio Ramonet ha logrado desvelar —tres semanas de intensas conversaciones— las claves de la Revolución cubana a través de la biografía humana y política del último monstruo sagrado, de la política internacional: el polémico Fidel Castro. Testimonio excepcional y análisis histórico, este libro es una auténtica biografía a dos voces: la memoria oral del comandante.

El exhaustivo cuestionario de Ignacio Ramonet —maacute;s de cien horas de entrevistas y de inéditas revelaciones— es al tiempo un recorrido apasionanate por la controvertida figura de Fidel Castro y un formidable relato sobre el pasado, el presente y el porvenir de la Revolución.

569pp, índice, notas

New from Eva Golinger:

Bush vs Chávez:
Washington's War on Venezuela
By Eva Golinger

In this revealing new study, Eva Golinger employs declassified documents, obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, and a variety of international sources to uncover an ongoing campaign to contain and cripple the democratically elected government of Latin America's leading oil power. Bush Versus Chávez details how millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars are being used to fund groups—such as the National Endowment for Democracy, the United States Agency for International Development, and the Office for Transition—with the express purpose of supporting counter-revolutionary groups in Venezuela. It explores, as well, a build-up of U.S. military troops, operations, and exercises in the Caribbean that threatens the Venezuelan people and government. Bush Versus Chávez exposes Washington's efforts to subvert a socialist revolution for the twenty-first century.

Paperback, 154pp, Notes, Index

Roots of Turmoil:

Hidden Agenda:
U.S./NATO Takeover of Yugoslavia
By Ramsey Clark and Various Authors

 Washington and NATO strategists invoked humanitarian principles to justify their war. But they practiced the divide-and-conquer tactics used by empires since the days of Imperial Rome.

Behind the facade of concern for self-determination, they sliced away most of the republics of Yugoslavia, one by one, through economic pressure, political threats and, finally, outright warfare.

This book presents evidence gathered by dozens of nongovernmental hearings in 1999 and 2000 that NATO countries engaged in a decade-long conspiracy to foment war in Yugoslavia in order to split it up.

Now NATO has military bases all over the Balkans, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia. They are the Roman legions for Western transnational corporations and Big Oil.

In the 40+ essays presented here, leading anti-war activists and analysts from many countries take up the Hague Tribunal, the occupation of Kosovo, media lies, war crimes and the blatant illegality of NATO aggression. Former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark writes on "Blaming the Victim." Former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic, demonized in the Western press, stands up to the NATO tribunal based in the Hague.

International Action Center, 2002, Paperback, 408pp, Maps, Photographs, Index.

Native Land
By Nadja Tesich

A luminous journey home to the author's birthplace, Yugoslavia. Every detail is exquisitely wrought, as the author and her heroine travel back in time and place. This is an insider's odyssey to a now-divided country, in what was perhaps its last sun-warmed moments before the chaos, so beautifully predicted, explodes. The ending is the most brilliant in modern fiction.

Soft cover, 320pp

The Defense Speaks
for History and the Future

Opening defense statement at The Hague
by President of Yugoslavia Slobodan Milosevic.
With and introduction by Ramsey Clark.


It promised to be 'the trial of the century.' But as soon as the defendant began to expose U.S. and NATO's war crimes in the breakup and bombing of Yugoslavia the media coverage of The Hague Tribunal went silent. Read this book and understand why.

'This book is a vital antidote to the demonizing calumny heaped on the defenders of Yugoslavia. Many misled people would benefit greatly if they gave some respectful attention to the side that tried to avoid war and save a multi-ethnic social democracy.'
—Michael Parenti

'The US/NATO court trying Slobodan Milosevic was always totally illegitimate. It could never be taken seriously as a court of justice. Milosevic's defense is powerful, convincing, persuasive and impossible to dismiss.'
—Harold Pinter, author, playwright and winner of 2005 Nobel Prize in Literature

IAC, softcover, appendix, index, 120pp

2008 Wall Calendars
(ALL 40% OFF!!):

Colors From Palestine


Revolution is an intrinsic part that can not be separate from bread, water, working palms, and the beating of the heart. —Ghassan Kanafani, Palestinian writer and revolutionary.

This year's Colors from Palestine calendar features the art of Naji Al-Ali. A Palestinian artist, assassinated in 1987. Naji Al-Ali is known for the sharp political criticism in his work and perhaps best known as the creator of the character Handala, who has since become an icon of Palestinian defiance.

Each month shows a unique Al-Ali drawing, accompanied by quotes from internationally-recognized revolutionaries and other political figures.

The calendar is a project of Resistance Art, a Palestinian initiative to celebrate the diversity and richness of Palestinian art and culture.

Size: 11 in. x 11 in.; 11 in. x 22 in. open

Che Guevara


Featuring a selection of 12 rare photos of Che Guevara from his family's archives, taken from the book Self-Portrait: A Photographic and Literary Memoir by Che Guevara. Key dates in Che Guevara's life are marked on the calendar.

2008 Mini Calendar: Bob Marley


From Jamaican beginnings Bob Marley applied himself tirelessly to speading his musical message of peace, love and interracial harmony. For nearly two decades he gave the world brilliant and evocative music that remains timeless and universal today. More than just reggae legends, Bob Marley and the Wailers worked their way into the very fabric of our lives.

Twelve black and white and color photos of Marley. Size is 7 x 7 in.; opens to 7 x 14 in.

Also 40% OFF!!
2008 Small Agenda: Che


Size: 4 in. x 5 in. Hard plastic cover with snap closure, spiral bound. Twelve photo images and quotes of Che Guevara.

Another of the favorite items here at, very cool, compact, sturdy - keep track of your revolutionary dates/events with Che!

Buy five or more, get them for $7/each!

Click here for the full collection of Calendars and Datebooks! (All 40% Off!)

And there's much, much more -

Click on your resource for the truth and remember, was created by and for activists involved in the struggles for social justice and against U.S. war and racism. The money doesn't  go to a giant corporation, it goes towards building the movement against war, racism, poverty and injustice.


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