>>> http://www.nara.gov/iwg/declass/rg263.html

(fonte ufficiale USA: documenti declassificati)

Le schede sui criminali nazisti:
Emil Augsburg
Klaus Barbie
Eugen Dollmann
Adolf Eichmann (see
detailed report)
Franz Goering (also
Wilhelm Harster
Adolf Hitler
Wilhelm Hoettl (also
H�ttl) (see detailed
Michel Kedia
Horst Kopkow
Wilfried Krallert
Wilhelm Krichbaum (see
detailed report)
Josef Mengele
Heinrich Mueller (also
M�ller) (see detailed
Friedrich Panzinger
Martin Sandberger
Franz Six
Hans Sommer
Kurt Waldheim
Guido Zimmer (see
detailed report)
con le informazioni sull'arruolamento di molti di loro nelle fila della
NATO o nell'ambito di strutture dei paesi occidentali:
"...Nine of the fourteen persons in
this second tier had some contact with the West German intelligence
organization established by General Reinhard
Gehlen, which was initially under the control of the U. S. Army and was
taken over in 1949 by the CIA. Later Gehlen's
organization became the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND), West Germany's
foreign intelligence agency..."

>>> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/crj-mailinglist/message/254


* PREMESSA: dalle Ratlines alla nascita della NATO; l'"Operazione
Gehlen"; Borghese, Gelli, Heusinger...
trascrizione di una trasmissione radiofonica della San Francisco
Liberation Radio: Heusinger, Gehlen, Allen...
Sul libro: "Heusinger del Quarto Reich", di Charles R. Allen, Jr,
Berkeley, California, Settembre 1963; introduzione del Generale di
Brigata in pensione Hugh B. Hester (US Army); altre citazioni di fonte

>>> http://www.wbenjamin.org/neumannproject.html


Toward a Radical Reassessment of
the North Atlantic Treaty Organization

TABLE OF CONTENTS: [Updated: April 30, 2001]
I. Franz Neumann [Short biographical sketch and bibliography]
II. N.A.T.O. & the Balkans in the News [Updated: April 30, 2001]
III. Links: On Fascism, The Cold War, NATO & the Balkan Conflict
IV. NATO & Neo-Fascism:"The Origins of the North Atlantic Treaty, West
Germany & the Opportune Career of General Adolf Ernst Heusinger (1949 -
V. Balkan Archives [Updated: March 27, 2001]
VI. WB_Kiosk: [Communiqu�s, News Bulletins & Announcements]


The Most Opportune Career of Adolf Ernst Heusinger
[From Hitler'sWehrmacht to Adenauer's Bundeswehr and on to NATO's
Permanent Military Committee]

A. Heusinger's Military Biography: 1914 - 1945 [Allen, pp. 27
- 195] [1]

1914 - 1918: World War I; Heusinger enters military service; becomes
2nd Lieutenant
1918 - 1933: Heusinger is P.O.W. of the British, 1918 - 1919; Post WWI
& Weimar: Heusinger clandestinely helps von Seeckt rebuild the
Wehrmacht [importance of the Truppengereralstab ]; 1932: Heusinger
promoted to Captain
1933 - 1939: Heusinger promoted to Major & is attatched to OKH in the
pre-war years of the Third Reich. 1938: Heusinger promoted to Colonel
1939 - 1944: Heusinger as OKH strategist; successful military campaigns
in Poland, France, Norway, Netherlands; the Barbarossa campaign; 1940:
Heusinger is promoted to Chief of Army High Command's Operations
Division; his constant contact with Hitler; his position vs. those of
Gen. Jodl
and Gen. Keitel; Heusinger's role at OKH in commanding the
20. July 1944 - 1945: Heusinger's role as informer in the von
Stauffenberg assassination attempt

B. Heusinger in Bureau Gehlen, the Bundeswehr & NATO:

1945 - 1946: Heusinger's informing role at the Nuremberg Trials
1946 - 1949: Heusinger under military arrest and "incarceration" works
in Bureau Gehlen to rebuild the nucleus
of a resurgent General Staff
1949 - 1953: Heusinger becomes the first Chief of Staff of the Federal
Republic of Germany's Bundeswehr &
later Inspector General
1955 - 1963: The FRG joins NATO (May 6, 1955); Heusinger works to free
Nazi war criminals for use as
officers in the new Bundeswehr; expansion of the West German military;
Heusinger made Chairman of NATO's
Permanent Military Committee



Censura in Gran Bretagna sulla vicenda di ottomila criminali nazisti
dell'Ucraina presi sotto protezione nel 1947:

An unshown film

British complicity in covering up second world war crimes still seems to
be subject to censorship
Freedom of information: special report
Geoffrey Goodman
Monday June 12, 2000
The Guardian

Scarcely a day passes without an example of how the absence of a mature
Freedom of Information Act denies our so-called free society knowledge
we are entitled to have.
Under our current system the political deceptions and lies of history
remain undetected and undisclosed. I was, by chance, offered a
disturbing reminder of this the other day at a private showing of a
television documentary that remains on the blocked list. It is unshown
and unknown to the wider world, perhaps even censored by some hidden
hand. Until my chance invitation, it was simply not discussed, even by
the chattering classes.
Let me explain. In 1947 the Labour government of Clement Attlee approved
the bringing to Britain of the remains of an entire division of the Nazi
Waffen SS, numbering some 8,000 men. The 14th SS Division, called the
Galizien (Galicia), consisted entirely of Ukrainians, mostly from Polish
Ukraine which had been taken over by the Soviets after the
Molotov-Ribbentrop pact of August 1939.
The Ukrainian SS men's arrival was largely unpublicised at the time and
they were distributed around the country in temporary camps to await
resettlement. Fifteen hundred of them are still living in Britain today,
their history and background cloaked in mystery. Deep suspicions remain,
however, about their role as an important part of Hitler's war machine
on the eastern front.
The unused (suppressed?), hour-long documentary was produced by Julian
Hendy, a talented television writer and historian. It was scheduled to
be shown on Yorkshire TV last year but was pulled at short notice with a
promise that it would be shown this year. Since then there has been
silence. The BBC became involved in discussions about Hendy's film at
one point - but backed off.
The film is a stunning documentary about a phase of the second world war
that has yet to be explained. Hendy shows the Galizien SS Division
involved in horrendous war crimes in Ukraine and Slovakia. He provides
eyewitness accounts and documentation of the murder by shooting,
fire-bombing, hanging, mutilation and appalling torture of anyone who
stood out in resistance to the Nazis - be they Poles, Russians,
Ukrainians, Slovaks, Jews and non-Jews, partisan fighters or people just
going about village life. Whole villages were destroyed by fire bomb
ing; bodies were thrown into mass graves. The grim story is familiar
enough to those of us who know what happened on that war front - but
here is fresh evidence of something which has a new and sinister
connotation, namely the British connection.
At the end of the war the remnants of the 14th SS Division slipped away
from the Soviet occupying army into Austria to be made prisoners under
the British (a better option than the Soviets). They were encamped
firstly in Austria and later in Italy for interrogation - most of which
was done casually and without expert interpreters to check details.
The British Foreign Office asked the distinguished war hero Brigadier
Sir Fitzroy Maclean to cast his expert eye over the Ukrainians. He did
so but found the task extremely difficult without suitable back-up
resources. His report to London appears to have cleared the Ukrainians
for entry into Britain - though what Fitzroy Maclean actually reported
back to London is still far from clear. At any rate the former Waffen SS
men were shipped to Britain in 1947, with their Iron Crosses in their
pockets and Heinrich Himmler's praises still resting, privately, in
their memories (they were honoured personally by Himmler after one of
their more brutal escapades in Slovakia).
Not long after their arrival in Britain, once most of them had been
absorbed into British life, a number of the former SS men were alleged
to have been recruited by British Military Intelligence. The aim was to
infiltrate them into the USSR - after all, the cold war was reaching a
peak and these men had considerable knowledge and experience of a
particularly vulnerable area of the Soviet Union. There are no surprises
here, but we are far from knowing anything about that extraordinary
episode, assuming there is truth in the allegation.
The cold war is over, the Soviet Union has disappeared, the war crimes
commission has been wound up; only 1,500 of the old Galizien boys
remain. So why the fuss about the documentary? Was it pulled by
Yorkshire TV, and others, because it had negligible viewing power? Are
there still good reasons of national security which prevent the story
from being told? Or might the telling of this chilling tale raise
questions, and skeletons, that are better left in their solidly locked
No charges have ever been brought against the men of the 14th SS
Division. Perhaps that will never happen: maybe, by now, we have all had
enough of retribution. Yet none of this can adequately explain why a
remarkable documentary film remains shelved and mostly unknown.
: Geoffrey Goodman is editor of the British Journalism Review


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