Subject: Freedom Fight in the Hague (1)
Date: Wed, 8 May 2002 10:31:26 +0200
From: "Vladimir Krsljanin"

No.1 May 7, 2002

A Judiciary Farce In The Hague

Rugova on the bench... and fatigues

The testimonial of Ibrahim Rugova as
well as his fate during NATO aggression
may be the best illustration ever of
the message, which Milosevic is trying
to communicate to the World. With the
intention to blacken Serbia and the
Serbs as more as possible, to justify
the terror of his compatriots and the
NATO aggression, as well as to affirm
the platform of Albanian separatists on
the independence of Kosovo and creation
of the so-called Great Albania, Rugova
unintentionally uncovers (to people of
good will an otherwise acknowledged
fact) who is the patron of such policy
and source of all kinds of evil in
Kazoo and Matthias.

Besides being conspicuously in the
favors of Judge May (persistently
addressed to as Dr. Rugova), while
Milosevic, on the other hand, has
always been halted from leading his
cross-examination freely, the Hague
bench proved to be of no coziness to
the leader of the Albanian separatists.
In answering to Milosevic's questions,
he had to act the "forgetting
professor" role, who can not remember
the number of expelled or kidnapped,
either killed Serbs in Kosovo and
Metohia, nor can hide his Serb-hating
cynicism as, when answering to the
question "does he believe Serbs will
give up on Kosovo" responds with "which

We should not wander how such Rugova is
blaming even the policemen for saving
him when he was forced to flee ahead of
NATO bombs and in fear of the threats
of Tachi's terrorists, since they were
Serbian policemen.

We should not wander that he has
forgotten signing the leaflet (KLA
proclamation) by which he called upon
Kosovo and Metohia's Albanians to
retreat to Macedonia and Albania, by
which one of the key accusations (mass
deportation as performed by Serbian
police) is being cut down. Such Rugova
has also forgotten having begged
Milosevic to save him and his family
from the KLA and secure him a getaway
to Italy, which he did.

Rugova evidently was one of the major
assets to The Hague prosecutors and
their mentors in testifying against
President Milosevic. Him being
carefully prepared is evident also from
the fact that he first got replaced
with Bakali, and then announced for
April 8, as well as by the way Judge
May "defended" him from Milosevic. All
this did not help him to successfully
play the part of key witness, that is
why cold-blooded Judge May this time
has shown more nervousness and even
contempt towards Milosevic.

As a matter of fact, Rugova's
testimonial evolved around the same
cliche as all previous ones that
resembled a play in two acts. In the
first one the witnesses behaved
themselves as kid pupils that recite
more or less successfully a well
learned song. In the second one, when
they found themselves in front of the
cross examination of President
Milosevic, they eventually start
forgetting things and mumbling about,
so that whatever they say is more
useful to the defense than to the

Subject: Freedom Fight in the Hague (2)
Date: Thu, 9 May 2002 00:59:47 +0200
From: "Vladimir Krsljanin"

No.2 May 8, 2002

Contradictory Witnesses

Today in The Hague as witnesses
appeared Avni Nebihu from the village Sojevo near
Urosevac, Aslan Tachi from the village Demjan near
Djakovica and Dzevahire Rahmani from the village
Bukos near Vucitrn. The contradictoriness of these
witnesses, that is characteristic for the whole
length of the trial, today was even more

On a question posed by Milosevic,
Nebihu explained that his village has close to 200
households, and that each household has an average
10 members. Nevertheless, in his written statement
he declared that Serbian soldiers had expelled all
locals from their houses and that they afterwards
headed for Urosevac. There were, as he had pointed
out in that statement, about 500 of them. As
Milosevic insisted to get an explanation what
happened to the remaining 1.500 locals, the witness
got confused and without a proper explanation. This
witness, in one of his written statements, pointed
out that he had left his house together with his
family after having seen what was going on in the
surroundings, while in another one he did it after
being told to do so by the soldiers, Also, in one
statement he saw, from a 500 meters distance, as
the soldiers were putting fire on house with some
flame-firing weapons , and when Milosevic reminded
him that from the place from where he found himself
he could not even see the houses in question, said
that he had seen such weapons earlier.

Since this witness, as the other
Albanian ones as well, had in his written statement
quoted being satisfied about the NATO bombardments,
Milosevic asked him was it his own statement to the
prosecution representative, or that representative
first questioned him had he been satisfied over the
NATO bombardment. The witness replied that it was
his answer to a specific question of the
prosecution representative.

Aslan Tachi too in many of his
quotations in the written statements has been
contradictory. However, the most interesting part
of his cross-examination was related to the
presumed presence of Russians among Yugoslav
soldiers that were in his village. Tachi pointed
out that he speaks Russian, that he had heard as
some military were discussing in Russian and even
issuing orders to others. At Milosevic's queries he
confessed not speaking Russian, explaining that
everyone who knows Serbian understands Russian as
well, and that those presumed Russians did not have
any ranks, and when they allegedly ordered all
present civilians should be killed, the soldiers
did not do it.

Dzevahire Rahmani in her statement
accused the military that they raped some girls
from the group they were searching in a room.
However, on a question posed by Milosevic,
regarding the grounds which could have brought her
to such a conclusion, she said she estimated it
upon their looks, while neither of them had told
her that in a later conversation, nor there was
nothing she could have heard from the room where
they were searching them that could make her think
that, but it was their looks upon coming out of
that room.Even the soldier she claimed harrassing
her, though not raping her, she once described as a
tall guy with the shaved head, once as having blond

Today the testimonial of Abdullah
Salihu started as well, and it will be resumed

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