Sent: Monday, November 04, 2013 9:00 PM
Subject: Srebrenica Historical Project: Announcing a new volume, "Rethinking Srebrenica"


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          Srebrenica Historical Project is pleased to announce that in cooperation with its American publisher Unwritten History Inc. it has published a new, revised, and expanded edition of its classic comprehensive critique of the standard account of Srebrenica events in July 1995, “Deconstruction of a Virtual Genocide,” now under a new title: “Rethinking Srebrenica.” The authors are Stephen Karganović and Ljubiša Simić.

          While retaining the structure of the original volume, “Rethinking Srebrenica” has been considerably updated to include new evidence and testimony of relevant witnesses in the Mladić and Karadžić trials which was received since the last edition went to press. Also included are two new chapters, “ICTY radio intercept evidence” and “Srebrenica: Uses of the narrative.”

          The new chapter on intercept evidence raises serious questions about the authenticity of the transcripts of alleged incriminating conversations that were used in trial proceedings before ICTY, upon which many significant factual and legal conclusions were based. The new final chapter, “Uses of the narrative,” presents a compelling argument that Srebrenica has not been treated primarily as it should have been, as a criminal investigation,  but rather as a political device serving at least two objectives which have nothing to do with any interest in the facts on the ground. The first is to provide a founding myth to cement the new Bosnian Muslim identity and produce an unbridgeable rift with the neighbouring Orthodox community, thus providing a rationale for permanent interference and arbitration by interested foreign parties. The second is to furnish a plausible motive for the R2P [Responsibility to protect] doctrine which was developed gradually after the Srebrenica events of July 1995 and has served  since as an interventionist vehicle against targeted sovereign states such as Serbia (Kosovo), Iraq, Libya, and now Syria.  

          Chapters IV and V by Ljubiša Simić on the forensic evidence have been thoroughly revised and updated to reflect new information. They present an even more devastating picture than in the previous editions of the huge gap which separates the unfounded claims of the official Srebrenica narrative from the empirical evidence as collected by ICTY Prosecution’s own teams of experts and their admissions under cross examination in the Mladić and Karadžić trials.

          For our readers’ benefit we have attached the electronic version of “Rethinking Srebrenica” and we encourage reader comments and criticisms. [DOWNLOAD (PDF, 6,5 MB): ]