WHITE BOOKS about NATO aggression against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia - Documentary Evidence
24 March - 24 April 1999 - Part One
Belgrade, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1999
Preface Zivadin Jovanovic - ISBN 86-7549-124-7
HTML: https://www.cnj.it/24MARZO99/dvd_target/docs/wb1/index.htm
NATO Crimes in Yugoslavia - Documentary Evidence
25 April - 10 June 1999 - Part Two
Belgrade, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1999
ISBN 86-7549-134-4
HTML: https://www.cnj.it/24MARZO99/dvd_target/docs/wb2/sadrzaj.htm
PDF: http://www.beoforum.rs/download/white-books-nato-aggression/ISBN-86-7549-134-4.html
PDF: http://www.beoforum.rs/download/white-books-nato-aggression/ISBN-86-7549-178-6-Part-One.html
PDF: http://www.beoforum.rs/download/white-books-nato-aggression/ISBN-86-7549-178-6-Part-Two.html
Programma iniziative a Belgrado per il 13.mo dell'aggressione NАТО
Комеморативне активности поводом 13 година агресије НАТОПоштовани,
Независна, нестраначка удружења – Београдски форум за свет равноправних, Савез удружења бораца народноослободилачког рата (СУБНОР) Србије и Клуб генерала и адмирала Србије и ове године организују комеморативне активности поводом 13. годишњице од почетка агресије НАТО пакта против Србије (СРЈ).
У петак, 23 марта 2012. године, у 11 часова одржаће се Округли сто на тему „Косово и Метохија – 13 година после агресије НАТО“.
Истог дана у 13:30 часова, одржаће се премијера филма “Од Београда до Багдада”, канадских аутора Радослава Огњеновића, редитеља и Скота Тејлора, новинара и публицисте.
Оба ова догађаја одржаће се у Амфитеатру Сава Центра, Нови Београд, улаз из улице Милентија Поповића бр.9.У суботу, 24 марта 2012. године, у 12 часова, организатори, друга удружења грађана и појединци, положиће венце и цвеће на споменик жртвама агресије, на Ушћу, Нови Београд.
Част нам је да Вас позовемо да присуствујете овим комеморативним догађајима како би смо на тај начин заједнички исказали поштовање према многобројним људским жртвама НАТО агресора и послали поруку мира.
Љубиша СтојимировићСУБНОР СРБИЈЕ
Живадин Јовановић
Da: "Zivadin Jovanovic"Data: 08 marzo 2012 09.27.06 GMT+01.00Živadin JovanovićChairmanBelgrade Forum for a World of Equals
Belgrade, March 7th, 2012
Independent, nonparty civic associations – The Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, The League of Veterans of the People’s Liberation Struggle of Serbia and the Club of Generals and Admirals of Serbia are organizing traditional commemorative activities on the occasion of 13th anniversary of the NATO 1999 aggression against Serbia (FR Yugoslavia). The aggression has caused over 3.500 deaths, over 10.000 wounded, two thirds of whom were civilians and over 100 billion US dollars economic damage. During 78 days of constant bombings NATO has used missiles with the depleted uranium causing lasting pollution of the soil, water and food and malignant deceases and deaths.
On Friday, March 23rd, 2012, at 11 a.m. there will be held the round table “Kosovo and Metohija 13 years after NATO Aggression”, in the Sava Conference Center (Amphitheater), Main entrance, Street Milentije Popovic No.9. The Round table will be followed by the documentary film “From Belgrade to Baghdad”, of Canadian authors Radoslav Ognjenovic, Director, and Scott Taylor, journalist and publicist. Free Entrance.
On Saturday, March 24rth, 2012, at 11 a.m. delegations will lay flowers at the Monument to the children victims in the Tasmajdan Park and at 12 noon to the Monument of Eternal Flame at Usce, New Belgrade
The public is welcome to attend these events to pay respect to the victims and send common message of peace.
LVPLSS Prof. Miodrag Zecevic Chairman
CLUB OF GENERALS AND ADMIRALS Ljubisa Stojimirovic Chairman
BELGRADE FORUM Zivadin Jovanovic Chairman
B92 - February 28, 2012
"NATO bombed Serbia because of lies"
VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sy9JZk8GBlw
BELGRADE: NATO launched its 1999 war against Serbia "because of German Defense Minister Rudolf Scharping's lies", claims a former member of an OSCE mission in Kosovo.
Belgrade-based Blic newspaper writes, quoting the Vestionline website, that ahead of the start of the war, Scharping falsely presented members of the ethnic Albanian KLA "rebels" as civilian victims.
The Serbian authorities considered the KLA to be a terrorist group.
Scharping was accused by former German police official Henning Hensch, an OSCE observer in Kosovo before the war, who spoke for Germany's NDR television.
This OSCE observer was personally present during the investigation of the scene in Rugovo in Kosovo in January 1999, where Serbian police units fought against KLA members.
The German television program featuring an interview with Hensch also showed Scharping in a news conference in early 1999, where he presented photographs from Rugovo of KLA members killed in battle, claiming they depicted massacred civilians.
Furthermore, the German minister told reporters that the OSCE photos of the scene were made "secretly by a German officer", and that he would have "gladly presented him (to reporters)", but that the officer is question was "receiving medical treatment because of the traumatic experiences" that he underwent in Kosovo.
13 years later, NDR journalists asked the German Defense Ministry to confirm that "a German officer" was in the area at the time secretly taking photoraphs, to after several weeks receive a reply that this was not the case.
Scharping himself, said the television, could not be reached for comment.
NATO's aerial war lasted for 78 days in the spring of 1999, and ended with the signing of the Kumanovo Agreement, and the adoption of Resolution 1244 at the UN Security Council.
U ovom prilogu ćete videte svedočenje gospodina Heninga koji je tada na Kosovu bio posmatrač OEBS-a i lično je prisustvovao uviđaju u Rugovu, gde se desila borba između srpskih policijskih jedinica i UČK pobunjenika.
Tadašnji ministar Rudolf Šarping je zloupotrebio čitavu situaciju i predstavio UČK pobunjenike kao civilne žrtve, što je dovelo i opravdavalo vojni napad na Srbiju.
[It started with a lie / Cominciò con una bugia]
Deutschland im Kosovo 99
Dieser Film zeigt, wie schon vom ersten Tag des Kosovokrieges an die Bevölkerung getäuscht wurde. Dieser Film zeigt auf, wie Tatsachen verfälscht und Fakten erfunden, wie manipuliert und auch gelogen wurde. Dieser Film zeigt, weshalb Bomben auf Belgrad fielen.
Documentary about the lies of German officials during the Nato war against Yugoslavia
ARD (Germany), 8/2/2011 - 43:02
Počelo je sa jednom laži / Почело је са једном лажи
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