--- MESSAGGIO SPEDITO DA "francesco iannuzzelli" <francesco@...>
Ciao a tutt* vi segnalo un corposo aggiornamento della pagina
dedicata alla documentazione scientifica sull'uranio impoverito, che
trovate a questo indirizzo


In particolare:

"Stima dei danni radiologici da Uranio Impoverito alla popolazione
dei Balcani " a cura del prof. Massimo Zucchetti . In appendice i
commenti dell'autore su alcuni recenti rapporti sull'Uranio
Impoverito pubblicati a livello internazionale
(disponibile in formato html, rtf e pdf)
Il rapporto della Commissione Mandelli ("Relazione preliminare
della commissione istituita dal Ministro della Difesa sull'incidenza
di neoplasie maligne tra i militari impiegati in Bosnia e Kossovo")
Il rapporto dell'Unione Europea ("Opinion of the group of experts
established according to Article 31 of the Euratom Treat - Depleted
Dr. Muna Al Jiburi - University of Baghdad
"Environmental and health impacts of Aggression on Iraq"
(in formato html, rtf e pdf)
B.A. Marouf
"The environmental and health effects of deployment of depleted
uranium during 1991 by US and UK armies in Iraq"
(in formato html, rtf e pdf)
Dr. Darko Nadic - University of Belgrade
"A socio-ecological approach to investigating the environment in
Il testo del decreto interministeriale sulla realizzazione di una
campagna di monitoraggio sulle condizione sanitarie dei cittadini
italiani che hanno operato nei Balcani, compreso l'elenco degli
esami medici previsti



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Dear anti-Du folks,
we're now producing a weekly update of du news,
research etc,conferences, actionse etc in snippet size
form,(with contact address) no rants or debates, which
is designed for those groups who have yet to join the
movement, and for those who don't want a huge amount
of emails flooding in everyday. We've got near 300-400
groups we've emailing, and hope that this increases.
To make this project work, we're going to need all the
input we can get from activists and researchers out
there, i.e sending in reports, articles, diary dates
etc, so that the list is full every saturday/sunday,
when its sent out.
To subscribe to the list then contact:
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and to send data then mail to

Also if people have lists of environmental, politial
or community groups who you think might want the list
sent, then post them on.

many thanks

Davey garland

-----Messaggio Originale-----
Da: "davey garland" <thunderelf@...>
A: <Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli.>
Data invio: gioved� 19 aprile 2001 12.51
Oggetto: [DU Information List] DU list April 10 (2)

> Depleted Uranium Information List April 9 (2)
> ****************************************************
> Note: due to complications, this is a little late, and
> please excuse the roughness of the report. Another
> issue should be out this weekend. Thanks for bearing
> with us.
> Media
> Iraq and WHO agree to explore effects of radiation.
> Report on agreement of April 9-11.
> > Source:> <A
> HREF="http://www.timesofindia.com/today/13woru11.htm">>
> http://www.timesofindia.com/today/13woru11.htm</A>>
> "International War-crimes Tribunal" financed by the
> United States Government and US Multi-Nationals
> It's as if Washington itself were to try Milosevic!
> Questions the impartiality of the War Crimes Tribunal
> and reveals its violations of international law.
> - Health Risks of using Depleted Uranium by Venik
> Philadelphia, 30 Mar 2001 -- In the recent months the
> NATO and other interested parties became more active
> in their attempts to discredit opponents of using
> depleted uranium (DU) in ammunition and other areas,
> where this radioactive material may come in contact
> with people and the environment.
> This is a collection of relevant information found in
> a variety of publications summarizing some of the data
> on the health risks of depleted uranium in a
> reasonably-sized article intended for non-technical
> reader.
> PDF file (384Kb):
> Britain to screen military for depleted uranium
> LONDON (Reuters) - Britain has moved a step closer to
> screening military personnel exposed to depleted
> uranium.
> << Source: h<A
> HREF="http://uk.news.yahoo.com/010411/80/bjyns.html">
> ttp://uk.news.yahoo.com/010411/80/bjyns.html</A>
> Fresh fears over depleted uranium
> An investigation into the effects of weapons
> containing depleted uranium has uncovered
> contamination in urine samples from people in Kosovo
> and Bosnia.
> << Source: <A
> Gulf War Vets Have More Health Problems Than Others
> by Patricia Reaney LONDON (Reuters) -
> Veterans of the Gulf War have more health problems and
> illnesses than other men and women in the armed
> services, British doctors said on Thursday.
> Source:<A
> http://news.excite.com/news/r/010411/20/science-health-gulfwar-dc
> Planned Deaths by Nuclear Industry
> Court Testimony by Dr. John Gofman, stating that the
> US code of Federal Regulation NRC for exposure to
> radiation constitutes 'planned deaths'.
> http://www.geocities.com/mothersalert/chernobyl.html
> Nuclear Control Institute Calls on Nuclear Industry
> to Abandon Use Of
> Plutonium, Highly Enriched Uranium WASHINGTON, April 9
> /PRNewswire/
> Speaking at NCI's 20th anniversary conference at the
> Carnegie Endowment
> for International Peace, NCI President Paul Leventhal
> said: "There may be an
> irreducible proliferation risk associated with nuclear
> power, a risk serious
> enough to consider abandoning our commitment to
> nuclear power."
> http://www.nci.org/conference.htm .
> Irresponsible weapons - Depleted uranium arms very
> harmful
> Source:<A
> HREF="http://www.michigandaily.com/articles.php?uniqid 010405e02">
> http://www.michigandaily.com/articles.php?uniqid 010405e02</A>
> Looks at the radiological and chemical toxicity of
> depleted uranium weapons.
> The New Statesman: Not as it seems - was Racak
> Kosovo's Gulf of Tonkin?
> Armen Georgian and Arthur Neslet.
> There were no howls of outrage from world leaders or
> press cries for action when the Forensic Science
> International Journal published its report on the
> alleged massacre of 45 Albanian civilians by Serb
> forces in the Kosovan village of Racak. Yet the
> Journal's report cast massive doubt on an incident
> that played the central part in justifying Nato's
> bombing campaign against Yugoslavia in1999.
> Global spread of DU reaches food chainBy Torcuil
> Crichton and Felicity Arbuthnot
> Publication Date: Apr 15 2001
> Depleted uranium from shells fired by British and
> American forces during the Balkan wars has found its
> way into the food chain and has been detected among
> the civilian populations of Kosovo and Bosnia.
> http://www.sudayherald.com (News)
> U.S. Studies Developing New Nuclear Bomb by Walter
> Pincus
> The Defense Department is studying whether to develop
> a new, low-yield nuclear weapon with an
> earth-penetrating nose cone that could knock out
> hardened or deeply buried targets such as leadership
> bunkers and command centers.
> Washington Post.
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A19401-2001Apr14.htm
> Boilerplate
> ***************************************************
> The Boilerplate usually remains unchanged from
> newsletter to
> newsletter. It contains the following information:
> - Web site
> - Send info to DU Information List
> - About The Pandora DU Information List
> - Your involvement is needed
> - How to subscribe and unsubscribe to this letter
> - Disclaimer
> ****************************************************
> Web site
> www.pandora.project.on.to
> Send info to DU Information List
> Post message: pandora.project@...
> About the Pandora DU information list
> The Pandora DU Information List is a means to connect
> with various organisations and individuals who are
> interested, researching or campaigning on the issue of
> Depleted uranium. The list will be distributed weekly,
> and will include various snippets of information etc,
> provided by those in the anti-du movement, with
> contact addresses to receive more detailed data or the
> complete documents being reviewed
> Your involvement is needed
> Your involvement is needed To make this Network
> successful, then we are
> going to need the input of all those working in the
> anti-DU field,
> journalists, activists, researchers and veterans. So
> please send us your
> reports and documents to pandora.project@...
> Also as we want to
> send this to as many groups as possible then please
> send any suggestions
> of email contacts etc.
> How to subscribe and unsubscribe to this letter
> To subscribe:
> Everyone is welcome to subscribe to this free
> newsletter.
> Send an email to
> Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli.
> To unsubscribe:
> Send an email to
> Unsubscribe:
> Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli.
> Disclaimer
> While The Pandora DU Information List and its members
> and associates
> use their best efforts in collecting and preparing the
> information
> published herein, The Pandora DU Information List
> hereby disclaims any
> liability for any loss or damage caused by errors or
> omissions, whether such
> errors or omissions resulted from negligence or other
> causes. Without
> limiting the generality of the foregoing, The Pandora
> DU Information
> List does not in any way vouch for the information
> supplied by its members
> or associates or for the quality of their work.
> Please notify us about any perceived errors or
> omissions.
> Any views expressed in this e-mail are those of the
> author, except
> where the sender specifically states them to be the
> views of The Pandora DU
> Information List.


Questa lista e' provvisoriamente curata da componenti
dell'ex Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'",
oggi "Comitato Promotore dell'Assemblea Antimperialista":
> http://www.tuttinlotta.org
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono questa struttura, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only").
Per iscriversi al bollettino: <jugoinfo-subscribe@...>
Per cancellarsi: <jugoinfo-unsubscribe@...>
Per inviare materiali e commenti: <jugocoord@...>
> http://www.domeus.it/circles/jugoinfo
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/crj-mailinglist/messages
Sito WEB (non aggiornato):
> http://digilander.iol.it/lajugoslaviavivra

Vacanze, idee regalo, liste nozze...
tutte le migliori offerte direttamente
nella vostra casella di posta!

Se vuoi cancellarti da questo gruppo, clicca qui: http://www.domeus.it/info/unsubscribe