(english / deutsch / italiano / more languages)

Strategia della tensione targata NATO a Kiev


FR: Les banderistes ont sans doute organisé eux-mêmes les tirs de snipers qui ont massacré opposants et  policiers, révèle le ministre estonien qui ne savait pas qu'on l'écoutait
DE: Regierungsgegner und Polizisten auf dem Maidan wurden von Heckenschützen der neuen ukrainischen Regierung erschossen
EN: The Estonian foreign minister expressed his suspicion that "somebody from the new coalition" in Kiev could have been behind the sniper shootings on the Maidan / Secretive Neo-Nazi Military Organization Involved in Euromaidan Snyper Shootings (F.W. Engdahl / Global Research)
IT: Ucraina: organizzazione militare segreta neo-nazista coinvolta negli spari a Euromaidan (F.W. Engdahl / Global Research) / Cecchini atlantisti hanno sparato dai tetti a Kiev, sia sulla folla che sulle forze dell'ordine, per accendere la miccia della guerra civile

2) Why are Nazi & Confederate flags on display in Kiev? (Sara Flounders, WW)

3) NATO Deploys Troops For War In Ukraine

=== 0: LINKS ===


Unknown Snipers and Western backed “Regime Change”. A Historical Review and Analysis
By Gearóid Ó Colmáin - 
Global Research 28 November 2011


Michel Collon : Ukraine et médiamensonges, comment ne pas se faire manipuler ?
6 mars 2014 - Voir plus loin que le bout de notre nez ? Les médias n'y tiennent pas, on se poserait trop de questions, y compris sur les médiamensonges. Mais si on veut comprendre un conflit comme l'Ukraine, nous devons absolument le mettre en perspective, le voir sur la longue durée. Les médias nous disent que l'Europe et les Etats-Unis réagissent à des manifestations, mais en réalité, l'Ukraine est une cible depuis vingt ans. Michel Collon éclaire les stratégies dont on ne parle pas...

Verschwörung der Medien aufgedeckt: Ukraine/Kiew: Terroristische Akt
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EOyz8yS5cc

Ukraine (Doku): Gewalt, Faschismus, Staatstreich: Was unsere Medien verschweigen (Deutsch Untertitel)

Donetsk, 7 marzo: la città dice noi ai fascisti e all'ingerenza imperialista e chiede di poter decidere del suo destino / Донецк!!! Это народ. Это не оплачено Америкой и Германией, как военный переворот в Киеве
VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFgrVQ9O6Ic

I media ucraini e russi (segue il link al servizio del canale Rossija1) hanno comunicato ieri (5/3) che a Kiev sarebbero arrivati 300 mercenari della statunitense Academi, ex Blackwater Worldwide, una delle maggiori PMC (Private Military Companies). L'area di impiego dei mercenari sarebbe l'Ucraina sud-orientale, dove più forti sono le proteste contro la giunta di Kiev. In queste regioni infatti sono frequenti le prese di posizione delle amministrazioni locali che non riconoscono il nuovo potere centrale, e gli oligarchi nominati governatori dal governo non stanno riuscendo a contenere le proteste.
La Blackwater - Academi è tristemente nota per le stragi compiute contro civili a Falluja e Baghdad e successivamente in Afghanistan. (Fonte: pagina Facebook "Con l'Ucraina antifascista")
VIDEO: ВАЖНЕЙШАЯ ИНФОРМАЦИЯ НА 05.03.2014: Воевать за экстремистов в Киев прибыли наемники из США


NATO Coup in Ukraine. “Wag the Dog” Military Deployment in a Crucial Geopolitical Pivot?
By Chris Macavel - Global Research, March 07, 2014

Obama is Escalating the Crisis. US War Ships Sent to the Black Sea (The Voice of Russia)

BBC Now Admits: Armed Nazis Led “Revolution” in Kiev, Ukraine
By Tony Cartalucci - New Eastern Outlook / Global Research, March 07, 2014

The crisis in Ukraine and the historical consequences of the dissolution of the Soviet Union
Peter Schwarz and David North / 7 March 2014

“Democratization” and Anti-Semitism in Ukraine: When Neo-Nazi Symbols become “The New Normal”
By Julie Lévesque - Global Research, March 06, 2014

The fascist danger in Ukraine (J. Hyland, WSWS)

Amid Ukraine crisis, US launches military escalation in Eastern Europe

L'Unione europea e gli Stati uniti complici del fascismo ucraino (Miguel Urbano Rodrigues | resumenlatinoamericano.org)

I comunisti in tutte le regioni dell'Ucraina stanno operando attivamente, anche nelle condizioni più difficili 

U.S. escalates Ukraine crisis (Fred Goldstein, WW)

Don’t forget Ukraine’s communist traditions (Stephen Millies, WW)


There are No Neo-Nazis in Ukraine. And the Obama Administration does not support Fascists
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky - Global Research, February 24, 2014


Another great interview from George Kenney 

Last Saturday evening I interviewed Dr. Stephen F. Cohen about the crisis in Ukraine. Because of timeliness I thought it best to turn this interview around as quickly as possible, so here it is. Steve has been an expert on things Russian for a very long time indeed -- he was a professor at Princeton for about thirty years and taught at NYU for about another ten years after that…


The Ukraine Blues - February 24, 2014

One feels frighteningly disoriented, hearing an American president support deadly mob violence for what is, essentially, counter-revolutionary change (in the form of IMF austerity). The president's message may be directed at unknown people far away but the effects are certain to be felt here, possibly for generations, as the bindings of what relative peace we have come undone. I was extremely fortunate to be able to talk with Dr. Stephen F. Cohen about the crisis in Ukraine. He's in a tiny minority willing to discuss what's really happening. This is an unscheduled podcast on breaking news. [Audio file reposted at The Nation, here.] Total runtime forty eight minutes. Vae victīs.

DOWNLOAD: http://www.electricpolitics.com/media/mp3/EP2014.02.24.mp3
LISTEN: http://www.electricpolitics.com/podcast/2014/02/the_ukraine_blues.html

=== 1: "GLADIO" IN KIEV ===

Conversation interceptée entre Catherine Ashton et le ministre estonien des Affaires étrangères : "Les nouveaux gouvernants ont sans doute organisé eux-mêmes les tirs de snipers qui ont massacré opposants et  policiers", révèle le ministre estonien qui ne savait pas qu'on l'écoutait…



In einem vom russischen Geheimdienst abgehörten Telephonbespräch (siehe unten) vom 25.2.14 berichtete der estnische Aussenminister Urmas Paet der EU-Aussenbeauftragten Ashton, dass Regierungsgegner und Polizisten auf dem Maidan von Heckenschützen der neuen ukrainischen Regierung erschossen wurden.
Die Affinität der Regierungen der westlichern Hauptmächte zu Faschisten und Terroristen wurde damit wieder bestätigt. Beim Putschversuch 2002 gegen Hugo Chavez oder z.B. zu Beginn der Proteste in Syrien vor drei Jahren wurde die Situation genau durch solche hinterhältige Methoden aufgekocht. (Kaspar Trümpy, ICDSM Schweiz)
-Wortlaut des abgehörten Gesprächs:
-Bestätigung der Echtheit:
-Wirtschaftsleute benötigen zuverlässige Informationen:
-Ein "Leitmedium" relativiert:
(Unser "Leitmedium", die NZZ, schweigt bis jetzt vornehm) 
-jW informativ wie immer:


Die Kiewer Eskalationsstrategie (GFP, 6/3/2014)

KIEW/BERLIN (Eigener Bericht) - Der estnische Außenminister äußert den Verdacht, "jemand aus der neuen Koalition" in Kiew könne die Scharfschützen-Morde auf dem Majdan veranlasst haben, die dem von Berlin massiv vorangetriebenen Umsturz in Kiew unmittelbar vorausgegangen sind. Dies geht aus einem abgehörten und im Internet veröffentlichten Telefongespräch hervor. Demnach hat Außenminister
Urmas Paet der EU-Chefaußenpolitikerin Catherine Ashton kürzlich berichtet, eine Kiewer Ärztin sei der Auffassung, tödliche Wunden bei Polizisten und Demonstranten wiesen dieselbe Handschrift auf und könnten von denselben Mördern stammen. Dass die Regierung in Kiew bisher keine Untersuchung eingeleitet habe, wecke den Argwohn, Elemente aus ihren Reihen könnten für die Morde verantwortlich sein.
Tatsächlich ist längst durch Videos dokumentiert, dass Scharfschützen auf beide Seiten geschossen haben. In der durch Paets Äußerungen belasteten Umsturzregierung, die weiterhin eine überaus enge Unterstützung durch die Bundesregierung genießt, sind extrem rechte Kräfte stark vertreten - mehrere Politiker von Swoboda, aber auch der Anführer der bewaffneten Milizen auf dem Majdan und der Chef des
paramilitärischen "Pravy Sektor" ("Rechter Sektor"). Beide haben höchstrangige Posten erhalten: Sie amtieren heute als Sekretär bzw. als stellvertretender Sekretär im Nationalen Sicherheits- und Verteidigungsrat der Ukraine, der vom Präsidenten persönlich geleitet wird…



The Kiev Escalation Strategy (GFP, 6/3/2014)

The Estonian foreign minister expressed his suspicion that "somebody from the new coalition" in Kiev could have been behind the sniper shootings on the Maidan, according to a tapped telephone conversation, which has gone online. Sniper fire had preceded Berlin's massively promoted putsch in Kiev. In the telephone conversation, the Estonian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Urmas Paet, reported to the chief of EU foreign affairs, Catherine Ashton that a medical doctor in Kiev assumes that the mortal wounds to policemen and demonstrators had the same handwriting and could have come from the same assassins. The fact that Kiev's government has yet to initiate an investigation could arouse the suspicion that elements from its own ranks could have been responsible for those assassinations. Videos, in fact, have already documented that snipers had been shooting at both sides. The putschist government, incriminated by Paet's remarks and still enjoying strong German government support, is comprised also of rightwing extremist forces, for example several Svoboda Party politicians, as well as the commander of the armed militia on the Maidan and the leader of the paramilitary "Pravi Sektor" (Right Sektor). Both have been given high-level posts as Secretary and Deputy Secretary in the National Security and Defense Council of the Ukraine, under the personal leadership of the President…


Ukrainian "freedom fighters" behind snipers in Kiev

Whose snipers in Kiev?
This is a partial transcript of an intercepted phone call between Estonian foreign minister, Urmas Paet, and European Union high representative for foreign affairs and security policy, Catherine Ashton, which seems to have taken place about 1 March 2014. Paet had visited Kiev briefly, and Ashton asked for his impressions. Paet remarked how low public trust is in the new Ukrainian government. These people have ‘dirty pasts’, he said. Then he talked about ‘Olga’, who is a medical doctor. Ashton had also met her. Olga told Paet how the same snipers killed both civilians and policemen in Kiev. To Ashton’s evident surprise, Paet says ‘… behind the snipers it was not Yanukovitch but it was somebody from the new coalition.’   This transcript, which the Russell Foundation has compiled, is taken from the last three minutes or so of the conversation. The web link to the intercept itself is given at the end.
ASHTON: ... I’ve said to the opposition leaders, shortly to become government, you need to reach out to Maidan, you need to be, you know, engaging with them, you also need to get ordinary police officers back on the streets under a new sense of their role, so the people feel safe. I said to the Party of the Regions’ people you have to go and lay flowers where the people died, you have to show that you understand what has happened here.
PAET: Absolutely.
ASHTON: Because what you’re experiencing is anger of people who’ve seen the way that Yanukovitch lived, and the corruption, and they assume you’re all the same. And also the people who’ve lost people and who feel that, you know, he ordered that to happen. There’s quite a lot of shock, I think, in the city, a lot of sadness and shock, and that’s going to come out in some very strange ways if they’re not careful. I think all of this we just have to work out, so we’ve done a big meeting here today —
ASHTON: — to try and get this in place – but yeah, very interesting, your observation.
PAET: It is and, well, actually the only politician the people from civil society have mentioned positively was Poroshenko.
ASHTON: … Yeah. Yeah.
PAET: So that he has some sort of so-to-say trust among all these Maidan people and civil society in fact, and what was quite disturbing, the same Olga told that, well, all the evidence shows the people who were killed by snipers from both sides, among policemen and people from the streets, that they were the same snipers, killing people from both sides.
ASHTON: Well that’s… Yeah, that’s…
PAET: And then she also showed me some photos, she said that as a medical doctor she can, you know, say that it is the same handwriting, same type of bullets, and it’s really disturbing that now the new coalition don’t want to investigate what exactly happened, so there is now stronger and stronger understanding that behind the snipers it was not Yanukovitch but it was somebody from the new coalition.
ASHTON: … I think they do want to investigate, I mean I didn’t pick that up. That’s interesting. Gosh.
PAET: Yeah. So this is disturbing that if it starts now to live its own life very powerfully that it already [discredits] from the very beginning also this new coalition.
ASHTON: I mean, this is what they’ve got to be careful of as well – that they need to demand great change but they’ve got to let the Rada function. If the Rada doesn’t function then there could be chaos – complete chaos. So that, it’s all, you know, being an activist and a doctor is very, very important but it means you’re not a politician, and somehow they’ve got to come to a kind of accommodation for the next few weeks, with how the country’s actually going to run – and then we get the elections and things can change, and that’s, I think, going to be quite important. I’m planning to go back early next week, probably on Monday, so […]


Ukraine: Secretive Neo-Nazi Military Organization Involved in Euromaidan Snyper Shootings

By F. William Engdahl - Global Research, March 03, 2014 
21st Century Wire and Global Research

The events in Ukraine since November 2013 are so astonishing as almost to defy belief.

An legitimately-elected (said by all international monitors) Ukrainian President, Viktor Yanukovich, has been driven from office, forced to flee as a war criminal after more than three months of violent protest and terrorist killings by so-called opposition.

His “crime” according to protest leaders was that he rejected an EU offer of a vaguely-defined associate EU membership that offered little to Ukraine in favor of a concrete deal with Russia that gave immediate €15 billion debt relief and a huge reduction in Russian gas import prices. Washington at that point went into high gear and the result today is catastrophe.

A secretive neo-nazi military organization reported linked to NATO played a decisive role in targeted sniper attacks and violence that led to the collapse of the elected government.

But the West is not finished with destroying Ukraine. Now comes the IMF with severe conditionalities as prerequisite to any Western financial help.

After the famous leaked phone call of US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland with the US Ambassador in Kiev, where she discussed the details of who she wanted in a new coalition government in Kiev, and where she rejected the EU solutions with her “Fuck the EU” comment,[1] the EU went it alone. Germany’s Foreign Minister, Frank-Walter Steinmeier proposed that he and his French counterpart, Laurent Fabius, fly to Kiev and try to reach a resolution of the violence before escalation. Polish Foreign Minister, Radoslaw Sikorski was asked to join. The talks in Kiev included the EU delegation, Yanukovich, the three opposition leaders and a Russian representative. The USA was not invited.[2]

The EU intervention without Washington was extraordinary and reveals the deeping division between the two in recent months. In effect it was the EU saying to the US State Department, “F*** the US,” we will end this ourselves.

After hard talks, all major parties including the majority of protesters, agreed to new presidential elections in December, return to the 2004 Constitution and release of Julia Tymoshenko from prison. The compromise appeared to end the months long chaos and give a way out for all major players.

The diplomatic compromise lasted less than twelve hours. Then all hell broke loose.

Snipers began shooting into the crowd on February 22 in Maidan or Independence Square. Panic ensued and riot police retreated in panic according to eyewitnesses. The opposition leader Vitali Klitschko withdrew from the deal, no reason given. Yanukovich fled Kiev.[3]

The question unanswered until now is who deployed the snipers? According to veteran US intelligence sources, the snipers came from an ultra-right-wing military organization known as Ukrainian National Assembly – Ukrainian People’s Self-Defense (UNA-UNSO).

[IMAGE: Members of UNA-UNSO marching in Lviv.]

Strange Ukraine ‘Nationalists’

The leader of UNA-UNSO, Andriy Shkil, ten years ago became an adviser to Julia Tymoshenko. UNA-UNSO, during the US-instigated 2003-2004 “Orange Revolution”, backed pro-NATO candidate Viktor Yushchenko against his pro-Russian opponent, Yanukovich. UNA-UNSO members provided security for the supporters of Yushchenko and Julia Tymoshenko on Independence Square in Kiev in 2003-4.[4]

UNA-UNSO is also reported to have close ties to the German National Democratic Party (NDP). [5]

Ever since the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 the crack-para-military UNA-UNSO members have been behind every revolt against Russian influence. The one connecting thread in their violent campaigns is always anti-Russia. The organization, according to veteran US intelligence sources, is part of a secret NATO “GLADIO” organization, and not a Ukraine nationalist group as portrayed in western media. [6]

According to these sources, UNA-UNSO have been involved (confirmed officially) in the Lithuanian events in the Winter of 1991, the Soviet Coup d’etat in Summer 1991, the war for the Pridnister Republic 1992, the anti-Moscow Abkhazia War 1993, the Chechen War, the US-organized Kosovo Campaign Against the Serbs, and the August 8 2008 war in Georgia. According to these reports, UNA-UNSO para-military have been involved in every NATO dirty war in the post-cold war period, always fighting on behalf of NATO. “These people are the dangerous mercenaries used all over the world to fight NATO’s dirty war, and to frame Russia because this group pretends to be Russian special forces. THESE ARE THE BAD GUYS, forget about the window dressing nationalists, these are the men behind the sniper rifles,” these sources insist. [7]

If true that UNA-UNSO is not “Ukrainian” opposition, but rather a highly secret NATO force using Ukraine as base, it would suggest that the EU peace compromise with the moderates was likely sabotaged by the one major player excluded from the Kiev 21 February diplomatic talks—Victoria Nuland’s State Department.[8] Both Nuland and right-wing Republican US Senator John McCainhave had contact with the leader of the Ukrainian opposition Svoboda Party, whose leader is openly anti-semitic and defends the deeds of a World War II Ukrainian SS-Galicia Division head.[9]The party was registered in 1995, initially calling itself the “Social National Party of Ukraine” and using a swastika style logo. Svoboda is the electoral front for neo-nazi organizations in Ukraine such as UNA-UNSO.[10]

One further indication that Nuland’s hand is shaping latest Ukraine events is the fact that the new Ukrainian Parliament is expected to nominate Nuland’s choice, Arseny Yatsenyuk, from Tymoshenko’s party, to be interim head of the new Cabinet.

Whatever the final truth, clear is that Washington has prepared a new economic rape of Ukraine using its control over the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

IMF plunder of Ukraine Crown Jewels

Now that the “opposition” has driven a duly-elected president into exile somewhere unknown, and dissolved the national riot police, Berkut, Washington has demanded that Ukraine submit to onerous IMF conditionalities.

In negotiations last October, the IMF demanded that Ukraine double prices for gas and electricity to industry and homes, that they lift a ban on private sale of Ukraine’s rich agriculture lands, make a major overhaul of their economic holdings, devalue the currency, slash state funds for school children and the elderly to “balance the budget.” In return Ukraine would get a paltry $4 billion.

Before the ouster of the Moscow-leaning Yanukovich government last week, Moscow was prepared to buy some $15 billion of Ukraine debt and to slash its gas prices by fully one-third. Now, understandably, Russia is unlikely to give that support. The economic cooperation between Ukraine and Moscow was something Washington was determined to sabotage at all costs.

This drama is far from over. The stakes involve the very future of Russia, the EU-Russian relations, and the global power of Washington, or at least that faction in Washington that sees further wars as the prime instrument of policy.

Writer F. William Engdahl is a geopolitical analyst and the author of “Full Spectrum Dominance: Totalitarian Democracy in the New World Order”.


[1] F. William Engdahl, US-Außenministerium in flagranti über Regimewechsel in der Ukraine ertappt, Kopp Online.de, February 8, 2014, accessed in http://info.kopp-verlag.de/hintergruende/enthuellungen/f-william-engdahl/us-aussenministerium-in-flagranti-ueber-regimewechsel-in-der-ukraine-ertappt.html

[2] Bertrand Benoit, Laurence Norman and Stephen Fidler , European Ministers Brokered Ukraine Political Compromise: German, French, Polish Foreign Ministers Flew to Kiev, The Wall Street Journal, February 21, 2014, accessed inhttp://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702303636404579397351862903542?mg=reno64-wsj&url=http%3A%2F%2Fonline.wsj.com%2Farticle%2FSB10001424052702303636404579397351862903542.html

[3] Jessica Best, Ukraine protests Snipers firing live rounds at demonstrators as fresh violence erupts despite truce, The Mirror UK, February 20, 2014, accessed inhttp://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/ukraine-protests-snipers-firing-live-3164828

[4] Aleksandar Vasovic , Far right group flexes during Ukraine revolution, Associated Press, January 3, 2005, Accessed in http://community.seattletimes.nwsource.com/archive/?date=20050103&slug=ukraine03

[5] Wikipedia, Ukrainian National Assembly Ukrainian National Self Defence, Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, accessed inhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian_National_Assembly_%E2%80%93_Ukrainian_National_Self_Defence

[6] Source report, Who Has Ukraine Weapons, February 27, 2014, private to author.

[7] Ibid.

[8] Max Blumenthal, Is the US backing neo-Nazis in Ukraine?, AlterNet February 25, 2014, accessed in


[9] Channel 4 News, Far right group at heart of Ukraine protests meet US senator, 16 December 2013, accessed in



Ucraina: organizzazione militare segreta neo-nazista coinvolta negli spari a Euromaidan

- di William Engdahl -

Gli eventi in Ucraina dal novembre 2013 sono così sorprendenti da sfidare quasi la realtà. Il Presidente ucraino legittimamente eletto (secondo tutti gli osservatori internazionali), Viktor Janukovich, è stato abbattuto dalla carica e costretto a fuggire come un criminale di guerra, dopo più di tre mesi di proteste violente e di omicidi terroristici da parte della cosiddetta opposizione. Il suo “crimine”, secondo il capo della protesta, era aver rifiutato l’offerta dell’UE di un’associazione vagamente definita che offriva poco all’Ucraina e di aver favorito un accordo concreto con la Russia che riduceva subito di 15 miliardi di dollari il debito e la forte riduzione dei prezzi d’importazione del gas russo. Washington, a quel punto ha accelerato e il risultato attuale è la catastrofe.
Un’organizzazione militare segreta neo-nazista legata alla NATO avrebbe svolto un ruolo decisivo nei tiri dei cecchini e nelle violenze che hanno portato al crollo del governo legittimo. Ma l’occidente non ha finito con la distruzione dell’Ucraina. Ora il FMI imporrà condizioni gravi quali prerequisiti per un qualsiasi aiuto finanziario occidentale. Dopo la famosa telefonata trapelata tra l’assistente del segretario di Stato USA Victoria Nuland e l’ambasciatore statunitense a Kiev, in cui discuteva i dettagli sul nuovo governo di coalizione a Kiev, respingendo la soluzione dell’Unione europea con il suo “si fotta l’UE”, [1] l’UE è andata avanti da sola. Il ministro degli Esteri tedesco, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, propose che lui e il suo omologo francese, Laurent Fabius, andassero a Kiev per cercare una risoluzione prima dell’escalation delle violenze. Al ministro degli Esteri polacco Radoslaw Sikorski chiesero di aderire. Ai colloqui di Kiev parteciparono la delegazione UE, Janukovich, i tre leader dell’opposizione e un rappresentante russo. Gli Stati Uniti non furono invitati. [2] L’intervento dell’UE senza Washington era straordinario e rivelava una profonda divisione negli ultimi mesi. In effetti l’UE diceva al dipartimento di Stato degli Stati Uniti, “Fottiti Stati Uniti“, ci penseremo noi. Dopo aspri colloqui i maggiori partiti e la maggior parte dei manifestanti, concordarono nuove elezioni presidenziali per dicembre, il ritorno alla Costituzione del 2004 e il rilascio dal carcere di Julija Tymoshenko. Il compromesso sembrava porre termine al lungo caos e dare una via d’uscita ai principali attori. Il compromesso diplomatico è durato meno di dodici ore. Poi si è scatenato l’inferno. Cecchini sparavano sulla folla il 22 febbraio a Maidan, o Piazza Indipendenza, causando il panico mentre la polizia antisommossa si ritirava nel panico secondo testimoni oculari. Il capo dell’opposizione Vitalij Klishko si ritirò dall’accordo, senza motivarlo. Janukovich fuggì da Kiev. [3]
La domanda senza risposta finora è chi ha schierato i cecchini? Secondo un veteran

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