Non sono originari di un territorio della Federazione Russa, e non sono
secessionisti, anche se forse non disdegnano l'alleanza con settori
secessionisti di altri territori. Non sono nemmeno musulmani. Il loro
comandante e' un tale Velimir Ilic, che si vanta di avere organizzato le
squadracce che hanno dato l'assalto al parlamento ed alla
radiotelevisione del suo paese (vedasi ad esempio le dichiarazioni che
ha rilasciato all'agenzia di stampa AFP: I "ciaceni" non
dispongono di armi pesanti (almeno per ora...), ma usano volentieri i
bulldozer per rimuovere ogni ostacolo interposto sul loro cammino.

"Ciaceni" e' il nome ironico che nelle barzellette che girano in
Jugoslavia viene assegnato agli abitanti di Cacak per colpa del loro
sindaco, golpista esponente della opposizione filo-occidentale.

> ...The fiercely anti-communist mayor of Cacak, Velimir Ilic, told the
French news
> agency AFP that his armed "commando" of
> 2,000 men had set out quite deliberately on October 5 to "take control
of the key
> institutions of the regime, including the parliament and the
> "Our action had been prepared in advance. Among my men were
> troops, former army and police officers as well as men who had fought
in special forces," he told
> AFP. "A number of us wore bullet-proof vests and carried weapons", he
added proudly.
> Ilic said contact was maintained throughout the action with high
police and Interior Ministry
> officials, but that president-elect Kostunica was unaware of what was
going on. "We were
> afraid he'd be opposed", said Ilic. And indeed, when he got word of
what was going on,
> Kostunica by all accounts prevented the commandos from hunting down
Milosevic and
> giving their spectacle a bloody finale. Some of these former "special
forces" commandos
> included veterans of the civil wars in Croatia and Bosnia. The peak of
irony lies in the fact
> that such paramilitaries, primarily responsible for giving the Serbian
people the
> (unjustified) reputation of "ethnic cleansers" and war criminals, were
instantly promoted by
> Western media into heroes of an inspiring "democratic revolution". But
there is a
> consistency about it: the same tiny group of men are able to perform
for world media as an
> exaggerated caricature of "the Serbs", first as villains, later as
> (Diana Johnstone, "In a spin" - )


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