Nel corso del processo in svolgimento presso il Tribunale
"ad hoc" dell'Aia, l'avvocato del criminale croato Ante
Gotovina ha chiamato in causa Bill Clinton per correita'
nella pulizia etnica dei territori della Croazia a
maggioranza serba.

In seguito a queste ventilate accuse contro Bill Clinton,
la portavoce della "procuratrice" Carla Del Ponte, Florence
Hartmann, ha immediatamente svestito i suoi panni per indossare
quelli dell'avvocato d'ufficio: la responsabilita' statunitense
sarebbe "tutta da dimostrare", ed il Tribunale "ad hoc"
non dovrebbe comunque discutere della liceita' della
"Operazione Tempesta", ma solamente di singoli atti criminali
compiuti da singoli individui.

Con la "Operazione Lampo" e la "Operazione Tempesta"
(1995) l'esercito dei secessionisti croati, avvalendosi
dell'ausilio logistico, di addestramento e di intelligence
delle forze USA e NATO, spazzarono via dalle piantine
geografiche la "Repubblica Serba della Krajna" costringendo
alla fuga in pochi giorni circa 150mila suoi abitanti.
La quasi totalita' di questi non e' mai rientrata; si
registrano inoltre tuttora centinaia di "desaparecidos",
oltre alle migliaia di persone uccise nelle varie fasi
della guerra per la secessione per la Croazia (1991-1995).

Dai dintorni di Knin, capitale della "RS della Krajna",
solo nello scorso autunno sono stati esumati 301 cadaveri
di abitanti serbi della zona, la cui identificazione e' incominciata
i giorni scorsi, nel silenzio ineffabile dei mass-media
internazionali. In precedenza altre identificazioni
erano state effettuate, sempre relative alle vittime della
"Operazione Tempesta".

Per un quadro complessivo dei crimini commessi dalla
alleanza tra secessionisti ustascia e NATO vedasi ad es.:

> http://www.veritas.org.yu/

Sulla attuale condizione di discriminazione nei confronti
dei serbi della Croazia si veda ad esempio:

U.S. Dept. of State
"2001 Report on Human Rights in Croatia"
> http://www.state.gov/g/dlr/rls/hrrpt/2001/eur/8240.htm

Dokumentaciono Informacioni Centar VERITAS
Bilten broj 37, April 2002
Vlada SAD: Ljudska prava u Hrvatskoj
> http://www.veritas.org.yu/Bilteni/Bilten_37.pdf


U.S., Clinton accused of war atrocities

Jeffrey T. Kuhner
Published 4/22/2002

The lawyer for a Croatian general indicted by the war
crimes tribunal in The Hague says his client's case
opens the possibility that former President Clinton
will be charged with crimes against humanity for
authorizing a Croatian military offensive in 1995 that
recaptured territory from rebel Serbs.
"According to the unjust indictment brought against
my client, there is a basis for an investigation and
indictment of high-ranking Clinton administration
officials who oversaw Operation Storm," said Luka
Misetic, the defense attorney for Gen. Ante Gotovina.
The high-ranking Croatian general was indicted in June
2001 by the prosecutor's office at the U.N. War Crimes
Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in The Hague on
charges that he exercised "command responsibility" over
the military campaign in which 150 Serbian civilians
were killed.
Secretly supported by the Clinton administration, Croatian
forces launched a three-day massive military offensive
- known as "Operation Storm" - on Aug. 5, 1995 in which
Croatia recovered territories occupied by rebel Serbs
following Croatia's bloody drive for independence from
Yugoslavia in 1991.
Gen. Gotovina was the military commander of Sector South
of the operation, which was responsible for the capture
of the rebel-held city of Knin. He is also accused of
overseeing the ethnic cleansing of 150,000 Serbs who
fled from Croatia during the military offensive.
The United States provided military and technical
assistance to Operation Storm in order to block
then-Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic's goal
of forging an ethnically pure "Greater Serbia."
The Clinton administration viewed Croatia's military
campaign as pivotal to tilting the strategic balance of
power in the region against Serbian forces, paving the
way for the 1995 Dayton Peace Accords that ended the
war in neighboring Bosnia.
However, Mr. Misetic said U.S. support and approval for
the military offensive means the indictment against
Gen. Gotovina could lead to the prosecution by The Hague
tribunal of Mr. Clinton and other high-ranking U.S.
officials on charges of having command responsibility
for war crimes that were committed during the operation.
"The theory against Gotovina can now be brought against
Clinton, [Assistant Secretary of State Richard]
Holbrooke and all the way down the U.S. chain of
command. On the prosecution's logic, they should be
indicted as well. They knew the attack was coming and
gave it the green light," Mr. Misetic said.
"The prosecutor's office is punting on an issue that is
clearly there.
They are claiming that ethnic cleansing took place during
this operation. They are claiming that by virtue of
his position, Gotovina had knowledge of war crimes. His
knowledge was shared and given to him by the Pentagon," he
Florence Hartmann, spokeswoman for chief prosecutor Carla
del Ponte, said the tribunal is not challenging the
legitimacy of Croatia's military offensive but individual
atrocities carried out by Croatian soldiers whose actions
fell under the responsibility of Gen. Gotovina.
"It is not Operation Storm that is being indicted, but
the crimes that were committed during and afterward,"
Mrs. Hartmann said. U.S. support for the operation "has
to be established," she said. "I don't know that the
[Clinton] administration was involved."
Asked whether the prosecutor's office was planning to
issue indictments against either Mr. Clinton or other
administation officials, Mrs. Hartmann said: "We have
no comment because there is no evidence to substantiate
the charges of Gen. Gotovina's lawyers. They can make
their case with evidence to the court."
Mr. Misetic dismissed Mrs. Hartmann's comments as "blatant


Gotovina: Clinton sollte wegen der Krajina angeklagt werden

ZAGREB, 22. April 2002. Der Verteidiger des vom
Haager Tribunal angeklagten kroatischen Generals Ante
Gotovina, Luka Misetic, gab eine Aussage seines
Mandanten wieder, in der dieser fordert den früheren
amerikanischen Präsidenten Bill Clinton wegen Verbrechen
gegen die Menschlichkeit anzuklagen, da Clinton die
Operation "Oluja" gegen die serbische Krajina genehmigt
hatte. Der Verteidiger von Gotovina führte weiter
aus "nach der Aussage meines Mandanten gibt es eine
Grundlage für eine Untersuchung gegen hohe amerikanische
Funktionäre aus dem Kabinett von Bill Clinton, die
die Operation "Oluja" überwacht haben." sagte Misetic der
amerikanischen Zeitung Washington Times.



+++ Kroatien: neue Identifizierungen vorgesehen +++

BELGRAD, 13. April 2002. Eine Gruppe von 15 Familien der
vertriebenen Serben reist am 16. April nach Kroatien, um die
Leichen der Serben zu identifizieren, die aus einem
Massengrab in Knin exhumiert wurden. Noch im letzten
Herbst wurden 301 Leichen der serbischen Opfer exhumiert,
die kroatische Streitkräfte im Sommer 1995 bei der
Eroberung der serbischen Gebiete und Vertreibung der
Serben ermordet haben, teilte Savo Strbac, Leiter
des Dokumentationszentrum "Veritas" in Belgrad mit.


+++ Opfer kroatischer Extremisten identifiziert +++

BELGRAD, 17. April 2002. Bisher wurden 14 der 301 exhumierten
Leichen von serbischen Zivilisten identifiziert, die von
kroatischen Extremisten 1995 bei der Eroberung der serbischen
Gebiete hingerichtet wurden, teilte heute der Leiter des
Dokumentations- und Informationszentrums "Veritas" Savo Strbac
mit. Am 26. April fahren 15 vertriebene serbische Familien nach
Zagreb, um an der nächsten Identifizierungsrunde teilzunehmen.




ZAGREB, 18 April 2001 (B92)
Hague investigators expect to find the
bodies of around 200 Serb civilians at the
site of Croatian army operation
"Storm", Zagreb daily Vijesnik claims today.
Citing unofficial sources in the
Croatian government, the paper
reports that the exhumation of the Knin
cemetery should begin today or
tomorrow and investigations will last at
least two months Knin was the site of operation
"Storm" in 1995 when the Croatian Army re-claimed
the Serb rebel stronghold. Around 400 civilians are
believed to have killed in the aftermath.
The sources state that the bodies were "possibly
buried in several layers, by machine," in several
suspected locations measuring a few hundred
square metres.