(srpskohrvatski / francais / english)

NATO pressing Serbia and Bosnia to membership

1) NATO bombing of Chinese Embassy
- 13 years since NATO bombing of Chinese Embassy (2012)
- FLASHBACK: Nato bombed Chinese deliberately (1999)
2) Uranium: La mort lente semée par les Occidentaux
Slobodan KLJAKIC - 8 mai 2012
3) Serbia says ‘nyet’ to NATO membership
Russia Today - 28 May, 2012
http://www.beoforum.rs/ - 30 мај 2012
5) NATO forcing Bosnia to membership
- BiH edging closer to NATO process

Source of the texts in English language is the Stop NATO e-mail list.
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=== 1 ===


Tanjug News Agency - May 7, 2012

13 years since NATO bombing of Chinese Embassy
Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to Serbia Zhang Wanxue, Belgrade correspondents of the Chinese media and representatives of the Association of Serbian Journalists (UNS) paid on Monday respects to the Chinese journalists killed in the NATO bombing that took place 13 years ago.
Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to Serbia Zhang Wanxue, Belgrade correspondents of the Chinese media and representatives of the Association of Serbian Journalists (UNS) on Monday paid respects to the Chinese journalists killed in the NATO bombing that took place 13 years ago. 
They laid wreaths at the site of the former Chinese embassy in New Belgrade, which at 11:45 p.m. on May 7, 1999, suffered a blast that left three Chinese journalists dead. 
In 2009, then Chinese Ambassador to Belgrade Wei Jinghua and Belgrade Mayor Dragan Djilas unveiled a plaque in memory of the Chinese journalists: Xu Xinghu and Zhu Ying, correspondents of the Guang Ming Daily, and Shao Yunhuan, a correspondent of the Xinhua news agency.



The Observer - October 16, 1999

Nato bombed Chinese deliberately

Nato hit embassy on purpose
John Sweeney and Jens Holsoe in Copenhagen and Ed Vulliamy in Washington

Nato deliberately bombed the Chinese embassy in Belgrade during the war in Kosovo after discovering it was being used to transmit Yugoslav army communications.
According to senior military and intelligence sources in Europe and the US the Chinese embassy was removed from a prohibited targets list after Nato electronic intelligence (Elint) detected it sending army signals to Milosevic's forces.
The story is confirmed in detail by three other Nato officers - a flight controller operating in Naples, an intelligence officer monitoring Yugoslav radio traffic from Macedonia and a senior headquarters officer in Brussels. They all confirm that they knew in April that the Chinese embassy was acting as a 'rebro' [rebroadcast] station for the Yugoslav army (VJ) after alliance jets had successfully silenced Milosevic's own transmitters.
The Chinese were also suspected of monitoring the cruise missile attacks on Belgrade, with a view to developing effective counter-measures against US missiles.
The intelligence officer, who was based in Macedonia during the bombing, said: 'Nato had been hunting the radio transmitters in Belgrade. When the President's [Milosevic's] residence was bombed on 23 April, the signals disappeared for 24 hours. When they came on the air again, we discovered they came from the embassy compound.' The success of previous strikes had forced the VJ to use Milosevic's residence as a rebroadcast station. After that was knocked out, it was moved to the Chinese embassy. The air controller said: 'The Chinese embassy had an electronic profile, which Nato located and pinpointed.'
The Observer investigation, carried out jointly with Politiken newspaper in Denmark, will cause embarrassment for Nato and for the British government. On Tuesday, the Queen and the Prime Minister will host a state visit by the President of China, Jiang Zemin. He is to stay at Buckingham Palace.
Jiang Zemin is still said to be outraged at the 7 May attack, which came close to splitting the alliance. The official Nato line, as expressed by President Bill Clinton and CIA director George Tenet, was that the attack on the Chinese Embassy was a mistake. Defence Secretary William Cohen said: 'One of our planes attacked the wrong target because the bombing instructions were based on an outdated map.'
Later, a source in the US National Imagery and Mapping Agency said that the 'wrong map' story was 'a damned lie'.
Tenet apologised last July, saying: 'The President of the United States has expressed our sincere regret at the loss of life in this tragic incident and has offered our condolences to the Chinese people and especially to the families of those who lost their lives in this mistaken attack.
Nato's apology was predicated on the excuse that the three missiles which landed in one corner of the embassy block were meant to be targeted at the Yugoslav Federal Directorate for Supply and Procurement, the FDSP. But inquiries have revealed there never was a VJ directorate of supply and procurement at the site named by Tenet. The VJ office for supplies - which Tenet calls FDSP - is some 500 metres down the street from the address he gave. It was bombed later.
Moreover the CIA and other Nato intelligence agencies, such as Britain's MI6 and the code-breakers at GCHQ, would have listened in to communication traffic from the Chinese embassy as a matter of course since it moved to the site in 1996.
A Nato flight control officer in Naples also confirmed to us that a map of 'non-targets': churches, hospitals and embassies, including the Chinese, did exist. On this 'don't hit' map, the Chinese embassy was correctly located at its current site, and not where it had been until 1996 - as claimed by the US and NATO.

The Chinese military attache, Ven Bo Koy, who was seriously wounded in the attack and is now in hospital in China, told Dusan Janjic, the respected president of Forum for Ethnic Relations in Belgrade, only hours before the attack, that the embassy was monitoring incoming cruise missiles in order to develop counter-measures.
Nato spokesman Lee McClenny yesterday stood by the official version. 'It was a terrible mistake,' he said, 'and we have apologised.' A spokesman for the Chinese embassy in London said yesterday: 'We do not believe that the embassy was bombed because of a mistake with an out-of-date map.'

=== 2 ===

La mort lente semée par les Occidentaux

Slobodan KLJAKIC
8 mai 2012

Aujourd’hui encore, les projectiles de l’OTAN sèment la mort au Kosovo et en Métohie parmi les Albanais et les Serbes, mais aussi parmi les soldats de la KFOR et le personnel de l’UNMIK.

Ce n’est pas sans raison que l’on a interdit aux militaires américains, à leur retour de la région, de se porter volontaires pour des dons de sang. On peut de même comprendre que certains experts militaires de la KFOR affirment que le séjour de leurs hommes au Kosmet constitue la plus grande expérimentation in vivo régie par les Américains. Il n’est pas sans logique que dans les têtes des stratèges US, il s’agisse là d’une étude des comportements et des apparitions de pathologies dans une guerre nucléaire à venir. Voilà ce qu’écrit le Pr Vujadin Otasevic, médecin pathologiste, professeur à la Faculté de médecine de Nis et directeur de l’Institut de médecine légale de la même ville, dans « Les nuages de mort du Kosovo-Métohie », un livre récemment publié par la Faculté. Pour les besoins du présent texte, nous nous sommes limités à la section intitulée « Empoisonnement et radiations dus aux bombardements » dans laquelle le Pr Otasevic rapporte des faits dûment attestés.

La catastrophe écologique, aux conséquences à long terme incalculables pour la santé et la vie des habitants, qu’ont provoquée les bombardements de l’OTAN, a connu dans sa forme la plus funeste l’utilisation de munitions à l’uranium appauvri (UA). « Cette utilisation a abouti à la libération d’importantes quantités de diverses substances dangereuses aux effets cancérigènes, sources de mutations et d’autres effets nocifs sur les humains, le monde végétal et animal », constate le Pr Otasevic en précisant que la plupart de ces substances ont aussi contaminé « la région des Balkans considérée dans son ensemble ».

Les avions A-10 ont largué sur leurs cibles des munitions de calibre 30 mm comportant en leur sein un projectile métallique d’U-238 radioactif, c’est-à-dire d’UA. « Avec une élévation très forte de la température il se produit un aérosol de fines particules d’uranium radioactives dont la poussière entre dans les poumons avec la respiration ou bien pénètre l’organisme avec de la nourriture ayant été en contact avec cette poussière. Une fois dans l’organisme, l’uranium irradie à faibles doses. La particule d’uranium se trouvant dans les poumons produit à chaque heure et jusqu’à la fin de la vie une irradiation comparable à un examen quotidien aux rayons X », indique le Pr Otasevic. Les particules radioactives restent dans le corps « sans se décomposer pendant dix années et plus, et une telle irradiation lente du corps entraîne maladies et mort prématurée ».
Le rapport de l’OTAN aux Nations Unies de septembre 2000 donne le chiffre de 30.000 projectiles à l’UA tirés sur des cibles en Yougoslavie, ce qui équivaut à environ 10 tonnes d’uranium.

Au terme de l’agression de l’OTAN, une équipe d’experts du programme de protection de l’Agence de l’ONU pour les établissements humains avait émis un avertissement concernant« des avortements, des malformations postnatales, des maladies incurables du système nerveux et du foie ». D’après l’agence de presse néerlandaise A & P, qui s’est procurée ce rapport, celui-ci « présente le tableau d’une tragédie plus grande que l’accident nucléaire à Tchernobyl en 1986. »

Dans son rapport préliminaire du 14 août 1999, l’équipe des experts internationaux avait conclu que « la Yougoslavie va connaître une catastrophe écologique si des mesures urgentes ne sont pas prises pour empêcher une possible débâcle écologique ».

Le Pr Otasevic rapporte les résultats d’une étude menée à l’hôpital de Kosovska Mitrovica d’après lesquels les apparitions de carcinomes se sont accrues de 200% au sein de la population serbe. Le directeur de l’Institut de radiologie de Pristina, Djevad Bitsaj, a dit par le passé que 3.500 cas de pathologies malignes avaient été relevés en 2004 et en 2005 parmi des Albanais de toutes les parties du Kosmet. Parce qu’elle soupçonnait des cas de leucémie et des carcinomes, la KFOR a retiré du Kosmet plus de 3.000 soldats, tandis que jusqu’à la mi-2006, 40 militaires italiens et 20 soldats français étaient décédés d’affections malignes.

Par rapport au début du siècle, constate le Pr Otasevic, « le nombre des pathologies malignes en Serbie s’est accru de quatre fois et demie ». Rien qu’en 2005, 18.000 personnes en sont décédées et 31.500 cas nouveaux ont été enregistrés. Dans le district de Nis, de 1997 à 1999, des pathologies malignes sont apparues chez 663 personnes, mais de 1999 à 2009, elles sont apparues chez pas moins de 18.247 individus. « La multiplication dramatique des pathologies malignes au cours des années consécutives à la guerre – entre deux et dix fois – est liée aux émissions radioactives causées par les bombardements de l’OTAN », conclut le Pr Otasevic.

Et il avertit : « Dans le monde et chez nous, il n’y a pas assez de résultats d’études scientifiques qui permettraient d’évaluer toutes les conséquences de l’utilisation de munitions à l’UA. La science est longtemps restée silencieuse sur ce problème, et aujourd’hui encore elle ne se prononce pas jusqu’au bout. C’est là probablement le résultat de l’influence de la politique et de la puissance armée sur la science pour éviter que l’on prenne connaissance des agissements inhumains et de leurs conséquences alarmantes pour la santé de l’homme et de son milieu vital ».

Source Originale : B.I. Infos

=== 3 ===

28 May, 2012

President-elect Tomislav Nikolic, who is looking for more intensive relations with Russia, has promised that Serbia will never become a member of NATO.

Nikolic, who met Putin in the Russian president’s first meeting with a foreign leader since being elected, stated that Serbia is “on the road” to the European Union, admitting that it will be “a long road, and we will base our relations on the rules of international law.”

He added that he wasn’t sure if Serbia would be admitted into the EU unless “we recognize the independence of Kosovo and Metohija.”

Many Serbs are ambivalent, if not outright hostile to the idea of restoring full relations with the European Union, not to mention the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). In 1999 Belgrade was on the receiving end of a massive 78-day bombing campaign by the alliance (March 24 – June 10) aimed at removing Yugoslav forces from Kosovo.

"Our constitution forbids us to abandon Kosovo and Metohija," Nikolic said. Meanwhile, Russia is ready to allocate the second loan tranche of $800 million to Serbia, Putin assured his Serbian guest.

The Russian leader said that for the loan to be granted there should be concrete technical proposals to rebuild Serbia’s aging infrastructure.

Earlier, Russia already provided a $200 million loan to Serbia in an effort to consolidate the country's budget.

Moscow's total investment in Serbia stands at $1.4 billion, Putin recalled.

As for the next tranche, the president-elect should lend impetus to government structures in order to ensure that they expedite the preparation of technical proposals, Putin said.

Putin also wished Nikolic success in implementing all his campaign promises.

"These tasks are plenty and difficult," he said.

The Russian leader mentioned that cooperation between the two countries will help deal with the various complicated problems. Putin also referred to Serbia as Russia’s “spiritual brother.”

“While Russia sees Serbia as a reliable partner in the Balkans, we are also spiritual brothers,” he said. "This is how it was, and this is how it will be."

At the end of the meeting Putin made "an unusual request" to Nikolic: "I would like to say that we have worked with your political opponent, previous president Boris Tadic, as partners for a number of years, and I am asking you to pass along our words of gratitude for the joint work," Putin said.

The Russian president invited the Serbian president-elect to visit Russia following his inauguration "at any time that is convenient for you."

=== 4 ===


Данас се навршава 13 година од убиства десеторо и рањавања више десетина грађана  Варварина током бомбардовања моста, од авијације НАТО на Великој Морави у том шумадијском граду. Међу погинулима је била и Сања Миленковић, ученица Математичке гимназије у Београду, победница многих регионалних и европских такмичара младих математичара.  По њеном имену 1999. Године, основан је Фонд за стипендирање талената из математике и техничких наука за који су средства обезбедили припадници српског расејања.

Поводом ове годишњице, синоћ је у Дому културе у Варварину одржана промоција књиге – зборника „СРБИЈА И НАТО“, у издању Београдског форума за свет равноправних. Присутне грађане и учеснике промоције поздравио је председник Општине Варварин, Професор Зоран Миленковић, отац покојне Сање Миленковић. О књизи су говорили предсеник Београдског форума Живадин Јовановић, генерал у пензији Радован Радиновић и бивши амбасадори Др Станислав Стојановић и Драгомир  Вучићевић.

Основне поруке свих учесника промоције су да се злочини као што је бомбардовање Варварина и убиство његових грађана, не смеју заборавити и да за агресију НАТО на Србију (СРЈ) нема оправдања. Књига „СРБИЈА И НАТО“ , оцењено је, представља велики допринос разумевању правих узрока и циљева агресије који се виде у стварању преседана, одузимању Косова и Метохије од Србије и ширењу НАТО на Исток. Учесници промоције су подсетили на чињеницу да се око 70 одсто грађана Србије противи чланству у НАТО и истакли да Србији, као мирољубивој европској земљи, није место у НАТО – у као офанзивној, интервенциoнистичкој војној организацији.

У програму су учествовали књижевници, песници и ученици који су читали своје радове о  злочинима НАТО – а.

=== 5 ===


Southeast European Times - April 23, 2014

BiH edging closer to NATO process

Ahead of the NATO summit next month in Chicago, BiH must implement its political agreement on military property.

By Drazen Remikovic

Sarajevo: The clock is running for Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). The country has roughly four weeks to determine ownership of dozens of military facilities - bases, barracks and warehouses - before NATO holds its annual spring summit, this year in Chicago.

The sorting process is a crucial step in BiH's path to potential membership in the Alliance.

On April 10th, NATO members meeting in Brussels made clear that BiH is on track to get the green light for a Membership Action Plan (MAP). Since then, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sent a letter to BiH's Presidency, asking authorities "to register these assets as soon as possible so that BiH can enjoy all benefits that MAP has to offer."

Specifically, 69 pieces of property are on the table. Ownership is in question because they were all once in the hands of the former Yugoslav army. For example, in Republika Srpska, there are about 45 barracks. Just over half of them are to be registered to the state. The rest will be handed over to local authorities, who will convert them into a range of purposes.

NATO wants the list winnowed down so that BiH's military can use what is left to its full capacity. When finally registered to the state, the armed forces will have unlimited use of these properties.

Currently, the value of all this property is unclear, but by some estimates it could be worth hundreds of millions of euros.

So while a political agreement was struck last month regarding the process, the Council of Ministers must implement it by the May 22nd summit.

Denis Hadzovic, director of the Sarajevo-based NGO Centre for Security Studies, told SETimes, “I think that the technical part of the property registration is much easier than the political part. I am sure that BiH will succeed in doing this; that we will bring a document to the NATO summit in Chicago that proves that we earned the MAP."

Deputy Defence Minister Mirko Okolic seems optimistic.

"The Council of Ministers has already begun to work on this and I think that the job will be completed by the NATO summit," he told SETimes.

But larger issues loom. "After MAP, I think political debate will follow on whether BiH even needs to join NATO, because there are different views on this issue in Sarajevo and Banja Luka," Okolic added.

In mid-March, RS President Milorad Dodik reopened the issue of BiH’s membership, reiterating that the citizens of RS will decide in a referendum whether they wish to join NATO when the time comes.

Regardless, Ines Kuburovic, spokeperson for NATO Headquarters in Sarajevo, said the headquarters has continuously co-operated with state institutions to help them meet the requirements to activate the MAP.

After meeting with BiH Presidency member Bakir Izetbegovic earlier this month, NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said the Alliance is committed to BiH receiving full membership.



North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Allied Command Transformation
May 14, 2012


NATO OPEN DAYS is a five day event to be held 15 - 19 May, with the goal to provide to wider public more information about NATO Alliance, NATO integrations processes in BiH, activities of NATO HQ SARAJEVO in 2011/2012 period, and to mark 60th anniversary of Turkish membership in NATO.

Specifically, Open Days will engage students and academic community in public discussions on various NATO related topics.

In the light of NATO Chicago Summit in May, the whole event, and the opening event in particular will be an opportunity to share with general public and media information about the Summit, BiH's participation in the event, including the current phase of NATO integrations processes in BIH.

During NATO Open Days, Turkish Cultural Center premises will offer:

1. Two separate exhibition floors, which will offer a photo exhibition of NATO HQ Sarajevo activities in 2011/2012 period, and a photo exhibition to present the NATO – Turkey relationship in past 60 years,

2. In the cinema hall (30 seat capacity) NATO movies will be screened daily, and the hall will be used for student lectures/round tables.

3. Event will be an opportunity to distribute various NATO promotion materials to the visitors and wider public.


Opening event
15 May 2012, 19:00 hrs – 21:00 hrs
Round Table/Lecture 
"NATO and BiH”
"NATO's fight against organised crime and terrorist groups”
"NATO and Gender”
16 May 2012, 12:00 – 13:00 hrs

Round Table/Lecture 
"NATO and BiH”
"Role of Strategic Communications in NATO”
17 May 2012, 12:00 – 13:00 hrs
Round Table/Lecture
NATO's New Strategic Concept
"Role of Strategic Communications in NATO” 
18 May 2012, 13:00 – 14:30