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President Milosevic March 7th, with Comments
[Posted 3 April 2002]

On March 7th President Milosevic cross-examined one
Sabit Kadriu. Mr. Kadriu has been described by The
Hague "tribunal" and the mass media as a human rights
activist. This by virtue of his membership in the
so-called "Council for the Defense of Human Rights and
Freedoms," a group run by Adem Demaci. Mr. Kadriu is an
aide to Mr. Demaci.

It would be historically inaccurate to say Adem Demaci
is the political adviser to the terrorist Kosovo
Liberation Army. He resigned from that lofty position
because he considered KLA too moderate.

Here's the Associated Press, May 2, 1999:


"And in a political development that could boost
international efforts to persuade ethnic Albanians to
accept a plan for self-rule, Adem Demaci stepped down
as And in a political development that could boost
international efforts to persuade ethnic Albanians to
accept a plan for self-rule, Adem Demaci stepped down
as political adviser for the Kosovo Liberation Army.

"The influential hard-liner, outspoken in his
opposition to the U.S.-backed peace plan for Kosovo
because it falls short of independence, said the KLA
leadership ''thinks they know more about politics than
I do.'''


During the cross-examination of the humanitarian Mr.
Kadriu, an exchange took place in which President
Milosevic charged that Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda has
helped the Kosovo Liberation Army attack the Balkans.

Reading the exchange, posted below, please note the
interruptions by Richard May, the so-called 'judge' in
this so-called 'trial.' (In the New World Order,
'so-called' is the word of choice.)

President Milosevic is trying here to demonstrate that
the Kosovo Liberation Army "freedom fighters" work
closely with the international terrorist organization,
Al Qaeda. The witness tries to deny this, making the
unbelievable claim that he never heard of Osama bin
Laden before September 11th.

A key purpose of cross-examination is to throw a
witness off-balance and catch him or her in a lie. But
Richard May cuts President Milosevic off three times -
first with "enough of that" (is Mr. May late for an
appointment? distressed because President Milosevic
refuses to abide by proper procedures for a Show

In his second interruption, Mr. May tells President
Milosevic, "Meanwhile the witness says he knows nothing
of it," that is, of the presence of Al Qaeda in Kosovo,
as if this were not precisely the lie President
Milosevic is trying to expose.

The third interruption is the most striking. The
witness has been denying knowledge of Al Qaeda and
Pres. Milosevic says, "So you want to say that you know
nothing about their activity."

May interrupts: "No, he says there are no Mujahideen in
Kosovo. That's what he says."

This is too much even for the amazingly patient Pres.
Milosevic who notes, dryly: "All right but he doesn't
need so much assistance."

So in the courts of the New World Order, the proper
method for an opponent of the ruling bullies, when
conducting a cross-examination, is to ask a question
politely and accept whatever lie the authorities'
witness offers in response, and then move on. Defense
Attorneys take notice.

We have posted links to the FBI and MSNBC documents to
which President Milosevic refers. See FURTHER READING,
at the end.

-- Jared Israel


Pres. Milosevic: You said you heard about the KLA in

Sabit Kadriu: I read in newspapers that something
happened connected with that.

Pres. Milosevic: You were involved in public activities
as you say since the beginning of the 1990s. Do you
know about the activity of the organization of Osama
bin laden in Kosovo & Metohija?

Sabit Kadriu: I heard about bin Laden this year but
never before. Only when the crime was committed against
American people.

Richard May: Enough about that. Mr. Milosevic.

Pres. Milosevic: Do you know about the Mujahideen and
their atrocities in Kosovo & Metohija?

Sabit Kadriu: That is not true that there were
Mujahideen in Kosovo. You have invented that. That is
the fruit of your imagination.

Pres. Milosevic: Well, just say 'it's not correct' or
'I don't know.' You are spending time. I will read you
a passage and you will tell me if that is correct or
not. Al Qaeda (Reads) "functions through some of the
terrorist organizations that operate under its umbrella
or with its support, including..." I'm going to skip
over this next bit, "Albania," etc. Do you consider
that to be correct? (1)

Sabit Kadriu: That is not right, and that is the fruit
of your imagination.

Pres. Milosevic: [Holds the document in the air. It
includes an FBI insignia.] Well, this is the
congressional statement of the Federal Bureau of
Investigation. (1)

Richard May: What is the date of it?

Pres. Milosevic: December 18, last year. After
September 11th.

Richard May: Very well. You can put that into evidence
in due course. Meanwhile the witness says he knows
nothing of it.

Pres. Milosevic: I am asking the witness, is the
paragraph I read correct and he said it was not correct
and it was a lie and the fruit of my imagination. And
now I am going to ask you [the witness] is the
following correct? [Reads] "All Qaeda supports Islamic
fighters in Bosnia, Afghanistan, Chechnya and in
Kosovo". Is that correct. (2)

Sabit Kadriu: I know nothing about that. I'm not here
to talk about Bosnia or Afghanistan. I'm here to talk
about Kosovo. There are no Mujahideen in Kosovo and
that is the truth.

Pres. Milosevic: But I have asked you what do you know
about their activities, not whether they are there
since that is indisputable. So you want to say that you
know nothing about their activity.

Richard May: No, he says there are no Mujahideen in
Kosovo. That's what he says.

Pres. Milosevic: All right but he doesn't need so much
assistance. Obviously Al Qaeda fighters have been
identified in Kosovo, Bosnia and Albania and is that
correct or not according to your knowledge?

Sabit Kadriu: I've already said I know nothing about
other countries and when you speak about Kosovo I can
say that there are no Mujahideen there.

Pres. Milosevic: That last passage I have quoted is
from MSNBC and it says, "Sources: Congressional
Research Center, Frontline." [Editor's note: Frontline
is a US Television program on current issues.]

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Further Reading:

(1) During his testimony, President Milosevic referred
to two documents. The first was the testimony of FBI
'counter-terrorism' specialist and acting
assistant-director J.T. Caruso in Congress, 18 December
2001 the relevant part of which can be read at

The other was an MSNBC WebPage entitled, 'WHO IS OSAMA
BIN LADEN?' The excerpt can be read at

2) President Milosevic has stressed the glaring bit of
hypocrisy involved in NATO claiming the right to
intervene wherever it wishes "to fight terrorism" while
kidnapping and "trying" him - for in fact, fighting
terrorism. Related evidence: the Washington Post
recently exposed that the US government has paid for
millions of violent Islamist textbooks, including 4
million that were just printed and are being used in -
are you ready? - Afghanistan.

See 'The ABC's of Jihad,' which can be read at

===*=== "A Conservative News Forum"

Judge Refuses to Allow Further Cross-Examination

Blic, Belgrade | March 9, 2002

Posted on 3/9/02 1:33 PM Pacific by Banat

Judge May Refuses Miloshevich?s
Request to Have Kadriu Cross-Examined!

The Hague (Tanjug) - The continuation of the
latest round of hearings, which commenced yesterday,
suffered many interruptions by Judge Richard May
today. At one point, the Judge intervened and warned the
witness, as well as the defendant, ?This is not a
political manifestation but a trial?.
Mr. Miloshevich cross-examined Sabit Kadriu,
who claimed the Serbs did not flee Albanian violence but
were "searching for a better life" outside of Kosovo
& Metohia and that they were "selling their farms and
estates to Albanians at steep prices". The witness
claimed that he had no knowledge as to how many Serbs
had fled the province and that the ?regime? in
Belgrade caused and then manipulated this situation.
Mr. Miloshevich told the court that Albanian
separatists persistently refused the Government?s proposal for
the return of Albanian professors and students to
state schools, while the witness claimed that, every
September, when the school year traditionally
starts, the Serbian government ?prevented the Albanians? from
Countering the witness? claim that the ?Serbian
regime organized the return of the expelled Serbs back to
Kosovo & Metohia in order to change the
demographics?, Mr. Miloshevich said that of all the expelled Serbs,
only 5,000 returned to their homes, which is, as
Mr. Miloshevich said, less than 1% of the total number of
Serbs who have been forced out of the province.
The prosecution witness also claimed that there were no -
and are no - mujahedins in Kosovo & Metohia.
Mr. Miloshevich then showed the FBI document, dated
December 2001, which clearly indicated that
Al-Qaida had been active in Kosovo & Metohia.
Kadriu said that ?he knew nothing? about the
killings of four policemen in the village of Chirez on March 3,
1998, which, as Mr. Miloshevich said, was the
result of a firefight between the Police and the KLA. The
Ahmeti family lost their lives in this confrontation,
which the witness claimed was a ?massacre of unarmed civilians?.
In reference to the witness? claim of a massacre of
the Gerxhaliu family in May 1999, Mr. Miloshevich said
that the investigating judge went to the scene
immediately after the incident and made a report. The witness
characterized this as an ?obstruction? on the part
of the ?Serb forces? and claimed that such things ?always
occurred? and that ?the Serbian police always
called the court investigators after they committed crimes.?
The defendant then told the court about the murder
of Rexhepi Bairami, an activist and a member of the
LDK, the party headed by Ibrahim Rugova, who
was killed in Vuchitrn ?on the orders of the local KLA
commander?. Kadriu then said that ?he never
heard of any Bairami?.
Mr. Miloshevich then mentioned the fact that, in
1998 alone, 327 loyalist Albanians had been murdered, to
which the witness replied that he ?did not believe
there were any loyalist Albanians? in Kosovo & Metohia.
Mr. Miloshevich, in turn, cited Faik Jashari, a
member of the Interim Executive Council of Kosovo & Metohia,
who had reported that, after the war, some 30,000
Albanians fled to central Serbia together with the expelled
Kosovo & Metohia Serbs.
Kadriu described the KLA as a liberation army and
stood his ground, claiming the army and the police
?conducted an offensive against 27 Albanian
villages on Mt. Chichevitsa and murdered 200 civilians and
one member of the KLA?.
Mr. Miloshevich then cited Kadriu, who had said
earlier that ?Adem Jashari was killed when he ran out of
ammo?, and asked the witness how he could talk
of a ?massacre of civilians? when the police first asked
Jashari to come out and give himself up, then
gave him 2 hours to consider the offer - ?during which a
number of people had left the compound? - and
that soon after, ?a hail of bullets, fired from dozens of
automatic rifles? came from the house toward the
police, to which the police responded in self-defence and,
as a consequence, killed 60 people inside the
Jashari compound.
At this point Judge Robinson jumped in and
remarked that Kadriu wasn?t present at the scene. Kadriu then
said that he saw ?bodies of dead women, children
and elderly people?, that the action against the Jashari
compound ?lasted three days?, and that it served
to paint a ?false picture? in the media.
Mr. Miloshevich then cited British Foreign Office
reports, dating from early 1999, which revealed that there
had been no political persecution of Albanians,
but rather a confrontation with ?military opponents? - the KLA
- who controlled parts of Kosovo & Metohia.
The witness then said that, in 1999, the ?Serbian
forces had killed 15,000 and expelled 1,000,000 Albanian civilians?.
Mr. Miloshevich responded by asking the witness
about the kidnappings and killings of Serbs, the KLA
detention centres in the village of Likovats, as well
as the makeshift prison in the basement of a general
store in Vuchitrn. The witness responded, saying
such prisons ?did not exist?, and he also denied any killings
and kidnappings by the KLA.
The witness denied Mr. Miloshevich?s claim that
literally all citizens of Serbian nationality from 39 out of the
45 villages in the Vuchitrn Municipality had been
ethnically cleansed and had their houses burned down,
saying there ?may have been? some ?revenge
attacks against the Serbs who committed war crimes.?
Alleging that all the Serbs who once lived in the
town of Vuchitrn are war criminals, Kadriu acknowledged
that there were no more Serbs in that town, and
that they fled ?of their own free will because they committed
war crimes.? Branislav Tapushkovich, one of the
amici curiae, reacted, drawing the court?s attention to the
contradictions in Kadriu?s testimony.
Mr. Miloshevich protested the court?s decision to
limit the time for cross-examination and asked that the
cross-examination be continued, which was
rejected by Judge May. As a result, the trial will continue on
Monday with fresh testimonies from new witnesses.
As the hearing was drawing to a close, the
security officers in the courtroom asked Mr. Miloshevich?s
legal advisors from Belgrade to leave the room. They
had been warned not to ?gesticulate and communicate? with
Mr. Miloshevich. They later returned to the courtroom.