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[Posted 22 April 2002]

The media is using the upcoming release of the Dutch
government's report on Srebrenica and the resignation of
the Dutch government to "atone" for the Dutch role in
"letting Srebrenica happen," to broadcast massive
amounts of sheer misinformation about what did in fact
happen in the town of Srebrenica 7 years ago this July.

EMPEROR'S CLOTHES editor Nico Varkevisser in
Amsterdam reports that Dutch Prime Minister Wim Kok
had stated his intention to move out of national politics
and into the International arena before the report was
issued, that the resignation comes shortly before
previously-scheduled national elections and that Kok
staged this pseudo-resignation as a gift to NATO and the
War Crimes Tribunal, in exchange for which Kok hopes
to become a new star (like Javier Solana) on the
International scene.

According to media descriptions of the report, which has
not yet been published on the Internet but is available for
around $200 (USD) - it is interesting that according to
these media accounts, the report a) says a massacre
happened, but b) apparently finds no leader responsible.
(We say "apparently" because we have not been able,
yet, to read the actual report.

On the one hand, this makes a mockery of The Hague
"tribunal" charges against Milosevic. On the other hand,
this conclusion is an absurdity. How can an army commit
a massacre, and no leader is guilty? It would appear that
the people who prepared the report may have
compromised in a way, accepting the official NATO
position that there was a monstrous massacre (without
which NATO's entire stance in Yugoslavia is discredited)
but avoiding the sticky question of attributing
responsibility, which would require coming up with proof,
which does not exist.

What really happened in July 1995 in
Srebrenica? Here follow some articles critical
of the official view, with brief descriptions.

1 - Jared Israel's "Five Years On & the Lies Continue"
appeared two years ago as a full page ad in the Sydney
Herald and the New York Post. The article, which can be
read at
argues that it wasn't the Islamists but ordinary Serbian
villagers who were slaughtered by the terrorists under
Nasir Oric at Srebrenica. The Australian newspaper ad
led to an intense debate on Australian Public Radio
between Israel and the NY Times Srebrenica "expert"
David Rohde.

2- David Rohde versus. Max Sinclair, Jared Israel and
Prof. Drasko Jovanovic

David Rohde wrote the first Srebrenica (supposed)
massacre story as a Christian Science Monitor reporter in
1995. By making loud (though unsubstantiated)
accusations against the Bosnian Serbs he landed a spot
at the NY Times from which perch he has been issuing
fanciful Srebrenica updates at ever since.

The debate between EMPEROR'S CLOTHES and
Rohde began with the publication of "Why has the War
Crimes Tribunal suppressed testimony about
Srebrenica?" by Max Sinclair and Jared Israel at

David Rohde replied to Sinclair and Israel in an email
which he sent to the distinguished physicist, Professor
Drasko Jovanovic, with whom Rohde had been
corresponding concerning Srebrenica. Go to

Jovanovic forwarded Rohde's comments to Sinclair and
Israel who responded by email at

Prof. Jovanovic also sent EMPEROR'S CLOTHES a
short memoir concerning his experience as a boy in Nazi
occupied Yugoslavia. which can be read at
Here Prof. Jovanovic dealt with real genocide, as
opposed to the Rohde's unsubstantiated claims.

Rohde then took his dispute with Emperor's Clothes to
the pages of the NY Times, writing an article in which he
omitted nothing other than Israel and Sinclair's actual
arguments. Jared Israel replied to Rohde's Times piece

Prof. Jovanovic also replied, at

3 - In the article, "The Construction of a Trauma," René
Grémaux and Abe de Vries are noncommittal about
whether there was in fact a massacre, but their extensive
documentation argues against.

Here you will find the statement of the Dutch-UN
commander who says there was no massacre. He was
immediately attacked in the Dutch press and silenced by
the Army command. The article also contains some of
the self-contradictory testimony from supposed
witnesses. (We have uncovered much more, soon to be
published.) This article can be read at

4 - Sarah Standefer has written a sharp rebuttal to the
Srebrenica argument which has been revived, as she
points out, to suit NATO's current propaganda needs.
See "Thoughts On Srebrenica " at

5 - Sinister Suggestion from a Surprising Source

Take a look at "Refuting the Srebrenica Myth: An Islamist
Perspective," By Konstantin Kilibarda
The author quotes statements from embittered leaders
of the Islamist forces in Srebrenica and from United
Nations sources suggesting that Washington and Alijah
Izetbegovic's Islamic fundamentalist government in
Sarajevo conspired to fabricate a massacre story to
foster international outrage at the Bosnian Serbs. Can be
read at


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We need your help. EMPEROR'S CLOTHES is under
attack for telling the truth.

A few days ago our Website hosting service received an
email from Charles Russell, the law firm for ITN. ITN is
the British TV news station responsible for distributing
supposed news photos which falsely portrayed a Serbian
refugee center in Bosnia as a death camp. EMPEROR'S
Clothes exposed this lie in the video JUDGMENT.

In the email, ITN's law firm demanded that all mention of
the video, JUDGMENT, be removed from the
EMPEROR'S Clothes Website or ITN would sue our
service provider for libel. The service provider has, quite
bravely, refused to cave in.

Another Website was not so lucky.
Www.sprksa-mreza.com is a vast storehouse of
information about Yugoslavia. Its editors have contributed
articles and shared their knowledge with EMPEROR'S
Clothes. Srpska-mreza had posted several articles
exposing ITN lies. ITN threatened Srpska-Mreza's
Website hosting service as it had threatened ours. In
response the hosting service shut down
www.Srpska-mreza.com (a non-functional link since the
website was shut down) this past weekend.

We are setting up an EMPEROR'S CLOTHES
DEFENSE FUND. Hopefully the FUND will get non-profit
and tax-exempt status. This FUND will defend
EMPEROR'S Clothes, Srpska-Mreza and any other
Website or Web hosting service attacked for advertising
JUDGMENT and/or standing up to ITN.

We urge everyone who cares about free journalism to
fight this attack. Here are some things you can do. A
more detailed report will be posted tomorrow.

1) Buy a copy of the JUDGMENT video. See what ITN is
trying to suppress. You can read about the video at
http://www.emperors-clothes.com/Film/judge.htm It's $25
in the US, $26 outside. You can order using standard
donation methods (see below). If you donate over the
Internet, send an email to emperors1000@... so
we know you want a copy of JUDGMENT.

FUND, using the donation methods below. If you donate
over the Internet, please send an email so we know your
donation is for the EMPEROR'S CLOTHES DEFENSE
FUND. The money will be used to DEFEND
EMPEROR'S CLOTHES and others under attack.

c) Defend free journalism by advertising JUDGMENT
video on your Website or by email. For details about

Post a link on your Website and let us know at

Some readers have suggested, out of concern for
EMPEROR'S CLOTHES, that perhaps it would be safer
just to remove JUDGMENT from our home page thus
giving ITN nothing to attack. And perhaps this would
make us safer, at least for the moment. But EMPEROR'S
CLOTHES stands for the freedom to expose lies. So
what would be the point of buying safety at the cost of
giving up the very thing we exist to fight for?

Please send whatever contributions you can! $20, $50,
$100, $500, $1000 or more. Donations will be used to

If you can afford to make a donation, please do. If you
can pledge a regular monthly amount, drop us a line at

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You can make a donation using Paypal

You can make a credit card donation by going to our
secure server at

Or Mail a check to EMPEROR'S CLOTHES, P.O.
Box 610-321, Newton, MA 02461-0321. (USA)

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(U.S.) 617 916-1705.

We can now accept donations through e-gold. Our
account # is 444982.

Note: If you mail a donation or make one by secure
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emperors1000@... to make sure we receive it.

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