E’ la Serbia il paese con il maggior numero di rifugiati

È tuttora la Serbia il paese europeo che ospita -assimilandoli- il
maggior numero di rifugiati - anche non serbi. A quanto riferiscono
le statistiche fornite dall’UNHCR e il Commissariato della Repubblica
per i Rifugiati in Serbia, ci sono circa 206,000 persone dal Kosovo
che vivono dislocate all’interno della Serbia.

Fonti: http://www.arci.it/news.php?id=9784

Beta News Agency
June 20, 2008

Serbia has most refugees in Europe

-According to statistics from the UNHCR and the
Republic Commissariat for Refugees in Serbia, there
are about 206,000 internally displaced persons from
Kosovo living in Serbia.
[That is, the West now recognizes Kosovo as an
independent nation, except when it comes to denying
refugee status and benefits to a quarter of a million
ethnic Serbs and tens if not hundreds of thousands of
other ethnic minorities from Kosovo - who are
categorized as internally displaced persons.
The West thus puts Serbia in the following
predictament: If Serbia recognizes the IDPs as
refugees, it de facto accepts Kosovo's unilateral
declaration of independence; if it doesn't, the IDPs
don't qualify for UN refugee aid. Rick Rozoff]

BELGRADE - International Refugee Day is being marked
today, with Serbia home to some 100,000 refugees from
Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia, the highest figure in
There are about 75 collective refugee centers in
Serbia sheltering some 6,000 people, while the rest
live in private accommodation or with family members.
The number of people with refugee status was 550,000
in 1996. With many receiving Serbian citizenship in
the meantime, that figure has since fallen to about
According to statistics from the UNHCR and the
Republic Commissariat for Refugees in Serbia, there
are about 206,000 internally displaced persons from
Kosovo living in Serbia.
UNHCR offices around the world and in Serbia received
some 75,000 applications for refugee status last year.
There are currently 67 million refugees in the world,
and that number has been on the increase over the last
two years.