(english / srpskohrvatski / italiano)

Sul rapimento in Ucraina di Sergey Belous

1) Status report on the ominous disappearance of Ukrainian publicist Sergey Belous / PETITION
Rapporto sulla proditoria scomparsa del pubblicista ucraino Sergey Belous / PETIZIONE
2) Апел Београдског форума за свет равноправних: ОСЛОБОДИТЕ СЕРГЕЈА БЕЛОУСА!
Appeal of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals: FREE SERGEY BELOUS !
3) Srebrenica Historical Project: Project associate and Ukrainian scholar Sergey Belous has disappeared in eastern Ukraine

=== 1 ===

----- Original Message -----
From: S. K.
Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2014 4:34 PM

Postbus 90471,
Den Haag, The Netherlands
+31 64 878 09078  (Holland)
+381 64 403 3612  (Serbia)
E-mail: srebrenica.historical.project @ gmail.com
Web site: www.srebrenica-project.com



Sergey Belous, M. A. in history, a native of Harkov, Ukraine, disappeared late in the evening on Friday, August 2, 2014, shortly after crossing the border from Russia into the Donetsk Region, Ukraine. He and two colleagues are believed to have been detained at a Ukrainian army checkpoint. Nothing was known of their fate for three days. On Tuesday August 5, 2014 it was announced that forces under the control of the Kiev authorities transported Sergey Belous and his two journalistic colleagues, Roman Gnatyuk and Sergey Boyko, to Kiev for interrogation. Sergey Belous, who is a citizen of Ukraine, is currently being threatened with involuntary induction into Ukrainian armed forces and being sent to the conflict zone in the east of the country.

Since Sergey wrote extensively and critically about the Maydan disorders and the February 2014 coup in Kiev, he is considered an enemy by the current authorities. While still in Belgrade, Serbia, he was openly threatened by the Third Secretary of the Ukrainian Embassy.

Clearly, the regime’s threat to draft Sergey and send him to the conflict zone puts his life in serious jeopardy. As a perceived opponent of the current authorities, his liquidation in the war zone could easily be arranged and then explained away as a “battle casualty.”

We, Committee to Free Sergey Belous, urge everyone to sign the petition for his release by clicking on the link below and following simple directions:


The life of this talented young man is in serious danger because he exercised his right to freedom of expression as a Ukrainian citizen and an intellectual. We urge you to sign this petition to the Government of Ukraine in support of Sergey Belous and thus manifest your solidarity.


Stephen Karganovic

Committee to Free Sergey Belous

--- Traduzione:

Rapporto sulla proditoria scomparsa del pubblicista ucraino Sergey Belous
SERGEY BELOUS, M. A. in storia, nativo di Harkov, Ucraina, è scomparso nella tarda serata di sabato 2 agosto 2014, poco dopo l'attraversamento del confine dalla Russia nella regione di Donetsk, Ucraina. Lui e due colleghi si ritiene siano stati arrestati a un checkpoint dell'esercito ucraino. Non si è saputo nulla della loro sorte per tre giorni. Martedì 5 agosto 2014 è stato annunciato che le forze sotto il controllo delle autorità di Kiev hanno trasportato Sergey Belous e i suoi due colleghi giornalisti, Roman Gnatyuk e Sergey Boyko, a Kiev per un interrogatorio. Sergey Belous, che è un cittadino dell'Ucraina, è attualmente minacciato di arruolamento forzato nelle forze armate ucraine e invio nella zona del conflitto nell'est del paese. Poiché Sergey ha scritto ampiamente e criticamente circa i disordini di Majdan e il colpo di stato di febbraio 2014 a Kiev, è considerato un nemico dalle attuali autorità. Mentre era ancora a Belgrado, Serbia, era stato minacciato apertamente dal terzo segretario dell'Ambasciata Ucraina. Chiaramente, la minaccia del regime di arruolare Sergey e mandarlo nella zona del conflitto mette la sua vita in grave pericolo. Percepito come  avversario delle attuali autorità, la sua liquidazione in zona di guerra potrebbe facilmente essere organizzata e poi spiegata come un "incidente di guerra". Noi, Comitato per la liberazione di Sergey Belous, invitiamo tutti a firmare questa petizione per il suo rilascio cliccando sul link sottostante e seguendo le semplici indicazioni:

La vita di questo giovane uomo pieno di talento è in serio pericolo perché ha esercitato il suo diritto alla libertà di espressione come cittadino dell'Ucraina e intellettuale. Vi preghiamo di firmare questa petizione al Governo dell'Ucraina in supporto di Sergey Belous manifestando in questo modo la vostra solidarietà.

Stephen Karganovic

Committee to Free Sergey Belous

=== 2 ===


Апел Београдског форума за свет равноправних

Београдски форум за свет равноправних изражава дубоку забринутост због информација о нестанку младог украјинског научника, аналитичара и новинара Сергеја Белоуса. Према вестима које су објавили медији у Србији (РТС, Печат, НСПМ), Сергеја Белоуса и још једног новинара привели су припадници Укајинске националне гарде 2. августа 2014. на путу из Ростова за Донбас. Заједно са њима приведен је и њихов возач, који је потом пуштен. О Белоусу, међутим, од његовог привођења до данас, нема никаквих вести. Украјинска национална гарда је под контролом власти у Кијеву.

Београдски Форум за свет равноправних, у име својих чланова и пријатеља у земљи и свету, упућује апел надлежним украјинским властима као одговорним за безбедност и слободан рад новинара, да одмах обелодане шта се десило, где се налази Седргеј Белоус и да га, без одлагања, пусте на слободу.

Форум се истовремено обраћа националним новинарским удружењима у Србији, а пре свега, УНС-у и НУНС-у, и српским медијима да на међународном плану покрену одговарајуће акције за неодложно ослобађање Сергеја Белоуса који је приведен док је вршио новинарску дужност.

Сергеј је дуже време био на студијском боравку у Србији где је припремао докторску тезу о „случају Косова и Метохије“.

Прикупљање документације и грађе за научни рад довело га је до Београдског форума и његових књига и публикација.


Од краја 2013. године Сергј редовно посеећује стручне скупове Форума са међународном тематиком. Од јануара до почетка априла 2014. волонтира радећи као секретар за припрему Међународне конференције „Глобалним миром против глобалног интервенционизма и империјализма“ која је одржана у Београду 22. и 23. марта 2014. Паралелно, Белоус сарађује као новинар и аналитичар са више медија у Србији, у првом реду, са недељником „Печат“ у коме је објавио серију врло запажених коментара о узроцима и последицама сукоба у Украјини. Учествује на низу научних и стручних скупова у Србији, Републици Српској, на Косову и Метохији. Свуда је радо виђен и високо цењен као поштен и објективан аналитичар, а посебно међу младим научницима и студентима пост-диполомцима. Сви они су дубоко забринути за судбину Сергеја и очекују вести о његовом пуштању на слободу.
Београд, 4. август 2014.


--- Translation:


Appeal of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals

The Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals expresses deep concern further to information that Sergey Belous, young Ukrainian scientist, analyst and journalist, went missing. According to the news released by the Serbian media (the National Broadcaster RTS, magazines “Pečat” and “NSPM”), Sergey Belous and another journalist were detained by the members of the Ukrainian National Guard on 2nd August 2014 on the road from Rostov to Donbas. Their driver had also initially been detained but was released later on. However, there was no further information about Belous since his detaining. The Ukrainian National Guard is under the control of the Kiev authorities.

On behalf of its members and friends in the country and across the world, the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals hereby appeals to the relevant Ukrainian authorities as the ones responsible for the security and unimpeded work of journalists, to disclose details of this detaining and whereabouts of Sergey Belous, and to immediately release him.

At the same time, the Forum appeals to the national journalist societies in Serbia, most notably to the Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS) and Independent Association of Journalists of Serbia (NUNS) and the media in Serbia, to initiate appropriate initiatives and mechanisms at the international level aimed at urgent release of Sergey from the detainment that occurred as he was exercising his journalist duty.

Sergey Belous has been present in Serbia over a longer period of time, preparing his doctoral thesis on the “Case of Kosovo and Metohija”. The gathering of appropriate documents and material for the scientific thesis eventually led him to the books and publications of the Belgrade Forum. Since late 2013, Sergey became a regular attendee of expert meetings dedicated to international topics, organized by the Belgrade Forum. Since January through the beginning of April 2014, he volunteered in preparations for, and organization of, the International Conference “Global Peace Versus Global Interventionism and Imperialism”, held in Belgrade on 22 – 23 March 2014.

In parallel, Belous has been actively cooperating as journalist and analyst with several media in Serbia, most notably “Pečat”, which published a series of highly acclaimed comments about the root causes and the consequences of conflict in Ukraine. He took part in a number of scientific and expert events in Serbia, the Republic of Srpska, in Kosovo and Metohija, always as a welcome and much esteemed, objective and fair analyst, especially among the ranks of young scientists and post-graduate students. They all share our deep concern for the fate of Sergey, and eagerly hope to hear the news of his release as soon as possible.

Belgrade, 4th August 2014


=== 3 ===

From: "S. K." 
Date: 4 August 2014 14:13:42 CEST
Subject: Srebrenica Historical Project: Project associate and Ukrainian scholar Sergey Belous has disappeared in eastern Ukraine

Postbus 90471,
Den Haag, The Netherlands
+31 64 878 09078  (Holland)
+381 64 403 3612  (Serbia)
E-mail: srebrenica.historical.project  @  gmail.com
Web site: www.srebrenica-project.com


Sergey Belous, M. A. in history, a native of Harkov, Ukraine, disappeared late in the evening on Friday, August 2, 2014, shortly after crossing the border from Russia into Ukraine.

Sergey Belous has been residing in Belgrade, Serbia, since September 2013. He arrived in Belgrade before current unrest began in the Ukraine with the intention of collecting data for his doctoral dissertation on the internationalization of the Kosovo issue in the 1990s. Civil disorder in the Ukraine disrupted his plans to return to his homeland. As a member of the Russian-speaking population under threat from the profascist junta which seized power in February, Sergey decided that it would be safer to remain in Serbia for the time being. In the meantime, Sergey wrote a number of analytical articles for Belgrade weekly “Pechat” and other publications. As part of his academic research he visited Kosovo and Metohija on numerous occasions. As an associate of Srebrenica Historical Project he took part in several Project activities, including a presentation on the coup in the Ukraine in Belgrade in February of this year and conference on “coloured revolutions” at the Republic of Srpska Academy of Sciences in Banja Luka in April 2014. The unambiguously critical positions Sergey articulated in relation to the policies pursued by the fascist junta, whose forces apparently captured him a few days ago, potentially puts his life in jeopardy.

Immediately after the February 22, 2014 coup in Kiev the Third Secretary of the Ukrainian Embassy in Belgrade revealed to Sergey that he had been a secret member of the pro-nazi Right Sector for some time and he warned Sergey threateningly that the embassy was following his journalistic activities closely and “keeping an eye” on him.

Sergey has been in Donetsk, on territory under the control of local freedom fighters for the last month and has been travelling frequently from there to the Russian Federation and back. The disappearance of Sergey Belous, last seen in the proximity of a junta checkpoint on the territory of the Donetsk Republic on Friday evening, August 2, raises extraordinary concern. Similarly to British journalist Graham Phillips, who was working for “Russia Today,” and whose objective reporting caused immense distress to the junta, Sergey Belous is now also in grave danger. Junta military forces captured Phillips twice during the last several months but were compelled on both occasions to release him due to an international outcry and negative publicity. It is now necessary to help Sergey Belous by using identical methods.

We urge you to contact the Embassy of Ukraine nearest to you [a partial list and contact information are below for your convenience] to demand categorically that the condition of Ukrainian citizen Sergey Belous be promptly clarified and that he be set free without delay if he has been detained, as suspected, by forces under Ukrainian junta control. If you have media influence or connections of any sort, we urge you to disseminate the news of Sergey Belous’ disappearance in Eastern Ukraine as widely as possible and to encourage the public to express active concern in relation to his case.


Ukrainian diplomatic missions


Embassy of Ukraine, London, UK

Ambassador: Andrii Kuzmenko

Address: 60 Holland Park, London W11 3SJ.
Phone: 00 44 207 727 63 12
Fax: 00 44 207 702 17 08
Email: emb_gb@...
Embassy of Ukraine, Washington D.C., USA
Ambassador: Olexander Motsyk
Address: 3350 M Street N.W., Washington D.C., 20007, USA.
Phone: + 1 (202) 349 2920 (main), + 1 (202) 349 3376 (consular section)
Fax: +1 (202) 333-0817
Email: emb_us@...
Embassy of Ukraine, Paris, France
Ambassador: Oleg Kobzistiy
 Address: 21, avenue de Saxe, 75007 Paris.

Phone: +331 43 06 07 37

Fax: + 33 (0) 1 43 06 02 94
Email: ambassade-ukraine@...
Embassy of Ukraine, Belgrade, Serbia
4, Paje Adamova St. Belgrade, The Republic of Serbia

(00 381 11) 367 24 11, (00 381 11) 367 24 12
(00 381 11) 367 24 13
Embassy of Ukraine, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
[Ukrainian embassy in Zagreb, Croatia, also covers Bosnia and Herzegovina]
Address: Voćarska cesta 52, Zagreb, 10 000 Croatia

 Email:   emb_hr@..., Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli.

August 4, 2014.