(srpskohrvatski / english)

Savez komunisticke omladine Jugoslavije SKOJ - The League of Yugoslav Communist Youth SKOJ
Nemanjina 34/III , 11000 Beograd - Nemanjina 34/III, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
web: www.skoj.org.yu * e-mail skoj05 @ yahoo.com * skoj @ neobee.net

For the United Front of communists, anti-imperialists and patriots

2) SKOJ: No to the imperialist change of borders in the Balkans

3) SKOJ: Pyrrhic victory of the neoliberal approach

=== 1 ===


Nakon jednostranog proglašenja nezavisnosti Kosova, sprovedenog uz sponzorstvo i podršku zapadnog imperijalizma na čelu sa Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, građani Srbije će 11.maja glasati na parlamentarnim izborima. 

Brojne nesuglasice među neoliberalnim partijama dovele su do kraja njihove Vlade.

Predstojeći parlamentarni izbori pokazaće još jednom surovu realnost o kojoj je govorio Karl Marks da eksploatatori ugnjetavanima dozvoljavaju da jednom u nekoliko godina rešavaju koji će ih predstavnik ugnjetačke klase u parlamentu predstavljati i tlačiti. U tom smislu u Srbiji je još uvek na snazi jedan od najreakcionarnijih izbornih zakona u svetu čiji je zadatak da onemogući izlazak na izbore autentičnih predstavnika radničke klase.

Savez komunističke omladine Jugoslavije (SKOJ) zahteva odlučan odgovor svih progresivnih levih snaga radi stvaranja jedinstvenog fronta koji će se odupreti buržoaskoj tiraniji i samovolji. Takav front treba da oforme komunisti, anti-imperijalisti i patrioti koji ćæe dići svoj glas protiv imperijalizma i pljačkaškog kapitalizma. Samo ujedinjeni donećemo istinsku slobodu radničkoj klasi i našem narodu!

Buržoazija pripada prošlosti! Napred u socijalizam!

Za socijalizam, do pobede!


Sekretarijat SKOJ-a

17. mart 2008.godine

Secretariat SKOJ: For the United Front of communists, anti-imperialists and patriots


After the unilateral declaration of independence of Kosovo with the help of western imperialism, under the leadership of the United States, the citizens of Serbia will vote on 11 May 2008 for a new parliament.

Large differences in opinion between the neoliberal parties led to the end of their coalition.  The coming elections show again, the bitter truth that Karl Marx said,  when he realized that the exploiters allow  the exploited once in several years to choose who will represent them in the parliament. 

In this sense, in Serbia is still one of the most reactionary election laws in use, which makes it real representatives of the working class impossible to participate in the elections. The Communist Youth League of Yugoslavia (SKOJ) requires a response of all progressive and left forces and the formation of a united front, which will resist to the bourgeois  tyranny and self-rule. This front must be formed by communists, anti-imperialists and patriots and they have to resist to imperialism and predatory capitalism. Only the united front will give our working class and our people the true freedom!

The bourgeoisie belongs to the past! Forward to socialism! For socialism until victory!


The Secretariat of SKOJ

March 28, 2008

=== 2 ===

(na srpskohrvatskom: 

[JUGOINFO] Februar 29, 2008 )

Secretary SKOJ: No to the imperialist change of borders in the Balkans


The SKOJ (Communist Youth League of Yugoslavia) rejects the imperialist change of borders in the Balkans in view of the unilateral and illegal declaration of "independence" of the southern Serbian province of Kosovo, under the patronage of the United States and the European Union.

The proclamation of the independence of Kosovo is unilateral, illegal and contrary to the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia and of Resolution 1244 of the UN Security Council. 

In Kosovo, the imperialists have an occupation policy which will lead to the resistance of the people. The leading foreign companies, which have the domination of the major industries, are led by people who played the major role in the dismantling of Yugoslavia and the secession of Kosovo (Madeleine Albright, former US Secretary of State, William Walker former leader of the OEBS in Kosovo, Bernard Kushner former head of the UNMIK.)

The nine-year occupation policy in Kosovo will destroy all the achievements made during the past five decades as the Kosovo had the support of the whole SFRY. The proof is the fact that 73% of the working population is unemployed, and that half of the unemployed are under 35 years old. In all parts of Kosovo is only a third of electricity generated than in the year 1999. The factories are working either not at all or only with a fraction of their capacity. A major problem for Kosovo is also the organized crime and corruption and the threat of elementary human rights. The main industries are in the hands of the NATO occupiers. 

The existing Situation is not in the interests of the people, it represents only the imperialist-expansionist aims of NATO. The goal of policy, which several international "peace commission" are making, is the further strengthening of the existing situation in accordance with the principle of "divide and conquer". The state organs of the Republic of Serbia have a duty to do everything possible to secure the territorial unity of the country, and have to take all legal, diplomatic, economic and political measures against states that support the unilateral

Declaration of independence of Kosovo. Serbia has the full right and the responsibility to defend its sovereignty and integrity. In contrast to this, all the steps of the Serbian state organs will be just empty rhetoric and the decision of the Government of Serbia on the non-recognition of the Kosovo will end with its nullification.  The recognition of the illegal secession of Kosovo from the EU and the United States have shown the real objectives of the aggression on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1999. Only the creation of an alliance between the Albanian and Serbian working class in Kosovo and their resistance against the expansionist policies of the United States and the EU will secure lasting peace.

Kosovo is an integral part of Serbia and will remain!


The Secretariat of SKOJ

February 17, 2008


=== 3 ===

(na srpskohrvatskom: 

[JUGOINFO] Februar 29, 2008 )

Secretary SKOJ: Pyrrhic victory of the neoliberal approach

With the help of government media and the support of the Western imperialists headed by the United States, the pro-imperialist presidential candidate, Boris Tadic, president of the Democratic Party (DS) realized his pyrrhic victory. The SKOJ (Communist Youth League of Yugoslavia) draws attention to the fact that these elections were conducted in accordance with rules that prefer bourgeois parties. This is another classic example of discrimination.  Moreover, these elections have shown that the lack of leftist candidates a large part of the epresentatives of socialism voted for the candidate of the Radical Party (RS) Tomislav Nikolic. These were voices of protest against the neo-liberal policies of the Serbian government, which is dominated by the Democratic Party of President Tadic. Tadic is fully in line with the western imperialism, which is against the interests of the working people of our country.  Boris Tadic works with intensity on the accession of our country to the European Union and the criminal NATO military alliance, which made the aggression on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1999. Serbia's accession to the European Union and NATO is to the interests of our people directly opposite. The states of the European Union and the United States are calling to the separation of Kosovo from Serbia. The NATO has this part of Serbia already occupied.  The pro imperialist and neoliberal policy, of President Tadic, adds the state and the people a lot of harm.  It is therefore in the interest of the working class, that Boris Tadic as short as possible remains in power. The response of the working class of Serbia must decisively and quickly. All progressive and patriotic elements under the leadership of the communists must form a united front against imperialism and neo-liberalism. The SKOJ understands the importance of this step and agitates for the action unity of all progressive and patriotic forces. The first step in this direction is the joint commencement of the progressive and patriotic forces in the local elections. The honest patriots in our latitudes are the communists headed by the NKPJ ( New Communist Party of Yugoslavia). This is the first step in the struggle for the liberation of labour from the capitalist oppression.

The Secretariat of SKOJ
February 3, 2008