22 aprile 1945: circa 1700 internati - serbi, antifascisti,
rom ed ebrei - assaltavano le recinzioni in filo spinato
sfidando le raffiche di mitragliatrice dei guardiani del campo
di concentramento di Jasenovac, su di un'ansa del fiume Sava.

"Soltanto 65 di loro riuscivano a scavalcare la porta della
fabbrica della morte. Nella pioggia, vento e tuoni, con le
ultime forze, scegliendo libertà o morte, correvano centinaia
di detenuti. Il fuoco su di loro fù aperto da tutte le parti,
cadevano come fasci di grano, saltando sopra gli amici morti,
ed avanzavano. Gli ammassi dei corpi raggiungevano l'altezza di
un metro.
Nei giorni precedenti all'azione, i suicidi tra i detenuti erano
tantissimi, convinti della impossibilità di uscire vivi, ormai
negli ultimi giorni della guerra. Dopo l'azione, subendo svariati
assedi ed uccisioni, i rimanenti del gruppo giungevano alla città
di Gradiska, il 25 Aprile..."
(D.K. su pck-yugoslavia@..., 30/4/01)

* Alcune fonti su JASENOVAC e lo sterminio attuato dai nazifascisti
in Croazia 1941-1945

* "Witness To Jasenovac's Hell" - a book by Ilija Ivanovic

* First Annual Commemoration of Jasenovac
to be held in NYC, APRIL 21, 2002

* Documenting a Death Camp in Nazi Croatia
By NEIL A. LEWIS, New York Times, November 14, 2001

* Croatia Faces Up to Nazi Death Camp Past
By Zoran Radosavljevic, Reuters, December 5, 2001

ANSA, 5 Dicembre 2001



> http://www.beograd.com/jasenovac


> http://www.jasenovac.org/

Jasenovac Research Institute

> http://www.ushmm.com/jasenovac/


> http://snd-us.com/Liberty/st_jasenovac_revisited.htm

Comments on Holocaust Museum Jasenovac Exhibit
By Dr. Srdja Trifkovic

> http://www.new-ostrog.org/memorial.html

The Serbian Holocaust Memorial
at our Monastery in British Columbia, Canada


Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 20:43:16 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [yugoslaviainfo] IMPORTANT:
The book Witness To Jasenovac's Hell is out

Dear friend,

I am glad to inform you that the book Witness To Jasenovac's Hell
by Mr. Ilija Ivanovic is finally available.

This rare book, translated to English, gives a full view into
Jasenovac's hell, the World War II Nazi Croatian death camp.
Whole families, entire villages from Bosnia and Croatia were sent
to camp Jasenovac. Very few out of hundreds of thousands of people--
Serbs, Jews and Gypsies--survived the camp. The Western world knows
little about Jasenovac.

Mr. Ivanovic was one of the survivors. He was brought to the camp
when he was a young boy, barely 13 years old. The book is his account.

One cannot understand what happened recently in Yugoslavia
without reading this book.

More about the book can be found at:

> http://www.dallaspublishing.com/jasenovac.htm

You can order the book through "Pay Pal" if you follow "Order"
link from the above page or send orders of $22.95 to

You can also order by fax at:
Fax: 903-572-9611

Or send check by ground mail to:
Dallas Publishing Company
P. O. Box 1144
Mt. Pleasant, TX 75456-1144

Please, inform other friends about this important book.
Send this note far and wide.

Best wishes,
Petar Makara


Subject: First Annual Commemoration of Jasenovac to be held in
NYC, Apr 21, 2002
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 22:16:28 -0400
From: "Jim Yarker"


PO BOX 608, MONROE, MI. 48162

Tel. (734) 242-3992 Fax (734) 242-4289

www.jasenovac.org webmaster@...

"Let the truth be known!"



17 APRIL 2002




On Sunday, 21 April 2002, a ceremony to honor the
Victims and Survivors of the Jasenovac Concentration
Camp and the Yugoslav Holocaust will be held from 2 to 3
PM at The Holocaust Memorial Park in Brooklyn, NY. A
ceremony including a wreath laying, religious service
and speeches by Survivors and scholars will accompany
the placing of a plaque with a draft of the inscription
for the stone monument to be unveiled later this year.
The Holocaust Memorial Park, which is located at West
End Avenue between Emmons Ave & Shore Blvd in the
Sheepshead Bay section of Brooklyn, is the only monument
park commemorating the Holocaust in the New York City

April 22nd marks the fifty-seventh anniversary of the
breakout attempt by Jasenovac inmates. The memorial
ceremony has been timed as closely as possible to mark
this anniversary. The Jasenovac Research Institute
intends to initiate an annual practice of holding
commemorative ceremonies on this date. All those who
support justice for and recognition of Yugoslav
Holocaust Victims and Survivors are encouraged to enrich
this ceremony with their participation.


Following the Nazi invasion and dismemberment of
Yugoslavia in April 1941, the "Independent State of
Croatia" was established as a pro-Nazi government. It
was dedicated to a clerical-fascist ideology influenced
both by Nazism and extreme Roman Catholic fanaticism. On
coming to power, the Ustashe Party dictatorship in
Croatia quickly commenced on a systematic policy of
racial extermination of all Serbs, Jews and Roma living
within its borders. From August 1941 to April 1945,
hundreds of thousands of Serbs, tens of thousands of
Jews and Roma, as well as anti-fascists of many
nationalities, were murdered at the death camp known as
Jasenovac. Estimates of the total number of men, women
and children killed there have been put at 700,000.
Jasenovac was not the only death camp in
fascist-occupied Yugoslavia, but it was by far the
largest in the entire Balkans region and the one in
which a majority of the some one million victims of the
Yugoslav Holocaust perished.


By Car From Manhattan: Take the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway
(BQE) Westbound to the Belt Parkway. You will travel on the
Belt Eastbound and exit at Exit 8 (Coney island Ave.).
Follow signs for Kingsborough. Be warned that Exit 8 follows
closely upon Exit 7. The exit leaves you on Guilder
Ave. You will take Guilder straight - past Coney Island Ave
- and to its end at East 12th Street. Make a right turn on
East 12th St. Then make an immediate left turn (at the light)
onto Neptune Ave. You will then make another rapid turn
- your first possible right - onto Cass Place (also at a
light). Take Cass Place about 2 blocks past the light. West
End Ave. and the Park are immediately on your left. You can
find parking on the streets adjoining the park. Please follow
posted parking regulations.

By Car From New Jersey: Take any of the 3 or 4 bridges going to
Staten Island and head onto the Verrazano's Narrows Bridge (no toll
out of Staten Island). Exit the bridge onto the Belt Parkway
going East. Now follow the directions from Manhattan.

By Car From Queens or Long Island: Take the Belt Parkway West
to Exit 8 (Coney Island Ave.). At the end of the exit turn right
onto Voorhies Ave. Make another right from Voorhies onto
Sheepshead Bay Road at the first light. Take Sheepshead Bay
Road to the end (2 lights) and make a right turn.
Make your first possible left turn at the second light onto West
End Ave. The Holocaust Memorial Park is on this block on your
left. You may park on any of the adjoining streets. Please follow
posted parking regulations.

By Bus: The B-49 Bus stops within one block of the Holocaust
Park. Any bus connection to the B-49 bus is good.

By Subway: The best lines to take are the D or the Q trains. Both go
Sheepshead Bay Station. Remember to get a transfer ticket at the token
In front of the train station is a bus stop for the B-49 bus.


From the memory of those who survived, and from the
passion of those who wish the truth to be known, came
the Jasenovac Research Institute, a nonprofit foundation
dedicated to building public awareness about the
Holocaust in Yugoslavia and the furthering the search
for justice for its Victims and Survivors. JRI promotes
research and activities designed to enlighten the world
to the crimes of genocide committed at Jasenovac and
elsewhere in wartime Yugoslavia and aims to provide
assistance to all groups and individuals who likewise
seek justice for these victims.

JRI is a registered Section 501c3 non-profit
corporation. Donations to JRI for the costs of the
memorial stone, and to finance our other work, are
tax-deductible (IRS reg. no. 38-3410276) and can be sent

Jasenovac Research Institute

PO Box 608

Monroe, MI 48162


Payment accepted by check, money order, Visa, and

Please contact us if you'd like to learn more about our
work and how you can join us.


New York Times November 14, 2001

Documenting a Death Camp in Nazi Croatia


WASHINGTON, Nov. 13 - Officials of the United States
Holocaust Museum said today that they had discovered
and preserved a cache of decaying documents and artifacts
from one of the lesser-known but most brutal concentration
camps of World War II. The camp, known as Jasenovac, was
operated in Croatia by the Ustasha, the Nazi puppet government.
The artifacts were found deteriorating in a building in
Banja Luka in the Serbian part of Bosnia last year, officials
said. Peter Black, the museum's chief historian, told reporters
today that Jasenovac was crude in comparison to the industrialized
Nazi extermination camps like Auschwitz. Mr. Black said there
were no gas chambers or crematories, so prisoners were murdered
one by one with axes, guns, knives or prolonged torture. Bodies
were buried or thrown into the adjacent Sava River.
Jasenovac (pronounced ya-SEN- oh-vatz), actually a complex of five
camps about 60 miles from the Croatian capital, Zagreb, has
been little studied in the West, but the history has long
resonated in the modern Balkans, where analysts and historians
have debated about how much of the region's violence
may be traced to historic ethnic enmities.
Mr. Black estimated that nearly 100,000 people had been
killed in Jasenovac, the largest number being Serbs, followed
by Jews and Gypsies. The camp was established by the Republic
of Croatia to eliminate anyone who was not an ethnic Croatian.
Mr. Black said a combination of factors, including the
reluctance of officials to agree on what happened, had led to
its history's remaining largely hidden from scholars until now.
The collection includes 2,000 photographs, many of atrocities;
tens of thousands of papers; and thousands of artifacts, like
inmate crafts. Sara J. Bloomfield, director of the Holocaust
Museum, said the project to save the documents and artifacts
was especially significant because of the cooperation of the
government of Croatia, whose history is cast in a poor
light, as well as the governments of Serbia and Bosnia.
Ms. Bloomfield said the governments had cooperated despite
"the continuing sensitivity of all sides to this collection."
That sensitivity was on display moments after the
museum's presentation today when a diplomat from Croatia,
Mate Maras, objected to the assertion by museum officials
that more than 300,000 Serbs had died at the hands of the
Ustasha throughout Croatia in World War II.
Mr. Maras complained to Ms. Bloomfield and Mr. Black that
the number was misleading because it included what he said
were combatants throughout Croatia and thus was comparable
to the hundreds of thousands of Croats killed in the war.
Mr. Maras said that while he thought the assertions of
the museum's personnel about Serb casualties were misleading,
he agreed it was "a good day for Croatia to open up these
sad pages of our history."
Copies of the collection have been made and will be
maintained at the Holocaust Museum and in Israel, officials
said. The original collection will be returned to a museum
in Croatia, where it will be put on display at the
site of the Jasenovic complex, officials said.



Wednesday December 5 1:24 PM ET

Croatia Faces Up to Nazi Death Camp Past
By Zoran Radosavljevic

JASENOVAC, Croatia (Reuters) - Croatia on Wednesday
reinstalled exhibits and archives from a concentration camp its
pro-Nazi government set up in 1941, in a move to show
it was coming to terms with darker aspects of its history.

The items were returned by the Washington Holocaust Memorial
museum, where they were sent for safekeeping in 2000,
some years after being taken from the site by retreating
Serb forces who occupied the Jasenovac area during Yugoslavia's
bitter collapse.

The Museum commended the reformist Croatian government
for deciding to take back the exhibits recounting the brutality
of pro-German Croatian commanders of the camp, 100km
(60 miles) southeast of Zagreb, toward Jews, Serbs and

``We commend the Croatian government for its commitment
to honestly confront its terrible past,'' Sara Bloomfield,
museum director, said in a letter read at a ceremony at
the Jasenovac Memorial center attended by a few camp survivors.

Rebel Croatian Serbs who captured the territory around
Jasenovac when Croatia proclaimed independence in 1991, moved
the items across the Sava river to Bosnian Serb areas
in the face of an advance by Zagreb government troops in 1995.

The previous nationalist government of the late President
Franjo Tudjman had tolerated the revival of Ustasha symbols
and Tudjman himself appeared to play down Croatian
responsibility for the Holocaust in one of his books.

He changed those elements in his writings after pressure
from the West and Jewish groups but other nationalists were
accused of downplaying the crimes of the Ustashe and of
trimming the numbers of those who died in Jasenovac.


Some 85,000 inmates -- Serbs, Jews, Gypsies and anti-Fascist
Croats -- are estimated by independent historians to
have perished in the camp, set up and run by Nazi-allied
Ustasha authorities who ruled Croatia in 1941-45.

Many had died of starvation, exhaustion or illness, or
had been gunned, knived or bludgeoned to death.

Slavko Goldstein, a prominent member of Croatia's small
Jewish community and of the Jasenovac museum management,
said the truth about the camp had been ``diminished and
distorted in school books and many other publications in
the last decade.''

``The truth, the whole truth, is the only way for this
terrible tragedy that still burdens our politics to move
to the realm of history and remembrance,'' Goldstein said.

``I am pleased to confirm this site, in all its dignity,
as a place of remembrance but also of warning,'' said Croatian Culture
Minister Antun Vujic who helped organize the return of items.

Jasenovac commander Dinko Sakic -- the last known living
Nazi-era camp commander -- was sentenced to 20 years in
prison in 1999 by a Croatian court for crimes against
humanity after he was extradited from Argentina.


Chiudiamo riportando questo dispaccio ANSA dello scorso
dicembre. Si noti che l'ANSA, come tutte le altre agenzie
di stampa, omette di menzionare il ruolo svolto dai prelati
cattolici nel regime croato e nello sterminio (a Jasenovac
ad esempio il lager era co-gestito da frati francescani;
si veda in proposito, tra gli altri, "l'Arcivescovo del
genocidio", di M.A. Rivelli, Ed. Kaos). Inoltre, l'ANSA
riporta senza commento le cifre delle vittime secondo
la versione revisionista di Tudjman.

> http://www.ansa.it/balcani/croazia/20011205194732068594.html


(ANSA) - ZAGABRIA, 5 DIC - Decine di casse con documenti, filmati, foto
e oggetti della Seconda guerra mondiale sono state riportate oggi al
memoriale di Jasenovac, nel cui campo di concentramento morirono decine
di migliaia di serbi, ebrei, rom e croati oppositori al regime ustascia
di Ante Pavelic. I documenti presi dai secessionisti serbi della
Krajina durante la guerra (1991-95) furono portati nella zona serba
della Bosnia e consegnati l'anno scorso al Museo dell'Olocausto di
Washington. Oggi a Jasenovac l'ambasciatore americano Lawrence G.
Rossin, in una cerimonia davanti al memoriale, ha consegnato le casse
al ministro di cultura Antun Vujic, alla presenza di Slavko Goldstein
esponente della comunita' ebraica di Zagabria e presidente del
consiglio del memoriale Jasenovac. Secondo il ministero della cultura
risultano mancanti ancora centinaia di documenti, oggetti e fotografie.
Mancano anche 5 mila schede dei prigionieri di Jasenovac. Con una
investimento di 150 mila dollari il Museo dell'Olocausto di Washington
ha realizzato delle copie che saranno mandate agli archivi di Belgrado,
a quelli di Banja Luka, sede di istituzione della Rs (entita' serba
della Bosnia) e allo Yad Vashem, il memoriale di Olocausto di
Gerusalemme. Il ministro dellla cultura croato ha ringraziato gli Stati
Uniti per aver preservato la memoria di Jasenovac e per aver restituito
alla Croazia tutto il materiale. Il numero delle vittime di quello che
fu chiamato l'Auschwitz croato e' ancora oggi controverso. Secondo una
stima del governo nazionalista di Franjo Tudjman le vittime furono 50
mila, secondo le autorita' di Belgrado 700 mila. Secondo uno studio
condotto da Goldstein, i prigionieri uccisi a Jasenovac furono tra 80 e
90 mila. Uno dei comandanti del campo di concentramento, Dinko Sakic,
fu condannato dal Tribunale di Zagabria nel 1999 a 20 anni di prigione.
05/12/2001 19:47