(Per maggiori dettagli sulle iniziative in programma a Belgrado, promosse da varie organizzazioni, per i 10 anni dai bombardamenti NATO, si veda anche sul nostro sito:


International Round Table: 

Zivadin Jovanovic, President of the Belgrade Forum 
and Former Foreign Minister of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

Location (has changed!):  Sava-Center,  Milentija Popovica No. 9 , New Belgrade / Novi Beograd 

The Round Table will take place on 23th March (all day) and 24th March (in the morning)

Sunday, March 22nd

                     Arrival of foreign guests to Belgrade
18.00            Opening of the Exhibition of photos and books on NATO aggression
                     “Sava” conference center, Milentija Popovica No. 9, New  Belgrade.
                     Welcome Cocktail.

Monday, March 23rd

08.30              Departure from the hotel
09.00              Registration of the participants of the Conference,                                             
                      "Sava" Center in front of 1/A conference room. 
10.00              Opening of the International Conference
                "NATO aggression on Yugoslavia (Serbia) 
                - objectives and consequences - ten years after"
                Invited foreign and Serbian personalities from the Yugoslavia Solidarity speak.

14.00 – 15.00  Lunch in the “Sava” center restaurant
15.00 - 19.00   Continuation of the Conference
                           Departure to the hotels by bus/car

20.00   Review of documentary films on NATO aggression at the "Sava" Conference Center.  

Tuesday, March 24rth, 2009

08.30               Departure from hotels to the “Sava” Conference Center              
09.00               Continuation of the work of the International Conference at the "Sava" Conference Center

09.00               Delegation of the International Conference lays flowers at the 
                         Monument to the children - 
victims of the NATO aggression
                         at the Tashmajdan Park.         

14.00               Lunch in the “Sava” Center restaurant
15.00               Continuation of the work of the Conference

Music starting
at 15:00 in Trg Republike (Republic Square) - Beograd

17.00               Adoption of the Belgrade International Conference Declaration

        Demonstration starting
at 19:00 in Trg Republike (Republic Square) - Beograd

20.00               Review of the documentary films, the “Sava” Center 


25th March 2009

A Day's excursion to Pozarevac

Host: ICDSM / Narodni Pokret Srbije

* at 12:00 coaches leaving from Parking place in Pariska Ulica nera to the French Embassy and in front of Kalemegdan, directed to Pozarevac (trip lasts 90m)

* Wreath-Laying Ceremony at the grave of the former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic 

During NATO's aggression against his country – even as his home was bombed by NATO planes – the former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic was indicted by the NATO-initiated and financed Hague Tribunal for ex-Yugoslavia (ICTY). When it became evident that the NATO reports of genocide in Kosovo, with hundreds of thousands of deaths, were nothing more than war propaganda, the tribunal charged Milosevic, instead with crimes in Bosnia and Croatia. Western countries’ pressure and blackmail resulted in Milosevic's arrest and secret extradition by the newly formed, so-called democratic government of Serbia. Milosevic chose to make a political defense in front a political court. He revealed the primary responsibility of the USA and Germany for the dismemberment of Yugoslavia, the unleashing and fueling of a bloody war, the arming of all non-Serb parties to that war and the creation of a tribunal under their control. The Western version of the Balkan war(s) is based on nothing but lies and it was Milosevic who exposed those lies one after the other. In March 2006, he died in prison – shortly after the chamber denied him special medical treatment. Throughout the trial, the prosecution was unable to prove any criminal conduct on his part. 

* Solidarity rally for former RTS-director Dragoljub Milanovic, followed by an international delegation's visit with Milanovic in prison 

During the NATO bombing campaign, the headquarters of Radio-Television Serbia, RTS, situated in downtown Belgrade was hit, killing 16 people, wounding 130. None of those responsible for the NATO air attack were prosecuted for this war crime. Instead the victims of this asymmetrical war were held responsible. Under pressure of NATO governments, the new Serbian puppet regime indicted and convicted Dragoljub Milanovic, director of RTS, at the time of the bombing , for not having ceased all broadcasts and sent home the crew. 
A small international delegation (Ramsey Clark, Maitre Tiphaine Dickson, Peter Handke, Vladimir Krsljanin and myself) will be able to visit Dragoljub Milanovic in prison.

A get-together, political exchange – meeting in a Restaurant in Pozarevac

Welcoming Addresses by the initiators of the international solidarity campaign, Prof. Sergei Baburin, Ramsey Clark, Klaus Hartmann, Vladimir Krsljanin and Prof. Velko Valkanov.