

Fiachra Gibbons, arts correspondent
Thursday July 26, 2001
Front Page
The Guardian

The playwright Harold Pinter has joined a
campaign to free the former Serb leader Slobodan

Pinter, who was a fierce opponent of the Nato
bombing of Serbia and once defined US policy to
the former Yugoslavia as "kiss my arse or I'll
kick your head in", said that Mr Milosevic's
extradition to face trial at the war crimes
tribunal in the Hague was illegal.

"I believe his arrest and detention by the
international criminal tribunal is
unconstitutional, and goes against Yugoslav and
international law. They have no right to try
him," he said.

His decision to lend his name to the
International Committee to Defend Slobodan
Milosevic, a loose coalition of leftwingers,
human rights activists and Serb sympathisers
formed in March, follows years of criticism of
what he sees as the west's selective morality in
the Balkans and its "persecution" of ordinary

Although he believes that Mr Milosevic was
"ruthless and savage", he has long argued that he
has been unfairly demonised as the "butcher of
the Balkans". He blames his former
vice-president, the ultra-nationalist Vojislav
Seselj, for much of the ethnic cleansing.

Pinter also says that if Mr Milosevic is to be
tried, former US president Bill Clinton should
join him in the dock for dropping millions of
"cluster bombs that cut children to pieces - from
those brave bombers at 15,000ft. And this is an
act which [Tony] Blair, with his moralistic
Christianity, applauds".

He also said the bombing of the Yugoslavian
television station in Belgrade by Nato was
"murder" and made him "ashamed of being British".

Although Pinter - currently working at a festival
of his work in New York - has not given any money
to the Milosevic defence fund, the committee
hopes to start raising cash soon.


Subject: Fw: Milosevic
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2001 13:09:34 -0400
From: "Christopher Black"

A letter the Toronto Star still has refused to
publish even though they pursue me for stories.
The letter was in response to a vicious
propaganda piece against Milosevic and the Serbs
they ran as an editorial.



----- Original Message -----
From: Christopher Black
To: lettertoed@...
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2001 3:32 AM
Subject: Milosevic

The Editor,
Toronto Star

Your piece on Milosevic entitled "No place To
Hide" constitutes nothing less than criminal
journalism. A series of lies from beginning to
end, it attempts to control public opinion about
the truth of events in Yuglosavia in order to
justify the criminal aggression by Canada and the
other Nato countries on the last progressive
country in eastern Europe and cover the war
crimes of Chretien and Arbour and the rest of
gangsters who pretend to control the New World

Mr. Milosevic was never "undisputed master" of
Yugoslavia. He was duly elected in popular
elections unlike President Bush in the United
States who was installed against the popular
will. He was never a notorious nationalst as you
claim and never seduced his people with dreams of
a greater Serbia. In every speech and in his
actions he did what he could to preserve a
multiethnic state against the Machiavellian
scheming of the United States and Germany which
promoted the Albanian's bloody thirst for a
Greater Albania, a blood soaked ambition fuelled
and directed by the United States and its axis
and which is today destroying Macedonia and
threatens Greece.

It was not Milosevic who delivered ethnic hatred.
It was Nato and its tightly controlled media that
sowed that hatred with every press release and
every article.

It was not Milosevic who brought war and
disintegration, sanctions and ruin. It was the
United States and Germany, Britain and Canada and
the rest of the Nato gangsters who decided to
destroy the last progressive government in the
east for the benefit of their economic elites.
It was not Milosevic who dropped bombs. It was
the cowards in the armed forces of all the Nato
countries who failed in their duty to defy
illegal and immoral orders and instead dropped
cluster bombs on innocent women and children. It
was not Milosevic who destroyed international
law. It was Chretien and the rest of Nato. It was
not Milosevic who has contempt for the rule of
law and democracy. It is every leader of every
governmnent in Nato who never consulted their own
people before attacking a small innocent country,
and who broke their own domestic laws in that

Where were you when Chretien broke the law in the
National Defence Act which forbids the use of the
Canadian Armed Forces to attack another country
unless attacked first or under UN mandate? Where
were you Chretien lied to the Canadian people
about the reality in the Balkans? Where were you
when Chretien and the rest broke the UN Charter
and threw it in the mud? Where were you when they
destroyed every principle established at
Nurmberg,in the Geneva Conventions and in dozens
of other international protocols.

You talk about the "reformist" government" in
Belgrade when in truth it is a fascist regime
which has shut down the oppositon press, arrested
hundreds of people on political charges and fired
over 40,000 people in a population of only 11
million from jobs in factories, government,
schools, hospitals, unions who had any
progressive or patriotic beliefs.

You praise Louise Arbour whose crass political
indictment of Milosevic on May 27, 1999 occurred
under US instruction at a point at which the Nato
alliance was fracturing and domestic support for
the bombing was waning. Her action justified the
continued violation of international law and
criminal aggression against a sovereign state
whose only crime was to resist the diktats of
Madaleine Albright. You praise a woman who
refused to investigate Chretien and other Nato
leaders for war crimes as lawyers and jurists
around the world insisted, including the group of
Canadian lawyers of whom I was one lead by
Professor Michael Mandel. Far from shattering
Milosevic's credibility, the indictment against
him by Arbour shattered completely the
credibility of the Hague Tribunal viewed around
the world by esteemed jurists as a kangaroo court
partly funded by people like George Soros, who
also just happened to fund the KLA at the same

Milosevic is not a broken man. I visited with
President Milosevic in the Belgrade Central
Prison on June 15 and again on July 12, in The
Hague, as a representative of the International
Committee To Defend Slobadan Milosevic. The
Committee is composed of jurists, writers,
scientists, politicians, professors and other
esteemed citizens from over 20 countries who are
convinced that the charges against Milosevic are
false and a slander against the people of
Yugoslavia and an insult to the intelligence of
the people in the Nato countries. It includes
members such as the great British playwright
Harold Pinter, and the former Attorney general of
the Untied States, Ramsay Clark.

Mr. Milosevic is in good spirits. He is not
suicidal. That is a lie put out to explain in
advance his possible murder at the hands of the
Nato Quislings presently in power in Belgrade
because they know very well that any trial before
the Hague tribunal will be an embarrassment for
Nato because there is no evidence of crimes that
never took place except in the pages of the
western press ever anxious to please the economic
powers that own them and who are linked with the
governments that want to eliminate those, like
Milosevic who have the courage to defy them.

Milosevic told me one thing he wanted the world
to know. He has a clear conscience. He stated to
me, "The only reasons I am in this prison are
because I am a socialist and because I stood up
to Nato. I am a political prisoner." The
corruption charges against him are false. The
Investigative Judge told me that there is no
evidence of any criminal wrongdoing by Mr.
Milosevic at all and that he is detained because
of strong political pressure until he can be
handed over to Carla Del Ponte. A Ministry of
Justice official told me that there is no
evidence against him but that I must understand
that "there are many members of the new regime
who would like to see all the socialists hanged
from lampposts."

The Toronto Star which prides itself on its
liberalism and support of democracy is so blinded
by its subservience to its masters that it openly
supports the decree stating that Milosevic can be
extradited despite the fact that the Yugoslavian
parliament opposed the extradition law that
Kostunica tried to pass and the Djindjic decree
was suspended by the Constituional Court.
Apparently, the Star's support of democracy only
goes so far. When the Yugoslav parliament opposes
the extradition, an unconstitutional decree,
which openly violates the will of the people and
the Yugoslav constitution, is praised as
courageous. When Nato and Chretien violated and
threw under the Nato jackboot every international
law you said nothing. Still you say nothing and
still you want Canadians to believe that
Milosevic's extradition is a shining example of
the benefits of international law. Hypocrisy we
know your name.

Christopher Black, Barrister
Head, Legal Committee
International Committee To Defend Slobodan Milosevic
Toronto, Ontario


Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2001 12:37:31 +0200
From: TARGETS <redactie@...>
To: office@...


The trial of Slobodan Milosevic threatens U.S.
sovereignty. The fact that this trial can be
carried out, in the name of international
justice, should cause all the Americans to cast a
wary eye on the whole principal of the U.N. War
Crimes Tribunal. The prosecution of Milosevic, a
democratically elected and properly disposed
leader of a sovereign country, could not be
carried out without full U.S. military and
financial support. Since we are the only world
superpower, the U.N. court becomes our court
under our control. But it is naive to believe our
world superpower status will last forever. The
precedence now being set will one day surely come
back to haunt us.

The U.S. today may enjoy dictating policy to
Yugoslavia and elsewhere around the world, but
danger lurks ahead. The administration adamantly
and correctly opposes our membership in the
permanent International Criminal Court because it
would have authority to exercise jurisdiction
over U.S. citizens without the consent of the
U.S. government. But how can we, with a straight
face, support doing the very same thing to a
small country, in opposition to its sovereignty,
courts, and constitution. This blatant
inconsistency and illicit use of force does not
go unnoticed and will sow the seeds of future
terrorist attacks against Americans or even war.
Money, as usual, is behind the Milosevic's
extradition. Bribing Serbian Prime Minister Zoran
Djindjic, a U.S.-sponsored leader, prompted
strong opposition from Yugoslavian Prime Minister
Zoran Zizic and Yugoslavian President Vojislav

A Belgrade historian, Aleksa Djilas, was quoted
in The New York Times as saying: "We sold him for
money, and we won't really get very much money
for it. The U.S. is the natural leader of the
world, but how does it lead? This justifies the
worst American instincts, reinforcing this
bullying mentality.''

Milosevic obviously is no saint but neither are
the leader of the Croats, the Albanians or the
KLA. The NATO leaders who vastly expanded the
death and destruction in Yugoslavia with 78 days
of bombing in 1999 are certainly not blameless.
The $1.28 billion promised the puppet Yugoslavian
government is to be used to rebuild the cities
devastated by U.S. bombs. First, the American
people are forced to pay to bomb, to kill
innocent people and destroy cities, and then they
are forced to pay to repair the destruction,
while orchestrating a U.N. kangaroo court to
bring the guilty to justice at the Hague.

For all this to be accepted, the press and
internationalists have had to demonize Milosevic
to distance themselves from the horrors of others
including NATO.

NATO's air strikes assisted the KLA in cleansing
Kosovo of Serbs in the name of assisting Albanian
freedom fighters. No one should be surprised when
that is interpreted to mean tacit approval for
Albanian expansionism in Macedonia. While
terrorist attacks by former members of the KLA
against Serbs are ignored, the trial of the new
millennium, the trial of Milosevic, enjoys daily
support from the NATO-U.S. propaganda machine.
In our effort to stop an independent-minded and
uncooperative with the international community
president of a sovereign country, U.S. policy was
designed to support an equally if not worse
organization, the KLA. One of the conditions for
ending the civil war in Kosovo was the disbanding
of the KLA. But the very same ruthless leaders of
the KLA, now the Liberation Army of Presevo, are
now leading the insurrection in Macedonia without
NATO lifting a finger to stop it. NATO's failed
policy that precipitated the conflict now raging
in Macedonia is ignored. The U.N. War Tribunal
in the Hague should insult the intelligence of
all Americans. This court currently can only
achieve arrest and prosecution of leaders of
poor, small, or defeated nations. There will be
no war criminals brought to the Hague from China,
Russia, Britain, or the United States no matter
what the charges. But some day this approach to
world governing will backfire. The U.S. already
has suffered the humiliation of being kicked off
the U.N. Human Rights Commission and the
Narcotics Control Commission. Our arrogant policy
and attitude of superiority will continue to
elicit a smoldering hatred toward us and out of
sheer frustration will motivate even more
terrorist attacks against us.

Realizing the weakness of the charges against
Milosevic the court has quietly dropped the
charges for committing genocide. In a real trial,
evidence that the British and the United States
actually did business with Milosevic would be
permitted. But almost always, whoever is our
current most hated enemy, has received help and
assistance from us in the past. This was
certainly the case with Noriega and Saddam
Hussein and others, and now it's Milosevic.

Milosevic will be tried not before a jury of his
peers but before a panel of politically appointed
judges, all of whom were approved by the NATO
countries, the same countries which illegally
bombed Yugoslavia for 2 1/2 months. Under both
U.N. and international law the bombing of Serbia
and Kosovo was illegal. This was why NATO pursued
it and it was not done under a U.N. resolution.

Ironically, the mess in which we've been engaged
in Yugoslavia has the international establishment
supporting the side of Kosovo independence rather
than Serbian sovereignty. The principle of
independence and secession of smaller government
entities has been enhanced by the breakdown of
the Soviet system. If there's any hope that any
good could come of the quagmire into which we've
rapidly sunk in the Balkans, it is that small
independent nations are a viable and reasonable
option to conflicts around the world. But the
tragedy today is that no government is allowed to
exist without the blessing of the One World
Government leaders. The disobedience to the one
worlders and true independence is not to be
tolerated. That's what this trial is all about.
"Tow the line or else,'' is the message that is
being sent to the world.

NATO and U.S. leaders insist on playing with
fire, not fully understanding the significance of
the events now transpiring in the Balkans. If
policy is not quickly reversed, events could get
out of control and a major war in the region will

We should fear and condemn any effort to escalate
the conflict with troops or money from any
outside sources. Our troops are already involved
and our money calls the shots. Extricating
ourselves will get more difficult every day we
stay. But the sooner we get out the better. We
should be listening more to candidate George
Bush's suggestion during the last campaign for
bringing our troops home from this region.

The Serbs, despite NATO's propaganda, will not
lightly accept the imprisonment of their
democratically elected (and properly disposed)
president no matter how bad he was. It is their
problem to deal with and resentment against us
will surely grow as conditions deteriorate. Mobs
have already attacked the American ambassador to
Macedonia for our inept interference in the
region. Death of American citizens are sure to
come if we persist in this failed policy.

Money and power has permitted the United States
the luxury of dictating terms for Milosevic's
prosecution, but our policy of arbitrary
interventions in the Balkans is sowing the seeds
of tomorrow's war. We cannot have it both ways.
We cannot expect to use the International
Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia when it pleases
us and oppose the permanent International
Criminal Court where the rules would apply to our
own acts of aggression. This cynical and arrogant
approach, whether it's dealing with Milosevic,
Hussein, or Kadafi, undermines peace and presents
a threat to our national security. Meanwhile,
American citizens must suffer the tax burden from
financing the dangerous meddling in European
affairs, while exposing our troops to danger.

A policy of nonintervention, friendship and
neutrality with all nations, engagement in true
free trade (unsubsidized trade with low tariffs)
is the best policy if we truly seek peace around
the world. That used to be the American way.


TARGETS - Independent monthly paper on
international affairs
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The Netherlands
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* Le mire di Budapest (L. Campetti, A. Sciotto)
* I Tedeschi in Vojvodina chiedono lo status di minoranza (Vesti)
* Andras Agoston sull'autonomia degli Ungheresi in Vojvodina (Vesti)
SERBA (Tanjug)

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/crj-mailinglist/message/883
* LETTERA DALLA VOJVODINA: Serba, cio� colpevole (Il Manifesto)



NOVI SAD, July 25 (Tanjug) Three regional parties in Vojvodina
Wednesday expressed readiness to seek the internationalization of the
socalled Vojvodina issue if the ruling Democratic Opposition of Serbia
(DOS) kept on postponing the process of granting bigger autonomous
rights to the northern Serbian province.
League of Vojvodina Hungarians President Jozef Kasa said today
after a meeting in Novi Sad with leaders Nenad Canak of the
Socialdemocratic League and Miodrag Isakov of the Vojvodina Reformists,
that by internationalization he meant "seeking help from the
international community to realize our demands using all means except
The leaders of the three leading, socalled authentic Vojvodina
parties, which are within the DOS coalition, agreed to ask the DOS
Presidency immediately to meet in session and open a debate on the
status of Vojvodina.
Moreover, the DOS Presidency is asked to secure in the republican
parliament the adoption of a law amending and abolishing legislature
which prevents the Constitutionally guaranteed autonomy of Vojvodina
before a new Serbian Constitution is adopted.
The three party leaders underscored that these demands did not
imply their exit from DOS.
Today's meeting was marked as the beginning of creating a wide
political front for fighting for the realization of Vojvodina's
All authentic Vojvodina parties will join this front, Isakov said, "but
also some Belgradebased parties which have provincial boards and support
the demands for resolving the problem of Vojvodina."



BELGRADE, April 17 (Tanjug) The platform on Vojvodina's autonomy
is a legalistic document which should enable an acceptable functioning
of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina until the Constitution is
amended, Vojvodina parliament Speaker and Vojvodina SocialDemocratic
League President Nenad Canak told the Belgrade daily Blic on Tuesday.
The platform has not been met with understanding in Belgrade,
Canak said, warning that "they should pay much greater care and
attention to what is coming from Novi Sad, so that it is not too late
one day."
"Who does not grant autonomy will have to grant republic status,
and who refuses to grant republic status will not be asked anything any
more," Canak said.
Unless we find partners in Serbia who will realize the importance
and complexity of the Vojvodina issue, "then the Vojvodina issue will
become a Vojvodina problem," Canak said.
"If the Vojvodina problem appears, then the Vojvodina parliament
will call a referendum in which Vojvodina citizens will declare
themselves on it," he said.
The plan is that Vojvodina's position will be resolved with a vote
at the Serbian parliament, but this will not pass, since Vojvodina is a
legal entity, Canak said.



NOVI SAD, Jun 4 (Tanjug) The Vojvodina (Serbia's northern
province) parliament Speaker Nenad Canak received Monday in provincial
capital Novi Sad the US Ambassador to Yugoslavia William Montgomery, the
provincial information secretariat said in a statement.
Canak briefed Montgomery of the proposals for amending about a
dozen Serbian laws submitted by the Vojvodina parliament to the Serbian
parliament, and of the lack of understanding with which the proposals
have been met.
Systemrelated changes in Serbia are slow, Canak said, pointing to
the failure to pass important laws, such as a law on privatization.
Canak reiterated Vojvodina's demand that the money from privatization be
reinvested immediately instead of being directed to Serbia's budget.
The talk also focused on redefining relations within the Yugoslav
federation and on Vojvodina's endeavors for determining its status and
for full autonomy.



NOVI SAD, June 19 (Tanjug) A delegation of the Organisation for
Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) had talks on Tuesday at the
Assembly (parliament) of the Yugoslav federal unit Serbia's northern
Vojvodina province.
The delegation, headed by OSCE Yugoslav Mission Chief Stefano
Sannino, met with Vojvodina Parliament Speaker Nenad Canak. A Vojvodina
government statement quotes them as reviewing the political and economic
situation in Vojvodina and the rest of the country in the light of new
Serbian legislation, and rights acquired by the provincial parliament in
the decentralisation process.



BELGRADE, June 20 (Sense/AFP) Yugoslavia said today it would
monitor a controversial law passed by the Hungarian parliament yesterday
offering benefits to some 3.5 million ethnic Hungarians living abroad.
The legislation grants ethnic Hungarians or Magyars living in
neighbouring states the right to work legally for three months in
Hungary, to claim social and health care rights, free university
education, training courses and travel allowances.
"If the purpose of the law is to preserve the identity of ethnic
Hungarians in other countries, including Yugoslavia, we will not look on
it with caution. But we will monitor its implementation and react
accordingly," Yugoslav Minister for Ethnic Minorities Rasim Ljajic
Yugoslavia has an ethnic Hungarian minority in the north of the
country but has reacted to the bill with less concern than other
neighbouring states - Romania and Slovakia.
Ljajic expressed understanding for their misgivings and insisted
Yugoslavia would be cautious, monitor implementation of the law and act
In many ways the attitude of Hungary's other neighbours differs
from that of Yugoslavia, the minister for ethnic minorities explained,
commenting, "We don't want and are not in a position to open up a new
front towards Hungary."
"There are at least three good reasons for this," he added:
"Hungary is our neighbour, it is our gateway to Europe and we have a
considerable Hungarian minority."


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> http://emperors-clothes.com/articles/goff/goff.htm

July 30, 2001

[Stan Goff is a Retired U.S. Special Forces Master
Sargent, an author, Organizer for the North Carolina
Alliance for Democracy and a member of the
International Committeee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic.

What do you call someone who pays officials to break
the law, threatens people with violence if they don't
do what he demands, spreads outrageous lies to impugn
people's reputations, and participates in a plot to
illegally take an unwilling person out of the country
in captivity?

Guilty of bribery, extortion, slander and kidnapping.

What do you call a government which does precisely
those things?

The United States in Yugoslavia.

Let's get something straight here. The International
Tribunal at the Hague is no more an impartial
judiciary (1) than Geraldo Rivera is a neurosurgeon,
and Slobodan Milosevic is no war criminal. These are
just simply facts, and the thing that--even at
50--still amazes my ass is the sheep-like, gullible,
we-just-fell-off-the-turnip-truck acceptance of the
capitalist media's horse-manure by comfortable fellow

United States military troops are occupying the
Balkans, many of them with relatives who might read
this, and very few people seem the least bit inclined
to find out what's really going on there. So they
listen to CNN, read the 'New York Times' or the 'News
and Observer,' watch PBS, or listen to NPR, brought to
you by... name your favorite agribusiness or weapons
contractor... and believe them.

I've got a news flash for you, folks. The media lie.
They lie early and often, and they keep on telling the
same lies over and over, apparently in the
well-founded hope that we will simply and finally
equate repetition with accuracy. (2)

Slobodan Milosevic is no war criminal. Nor was he a
dictator. (3)

Until the US started a massive campaign of extortion,
bribery and election-rigging in Serbia, he won his
elections fair and square--unlike the current de facto
President of the United States. Nor did Milsoevic ever
lead the non-existent movement for Greater Serbia. Nor
do Serbs collectively "share" any blame for whatever
flavor-of-the-day atrocity is being invented by the
IMF, the State Department, NATO Headquarters in
Brussels, or that fake Tribunal.

Serbs are as fractious and pluralistic as any group,
especially about politics, deeply split even today
between nationalists and socialists. What they are
not, contrary to the recent resurgence of
Serb-bashing, is self-pitying and paranoid. They are
one of the most stoic, and tolerant, people in Europe.

The distortions that underwrite this latest violation
of Yugoslav and International law--the veritable
kidnapping of a former head of state--would make
Joseph Goebbels blush. Crimes were invented to fit the
punishment of the Serbs. Allegations were reported as
facts, then referenced later as if they really were
facts. The mounting evidence of a giant hoax in almost
every case has been completely ignored by capitalist
media. The effect--intended I think--is to create an
impression so overwhelming of Serbian guilt that to
question it is to be regarded as a miscreant holocaust
denier. Guilt by analogy. Milosevic equals Hitler,
therefore defending Serbians equals defending Nazis (a
huge irony here, since Serbs were tenacious and
fearless fighters against the Third Reich). There's
only one little rub. The Holocaust has been well
documented by the physical evidence. The Serbians'
guilt, and that of Milosevic, has not.

But skepticism, fact-checking, and logic have become
forbidden foreign languages in the United States,
especially our (laugh track here) "free" press.

The overwhelming evidence is that there was never any
coordinated campaign of genocide or ethnic cleansing
by Serbs, no massacres at either Racek or Srebrenica,
and never any such thing as Serbian "rape camps." The
Kosovo violence was initiated by Albanian
heroin-gangsters, who named themselves the Kosovo
Liberation Army once they started to get weapons and
training from German and US Intelligence. The mass
exodus out of Kosovo was not triggered by Serb
violence, but by NATO bombing. The reports of 100,000
Kosovar Albanians killed has yet to be corroborated
with bodies, and is being quietly scaled ever downward
as the bodies fail to appear. Racek was shown to be
staged. The bodies from the Srebrenica "massacre" were
never located either, and in fact many of the
"missing" later turned up alive and accounted for in
Bosnian Muslim combat units outside Srebrenica. The US
and the psuedo-Tribunal have an answer for the missing
evidence, those tens of thousands of corpses, that is.
Right under the noses of US surveillance
satellites--and I have seen imagery from them that can
spot a motorcycle and rider--the crafty Serbs,
undetected, moved thousands of decomposing bodies to
other locations... still to be discovered. (4)


The break-up of Yugoslavia has been largely due to the
efforts of US and German gambits, with substantial
help from the International Monetary Fund, since the
late 1980's. To justify this economic warfare, this
trampling of sovereignty, this military aggression,
these massive violations by NATO and the US of the Law
of Land Warfare and the Geneva and Hague Conventions,
and the military occupation of the Balkans, our
government and its international financier pals have
had to concoct an elaborate Manichean fantasy with
Serbs as the heavy.

Don't take my word for it, but don't look for a
one-paragraph rebuttal either. Understanding requires
study and work. If you're inclined to swim upstream in
this perennial flood of stubborn American ignorance,
read the research and reports from Michel
Chussodovsky, Diane Johnstone, and Jared Israel - none
of them Serbian or Yugoslav, and all of them proud
progressives. They are archived at
www.emperors-clothes.com . An apt name for that web
site, if ever there was one. (5) (6) & (7)

The Hague Tribunal is about war crimes, all right.
It's about covering up the war crimes of the North
American Treaty Organization and the US Government.

- SG


Stan Goff is author of "Hideous Dream: A Soldier's
Memoir of the U.S. Invasion of Haiti," Soft Skull
Press, 2000. The book is available online at
www.softskull.com . For a review of 'Hideous Dream'
that appeared in the 'Chicago Tribune,' go to

Mr. Goff's article, 'In Your Name: A Soldier's Story,'
can be read at

Further reading:

1) 'An Impartial Tribunal? Really?' by Christopher
Black. Can be read at

2) 'Media in Serbia' by Diana Johnstone Can be read at

3) 'Official German Documents Contradict Humanitarian
Claims in Kosovo'. In these documents, the German
Courts and Foreign Ministry ruled on requests made by
ethnic Albanians from Kosovo that they be granted
status as refugees from persecution. The rulings were
prior to the onset of NATO bombing in March, 1999. The
findings: the claims of perseuction were false. Can be
read at

4) 'Were NATO's Aerial Photo's of Mass Graves Faked?'
by Jared Israel at

5) 'The UN appoints an alleged war criminal in Kosovo'
by Michel Chossudovsky. Can be read at

Diane Johnstone at

7) 'Barbarians At The Gate,' by Jared Israel. Can be
read at


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> http://emperors-clothes.com/articles/rozoff/shrill.htm

by Rick Rozoff and Jared Israel [27 July 2001]

Below is a 'news' report from Agence France
Presse (AFP) concerning recent
protest demonstrations in Macedonia.

The 'AFP' report contains the shrill,
defamatory stereotypes used with
increasing frequency in the Western media to
describe Macedonians, both
ordinary citizens and officials.

We are witnessing one of those media
campaigns so uniform, scripted and
predictable - and consistently inaccurate -
that one has to suspect
coordination between the controlling elements
of the news media and certain
Western foreign offices and covert services.

Examples abound in this brief 'AFP' dispatch.
Macedonians are pointedly,
repeatedly and gratuitously identified as
'Slavs' (as opposed to what they
are - Macedonians!) and their actions are
labeled with such pejorative terms
as: 'irate,' 'mob,' 'incited,' 'escalated,'
'irresponsible' and 'immature.'

"Mob of angry Slavs" is the phrase of choice
indicating the mental image
intended for the reader. And it is have some
effect. Yesterday on one of the
major American liberal news Websites a press
wire headline read:
"Anti-Albanian Riots Explode In Macedonia."


We have read a dozen or so reports on the
protests and saw nothing factual to
suggest an anti-Albanian flavor. Rather, even
in these hostile Western media
reports one could see that the protesters
were focused and informed, with
clear political, not ethnic, targets: NATO,
the U.S., Britain and Germany,
all for their role in undermining Macedonian
sovereignty and assisting the
so-called NLA terrorists. And really,
shouldn't they be angry? NATO (led by
the U.S.) is after all trying to destroy
their country and their lives.

But "crowd of angry Slavs" is the message
that Western officials and their
always-obliging media are drilling into the
public's imagination.

Make no mistake, these distortions have a
purpose: to dehumanize the victims
of what is in fact going on in Macedonia,
that is, large scale ethnic
cleansing and national destruction

As has been the case throughout the assault
on Yugoslavia, the tone of
Imperial war propaganda is faux-liberal.

Here's how it worked starting with the
secession of Croatia and Slovenia back
in 1991, and, alas, how it is still working today.

A secessionist force is organized by the U.S.
and or Germany and or England.
This Western proxy force draws on elements
which hark back to the old Nazi
alliance of World War II - in this case, the
descendents of pro-Nazi
Albanians, mainly from Kosovo. This force is
ordered to attack, a process the
media misdescribes as a rebellion by an
oppressed local population. The
fascist flavor of the 'rebels' is hidden from
Western eyes. (In this case, we
hear little about the rallying cry of the
NATO proxy army attacking
Macedonia, which is "Greater Albania," i.e.,
the re-creation of the map of
the Balkans that existed only under Hitler.)
Moreover, the media ignores the
easily documented involvement of Western
operatives (in this case the
official NATO organization in Kosovo) in
sponsoring and directing the attack.
The attempts of the nation under attack to
defend itself are misdescribed as
brutal repression and the victims are accused
of racism.

What is the goal of this propaganda today? To
prevent the development of a
support movement for Macedonia among the
public in NATO countries. The
logical basis for supporting Macedonia is
that a) it is the victim of
Imperial attack, organized from Washington
and b) it is being attacked on a
racist basis, i.e. the attack appeals to
anti-Slavic racism within the
Albanian populations of the area. To prevent
this kind of support movement
from developing, the Western media and
government officials turn matters
upside down, portraying Macedonians as ethnic
chauvinists and opponents of
peace. One might call this strategy
"Outflanking opposition from the Left."
By feeding Western citizens the lie that
Macedonia's "problem" is
discrimination against Albanians which has
spawned an "extremist" response,
direct NATO intervention and occupation of
territory can be presented as
"peacekeeping" to "rebuild civil society" and
other fairy tales.

The propaganda works. After she had watched
the TV news, a decent but
uninformed American told one of us, "It's a
mess over there - I guess we
better do something." Little did she know:
'we' have!

President Bush's brief visit to the massive
U.S. military base ("Bondsteel"
of all things) in Kosovo Tuesday was meant to
deliver a message about
Macedonia. Or rather, several messages.


First, he said Kosovo is for Washington the
model of progress through
intervention. He told U.S. troops (and, of
course, the world):

"Thanks to you and those who served before
you, the people of Kosovo are able
to buy food and find shelter, go to school,
and get medical help."

Since Kosovo's current reality is that an
estimated 350,000 non-Albanians and
anti-fascist Albanians have been driven from
their homes and are refugees in
Serbia or elsewhere, or are dead, since the
remaining Serbs and Roma
("Gypsies") live in conditions of terror,
including daily beatings rape and
murder, and we have documented the fact of
this terror, since the U.S. has
created in Kosovo a regime of open
gangsterism - for Bush to say:

"the people of Kosovo are able to buy food
and find shelter, go to school, and get medical help."

means that fascist tyranny is the U.S. model
for progress; thus in Macedonia as well.

Bush called for:
"a political settlement that 'addresses the
legitimate grievance of the
Albanian population while protecting
Macedonia's sovereignty and territorial integrity.'

Since in fact the issue in Macedonia has
nothing whatsoever to do with
"legitimate grievances" but rather involves
an invasion by U.S.-armed
terrorists, what is this but a call for the
Macedonians to surrender. Bush
emphasized that such was his intent by the
almost funny way he "threatened"
the KLA terrorists (many of them
UN-employed!) who are attacking Macedonia:

"..he also urged Kosovo Albanians to stop
fueling the Macedonian conflict and
'focus on Kosovo.'"

Surely that sent terror through the ranks of
the KLA or NLA or Kosovo
Protection Corps - or NATO! - take your pick.


All of this constitutes a message also to
those whom NATO's "NLA" proxy army
has been targeting for recruits: Macedonians
of Albanian descent. These
ethnic Albanians have not been sufficiently
receptive to the mix of terror
and promises of 'Greater Albania' which the
Kosovo Liberation Army invaders
have used in the effort to elicit their
"participation" in the "rebellion."
Bush is telling these ethnic Albanians:
Kosovo is our model. We are backing
the terrorist secessionists in Macedonia just
as strongly as we backed them
in Kosovo, so join up or when our boys take
over you can kiss your behind
goodbye. This, as we have discussed
elsewhere, is the basic 'recruiting'
strategy of the U.S. proxy force, the Kosovo
Liberation Army.

If you think this sounds terribly
conspiratorial, that a U.S. president would
never promise ethnic harmony and deliver
racist terror, just read the
article, "What NATO Occupation Would Mean For
Macedonians." Prior to
occupation, NATO promised everything to Serbs
in Kosovo. After occupation, it
delivered a nightmare.


But perhaps the key thing said by Bush was:

"America's contribution is essential, both
militarily and politically."
('N.Y. Times,' 25 July 2001).

Many people were fooled by Bush's election
promise to pull out of the
Balkans. Instead of pulling out, he has
continued with Clinton's policies,
including the attack on Macedonia and the
further encirclement of Russia with
NATO bases. The continuity of these policies
from elder Bush to Clinton to
baby Bush means that U.S. policy is not
dependent on the whims or personal
economic interests of members of this or that
US presidential administration,
but rather is part of far-ranging strategic
goals of the U.S. establishment,
that is, the financial interests usually
called Wall Street. The big prize is
the former Soviet Union, the attempted
conquest of which requires securing
the Balkans as the southern staging ground
for attack.

The "Kosovication" of Macedonia is part of
that strategy. Bush's trip set the
stage for a greatly intensified attack,
including heightened demonization of
Macedonia in the Western media, and direct
NATO intervention. An ominous
note: the U.S. is pulling its Embassy
personnel out of Skopje. That is
precisely what the U.S. did before bombing

And of course, the story below says it all:
the Macedonians' justified
protests at NATO's sponsorship of terrorist
invaders can be used as an excuse
for - NATO invasion!

Here's the report from Agence France Presse (AFP):

Thursday July 26, 9:43 AM

US troops placed on alert after violence in

WASHINGTON, July 25 (AFP) - An unspecified
number of US troops in Europe were
on alert Wednesday after attacks by irate
protesters threatened the US and
other Western embassies in Macedonia, a US
defense official said.

"We do have units which have been alerted,"
the official said on condition of
anonymity, refusing to elaborate.

Any decision whether to seek extra protection
rests with US ambassador to
Macedonia, Michael Einik, the official said,
though the State Department was
unaware of any such request late Wednesday,
an official with that agency told

The troop alert follows attacks late Tuesday
by violent protesters on
embassies in the Macedonian capital of
Skopje. A mob of angry Slavs, incited
by allegations NATO tacitly supports ethnic
Albanian rebels, damaged the US
and other embassies with hurled projectiles,
State Department officials said.

Despite the attacks, the United States
remained determined in its efforts to
help bring peace to Macedonia, though US
officials and Balkan experts
privately voiced concern the escalating
strife and emergence of anti-NATO
sentiment could complicate facilitating any

"We continue to reach out to all the
political parties in the multi-ethnic
Macedonian government to continue promoting
their working together to find a
peaceful solution to this," State Department
spokesman Philip Reeker told reporters.

Reeker added that US special envoy for the
Balkans, James Pardew, met earlier
Wednesday with Macedonian President Boris
Trajkowski to discuss the situation.

The mob violence came as clashes between
Macedonian security forces and
ethnic Albanian rebels flared anew, while
refugees streamed out of the
contested northwestern town of Tetovo as
rebels advanced across northern Macedonia.

The Slav-dominated Macedonian government
neither condemned the violence nor
appealed for restraint Wednesday.

Meanwhile, the government of Prime Minister
Ljubco Georgievski, an opponent
of Trajkovski's, has accused NATO of siding
with the rebels and of seeking to
turn Macedonia into an international
protectorate under the control of the
Western alliance.

The State Department refuted the charge.

"These kind of irresponsible press reports...
irresponsible, immature
statements from certain political leaders,
are not helpful to the situation,"
Reeker said, denying that the United States
or other NATO countries backed Albanian rebels.

The administration of President George W.
Bush supported Macedonia "in its
territorial integrity, in its sovereignty and
in a future as a multi-ethnic
state," Reeker insisted.

Washington has become all too-aware that the
feud between Georgievski and
Trajkovski is increasingly compromising the
search for peace, with a top
administration official warning that
"political agendas aren't going to have
anything to do when they are in the midst of
a civil war and fighting for their lives."

Former National Security Council Balkans
analyst Ivo Daalder directly accused
Georgievski of trying to extract political
mileage from the conflict.

"He has no interest in negotiating because he
thinks he can win through the
use of force," Daalder told AFP.

"He doesn't want a compromise," making a
settlement in Macedonia "more
difficult but not impossible."


Articles Documenting U.S./Euro/Terrorist Link
in Assault on Macedonia [24 July 2001]
A must-read list of articles with brief
descriptions. The U.S. and its Euro
allies are waging terrrorist war in Macedonia
and have kidnapped the former
head of state of Yugoslavia. And this is just
the year 'One.' At

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