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> From: Claudio Vito <claudiovitobuttazzo@...>
> Date sent: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 12:18:17 +0100 (CET)
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> Subject: [noocse-bo] Re: Che c'entra Radio Free Europe con No-ocse?
> [ Double-click this line for list subscription options ]
> Sono esterreftto. Apro il sito no-ocse e vi trovo
> messaggi, che pubblicizzano i programmi della radio
> della Cia Free Europe. Questa radio, che serve da
> anticipatore e copertura politico-ideologica
> dell'espansione economico-miliare nel neoliberismo
> nell'est-europeo, ha sede, dal 1990 a Praga (prima
> della caduta del muro era a Monaco di Baviera). E'
> finanziata direttamente dal Pentagono e vi lavora
> personale accuratamente selezionato tra le fila
> dell'anticomunsimo più sofisticato. La sede della
> radio, a Praga, è l'enorme e modernissimo edificio,
> attrezzato con tutti i comfort, che, prima della
> divisione della Cecoslovacchia, ospitava il parlamento
> federale cecoslovacco. E' stato affittato dai
> leccapiedi del governo ceco a Rdio Free Europe al
> prezzo simbolico di una corona (50 lire) annue. E' lo
> stesso governo che fa chiudere dalla polizia le
> emittenti indipendenti messe su alla meglio dai
> compagni del movimento ceco (prorio in questi giorni è
> stato chiuso dalla polizia a Praga il centro sociale
> Ladronka, l'unico centro sociale sopravvissuto in
> questi anni in quella città e dove funzionava anche
> una piccola emittente alternativa. E' stato chiuso con
> la scusa dei rumori. In realtà, è gia pronto un grande
> progetto di speculazione edilizia e di costruzione di
> un lussuoso complesso turistico-alberghiero).
> Le trasmissioni russe di questa radio Cia, addetta
> alla diversione ideologica neoliberista e
> guerrafondaia, è diretta da un italia (di cui ora non
> rivelo il nome), che fa da supervisore per tutte le
> trasmissioni dirette nei paesi slavi. Questo
> personaggio è stato per diversi anni in Urss ai tempi
> della guerra fredda con compiti di spionaggio e di
> provocazione. Una redazione serba presso radio free
> Europa è fuzionante da anni. I suoi membri sono stati
> accuratamente scelti tra i militanti di Otpor (alla
> faccia del pluralismo!), il movimento finanziato dallo
> speculatore finanziario Soros (non a caso di origini
> ungheresi), il quale finanzia pure radio B92 (tutto
> questo, naturalmente, lo fa per grande amore verso la
> democrazia!).
> --- Danica Razlag <razlag@...> ha scritto: >
> > Original text in Serbian at:
> >
> "http://www.danas.org/programi/most/2000/11/20001112125926.asp"
> >
> >
> >
> http://www.danas.org/programi/most/2000/11/20001112125926.asp
> >
> >
> > Programs in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian and Albanian
> > languages
> >
> >
> > November 12, 2000 7:00 p.m.
> >
> >
> > In Pristina: Ylber HYSA, director of the Campaign
> > for Civil Initiatives
> > of Kosovo and In Kosovo Polje: Protosyncellus Sava
> > JANJIC, spokesman of the
> > Serb National Council of Kosovo and Metohija
> >
> > Moderator: Omer KARABEG
> >
> > Have the victory of the opposition in elections in
> > the Federal Republic of
> > Yugoslavia and the victory of the Democratic
> > Alliance of Kosovo in local
> >
> > elections in that province created conditions for
> > the beginning of true dialog
> > on the future of Kosovo?
> >
> > RFE: Mr. Hysa, do you think that after the fall of
> > Milosevic conditions have
> > been created for the beginning of a dialog between
> > Ibrahim Rugova,
> >
> > whose party won office in the majority of Kosovo
> > municipalities, and the
> > president of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia,
> > Vojislav Kostunica?
> >
> > HYSA: I do not think that conditions have been
> > created for the beginning of a
> > dialog. Rugova is the president of a party which won
> > in the local
> >
> > elections in 21 of a total of 30 municipalities,
> > which is how many of them
> > there are in Kosovo, taking into account that Serbs
> > are in the majority
> >
> > in three municipalities and the Serbs, as you know,
> > did not participate in the
> > elections. This does not give him a mandate to
> > represent Kosovo.
> >
> > Such a mandate can be obtained only in national
> > elections which have yet to be
> > held in Kosovo. After all, Security Council
> > Resolution 1244 is
> >
> > very clear with respect to this point. It says that
> > first democratic
> > institutions are to be created in Kosovo, and only
> > then can talks take place
> >
> >
> > regarding the future status of Kosovo.
> >
> > RFE: Mr. Hysa, does this mean that in Kosovo at this
> > moment no person and no
> > party has a mandate to engage in dialog with
> > representatives of
> >
> > Serbia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia?
> >
> > HYSA: I think that is the case. Besides, I think
> > that such a dialog would be
> > risky, that it would be premature and that it would
> > not yield any
> >
> > results. Before it begins, a lot of things need to
> > be done in both Serbia and
> > Kosovo. Before us is the long path of
> > democratization, the long path
> >
> > of building institutions and consequently, at this
> > moment we would stand to
> > gain absolutely nothing from such talks even if they
> > were possible.
> >
> > JANJIC: The Albanians themselves must decide who on
> > the Albanian side is going
> > to participate in talks; that is their own business.
> > I think,
> >
> > nevertheless, that it is necessary to begin some
> > sort of preliminary talks and
> > negotiations in order to realize what is foreseen by
> > Resolution 1244
> >
> > which does not mention the issue of status but does
> > talk about the substantial
> > autonomy of Kosovo within the framework of the
> > Federal Republic
> >
> > of Yugoslavia.
> >
> > RFE: Mr. Janjic, if I understand correctly, you are
> > of the opinion that a
> > dialog could begin, as long as the most sensitive
> > issue, the issue of the
> >
> > status of Kosovo, is left unopened?
> >
> > JANJIC: Absolutely. There can be no talks on the
> > status of Kosovo under
> > conditions where there is no respect for the basic
> > human rights of
> >
> > Serbs and members of other non-Albanian communities
> > which live in Kosovo and
> > Metohija. In my opinion it is first necessary to
> > realize what is
> >
> > foreseen by Resolution 1244. I would agree with Mr.
> > Hysa that at this moment
> > we need to concentrate on the building of democratic
> > institutions
> >
> > which I understand to mean only those institutions
> > which are foreseen by
> > Resolution 1244. I mean, therefore, those
> > institutions which would, first
> >
> > of all, enable respect for the human rights and
> > freedoms of all the residents
> > of Kosovo and Metohija but not those institutions
> > which would fall
> >
> > outside the scope of the Resolution and prejudice
> > the issue of the province’s
> > status.
> >
> > RFE: Mr. Hysa, if the issue of the status of Kosovo
> > were to be left aside,
> > would it be possible at this moment to establish a
> > dialog between the
> >
> > Serb and Albanian sides regarding other key issues,
> > regarding issues of
> > coexistence?
> >
> > HYSA: There are different kinds of dialog. This
> > discussion, too, which we are
> > holding on "Radio Bridge is one form of dialog.
> > However,
> >
> > institutions have not yet been established in Kosovo
> > which would be able to
> > conduct official dialogs. If I understand correctly,
> > what you are
> >
> > saying and what Mr. Janjic insists on is the
> > creation of some sort of positive
> > relations, or so-called "confidence building
> > measures". One such
> >
> > step, for example, would be if the Albanian
> > prisoners in Serb jails were to be
> > released. That would be a positive example.
> >
> > RFE: Do you think that this is an issue about which
> > both Albanian and Serb
> > sides could talk about at this moment?
> >
> > HYSA: I do not think that this is something on which
> > we can negotiate. Because
> > these people are war hostages, not prisoners. Now,
> > after its
> >
> > acceptance into the United Nations, the Federal
> > Republic of Yugoslavia should
> > respect the standards of the international community
> > and free the
> >
> > imprisoned Albanians. This is a problem which should
> > be resolved by the
> > international community and Serbia. This is not an
> > issue on which we
> >
> > can negotiate.
> >
> > RFE: Mr. Janjic, in your opinion should all
> > Albanians who are presently in
> > prisons in Serbia be released?
> >
> === message truncated ===
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