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Bollettino di controinformazione del
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Gratis sotto
crj ha scritto:
> Cari compagni, druge drugarice,
> abbiamo contattato oggi il compagno Stevan Mirkovic della Lega dei
> Comunisti di Jugoslavia (SKJ) per avere qualche informazione sul clima
> in vista delle elezioni nella Repubblica di Serbia (23 dicembre).
> Mirkovic ci ha detto che i piccoli partiti comunisti ed operai di
> tradizione jugoslavista hanno creato una coalizione denominata
> Komunisticka Radnicka Koalicija - Coalizione Comunista Operaia,
> abbreviato "KORAK" che significa "il passo", quasi a dare il senso di un
> passo avanti. A questa coalizione, dopo alterne vicende, si e' infine
> aggregato anche il partito comunista di tradizione cominformista di
> Branko Kitanovic NKPJ, che alle elezioni federali il 24/9 ha ottenuto la
> bellezza di 35mila voti. Dunque la lista che si presenta alle elezioni
> si dovrebbe chiamare KORAK-NKPJ (c'e' pero' un problema burocratico da
> risolvere causato proprio dal recente cambiamento di nome), ed ha delle
> possibilita' molto concrete di entrare in parlamento.
> Come Coordinamento Romano per la Jugoslavia ci sia consentito di fare
> sin d'ora una nostra simbolica dichiarazione di voto a favore di questa
> coalizione, la quale (possiamo scommetterci) non godra' nemmeno di una
> riga di cronaca sulle pagine dei nostri giornali di "sinistra", ma che
> merita tutto il nostro affetto e sostegno.
> Smrt fasizmu - sloboda narodu
> PS. per i risultati dei partiti comunisti ed operai alle ultime elezioni
> federali si veda:
> http://www.egroups.com/message/crj-mailinglist/492
Bollettino di controinformazione del
Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'"
Sito WEB : http://digilander.iol.it/lajugoslaviavivra
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono il Coordinamento, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only")
Archivio di JUGOINFO:
> http://www.ecircle.it/an_ecircle/articles?ecircleid%c2%91979 oppure
> http://www.egroups.com/group/crj-mailinglist/
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Sei proprio sicuro di voler vincere una web cam?
Dal 1 al 31 dicembre 2000 ci sono ottime probabilita,
se crei una nuova comunita su eCircle.it!
Controlla il regolamento:
> Cari compagni, druge drugarice,
> abbiamo contattato oggi il compagno Stevan Mirkovic della Lega dei
> Comunisti di Jugoslavia (SKJ) per avere qualche informazione sul clima
> in vista delle elezioni nella Repubblica di Serbia (23 dicembre).
> Mirkovic ci ha detto che i piccoli partiti comunisti ed operai di
> tradizione jugoslavista hanno creato una coalizione denominata
> Komunisticka Radnicka Koalicija - Coalizione Comunista Operaia,
> abbreviato "KORAK" che significa "il passo", quasi a dare il senso di un
> passo avanti. A questa coalizione, dopo alterne vicende, si e' infine
> aggregato anche il partito comunista di tradizione cominformista di
> Branko Kitanovic NKPJ, che alle elezioni federali il 24/9 ha ottenuto la
> bellezza di 35mila voti. Dunque la lista che si presenta alle elezioni
> si dovrebbe chiamare KORAK-NKPJ (c'e' pero' un problema burocratico da
> risolvere causato proprio dal recente cambiamento di nome), ed ha delle
> possibilita' molto concrete di entrare in parlamento.
> Come Coordinamento Romano per la Jugoslavia ci sia consentito di fare
> sin d'ora una nostra simbolica dichiarazione di voto a favore di questa
> coalizione, la quale (possiamo scommetterci) non godra' nemmeno di una
> riga di cronaca sulle pagine dei nostri giornali di "sinistra", ma che
> merita tutto il nostro affetto e sostegno.
> Smrt fasizmu - sloboda narodu
> PS. per i risultati dei partiti comunisti ed operai alle ultime elezioni
> federali si veda:
> http://www.egroups.com/message/crj-mailinglist/492
Bollettino di controinformazione del
Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'"
Sito WEB : http://digilander.iol.it/lajugoslaviavivra
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono il Coordinamento, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only")
Archivio di JUGOINFO:
> http://www.ecircle.it/an_ecircle/articles?ecircleid%c2%91979 oppure
> http://www.egroups.com/group/crj-mailinglist/
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Sei proprio sicuro di voler vincere una web cam?
Dal 1 al 31 dicembre 2000 ci sono ottime probabilita,
se crei una nuova comunita su eCircle.it!
Controlla il regolamento:
> http://www.sps.org.yu/aktuelno/2000/nov/29-1.html
Socijalisticka partija Srbije svim
gradjanima Savezne Republike Jugoslavije
cestita 29. novembar, Dan Republike.
Il Partito
Socialista della Serbia augura
a tutti i
cittadini della Repubblica Federale
Jugoslavia un buon 29 novembre,
della Repubblica
Jugoslavija je na dananji dan pre 55
godina slobodnom voljom svih naroda i
gradjana koji u njoj zive postala republika,
i time se svrstala u red modernih drzava
demokratskog uredjenja, koja svim svojim
gradjanima garantuje slobodu i
questo giorno 55 anni fa la
Jugoslavia e' diventata una Repubblica
libera scelta di tutti i suoi popoli ed
i suoi
abitanti, e con questo si e' collocata
novero degli stati moderni e democratici,
garantendo a tutti i suoi cittadini
liberta' ed uguaglianza.
U proteklim decenijama, a narocito u
poslednjoj deceniji XX veka, potvrdjeni su i
afirmisani principi slobode, nezavisnosti,
jednakosti, pravde i solidarnosti kao
vrhunske vrednosti Republike.
decenni trascorsi, e particolarmente
nell'ultimo decennio del XX secolo,
stati rafforzati ed affermati i principi
liberta', dell'indipendenza, della
uguaglianza, della giustizia e della
solidarieta' come valori primari della
Te demokratske tekovine nae Republike
predstavljaju trajno opredeljenje naih
gradjana da slobodno i samostalno
odlucuju o svojoj sudbini i razvoju.
tradizioni democratiche della nostra
Repubblica rappresentano la direttrice
costante per i nostri cittadini, perche'
decidano autonomamente del loro destino
e del
loro sviluppo.
Bollettino di controinformazione del
Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'"
Sito WEB : http://digilander.iol.it/lajugoslaviavivra
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono il Coordinamento, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only")
Archivio di JUGOINFO:
> http://www.ecircle.it/an_ecircle/articles?ecircleid%c2%91979 oppure
> http://www.egroups.com/group/crj-mailinglist/
Per iscriversi al bollettino: <jugoinfo-subscribe@...>
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Da oggi su eCircle - Filesharing.
Puoi disporre in ogni gruppo di 20 MB
per documenti, file musicali, films e foto.
Condividili con i soci della tua communita!
> http://www.sps.org.yu/aktuelno/2000/nov/29-1.html
Socijalisticka partija Srbije svim
gradjanima Savezne Republike Jugoslavije
cestita 29. novembar, Dan Republike.
Il Partito
Socialista della Serbia augura
a tutti i
cittadini della Repubblica Federale
Jugoslavia un buon 29 novembre,
della Repubblica
Jugoslavija je na dananji dan pre 55
godina slobodnom voljom svih naroda i
gradjana koji u njoj zive postala republika,
i time se svrstala u red modernih drzava
demokratskog uredjenja, koja svim svojim
gradjanima garantuje slobodu i
questo giorno 55 anni fa la
Jugoslavia e' diventata una Repubblica
libera scelta di tutti i suoi popoli ed
i suoi
abitanti, e con questo si e' collocata
novero degli stati moderni e democratici,
garantendo a tutti i suoi cittadini
liberta' ed uguaglianza.
U proteklim decenijama, a narocito u
poslednjoj deceniji XX veka, potvrdjeni su i
afirmisani principi slobode, nezavisnosti,
jednakosti, pravde i solidarnosti kao
vrhunske vrednosti Republike.
decenni trascorsi, e particolarmente
nell'ultimo decennio del XX secolo,
stati rafforzati ed affermati i principi
liberta', dell'indipendenza, della
uguaglianza, della giustizia e della
solidarieta' come valori primari della
Te demokratske tekovine nae Republike
predstavljaju trajno opredeljenje naih
gradjana da slobodno i samostalno
odlucuju o svojoj sudbini i razvoju.
tradizioni democratiche della nostra
Repubblica rappresentano la direttrice
costante per i nostri cittadini, perche'
decidano autonomamente del loro destino
e del
loro sviluppo.
Bollettino di controinformazione del
Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'"
Sito WEB : http://digilander.iol.it/lajugoslaviavivra
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono il Coordinamento, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only")
Archivio di JUGOINFO:
> http://www.ecircle.it/an_ecircle/articles?ecircleid%c2%91979 oppure
> http://www.egroups.com/group/crj-mailinglist/
Per iscriversi al bollettino: <jugoinfo-subscribe@...>
Per cancellarsi: <jugoinfo-unsubscribe@...>
Contributi e segnalazioni: <jugocoord@...>
Da oggi su eCircle - Filesharing.
Puoi disporre in ogni gruppo di 20 MB
per documenti, file musicali, films e foto.
Condividili con i soci della tua communita!
> http://www.spiegel.de/spiegel/vorab/0,1518,107017,00.html
In una intervista rilasciata al settimanale tedesco "Der Spiegel", ed
integralmente riprodotta nella traduzione inglese alla fine di questo
messaggio, il leader nazionalista albanese-kosovaro Rugova si e' detto
contrario ai negoziati sullo status del Kosmet in quanto si tratta ormai
solamente di "normalizzare le relazioni tra due stati indipendenti".
"L'indipendenza non puo' essere messa in discussione... [I serbi] devono
solamente accettare le decisioni della comunita' internazionale...".
Evidentemente, secondo Rugova serbi ed albanesi sono ormai destinati a
vivere ghettizzati e segregati gli uni dagli altri, sotto la tutela
della NATO, "nostro esercito privato" e garante della spartizione
10. 12. 2000. 15:14 GMT+1 -- Izjava lidera DSK nemackom 'äpigelu'
Rugova: Niko nece pitati Srbe
"Pregovori mi se cine besmislenim i nepotrebnim", izjavio je nemackom
nedeljniku "äpigl" Ibrahim Rugova, lider Demokratskog saveza Kosova
inicijative jugoslovenskog predsednika Koötunice. Rugova, medutim, nije
iskljucio mogucnost razgovora "na niûim nivoima" o "normalizaciji odnosa
izmedu dve samostalne drûave". Rugova smatra da nezavisnost Kosova "ne
biti predmet pregovora".
"Niko nece Srbe pitati, nikome nije potrebna njihova saglasnost. Oni
prihvatiti odluku medunarodne zajednice", rekao je on. Lider kosovskih
Albanaca, cija je stranka na lokalnim izborima u oktobru osvojila 58
glasova smatra da ce Srbi uûivati jednaka prava na Kosovu kao i Albanci,
da se niöta ne moûe promeniti u tome öto ce morati da ûive "u getoima i
zaötitom mirovnih trupa KFOR". Rugova
smatra da ce NATO "ostati na Kosovu vecno" jer su mirovne trupe
Kosovu - "NATO je naöa privatna armija", rekao je Rugova u intervjuu
koji u
broju od ponedeljka objavljuje "äpigl".
Izvor: FreeSerbia
Ibrahim Rugova jos jednom odbacio predlog Vojislava
Kostunice o otpocinjanju pregovora
"Niko nece Srbe pitati"
Berlin - "Pregovori mi se cine besmislenim i nepotrebnim", izjavio je
nedeljniku Spigl Ibrahim Rugova, lider Demokratskog saveza Kosova
povodom inicijative jugoslovenskog predsednika Kostunice. Rugova,
nije iskljucio mogucnost razgovora "na nizim nivoima" o
"normalizaciji odnosa izmedju dve samostalne drzave".
Rugova smatra da nezavisnost Kosova "ne moze biti predmet pregovora".
nece Srbe pitati, nikome nije potrebna njihova saglasnost. Oni moraju
prihvatiti odluku medjunarodne zajednice", rekao je Rugova. Lider
Albanaca , cija je stranka na lokalnim izborima u oktobru osvojila 58
glasova smatra, doduse, da ce Srbi uzivati jednaka prava na Kosovu kao i
Albanci, ali da se nista ne moze promeniti u tome sto ce morati da zive
getoima i pod zastitom mirovnih trupa Kfora". Rugova smatra da ce NATO
na Kosovu vecno" jer su mirovne trupe neophodne Kosovu: "NATO je nasa
armija", rekao je Rugova u intervjuu koji u broju od ponedeljka
Spigl. (Sense)
Fonte: http://www.egroups.com/group/decani
11 December 2000
[Translated from German]
Interview with Kosovo leader Ibrahim Rugova
by Renate Flottau, Martin Doerry and Hans Hoyng in Pristina
NATO Is Our Private Army
Kosovo leader Ibrahim Rugova over the fight for his
country's independence, the relationship with the new rulers in
Belgrade, the impossibility of reconciliation between Albanians and
Serbs and the deadly struggle for power with his rivals
(Der Spiegel) Mr. Rugova, you have fought for the independence
Kosovo for over ten years. What have you achieved?
(Rugova) Thanks to the presence of KFOR peacekeeping troops,
support and the UN's reconstruction assistance Kosovo today is de facto
independent. We control the country and after the parliamentary and
presidential elections scheduled for next year also expect formal
recognition. This is an inexorable process, one we want to realize at
(Der Spiegel) ...but one that contrasts with almost all statements
Western politicians, who continue to see Kosovo as part of the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia.
(Rugova) I am convinced that this view will change very quickly. I
have already called on the EU to show more courage. Those who want to
become independent should also BECOME independent -- starting with
Montenegro and Kosovo. But the international community is presently
seeking a consensus for this problem. That is why no one wants to rush
ahead alone.
(Der Spiegel) Kosovo also belongs to Yugoslavia according to UN
Resolution 1244, and no one wants to change that.
(Rugova) This resolution was just a compromise to gain Yugoslavia's
agreement to peace. Why can there not simply be a new referendum under
international supervision on the question of Kosovo's independence?
Negotiations on the issue strike me as meaningless and unnecessary.
(Der Spiegel) Is that why you are not replying to the invitation to
meet from new Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica?
(Rugova) Now is not the right time for negotiations, neither for us
nor for the Serbs. After the elections in Serbia, when the new forces
more authority, we can talk about a normalization of relations, but
initially only at a relatively low level of representation at most. It
would be very helpful if the Serbs would recognize our independence
(Der Spiegel) You do not seriously hope for that?
(Rugova) No one will ask the Serbs, and no one needs their
They have to accept the decision of the international community.
(Der Spiegel) And if the West calls on you to accept a status of
autonomy for Kosovo?
(Rugova) That is completely unthinkable. In the past, every
with the Serbs has turned into a tragedy for us. Most recently Belgrade
conducted a ten-year war against us in which thousands of Albanians were
killed, harassed and beaten.
(Der Spiegel) Would not an independent Kosovo then destabilize the
entire region? The Albanians in Montenegro, Western Serbia and Macedonia
would certainly want to join the new state immediately.
(Rugova) On the contrary. The situation would become less tense.
a few neighbors, like the Serbs in Macedonia, are stirring up such
There is an agreement between all Albanian political parties of the
Yugoslavia under which they support the independence of Kosovo in the
present borders.
(Der Spiegel) Have not the Albanians in Macedonia already threatened
to revolt?
(Rugova) They just want to receive a constitutional guarantee that
they will enjoy the same rights as all other citizens of Macedonia. What
could become genuinely dangerous for Macedonia would be to preserve the
previously uncertain, undefined status of Kosovo. That strengthens the
extremist currents among the Albanians who are demanding more than we
such as unification with Albania.
(Der Spiegel) For Germany as well, ultimately reunification was
(Rugova) Naturally it is understandable that all Albanians would
to live in their own country. But we see such integration only in the
framework of a united Europe. Naturally, I cannot rule out the
that some day another option for the future might appear, perhaps even
unification with Albania.
(Der Spiegel) After the change in power in Yugoslavia the West
noticeably shifted its priorities to Belgrade. Do you not fear that like
Montenegro's President Milo Djukanovic you face the danger of taking a
back seat?
(Rugova) I cannot rule out the possibility that Belgrade will now
the democratic card and want to collect the reward for the change. But
international community will quickly understand that the old Serb ideas
about Kosovo have not been buried, merely covered up.
(Der Spiegel) So you still see no difference between former dictator
Slobodan Milosevic and the opposition in power?
(Rugova) Unfortunately, on the Kosovo issue they are all the same.
I do not exclude a possible positive change. The essential thing is that
the Serbian people have finally decided to break out of their
international isolation.
(Der Spiegel) Will you be prepared for a compromise on the Kosovo
(Rugova) The unconditional holding on to Kosovo was just a myth of
Belgrade elite. The rest of the population was never interested in
Naturally the Serbs also must cope with a few painful changes in the
future. But despite all reservations I am more optimistic than before.
(Der Spiegel) Could you imagine the international community offering
Belgrade the division of Kosovo as an option, into a Serb north and an
Albanian south?
(Rugova) Impossible. The borders of Kosovo cannot be changed. The
Kosovo Serbs must adapt to the institutions of our country. They will
have equal rights in all areas: political, economic and social. They
be better off than we were in the past. We have had bitter experiences
with an exclusively cultural autonomy.
(Der Spiegel) Why must the Serbs continue to live in ghettos and be
escorted by KFOR when they leave their villages?
(Rugova) Please, the war is just one and a half years in the past.
There is deep bitterness here. Hundreds of Albanians are still locked up
in Serbian prisons. It will take a while yet before we can assure the
Serbs of full freedom of movement. But that is our priority. It is good
that there are still 100,000 Serbs living in Kosovo. Once the situation
becomes more stable then all the Serbs who fled can return. However, we
need proof that these Serbs recognize Kosovo as their country.
(Der Spiegel) In past weeks there have been sharp clashes on
border with southern Serbia. Does the new Albanian liberation front want
to force an exchange of territory there -- the predominantly
Albanian-populated Bujanovac and the Presevo Valley in exchange for Serb
communities in the north of Kosovo?
(Rugova) The time is not ripe for that. Our people must remain in
southern Serbia. The Milosevic regime tried to ethnically cleanse this
region to control the sea access to Thessaloniki, Greece that was
important to Belgrade.
(Der Spiegel) But the activities of this liberation front have
the West to think seriously about Serbia's demand to station about a
thousand troops of the Yugoslav Army in the border region.
(Rugova) That would be absurd. It would also undermine the security
the KFOR troops. After all, there was a reason why the demilitarized
buffer zone was created. Be that as it may, for Serbia the game is over.
For good.
(Der Spiegel) Your party, the Democratic League LDK, has now won a
clear election victory in the local elections. Does that compensate you
for the attitude of those Western politicians who had already written
(Rugova) Naturally I was happy about this proof of trust. But the
was always more stable than was perceived in the West. We have created
this state and shaped it for ten years, without violence and without an
aggressive policy of confrontation.
(Der Spiegel) But the USA has clearly tried to build up former UCK
(Kosovo Liberation Army, KLA ) leader Hashim Thaci as a future political
leader of Kosovo. Now his extreme nationalist party has lost. Why?
(Rugova) I am not sure whether these parties are more radical than
are on national issues. Kosovo's citizens have grasped the fact that the
war is over and now a peace with prospects for the future must be built.
(Der Spiegel) But politics in Kosovo appears to still be dangerous.
Four close friends of yours have been killed.
(Rugova) Our citizens were shocked by these attacks. We used to have
Belgrade as the opponent, and we Albanians were the good guys. Now that
the danger from Belgrade has been banished, the devil in our own ranks
again making his appearance.
(Der Spiegel) But no one actually doubts that your domestic policy
rivals are behind the attacks. Why are there still no arrests?
(Rugova) The UN administration UNMIK and the international police
conducting their investigations, and I expect the culprits will be
apprehended and sentenced. We have had a functioning judicial system for
eight months, but none of the culprits has yet been taken into custody.
this continues it will not be possible to stop the murders.
(Der Spiegel) Is the international community really interested in
punishment of the culprits, or do they possibly enjoy political
protection, for example from the USA?
(Rugova) I do not believe there is foreign protection. But I do not
rule out the possibility that a few political parties in Kosovo are
protecting the murderers. That is why UNMIK must have an interest in
being solved quickly, because otherwise violence will get the upper hand
in Kosovo.
(Der Spiegel) Are you afraid?
(Rugova) I would like to see the people who are indifferent to such
threats. But as a politician you have to accept this danger. The last
murder was aimed directly at my office and at me.
(Der Spiegel) Isn't that a bad omen for the coming elections?
(Rugova) The goal of these groups is in fact to block the elections
through such acts of violence. In a democratic law-based state and in
normal times these extremists and war profiteers would have lost their
position a long time ago.
(Der Spiegel) So you believe your rival Thaci is behind these
(Rugova) Until the investigations have ended I cannot accuse anyone.
(Der Spiegel) Most Albanian politicians are harshly critical of
and feel they are being dictated to. What could be done better?
(Rugova) We have to be realistic. UNMIK encountered a destroyed
country and has achieved a great deal: Today we already have 20
ministries, including finance, justice and education. But initiatives in
the area of foreign investment are stagnating. Our Kosovo police could
also be better.
(Der Spiegel) Is it influenced too much by Thaci's former UCK
(Rugova) Some parties wanted to see only former UCK members in the
security forces. It would clearly have been more advantageous to also
integrate our former Kosovo police. But we will soon have a police
of our own, based above all on professional criteria, not political
(Der Spiegel) How long will the UN continue to be present in Kosovo?
(Rugova) After the parliamentary and presidential elections our
Albanian politicians will obtain more power and responsibility. UNMIK
stay a while longer to help with the transition, but with fewer
(Der Spiegel) Republican George W. Bush has already announced he
withdraw the American KFOR troops. What happens then? A new war?
(Rugova) NATO must stay forever in Kosovo, whatever it calls its
mandate. For example, fixed NATO bases to protect the entire region are
(Der Spiegel) Do you seriously expect NATO to accept this role as
Kosovo's private army?
(Rugova) NATO is already our private army. But in the future we will
share responsibility and also develop an army of our own as a protective
(Der Spiegel) Mr. Rugova, thank you for this interview.
Bollettino di controinformazione del
Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'"
Sito WEB : http://digilander.iol.it/lajugoslaviavivra
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono il Coordinamento, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only")
Archivio di JUGOINFO:
> http://www.ecircle.it/an_ecircle/articles?ecircleid%c2%91979 oppure
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> http://www.spiegel.de/spiegel/vorab/0,1518,107017,00.html
In una intervista rilasciata al settimanale tedesco "Der Spiegel", ed
integralmente riprodotta nella traduzione inglese alla fine di questo
messaggio, il leader nazionalista albanese-kosovaro Rugova si e' detto
contrario ai negoziati sullo status del Kosmet in quanto si tratta ormai
solamente di "normalizzare le relazioni tra due stati indipendenti".
"L'indipendenza non puo' essere messa in discussione... [I serbi] devono
solamente accettare le decisioni della comunita' internazionale...".
Evidentemente, secondo Rugova serbi ed albanesi sono ormai destinati a
vivere ghettizzati e segregati gli uni dagli altri, sotto la tutela
della NATO, "nostro esercito privato" e garante della spartizione
10. 12. 2000. 15:14 GMT+1 -- Izjava lidera DSK nemackom 'äpigelu'
Rugova: Niko nece pitati Srbe
"Pregovori mi se cine besmislenim i nepotrebnim", izjavio je nemackom
nedeljniku "äpigl" Ibrahim Rugova, lider Demokratskog saveza Kosova
inicijative jugoslovenskog predsednika Koötunice. Rugova, medutim, nije
iskljucio mogucnost razgovora "na niûim nivoima" o "normalizaciji odnosa
izmedu dve samostalne drûave". Rugova smatra da nezavisnost Kosova "ne
biti predmet pregovora".
"Niko nece Srbe pitati, nikome nije potrebna njihova saglasnost. Oni
prihvatiti odluku medunarodne zajednice", rekao je on. Lider kosovskih
Albanaca, cija je stranka na lokalnim izborima u oktobru osvojila 58
glasova smatra da ce Srbi uûivati jednaka prava na Kosovu kao i Albanci,
da se niöta ne moûe promeniti u tome öto ce morati da ûive "u getoima i
zaötitom mirovnih trupa KFOR". Rugova
smatra da ce NATO "ostati na Kosovu vecno" jer su mirovne trupe
Kosovu - "NATO je naöa privatna armija", rekao je Rugova u intervjuu
koji u
broju od ponedeljka objavljuje "äpigl".
Izvor: FreeSerbia
Ibrahim Rugova jos jednom odbacio predlog Vojislava
Kostunice o otpocinjanju pregovora
"Niko nece Srbe pitati"
Berlin - "Pregovori mi se cine besmislenim i nepotrebnim", izjavio je
nedeljniku Spigl Ibrahim Rugova, lider Demokratskog saveza Kosova
povodom inicijative jugoslovenskog predsednika Kostunice. Rugova,
nije iskljucio mogucnost razgovora "na nizim nivoima" o
"normalizaciji odnosa izmedju dve samostalne drzave".
Rugova smatra da nezavisnost Kosova "ne moze biti predmet pregovora".
nece Srbe pitati, nikome nije potrebna njihova saglasnost. Oni moraju
prihvatiti odluku medjunarodne zajednice", rekao je Rugova. Lider
Albanaca , cija je stranka na lokalnim izborima u oktobru osvojila 58
glasova smatra, doduse, da ce Srbi uzivati jednaka prava na Kosovu kao i
Albanci, ali da se nista ne moze promeniti u tome sto ce morati da zive
getoima i pod zastitom mirovnih trupa Kfora". Rugova smatra da ce NATO
na Kosovu vecno" jer su mirovne trupe neophodne Kosovu: "NATO je nasa
armija", rekao je Rugova u intervjuu koji u broju od ponedeljka
Spigl. (Sense)
Fonte: http://www.egroups.com/group/decani
11 December 2000
[Translated from German]
Interview with Kosovo leader Ibrahim Rugova
by Renate Flottau, Martin Doerry and Hans Hoyng in Pristina
NATO Is Our Private Army
Kosovo leader Ibrahim Rugova over the fight for his
country's independence, the relationship with the new rulers in
Belgrade, the impossibility of reconciliation between Albanians and
Serbs and the deadly struggle for power with his rivals
(Der Spiegel) Mr. Rugova, you have fought for the independence
Kosovo for over ten years. What have you achieved?
(Rugova) Thanks to the presence of KFOR peacekeeping troops,
support and the UN's reconstruction assistance Kosovo today is de facto
independent. We control the country and after the parliamentary and
presidential elections scheduled for next year also expect formal
recognition. This is an inexorable process, one we want to realize at
(Der Spiegel) ...but one that contrasts with almost all statements
Western politicians, who continue to see Kosovo as part of the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia.
(Rugova) I am convinced that this view will change very quickly. I
have already called on the EU to show more courage. Those who want to
become independent should also BECOME independent -- starting with
Montenegro and Kosovo. But the international community is presently
seeking a consensus for this problem. That is why no one wants to rush
ahead alone.
(Der Spiegel) Kosovo also belongs to Yugoslavia according to UN
Resolution 1244, and no one wants to change that.
(Rugova) This resolution was just a compromise to gain Yugoslavia's
agreement to peace. Why can there not simply be a new referendum under
international supervision on the question of Kosovo's independence?
Negotiations on the issue strike me as meaningless and unnecessary.
(Der Spiegel) Is that why you are not replying to the invitation to
meet from new Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica?
(Rugova) Now is not the right time for negotiations, neither for us
nor for the Serbs. After the elections in Serbia, when the new forces
more authority, we can talk about a normalization of relations, but
initially only at a relatively low level of representation at most. It
would be very helpful if the Serbs would recognize our independence
(Der Spiegel) You do not seriously hope for that?
(Rugova) No one will ask the Serbs, and no one needs their
They have to accept the decision of the international community.
(Der Spiegel) And if the West calls on you to accept a status of
autonomy for Kosovo?
(Rugova) That is completely unthinkable. In the past, every
with the Serbs has turned into a tragedy for us. Most recently Belgrade
conducted a ten-year war against us in which thousands of Albanians were
killed, harassed and beaten.
(Der Spiegel) Would not an independent Kosovo then destabilize the
entire region? The Albanians in Montenegro, Western Serbia and Macedonia
would certainly want to join the new state immediately.
(Rugova) On the contrary. The situation would become less tense.
a few neighbors, like the Serbs in Macedonia, are stirring up such
There is an agreement between all Albanian political parties of the
Yugoslavia under which they support the independence of Kosovo in the
present borders.
(Der Spiegel) Have not the Albanians in Macedonia already threatened
to revolt?
(Rugova) They just want to receive a constitutional guarantee that
they will enjoy the same rights as all other citizens of Macedonia. What
could become genuinely dangerous for Macedonia would be to preserve the
previously uncertain, undefined status of Kosovo. That strengthens the
extremist currents among the Albanians who are demanding more than we
such as unification with Albania.
(Der Spiegel) For Germany as well, ultimately reunification was
(Rugova) Naturally it is understandable that all Albanians would
to live in their own country. But we see such integration only in the
framework of a united Europe. Naturally, I cannot rule out the
that some day another option for the future might appear, perhaps even
unification with Albania.
(Der Spiegel) After the change in power in Yugoslavia the West
noticeably shifted its priorities to Belgrade. Do you not fear that like
Montenegro's President Milo Djukanovic you face the danger of taking a
back seat?
(Rugova) I cannot rule out the possibility that Belgrade will now
the democratic card and want to collect the reward for the change. But
international community will quickly understand that the old Serb ideas
about Kosovo have not been buried, merely covered up.
(Der Spiegel) So you still see no difference between former dictator
Slobodan Milosevic and the opposition in power?
(Rugova) Unfortunately, on the Kosovo issue they are all the same.
I do not exclude a possible positive change. The essential thing is that
the Serbian people have finally decided to break out of their
international isolation.
(Der Spiegel) Will you be prepared for a compromise on the Kosovo
(Rugova) The unconditional holding on to Kosovo was just a myth of
Belgrade elite. The rest of the population was never interested in
Naturally the Serbs also must cope with a few painful changes in the
future. But despite all reservations I am more optimistic than before.
(Der Spiegel) Could you imagine the international community offering
Belgrade the division of Kosovo as an option, into a Serb north and an
Albanian south?
(Rugova) Impossible. The borders of Kosovo cannot be changed. The
Kosovo Serbs must adapt to the institutions of our country. They will
have equal rights in all areas: political, economic and social. They
be better off than we were in the past. We have had bitter experiences
with an exclusively cultural autonomy.
(Der Spiegel) Why must the Serbs continue to live in ghettos and be
escorted by KFOR when they leave their villages?
(Rugova) Please, the war is just one and a half years in the past.
There is deep bitterness here. Hundreds of Albanians are still locked up
in Serbian prisons. It will take a while yet before we can assure the
Serbs of full freedom of movement. But that is our priority. It is good
that there are still 100,000 Serbs living in Kosovo. Once the situation
becomes more stable then all the Serbs who fled can return. However, we
need proof that these Serbs recognize Kosovo as their country.
(Der Spiegel) In past weeks there have been sharp clashes on
border with southern Serbia. Does the new Albanian liberation front want
to force an exchange of territory there -- the predominantly
Albanian-populated Bujanovac and the Presevo Valley in exchange for Serb
communities in the north of Kosovo?
(Rugova) The time is not ripe for that. Our people must remain in
southern Serbia. The Milosevic regime tried to ethnically cleanse this
region to control the sea access to Thessaloniki, Greece that was
important to Belgrade.
(Der Spiegel) But the activities of this liberation front have
the West to think seriously about Serbia's demand to station about a
thousand troops of the Yugoslav Army in the border region.
(Rugova) That would be absurd. It would also undermine the security
the KFOR troops. After all, there was a reason why the demilitarized
buffer zone was created. Be that as it may, for Serbia the game is over.
For good.
(Der Spiegel) Your party, the Democratic League LDK, has now won a
clear election victory in the local elections. Does that compensate you
for the attitude of those Western politicians who had already written
(Rugova) Naturally I was happy about this proof of trust. But the
was always more stable than was perceived in the West. We have created
this state and shaped it for ten years, without violence and without an
aggressive policy of confrontation.
(Der Spiegel) But the USA has clearly tried to build up former UCK
(Kosovo Liberation Army, KLA ) leader Hashim Thaci as a future political
leader of Kosovo. Now his extreme nationalist party has lost. Why?
(Rugova) I am not sure whether these parties are more radical than
are on national issues. Kosovo's citizens have grasped the fact that the
war is over and now a peace with prospects for the future must be built.
(Der Spiegel) But politics in Kosovo appears to still be dangerous.
Four close friends of yours have been killed.
(Rugova) Our citizens were shocked by these attacks. We used to have
Belgrade as the opponent, and we Albanians were the good guys. Now that
the danger from Belgrade has been banished, the devil in our own ranks
again making his appearance.
(Der Spiegel) But no one actually doubts that your domestic policy
rivals are behind the attacks. Why are there still no arrests?
(Rugova) The UN administration UNMIK and the international police
conducting their investigations, and I expect the culprits will be
apprehended and sentenced. We have had a functioning judicial system for
eight months, but none of the culprits has yet been taken into custody.
this continues it will not be possible to stop the murders.
(Der Spiegel) Is the international community really interested in
punishment of the culprits, or do they possibly enjoy political
protection, for example from the USA?
(Rugova) I do not believe there is foreign protection. But I do not
rule out the possibility that a few political parties in Kosovo are
protecting the murderers. That is why UNMIK must have an interest in
being solved quickly, because otherwise violence will get the upper hand
in Kosovo.
(Der Spiegel) Are you afraid?
(Rugova) I would like to see the people who are indifferent to such
threats. But as a politician you have to accept this danger. The last
murder was aimed directly at my office and at me.
(Der Spiegel) Isn't that a bad omen for the coming elections?
(Rugova) The goal of these groups is in fact to block the elections
through such acts of violence. In a democratic law-based state and in
normal times these extremists and war profiteers would have lost their
position a long time ago.
(Der Spiegel) So you believe your rival Thaci is behind these
(Rugova) Until the investigations have ended I cannot accuse anyone.
(Der Spiegel) Most Albanian politicians are harshly critical of
and feel they are being dictated to. What could be done better?
(Rugova) We have to be realistic. UNMIK encountered a destroyed
country and has achieved a great deal: Today we already have 20
ministries, including finance, justice and education. But initiatives in
the area of foreign investment are stagnating. Our Kosovo police could
also be better.
(Der Spiegel) Is it influenced too much by Thaci's former UCK
(Rugova) Some parties wanted to see only former UCK members in the
security forces. It would clearly have been more advantageous to also
integrate our former Kosovo police. But we will soon have a police
of our own, based above all on professional criteria, not political
(Der Spiegel) How long will the UN continue to be present in Kosovo?
(Rugova) After the parliamentary and presidential elections our
Albanian politicians will obtain more power and responsibility. UNMIK
stay a while longer to help with the transition, but with fewer
(Der Spiegel) Republican George W. Bush has already announced he
withdraw the American KFOR troops. What happens then? A new war?
(Rugova) NATO must stay forever in Kosovo, whatever it calls its
mandate. For example, fixed NATO bases to protect the entire region are
(Der Spiegel) Do you seriously expect NATO to accept this role as
Kosovo's private army?
(Rugova) NATO is already our private army. But in the future we will
share responsibility and also develop an army of our own as a protective
(Der Spiegel) Mr. Rugova, thank you for this interview.
Bollettino di controinformazione del
Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'"
Sito WEB : http://digilander.iol.it/lajugoslaviavivra
I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono il Coordinamento, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only")
Archivio di JUGOINFO:
> http://www.ecircle.it/an_ecircle/articles?ecircleid%c2%91979 oppure
> http://www.egroups.com/group/crj-mailinglist/
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