(english / italiano)

Decimo anniversario del bombardamento dell’ambasciata cinese a Belgrado

1) 10° anniversario del bombardamento dell’ambasciata cinese a Belgrado / 10th anniversary of the bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade (People's Daily, China)

2) CIA Figure In NATO Bombing Of Chinese Embassy Murdered (trovato morto negli USA l'uomo della CIA che aveva selezionato gli obiettivi dei bombardamenti NATO, tra i quali l'ambasciata della Repubblica Popolare Cinese)

=== 1 ===

www.resistenze.org - popoli resistenti - cina - 19-05-09 - n. 274

Traduzione dall'inglese per www.resistenze.org a cura del Centro di Cultura e Documentazione Popolare
10° anniversario del bombardamento dell’ambasciata cinese a Belgrado
Nella notte del 7 maggio 1999, ora di Belgrado (la mattina dell’8 maggio a Pechino) la NATO, sotto la guida degli Stati Uniti, sfacciatamente attaccava con i missili l'ambasciata cinese a Belgrado, provocando la morte di tre giornalisti cinesi e gravi danni agli edifici dell’ambasciata. Questo è stata una barbara scena nella storia umana.
Dieci anni più tardi, i media statunitensi si sono scientemente scordati di questo evento e rare sono le riconsiderazioni da parte delle autorità statunitensi. Il "bombardamento errato” resta la spiegazione ultima e la posizione degli Stati Uniti.
Un membro della presidenza del gruppo consultivo statunitense per gli affari cinesi ha affermato che la Cina, 10 anni dopo l'evento, è cresciuta e le relazioni con gli Stati Uniti sono rimaste stabili e si sono sviluppate a buon ritmo. Il "bombardamento errato" è diventato un evento insignificante della storia. Esperti cinesi in questioni militari tuttavia ritengono che se nel corso degli ultimi 10 anni le relazioni tra i due paesi si sono ampliate piuttosto che entrare in una fase di stagnazione, è solo perché la Cina ha compiuto enormi e sinceri sforzi in questo senso. Tenendo conto del fatto che questo evento riguarda una pagina di storia passata, la sorveglianza e la latente ostilità che gli Stati Uniti dimostrano nei confronti della Cina non sembra essere scomparsa. Il migliore esempio per dimostrare tale posizione si ha con i risultati del monitoraggio delle navi statunitensi per il trasporto di truppe nei mari cinesi nel corso degli ultimi due mesi.
Prima e dopo il 7 maggio di ogni anno, le corone e ghirlande adagiate da tutto il personale dell’ambasciata cinese in Serbia, dalle locali organizzazioni cinesi, dalle Ong siberiane e da singoli individui possono essere viste di fronte all'ambasciata cinese oggetto del bombardamento. Davanti all’ambasciata è stato eretto un monumento dove, a mezzogiorno del 7 maggio 2009, le persone convenute hanno assistito all’inaugurazione e alla posa dei fiori da parte di Jinghua Wei, ambasciatore cinese della Repubblica di Serbia, e Dragan Ailas, sindaco di Belgrado. Sul monumento è incisa in cinese e in serbo questa frase: "Con ciò si ringrazia per il sostegno e l'amicizia che la Repubblica Popolare della Cina ha fornito al popolo della Repubblica di Serbia durante uno dei suoi momenti più difficili. Questo monumento è istituito in segno di lutto per le vittime". Un funzionario locale che ha partecipato all’iniziativa ha riferito che la comunità internazionale manipolata dagli Stati Uniti non ha risposto adeguatamente, né ha condotto in modo approfondito le indagini sui bombardamenti all'ambasciata.
I reporter del Global Times hanno appreso che già nel febbraio di quest'anno, i sostenitori della Cina in Serbia, compresi il rettore dell'Università di Belgrado, il presidente dell'Associazione di amicizia Serbia-Cina ed il decano dell’Istituto Confucio avevano scritto congiuntamente una lettera al governo della città di Belgrado. Proponevano di erigere lapidi per i tre martiri: Shao-Yunhuan, Xu Xinghu e Zhu Ying. Alle ore 24 del 24 marzo, l'intera nazione della Serbia ha suonato l'allarme a lutto per le vittime dei bombardamenti NATO di 10 anni fa ed ha inoltre ricordato al popolo serbo che il paese non dimenticherà questa parte della storia.
La NATO, dopo il selvaggio bombardamento dell’ambasciata cinese, rilasciò una dichiarazione affermando di provare rammarico per le lesioni causate all’ambasciata e ai suoi diplomatici. Gli Stati Uniti e la NATO si scusarono dicendo che i funzionari dell’intelligence avevano utilizzato mappe non aggiornate, sebbene l’edificio dell'ambasciata cinese a Belgrado si distinguesse dagli altri. Questo bombardamento potrebbe ulteriormente complicare gli sforzi occidentali per garantire una risoluzione delle controversie per il Kosovo attraverso mezzi diplomatici, e provocare tensioni tra la Cina e gli Stati Uniti. Il New York Times del 9 maggio 1999 riferiva: "La gente dice che a Belgrado è difficile confondere l'ambasciata cinese con un obiettivo. L'ambasciata cinese è una struttura in marmo con vetri a specchio blu con sopra issata la bandiera cinese, mentre [il presunto obiettivo] è situato in un edificio bianco" ed è più vecchio.
Anche gli Stati Uniti meditarono sui propri errori dopo il bombardamento dell’ambasciata cinese. Cohen, l'allora segretario alla Difesa, annunciò che le mappe del ministero, così come segnalazioni dell’intelligence, sarebbe state aggiornate in modo da riportare accuratamente le precise coordinate di ambasciate e di altri luoghi di interesse. Il Boston Globe riferì, il 12 aprile 2000, che la CIA aveva preso provvedimenti contro sette dipendenti responsabili dei bombardamenti dell’ambasciata cinese a Belgrado. Il Washington Post riportava l’11 aprile dello stesso anno che la CIA aveva effettuato indagini e imposto le relative sanzioni in relazione al bombardamento all'ambasciata cinese dell’anno precedente. Funzionari della Casa Bianca hanno sempre insistito sul fatto che il bombardamento fu un incidente causato da una serie di errori a seguito del ricorso a mappe obsolete. Avevano pianificato di bombardare un dipartimento per l’approvvigionamento di armi della Repubblica Federale di Jugoslavia, ma le bombe in realtà colpirono l'ambasciata cinese a diverse centinaia di metri di distanza. Dopo l'incidente verificatosi nel Mar Cinese Meridionale a marzo di quest'anno, in cui navi cinesi e statunitensi sono state impegnate in un confronto, una relazione del Los Angeles Times menzionava il bombardamento dell’ambasciata e la relativa uccisione dei tre giornalisti cinesi per dare conto degli attriti militari e diplomatici tra Cina e Stati Uniti, citando notizie Reuters. La relazione affermava che il presidente statunitense Clinton e altri funzionari espressero le loro scuse per questo tragico errore e una irritata Cina aveva ritardato di tre mesi i colloqui per l'adesione all’organizzazione Mondiale del Commercio (WTO).
Gli alleati della NATO si allinearono con gli Stati Uniti sul caso del bombardamento. Un dirigente del Thales Group, importante produttore francese di strumentazione per la difesa, una volta affermò che nessun paese al mondo avrebbe fatto intenzionalmente queste cose alla Cina, e che persino gli Stati Uniti hanno dovuto pensare a quali conseguenze potrebbero affrontare facendo ricorso alla forza contro un paese in possesso di armi nucleari e con il potere di veto al Consiglio di sicurezza dell'ONU.
Kenneth Lieberthal, ex consulente per la Cina della campagna elettorale di Obama, ha riferito che molti eventi storici vengono spesso citati nei seminari organizzati dalle scuole di pensiero di Washington, tra cui il ventesimo anniversario dell'inizio dei rapporti diplomatici tra Cina e Stati Uniti, il decimo anniversario del bombardamento dell’ambasciata cinese nella Repubblica Federale di Jugoslavia ed altri. Ad esempio, il decimo anniversario del bombardamento all’ambasciata cinese è stato menzionato in un seminario rivolto ai giovani cinesi tenuto dalla statunitense Brookings Institution alla fine aprile. Lieberthal pensa che negli Stati Uniti l’idea del “bombardamento errato” abbia preso piede, che le persone responsabili siano già state sostituite, e che il bombardamento all’ambasciata sia stato progressivamente dimenticato. Dieci anni più tardi, la Cina è cresciuta e le relazioni bilaterali Cina-USA si sono stabilizzate, la situazione generale sta cambiando in meglio ed il "bombardamento errato" è già diventato un evento della storia.
L’esperto militare cinese, Dai Xu, ha dichiarato che gli Stati Uniti non direbbero certamente di aver bombardato l’ambasciata “di proposito”, ma chiunque negli Stati Uniti e in Cina comprende ciò che è accaduto. Dieci anni dopo questo evento storico, la pagina del “bombardamento all’ambasciata” è stata voltata, ma gli Stati Uniti devono affrontare in modo chiaro la natura del problema. Sono ancora impegnati nella provocazione della sovranità della Cina, come dimostra la recente attività di sorveglianza sulle navi statunitensi nel Mar Cinese Meridionale e nel Mar Giallo. Si potrebbe dire che gli Stati Uniti producano un nesso causale tra gli incidente del bombardamento all'ambasciata e quello della collisione aerea di anni fa, il che dimostra il modo di pensare preventivo e potenzialmente ostile di questo paese. Dai Xu ha dichiarato che tale mentalità e ostilità non scompare voltando questa pagina di storia. Gli Stati Uniti e la Cina negli ultimi dieci anni sono stati impegnati in una cooperazione su vasta scala, che si basa su una grande sincerità come dimostrato dalla Cina. Lo sviluppo delle relazioni si basa fortemente sullo sforzo di entrambe le parti. Gli Stati Uniti dovrebbero imparare da queste lezioni ed astenersi dal provocare la sovranità di altre nazioni.
L’analisi di Dai Xu può essere avvalorata da quanto emerge all’interno di certi settori dell’opinione pubblica americana. La Jamestown Foundation ha pubblicato un articolo il 30 aprile, dicendo che "Le recriminazioni scoppiate tra la Repubblica Popolare di Cina e gli Stati Uniti nel corso degli ultimi confronti navali sino-americani rendono evidente quanti pochi progressi siano stati compiuti nel dialogo sulla difesa tra i due paesi nel corso degli ultimi due decenni ". Sulla Cina ha detto: “I cinesi hanno prontamente sospeso diversi colloqui militari, scambi e altri contatti in materia di difesa dopo il bombardamento dell’ambasciata di Belgrado nel 1999, la collisione del cacciabombardiere PE-3, in ritorsione all'annuncio degli Stati Uniti di importanti vendite di armi a Taiwan". Ha aggiunto inoltre che "mentre i funzionari statunitensi ricercano effettivamente il dialogo, i loro omologhi cinesi perseguono più il simbolismo che un alto livello di interazione". The National Interest online, in un articolo del 1 maggio, sostiene l’idea della minaccia militare cinese dicendo che "gli incidenti del passato, come il bombardamento dell’ambasciata cinese a Belgrado e l’episodio dell’aereo spia del 2001, si verificano inevitabilmente".
Durante le interviste, alcuni esperti cinesi ritengono che il bombardamento dell’ambasciata abbia oggettivamente offerto alla Cina l'opportunità di riflettere e di cambiare. Da un lato, si è generalmente capito che la costruzione economica è la base sulla quale poggia il consolidamento della forza nazionale. Dall’altro, si è venuta a creare in modo diffuso la convinzione che solo una forte potenza militare ed un avanzato sistema di difesa nazionale può realmente proteggere e salvaguardare i risultati delle realizzazioni economiche.

10th anniversary of the bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade

09:15, May 09, 2009

On the night of May 7, 1999, local time for Belgrade, (the early morning of May 8 in Beijing), the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), headed by the US, brazenly used missiles to attack China's embassy in Belgrade, leading to the death of three Chinese reporters and severe damage of embassy houses. This was a barbaric scene in human history. 

Ten years later, US media has selectively forgotten this event, and re-examinations by US authorities are rare. "Mistaken Bombing" is the final explanation and attitude of the US. 

A member of the US president China-focused advisory group said that China has already risen 10 years after the event, and the relations between China and the US have been stable and developed a good momentum. The "Mistaken Bombing" has become a blip in history. Experts on China's military issues believe however, that over the past 10 years, it is just because China has made such tremendous and sincere efforts that the cooperation between China and the US has expanded rather than stagnated. Taking into account that this event is a page already turned in history, the alertness and latent hostility that the US holds towards China seems not to have vanished. The best example to prove this issue is with the results from the monitoring of US troop ships in Chinese seas over the past two months.

Before and after May 7 every year, wreaths and garlands that were laid by the entire staff of the Chinese Embassy in Serbia, local Chinese organizations, Siberian non-governmental organizations and individuals can be seen in front of the Chinese embassy that was bombed. On noon of May 7 2009, people set up a monument in front of the bombed embassy. Wei Jinghua, the Chinese ambassador to the Republic of Serbia and Dragan Ailas, Mayor of Belgrade, unveiled and laid flowers by the monument. It is engraved with words in both Chinese and Serbian: "Hereby, thanks for the support and friendship that the People's Republic of China has given to the People of the Republic of Serbia during one of their toughest moments. This monument is established to mourn after the victims". A local municipal official who attended this activity said that the international community manipulated by the US did not make the appropriate response nor conduct in-depth investigations to the embassy bombing. 

Global Times reporters learned that as early as February this year, supporters of China in Serbia including the rector of the University of Belgrade, the president of the Serbia-China Friendship Association and the dean of the Confucius Institute had jointly wrote a letter to the city government of Belgrade. They proposed to put up memorial tablets for three martyrs—Shao Yunhuan, Xu Xinghu and Zhu Ying. At 12 pm sharp on March 24, the entire nation of Serbia sounded the alarm to mourn for the victims of the NATO bombing 10 years ago. It also reminded people that Serbia will not forget this part of history.

NATO issued a statement after its barbarous bombing of the Chinese Embassy, stating that it feels regret for any injuries caused to the Chinese Embassy and China's diplomats. The US and NATO apologized by saying that intelligence officials used out-of-date maps although the Chinese Embassy's building stands out in Belgrade. This bombing might further complicate the West's efforts to ensure a resolution through diplomatic means of disputes over Kosovo, and cause tension in China-US relations. The New York Times reported on May 9, 1999 that, "People in Belgrade said that it was difficult to confuse the Chinese Embassy with the intended target. The Chinese Embassy is a marble structure with blue mirrored glass and flies the Chinese flag, while [the intended target] is housed in a white office building" and has a longer history.

The US also meditated on its own errors after the bombing of the Chinese Embassy. Cohen, the then Defense Secretary, announced that existing maps of American defense works, as well as intelligence records, would be upgraded so as to accurately reflect the precise coordinates of foreign embassies and other locations of interest. The Boston Globe reported on April 12, 2000, that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) punished seven employees responsible for the bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade. The Washington Post reported on April 11 the same year that the CIA had made investigations and imposed related punishment's in connection with the previous year's bombing of the Chinese embassy. White House officials had consistently insisted that the bombing was an accident which had resulted from a series of errors incurred as a result of the use of outdated maps. They had planned to bomb a Federal Republic of Yugoslavia weapons procurement department, but the bombs actually hit the Chinese Embassy several hundred yards away. After the South China Sea incident in March this year in which Chinese and US vessels engaged in a confrontation, a report by the Los Angeles Times mentioned the embassy bombing and related killing of three Chinese reporters when listing the military and diplomatic frictions between China and the US by quoting Reuters news. The report stated that US President Clinton and other US officials had expressed apologies for this tragic mistake and an angry China had delayed the talks for its accession into the WTO by three months.

The NATO allies stood in line with the US on the embassy bombing event. An executive of Thales Group, a major French defensive product manufacturer, once told reporters that there would not be any country in the world that would have done such things to China intentionally, and even the US had to think out what consequences it might face if it resorted to forces against a country with a whole series of nuclear arms and veto power in the UN Security Council.

Kenneth Lieberthal, former China advisor to the Obama campaign, said that many historical events were often mentioned at recent seminars organized by Washington think tanks, including the twentieth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and the US, the tenth anniversary of the bombing of the Chinese Embassy in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and others. For instance, the tenth anniversary of the Chinese Embassy bombing was mentioned in a seminar made to Chinese youth held by the US Brookings Institution at the end of April. He thinks that the views on the "mistaken bombing" have already taken root in the US, the persons responsible for the "mistaken bombing" have already passed away, and the embassy bombing has been gradually forgotten in the US. Ten years later, China has risen up, China-US bilateral ties have stabilized, the general situation is changing for the better, and the "mistaken bombing" has already become a moment in history.

China's military expert Dai Xu said the US would certainly not say it bombed the embassy "on purpose," but everyone in the US and China understands what happened. 10 years after this historic event, the "embassy bombing" page has been turned over, but the US clearly needs to address the nature of the problem. It is still engaged in provoking China's sovereignty, as shown by the recent activities of the US surveillance ship in the South China Sea and Yellow Sea. It could be said that the US has a causal association with the embassy bombing and plane collision incidents years ago, which demonstrates the country's precautionary mentality and potential hostility. Dai said such mentality and hostility will not disappear with the turning of this page. The US and China have engaged in extensive cooperation over the past decade, which is based on the great sincerity China has shown. The development of relations relies heavily on both sides making an effort. The US should learn from its lessons and refrain from provoking other nations' sovereignty.

Dai's analyses can be supported by some of the US' public opinions. The Jamestown Foundation of the US issued an article on April 30, saying that, "The recriminations that flared between the People's Republic of China (PRC) and the United States over the latest Sino-American maritime confrontation makes evident how little progress has been made in Sino-US defense dialogue during the past two decades." It passed the buck to China, saying "The Chinese have readily suspended various military visits, exchanges, and other defense contacts after the 1999 Belgrade Embassy bombing, the EP-3 collision, and in retaliation for the announcement of major US arms sales to Taiwan." It also said, "While the US officials involved seek substantive dialogues and briefings, their Chinese counterparts pursue more the symbolism of high-level interactions." The National Interest online of the US advocates China's military threats in an article on May 1, saying "Past incidents, such as the bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade and the 2001 spy-plane episode, will inevitably occur."

During interviews, some Chinese experts believe that objectively, the bombing of the Chinese embassy offered China an opportunity to reflect and transform. On the one hand, the general public has realized that economic construction is the basis on which the enhancement of the overall national strength rests. On the other hand, a strong belief has formed among the general public that only strong military power and an advanced national defense system can fundamentally protect and safeguard the results of economic construction.

By People's Daily Online

=== 2 ===

CIA Figure In NATO Bombing Of Chinese Embassy Murdered

(Source: Rick Rozoff / Stop NATO: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/stopnato )



Washington Post - March 25, 2009

Slain Man Had Been Contractor for CIA 

By Jonathan Mummolo 

A Loudoun County man slain while out for an early morning walk with his wife worked as a contractor at the Central Intelligence Agency for several years until 2000, the CIA confirmed yesterday, and investigators said they want to meet with agency officials to learn more about the nature of his work.

The sheriff said his officers have not determined a motive for Sunday's attack, in which William Bennett, 57, was killed and his wife, Cynthia, 55, was critically injured. The assault might have been random, but deputies have not ruled out the possibility that they were targeted.

"We're just trying to find out if there's anything in his background that could have led to this," Loudoun Sheriff Stephen O. Simpson said. "We do that with anybody; it's not just because he's with the government. You talk with family. You talk with friends. You talk with co-workers. You look for enemies."

Investigators spent yesterday knocking on doors and conducting interviews and were waiting for the government's consent to talk to Bennett's former colleagues, he said.

Simpson said investigators are also trying to determine whether the retired lieutenant colonel with the Army Special Forces has held any jobs since leaving the CIA.

Bennett and his wife, residents of nearby Potomac Station, were on their routine early morning walk in the Lansdowne area when they were attacked by as many as three assailants, authorities said.

A sheriff's deputy responding to a report of a commotion and a suspicious white panel van about 5:30 a.m. in the Lansdowne area discovered William Bennett's body on the side of Riverside Parkway, near a gravel path not far from Rocky Creek Drive. His wife was found about 30 minutes later in a ditch, beyond a bloodied white fence across the street. Both had suffered blunt force trauma, but no weapon was recovered, and they might have been beaten.

Investigators have not ruled out the possibility that the Bennetts were assaulted somewhere else and dumped there.

Cynthia Bennett remained in critical condition and has been unable to talk to authorities about what happened that morning. Neighbors have organized a community walk at 5:30 a.m. Sunday — the week anniversary of the attack — from the local Harris Teeter parking lot, 19350 Winmeade Dr., to the Riverside Parkway bridge and back. Organizers say it is a way to show respect for the Bennetts and feel less afraid in the neighborhood.

Since the attack, Loudoun authorities have appealed to the public for tips, but there are no suspects, Simpson said. Among the tips, his office has looked into was a report by a Shenstone Farm resident of a suspicious white van with Florida plates seen Saturday evening in the subdivision. Authorities said that the van was pulled over by deputies Saturday evening and searched and that they are confident its occupants were college students selling magazines and are not connected to Bennett's slaying.

He said he hopes federal officials will provide his office with details on the nature of Bennett's work but realizes much of that information might be confidential.

CIA spokeswoman Marie E. Harf declined to say when Bennett started working with the CIA or discuss the nature of his duties.

According to military and court records, William Bennett was born in Rochester, Minn., and joined the Army in October 1977. His postings included Vicenza, Italy; Fort Lewis, Wash.; and the District. He had received numerous commendations.

Cynthia Bennett also served in the Army, as a captain. She had joined in 1978. The family includes two adult children, authorities said. Members of the family could not be reached for comment.

Staff writer Allison Klein contributed to this report.



WJLA (ABC) - March 29, 2009

Early Morning Vigil Held for Lansdowne Attack Victims

LEESBURG, Va. - About 200 Lansdowne residents have held an early morning march to the place where one resident was killed and another was attacked a week ago. 

Fifty-seven-year-old William Bennett was found dead along Riverside Parkway near Rocky Creek Drive on March 22. His wife, 55-year-old Cynthia Bennett, was discovered severely injured across the roadway. The couple had suffered blunt force trauma. 

Police say Cynthia Bennett remains in critical condition and is unable to talk about what happened. Authorities say they continue to look for as many as three assailants. Bradford says the march was held at 5:30 a.m., because that's when the Bennetts were "struggling for their lives" a week ago. 

Guided by candlelight in the early hours of Sunday, Beverly Bradford and more than a hundred of her neighbors walked down the streets of their Lansdowne community. Residents hit the pavement to honor two of their own - William and Cynthia Bennett. 

"There's no sense in this crime from what we know. It's just tragic to have lives that were so full, and they gave so much back to their country and community - and to have it end so senselessly - its hard to put your mind around," said neighbor Sean Conlin. 

Song and prayer were included in the walk that led the neighbors by a makeshift memorial that sits where William Bennett died from his injuries. 

Police believe three to four men traveling in a white panel van are responsible. 

"We're going to stick to the end, if there is an end to this, and bring these people to justice and this can't happen again," said Tara Restivo, Lansdowne Resident. 

"It's just really a sad situation and we're all together here in this," said Colleen Yost, Lansdowne Resident. 

Community members have banded together to calm each other's fears and attempt to take back their neighborhood that just seven days ago was the scene of a horrific crime. Residents say they want to make sure nothing like this happens again. 

"This was a heinous crime, it was vicious and it was cowardly at the same time and we have to take our neighborhood back we have to take our sidewalks back," added Beverly Bradford, Lansdowne Resident. 

Authorities are still looking for suspects in the case. A reward of more than $20,000 has been offered for any information in the case. 



Loudon Independent - March 31, 2009

Lansdowne Murder Connects to 1999 CIA Bombing

John L. Geddie 

William Bennett Slain Lansdowne resident William Bennett was connected with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) following his military service. 

In a conversation with the Loudoun Independent, the CIA's George Little confirmed that Bennett worked as a contractor for that agency for several years. His service to the company ended in the year 2000.

It has been reported by NBC Washington that Bennett was involved in the May 1999 NATO bombing of the Chinese embassy bombing in Belgrade during NATO involvement in Yugoslavia. 

Three Chinese citizens were killed in the attack. This accidental [sic] bombing was blamed an outdated map that showed the embassy at its prior location. The CIA later took responsibility for the error, firing one officer and reprimanding 20 more. It is unclear at this time the level of Bennett’s involvement and whether or not it might be linked to the deadly attack that took his life.

The Sheriff's Office continues to investigate the murder of William Bennett and the assault on his wife, Cynthia Bennett. They are receiving assistance from several organizations in the investigation. 


http://macedoniaonl ine.eu/content/ view/6456/ 46/

Macedonian International News Agency - April 24, 2009

Man who selected NATO's bombing targets in Serbia found dead 

Slain Virginia resident William Bennett was connected with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) following his military service. The CIA's George Little confirmed that Bennett worked as a contractor for that agency for several years. His service to the organization ended in the year 2000.

It has been reported by NBC Washington that Bennett was involved in the May 1999 NATO bombing of the Chinese embassy bombing in Belgrade during NATO involvement in Yugoslavia. Three Chinese citizens were killed in the attack. 

This accidental [?] bombing was later blamed on an outdated map that showed the embassy at its prior location. The CIA later took responsibility for the error, firing one officer and reprimanding 20 more. It is unclear at this time the level of Bennett’s involvement and whether or not it might be linked to the deadly attack that took his life.

The Sheriff's Office continues to investigate the murder of William Bennett and the assault on his wife, Cynthia Bennett. The FBI has also joined the investigation.

Meanwhile not related to this case, though tied to the NATO bombing of Serbia, Amnesty International is seeking war crimes measures against the Alliance for bombing a TV Station which killed more than a dozen journalists. A spokesman for Amnesty International called it "one of the worst crimes" adding "you can't bomb and kill people simply because their news service was not inclined towards NATO". The Strasbourg Court had refused to accept the case filed by Amnesty International.