Martti Ahtisaari: degno erede di Henry Kissinger e Shimon Peres.
Subito dopo avere ottenuto il premio Nobel chiede - per la pace? - che la Finlandia entri nella NATO...
Sul ruolo di Ahtisaari per la creazione di nuove gabbie etniche nei Balcani e la realizzazione del progetto nazista pan-albanese si veda anche, ad esempio:
1) НОБЕЛ АХТИСАРИУ ИЛИ НАТО-у (Живадин Јовановић)
2) Friedensratschlag kritisiert Nobelpreis-Komitee
4) Nobel Committee's Prize - yet another scandal / "Nobel's Will": Fredrik Heffermehl's analysis of the misuse of the most prestigeous peace prize ever (TFF -
5) Russia Outraged By Ahtisaari 'Peace' Prize / In Service To NATO Powers In Destabilizing Balkans
6) COMMENTARIES: The conflicting Nobel Peace Prize (Dmitry Kosyrev - RIAN) / Ahtisaari's Well Deserved Prize (Srdja Trifkovic -
7) Latest "peace" commitment by Martti Ahtisaari: Wants Finland in Nato!!!
Articles in english were posted by R. Rozoff through
=== 1 ===
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Friedensratschlag kritisiert Nobelpreis-Komitee
Datum: Fri, 10 Oct 2008 14:55:59 +0200
Von: Dr. Peter Strutynski <peter.strutynski @>
An: Verborgene_Empfaenger:;
Pressemitteilung des Bundesausschusses Friedensratschlag
- Verrat an Intention des Begründers des Friedensnobelpreises
- Zweifelhafte Leistung des Preisträgers im Kosovo-Konflikt
- Immer seltener wird genuine Friedensarbeit und -politik gewürdigt
Kassel, 10. Oktober 2008 - Zur Verleihung des Friedensnobelpreises 2008
an den finnischen Politiker Martti Ahtisaari erklärte der Sprecher des
Bundesausschusses Friedensratschlag in einer ersten Stellungnahme:
Vor wenigen Tagen veröffentlichte Fredrik S. Heffermehl, eine
norwegischer Jurist, ein Aufsehen erregendes Buch über die Geschichte
des Friedensnobelpreises. Seine wichtigste These: Der Preis sei häufig
an die falschen Personen vergeben worden, die Jury halte sich immer
weniger an die ursprüngliche Zielsetzung des Begründers des Preises,
Alfred Nobel.
Die Entscheidung des Nobelpreiskomitees, den Friedensnobelpreis 2008 an
Martti Ahtisaari zu vergeben, ist eine Bestätigung der Anklage
Heffermehls. Der finnische Politiker erfüllt keines der Kriterien, die
Alfred Nobel 1895 an die Preisvergabe gestellt hatte, nämlich einen
Beitrag zu leisten zur Brüderlichkeit unter den Menschen, zur
Reduzierung der Armeen und zur Gründung von Friedens-Kongressen.
Martti Ahtisaari wurde, so viel ist richtig, nach seiner Amtszeit als
finnischer Staatspräsident zu verschiedenen Konflikten als Vermittler
hinzu gezogen, etwa in Aceh (Indonesien) 2007, im Irak, in Namibia oder
in Nordirland 2000. Dafür erhielt er u.a. im Mai 2008 den
Félix-Houphouët-Boigny-Friedenspreis der UNESCO. Pikanterweise hielt
damals die Lobrede auf den Preisträger der frühere US-Außenminister
Henry Kissinger, bis zum heutigen Tag einer der prominentesten Berater
von US-Präsident Bush und in seiner Biografie eher ein Brandstifter denn
ein Friedensmann.
In bester oder besser: schlechter Erinnerung bleibt die "Leistung"
Ahtisaaris im Kosovokonflikt. Er erarbeitete im Auftrag der UNO den sog.
Ahtisaari-Plan einer "bewachten Souveränität", der einer staatlichen
Unabhängigkeit des Kosovo den Weg bereiten sollte. Mit diesem Plan
schoss er über sein Mandat und über das Völkerrecht derart hinaus, dass
nicht einmal der UN-Sicherheitsrat folgen wollte. Vor wenigen Tagen hat
das höchste Organ der UNO, die Generalversammlung, die einseitige
Unabhängigkeitserklärung des Kosovo zur Begutachtung an den
Internationalen Gerichtshof in Den Haag überwiesen.
Wenn man die Preisträger der letzten Jahre Revue passieren lässt, muss
man zum Schluss kommen, dass sie mit der ursprünglichen Idee Nobels
tatsächlich nicht mehr viel gemein haben. Manche von ihnen hätten eher
einen Umweltpreis oder einen Preis für Menschenrechtsarbeit oder für
humanitäre Hilfe bekommen können. (Vgl. z.B. die Kritik Heffermehls am
Friedensnobelpreis 2007 [Al Gore]:
Der letzte wirkliche "Friedenspreis", der diesen Namen auch verdient,
liegt 11 Jahre zurück: 1997 erhielt die internationale Landminenkampagne
den Friedensnobelpreis zugesprochen.
2008 hat das Nobel-Komitee (der Friedenspreis wird von Parlamentariern
des norwegischen Reichstags vergeben - auch das nicht im Sinn von Nobel)
einem angesehenen Politiker einen Freundschaftsdienst erwiesen - die
vielen unabhängigen Kandidaten, die mit genuiner Arbeit am Frieden, mit
Konfliktprävention und friedlicher Konfliktbearbeitung praktisch und
theoretisch zu tun haben, gingen wie so oft leer aus.
Für den Bundesausschuss Friedensratschlag:
Peter Strutynski, Kassel (Sprecher)
Bei Rückfragen:
P. Strutynski: 0561/804-2314; mobil: 0160-97628972
Unsere Empfehlung:
Besuchen Sie die friedenspolitische Website der AG Friedensforschung,
u.a. mit dem Dossier "Friedenspreise":
=== 3 ===
(ANSA) - PRISTINA, 10 OTT - La leadership albanese kosovara si e' felicitata oggi per l'attribuzione del Nobel per la Pace a Martti Ahtisaari - autore nei mesi scorsi del piano d'indipendenza sorvegliata, divenuto la base della secessione del Kosovo da Belgrado - estendendo anche a se stessa l'onore di questa ''grande vittoria''. ''E' un premio meritato'', ha dichiarato all'ANSA il presidente del Kosovo, Fatmir Sejdiu. ''Facciamo tanti auguri al presidente Ahtisaari per questo premio prestigioso'', ha aggiunto, assicurando che Pristina si impegnera' da parte sua a ''tener fede alle promesse fatte alla comunita' internazionale durante il processo di conseguimento dell'indipendenza''. ''Congratulazioni ad Ahtisaari - ha fatto eco lo speaker del Parlamento locale, Jakup Kraniqi - per un riconoscimento che rappresenta una grande vittoria anche per il Kosovo''. (ANSA) RED (ANSA) - BELGRADO, 10 OTT - La concessione del premio Nobel per la pace a Martti Ahtisaari e' stato accolta oggi con amarezza dall'ex premier nazional-conservatore serbo Vojislav Kostunica, strenuo oppositore della legittimita' del divorzio del Kosovo da Belgrado. Kostunica ha rimproverato il negoziatore ed ex presidente finlandese di aver aperto le porte, con il suo piano di soluzione, alla ''creazione del falso Stato del Kosovo'', ma anche di essere animato da una sorta di pregiudizio etnico antiserbo. ''Ahtisaari sara' ricordato per la sua affermazione secondo cui i serbi sono colpevoli in quanto popolo'', ha dichiarato Kostunica, denunciando questa espressione come ''inaccettabile e grossolana''. L'ex premier, citato dall'agenzia Tanjug, ha quindi sottolineato che questo premio - e la dichiarazione rimbalzata oggi dal comitato di Oslo in base alla quale l'indipendenza di Pristina sarebbe stato uno sbocco ''senza alternative'' - non sono accettabili e devono spingere ''la Serbia a mostrarsi ancor piu' decisa e ferma nella difesa della sua legittima sovranita' sul Kosovo''. (ANSA) RED
10/10/2008 16:55
10/10/2008 16:56
(ANSA) - BELGRADO, 10 OTT - La Serbia ''spera'' che il Nobel per la Pace attribuito oggi al finlandese Martti Ahtisaari ''non sia stato assegnato per la sua opera di mediazione nel Kosovo'', laddove - a giudizio di Belgrado - egli ''ha aiutato una secessione illegittima, aumentando le tensioni nei Balcani e i pericoli per la pace''. Lo ha detto all'ANSA il capo dell'ufficio stampa del governo serbo, Miroslav Mihajilovic. (ANSA). LR (ANSA) - BELGRADO, 10 OTT - ''Spero che il Nobel ad Ahtisaari sia stato assegnato per altre opere di mediazione e non per quella sul Kosovo'', ha detto Mihajilovic, poiche' ''sarebbe l'unico Nobel premiato per una carta inapplicabile e non accettata''. Il suo piano sul Kosovo, secondo Mihajlovic, avrebbe infatti ''soltanto aiutato una secessione illegittima, aumentando le tensioni nei Balcani e i pericoli per la pace''. Interpellato sulle previsioni (smentite) che fino a ieri ipotizzavano l'attribuzione del premio a un dissidente cinese o un'attivista russa dei diritti umani, il portavoce di Belgrado ha poi osservato polemicamente come ''sia piu' facile colpire la piccola Serbia che non irritare le grandi potenze''. ''La Serbia - ha soggiunto - doveva essere punita anche per aver sfidato gli Stati Uniti nell'Assemblea generale dell'Onu'', dove due giorni fa ha ottenuto il via libera al trasferimento della questione kosovara alla Corte di Giustizia internazionale dell'Aja per un parere legale sulla legittimita' dello strappo attuato da Pristina il 17 febbraio. (ANSA). LR
10/10/2008 17:30
10/10/2008 17:30
(di Alessandro Logroscino) (ANSA) - BELGRADO, 10 OTT - In Occidente la mediazione sul Kosovo gli e' valsa piu' d'ogni altra la nomea di negoziatore delle cause disperate. Ma nei Balcani l'eredita' di Martti Ahtisaari continua a seminare discordie anche nel giorno dell'assegnazione del Nobel per la pace: con la leadership albanese-kosovara pronta a esultare (e persino a ritagliare per se' un pezzo di gloria) e l'establishment serbo inesorabile nel proiettare sul prescelto l'ombra di sospetti e recriminazioni. Autore e mentore del ''piano di pace'' sfociato il 17 febbraio scorso nella controversa proclamazione unilaterale d' indipendenza del Kosovo dalla Serbia, Ahtisaari e' stato congratulato senza mezze misure a Pristina. ''Premio piu' che meritato'', ha sentenziato il presidente kosovaro, Fatmir Sejdiu. ''Degno d'ogni rispetto'', gli ha fatto eco lo speaker del Parlamento, Jakup Kraniqi, estendendo un po' anche ''al Kosovo sovrano'' l'onore di questa ''grande vittoria''. Toni imbarazzanti - chissa' - per un mediatore tanto elogiato da una delle parti, quanto malvisto dall'altra. Come testimonia dall'opposta trincea di Belgrado il gelido silenzio dei vertici istituzionali serbi, limitatisi in prima battuta ad affidare a un portavoce l'eco del sentimento collettivo offeso. ''Spero che il Nobel ad Ahtisaari sia stato assegnato per altre opere di mediazione e non per quella sul Kosovo'', laddove egli ha ''soltanto aiutato una secessione illegittima, aumentando le tensioni nei Balcani e i pericoli per la pace'', ha tagliato corto all'ANSA Miroslav Mihajilovic, capo ufficio stampa del nuovo governo europeista di Belgrado. Parole dure accanto alle quali fa capolino la convinzione che la Serbia sia stata umiliata in quanto ''pesce piccolo'' della scena internazionale. E che la decorazione ad Ahtisaari finisca per trasformarsi in occasione di ''vendetta per gli Stati Uniti, dopo la spiacevole sorpresa subita da parte dell'Assemblea generale dell'Onu'': favorevole due giorni fa - in barba alla contrarieta' americana - alla richiesta serba di trasferire il dossier kosovaro alla Corte di Giustizia dell'Aja per una delicata pronuncia sulla legittimita' dello strappo di febbraio. Come se non bastasse, l'ex premier nazional-conservatore Vojislav Kostunica si e' spinto fino evocare lo spettro del pregiudizio razziale sull'ex presidente finlandese. Ricordando velenosamente una sua affermazione sulle presunte colpe ''dei serbi in quanto popolo'' nella sanguinosa vicenda della dissoluzione dell'ex Jugoslavia. Mentre Dusan Janjic, analista belgradese di orientamento moderato, ha sottolineando all'ANSA come proprio nei Balcani il mandato negoziale di Ahtisaari ''non sia stato coronato da successo'' e non sia riuscito a ''sciogliere un nodo che resta irrisolto''. Neppure il momento dell'annuncio del Comitato di Oslo appare del tutto felice. E' di ieri la notizia del riconoscimento della secessione kosovara da parte di altre due repubbliche ex jugoslave - Montenegro e Macedonia, strette fra gli antichi legami con la Serbia, le pressioni di quel club euroatlantico in cui aspirano a entrare e la necessita' di tenere a bada le tentazioni irredentiste delle rispettive minoranze albanesi - seguito dalle immediate ritorsioni diplomatiche di Belgrado e da una nuovo abbozzo di crisi regionale. Mentre risale a mercoledi' 8 il contrastato via libera di Palazzo di Vetro al ricorso serbo alla Corte di Giustizia: destinato a lasciare sub judice a lungo (almeno formalmente) l'indipendenza di Pristina e a offrire argomenti a chi, come Ossezia del Sud o Abkhazia, si richiama in altri scacchieri al ''precedente kosovaro''. La morale di tutto questo - dal punto di vista serbo e non senza tracce di vittimismo - prova a tracciarla ancora Mihajilovic. Convinto che Ahtisaari sia stato preferito alla fine ad altri candidati della vigilia (dai dissidenti cinesi a quelli russi) poiche' ''in fondo e' piu' facile colpire la piccola Serbia che irritare le grandi potenze''. (ANSA). LR === 4 === "Nobels vilje" - "Nobel's Will" About Fredrik Heffermehl's sensational analysis of the misuse of the most prestigeous peace prize ever The intention behind Nobel´s Peace Prize has sunk into oblivion, the Norwegian parliamentarians he entrusted with the award of the prize have taken it over and made it their peace prize. Since the end of WWII in 1946 well over half of the peace prizes have failed to respect elementary principles on the interpretation of wills. This is asserted by Fredrik S. Heffermehl, a Norwegian lawyer, in a new book, Nobel´s Will, that is available in Norwegian on Oct. 7, few days before the announcement of the winner/s of the 2008 Nobel Peace Prize. - In 1948 the Norwegian parliament introduced a new procedure which is illegal, says Mr. Heffermehl, since the seats on the Nobel committee were allocated to the parties in parliament who have proved more concerned about the welfare of their own veterans than with Nobel´s intention and the content of the will. Since WWII the secretaries of the Nobel committee have been educated in history and languages and, according to the book Nobel´s Will, the committee cannot have received proper advice regarding the applicable legal constraints. The author describes the legal principles that the committee is obliged to respect, and on this basis he evaluates each of the prizes and to what extent the committee has given a tenable justification for the awards. Mr. Heffermehl´s conclusion is that the peace prize has removed itself more and more from the intention of Nobel; it has ceased to challenge the social forces it was established to combat. We have collected some of the central texts, interviews, reviews so you may follow this debate: Aftenposten, Oslo - "Nobelprisen misbrukes!" Economic Times, India - Nobel Peace Prizes to Mother Teresa, Al Gore illegal: Lawyer Last year Jan Oberg wrote a critical argument against Al Gore's being awarded the prize "Nobelpriset till Gore - en allvarlig felbedömning" Information Fredrik Heffermehl - Dagbladet 7 juli 2008 Copyright © TFF & the author 1997 till today. All rights reserved. === 5 ===
10/10/2008 18:37
Ahtisaari has repeatedly functioned as "peace fixer" for Western power elites. In 1999 he was the envoy who persuaded the Serb state to give in after NATO's 78 days of bombing, the most brutal event in Europe since 1945, which also lacked a UN Security Council mandate.
He then was appointed as the "architect" of the plan behind the separation of now "independent" Kosovo which, following this bombing, broke off from Serbia. Independent Kosovo is recognized by only 25% of the world's governments.
So, Ahtisaari is a man who by his "mediations" fully endorses the "peace" brought about by militarist means and international law violations - rather than following the UN norm of "peace by peaceful means."
The Nobel Committee should, according to Nobel's will, not necessarily consist of Norwegian parliamentarians. Nobel only stated that those who decided on the Prize should be appointed by the Norwegian Parliament.
Would anyone dream of letting a group of parliamentarians anywhere award the prize in, say, medicine, physics or literature without having the slightest knowledge of the subject or professional background? Yet this is exactly what the Nobel Committee does. None of them have any professional knowledge about the subject of peace.
The Committee has again rewarded one of its politician friends instead of one of the independent candidates of this year, who have truly contributed intellectually, culturally or people-to-people wise to genuine peace.
This is a scandal - one more after Al Gore last year.
"The Nobel Peace Prize 200/: A great misjudgement"Russia Outraged By Ahtisaari 'Peace' Prize
Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"
Fri Oct 10, 2008 6:18 am (PDT)
Russian Information Agency Novosti
October 10, 2008
2008 Nobel Peace Prize choice stirs up resentment in Russia
MOSCOW - A decision to award Martti Ahtisaari the 2008
Nobel Peace Prize is likely to cause anger among those
opposed to Kosovo's independence, a senior Russian
lawmaker said on Friday.
Former Finnish president Ahtisaari was announced
earlier on Friday as the 2008 Nobel Peace Prize
laureate in recognition of his three decades of
worldwide mediation efforts, including his role in
"If not his UN mission on Kosovo, which Ahtisaari,
let's face it, failed to fulfill, the award would not
have given rise to unpleasant feelings among those who
consider Kosovo's independence illegitimate, " said
Mikhail Margelov, head of the upper house's
international affairs committee.
Margelov said Ahtisaari's other achievements
outweighed his "failure" in Kosovo, but that failure
"meant Serbia's breakup."
As UN Special Envoy for Kosovo, Ahtisaari laid out a
plan in 2007 proposing "supervised independence" for
the Albanian-dominated province. It was backed by the
Kosovo government, the U.S. and Europe, but strongly
opposed by Serbia and Russia as infringing on the
former's territorial integrity.
Kosovo unilaterally declared independence from Serbia
in February and has since been recognized by the
United States and the majority of European countries.
Russia, Serbia's long-time ally and a veto-wielding UN
Security Council member, has refused to follow suit.
Macedonia and Montenegro, both formerly part of
Yugoslavia, recognized Kosovo - considered by Serbs to
be their religious and historical heartland - late on
Both countries are seeking to join NATO and the
European Union and had been under pressure from the
United States and some EU countries to recognize
Kosovo's sovereignty.
General Leonid Ivashov, head of the Academy of
Geopolitical Problems think-tank, said the prize was
awarded to Ahtisaari for his role in the secession of
Kosovo from Serbia.
"The politician worked on the U.S. and NATO's side and
did everything to destroy Yugoslavia and annex
Kosovo," Ivashov said. "The peace prize is obviously
an award for his zealous efforts in that shameful
process."Ahtisaari: In Service To NATO Powers In Destabilizing Balkans
Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"
Fri Oct 10, 2008 9:37 am (PDT)
ADN Kronos International (Italy)
October 10, 2008
Serbia: Ahtisaari's Nobel Peace Prize win shocks observers
Belgrade – Serbian politicians and analysts reacted
with dismay when this year's Nobel Peace Prize was
awarded to Finnish diplomat Martti Ahtisaari on Friday
for three decades of mediation around the world.
Ahtisaari mediated in the Balkan conflicts and forged
a plan for the independence of Kosovo from Serbia. He
also brokered a landmark peace deal in 1995 between
Jakarta and separatist rebels in the Indonesian
province of Aceh.
Belgrade analyst Cvijetin Milivojevic laughed at the
news that Ahtisaari had been awarded the peace prize.
“Ahtisaari negotiated no peace in Kosovo, but awarded
ethnic Albanians a state on Serbian territory,”
Milivojevic told Adnkronos International (AKI).
“He was, in fact, rewarded for carrying out the orders
of the major powers,” Milivojevic added.
Ahtisaari was the only international mediator whose
plan was not approved by the UN Security Council, but
was implemented in Kosovo by a policy of force, said
Serbia's former prime minister Vojislav Kostunica.
"It only confirms that the mentors of a false Kosovo
state are exerting pressure in all fields,” said
Kostunica, a staunch opponent of Kosovo's
But Kosovo's ethnic Albanian leaders all agreed that
the award had gone to the right person and that it
represented another “victory for Kosovo”.
“This is an exceptionally important recognition that
is no doubt more than deserving,” said Kosovo's
President Fatmir Seidiu.
Kosovo Serb leader, Milan Ivanovic, disagreed with
"Ahtisaari is the last person who should get the Nobel
peace prize," he said.
He created a one-sided pro-Albanian plan for solving
the Kosovo problem which completely ignored Serbs and
the interests of Serbian state, Ivanovic told Serbian
news agency Beta.
“He contributed nothing to peace, but was in the
service of world powers which destabilised the
situation in the Balkans for a long period,” Ivanovic
Russian Information Agency Novosti
October 13, 2008
The conflicting Nobel Peace Prize
MOSCOW - On Friday, former Finnish President Martti
Ahtisaari won the $1.4 million (10 million Swedish
krona) Nobel Peace Prize for his 30-year work as peace
mediator on different continents and for his
contribution to settling the Kosovo conflict.
Naturally, millions of people in Russia, Serbia and
dozens of other countries will be enraged because
Kosovo is not a classic example of a peace settlement.
On the contrary, the conflict highlights a situation
when the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), a terrorist
organization, used the most brutal methods, including
armed force, to expel the Serbs from their native
lands. However, KLA attacks met with armed Serb
In 1999, the United States and several European
countries decided to support the KLA and enabled it to
establish control over Kosovo, thanks to a plan
formulated by UN Special Envoy Martti Ahtisaari in
violation of international law. Now Kosovo is a
Taiwan-style territory which is officially recognized
by some nations and shunned by others. But at least
there is no more warfare there.
In 1999, NATO launched air strikes against Belgrade
and forced it to cede Kosovo to the Albanian diaspora.
Had the Kosovo conflict erupted after September 11,
2001, the situation could have been different because
the international community had changed its opinion of
terrorism and armed separatism after the 9/11 attacks
in New York and Washington. Nonetheless, the issue is
still being debated.
The awarding of the 2008 Nobel Peace Prize to
Ahtisaari is probably the most scandalous decision in
the past 10-15 years.
However, the decision highlights all-out disagreements
between the international community on some key
issues, including war and peace, justice and legality.
The Norwegian Nobel Committee's controversial decision
has sparked a lively debate that will continue for a
This and other similar decisions will always be
controversial because the losing side in a conflict
will feel that it has been treated unjustly. Peace
enforcement also served to aggravate the situation in
the former Yugoslavia.
The Committee should therefore look for different
approaches and promote other candidates, rather than
career diplomats like Ahtisaari.
In the last few years, the Norwegian committee has
awarded the Peace Prize to many people who have had
nothing to do with peace-making or the prevention of
In 1996, East Timor's outspoken and often fiery Roman
Catholic bishop Carlos Belo and an exiled activist,
Jose Ramos-Horta, shared the Peace Prize "for their
work toward a just and peaceful solution to the
conflict in East Timor."
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