Chi altri poteva riconoscere la "Kosova" subito, entusiasticamente, se non i terroristi wahabiti della Cecenia, anche loro sul libro paga di Washington? (I. Slavo)

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
February 19, 2008


[The same US government propaganda outlet - Radio Free
Europe/Radio Liberty - that for a decade now has
obligingly and unvaryingly spelled Kosovo as Kosova
(see example below) has over the same period of time
and longer referred to alleged Chechen
government-in-exile figures by the titles they've
bestowed upon themselves: President, foreign minister,
prime minister, etc., while just as regularly
referring to the the official president of Chechnya as
a strongman, so-called president, etc.
Note at the bottom of this transparent plug piece that
the "foreign minister of Chechen Republic Ichkeria" is
interviewed by Radio Free Europe as though he is what
he claims to be.
The above for anyone who still believes that Kosovo is
a unique case, in any context.

In a statement released on February 17 and posted on, Usman Ferzauli, who is foreign
minister of the unrecognized Chechen Republic Ichkeria
(ChRI), hailed the declaration of state independence
by Kosova, adding that the ChRI "does not question the
right of the people of Kosova to distance themselves
from a state that engaged in terror against them." 

The statement went on to make the point that the
people of Chechnya have waged an analogous struggle
for 14 years against "the most aggressive and
militarized state in the world"....
The statement reaffirms the aspiration of the ChRI
leadership to freedom and independence, but also its
commitment to abiding by the laws of war and its
readiness for peaceful dialogue. 
The statement concludes by arguing that the
confrontation between Russia and the Chechen people
has become irreversible, and that it is "immoral and
criminal" even to entertain the thought that Chechnya
could be reintegrated into the Russian Federation,
given that "it is impermissible to sacrifice universal
human rights to political expediency." 

In a February 18 interview with RFE/RL's North
Caucasus Service, Ferzauli differentiated clearly
between Chechnya, on the one hand, and the
unrecognized republics of Abkhazia and South Ossetia
on the other. 

He claimed those two territories "do not want to be
free. They want to annex territory from Georgia and
join Russia. We know that 80 or 90 percent of those
people have Russian passports, so this would be
nothing other than the classic annexation of Georgian
territory, and of course we are against that." LF

Source: Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"

Tue Feb 19, 2008 4:04 pm (PST) -