Poiche' la nostra "sinistra" e la nostra "societa' civile" non ce lo
dicevano, siamo dovuti andare in India per sapere che sono state
"organizzazioni nongovernative statunitensi" ad addestrare la formazione
anticomunista jugoslava "Otpor" alla "rivoluzione democratica" dello
scorso ottobre, tramite corsi accelerati di "rivolta nonviolenta":


Hindustan Times
January 31, 2001

US NGO behind Gandhian revolt in Serbia

A UNITED States NGO trained non-violent volunteers for
the mass movement that overthrew Serb dictator
Slobodan Milosevic. The disclosure the US is also
accomplished in imparting non-violent training in the
overthrow of dictators is in an article in Peacewatch,
a publication of the Washington-based US Institute of

The youth movement Otpor (Resistance), was a critical
participant in the October 5 revolt. Srdja Popovic, a
leader of Serbia's grassroots movement, said three
months of peaceful street demonstrations in Belgrade
against Milosevic in 1996-97, led by the political
opposition and the youth movement, marked the
beginning of the opposition’s non-violent strategy,
signalling to Milosevic and to his supporters that the
people no longer feared him.

Their disciplined defiance generated increasing
support among the populace. Over the last two years,
Popovic said, the opposition honed its understanding
and use of non-violent action, most recently with the
help of a retired US Army Colonel Robert Helvey, who
provided intensive training in non-violent principles
and strategy in March and April 1999.

The International Republican Institute, an NGO based
in Washington, which had been working to develop
political parties in Serbia, hired Helvey to do the
training. Helvey says he bases his training on the
concepts of Gene Sharp, author of Politics Of
Non-Violent Action, a three-volume opus on the
subject. The second volume lists 198 complete examples
of non-violent direct action techniques.

In his training, Helvey covers the source of power in
a society, their strengths and weaknesses, then has
participants define their own objectives and develop a
strategic plan for reaching them. The training also
covers how to put an opponent in a situation where he
has no choice but to lose.

After the training, Otpor created a manual of
non-violent resistance techniques based on Sharp's
books and trained some 70,000 activists who, through a
variety of non-violent methods and actions, paved the
way for and helped to lead the October 5 revolt.


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