

Moscow, July 9th, 2002
Valentin KUNIN, a RIA "Novosti" political observer

Berlin hosted the 11th annual session of the
Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe
/OSCE/. Predictably enough, one of the issues at the
top of the agenda was the struggle against
international terrorism and extremism.
This topic has been included into almost all documents
adopted by the organisation over the past few years. In
particular, it was the focus of the 1999 OSCE summit in
Istanbul whose participants stated that they considered
the combating of all forms of terrorism a crucial
aspect of European peace and stability.
Following the tragedies in New York and Washington last
September, the OSCE Standing Council voiced its
determination to act in conjunction with the whole
international community "to put an end to terrorism -
the plague of our epoque, which threatens peace and
security around the world." This determination obtained
a more specific form in a large-scale anti-terrorist
programme, which was adopted at the 9th session of OSCE
Foreign Ministers, which took place last December in
In particular, this document envisages the improvement
of OSCE member-states' anti-terrorist legislation, the
elimination of criminal funding channels and bolstering
the struggle against various extremist, nationalist and
separatist movements and organisations.
In Bucharest, officials repeatedly stressed the
importance of the OSCE as a mechanism for political
dialogue on security and cooperation in Europe. The
latter is especially important if one takes into
account the processes this organisation is undergoing.
It's no secret that the OSCE was founded as the
cornerstone of European peace and stability, as the
main instrument of preventive diplomacy, settling
conflicts, stemming crises and of post-conflict
This list now includes a whole set of new challenges:
the increasing drug trafficking, arms smuggling,
organised crime, illegal migration and, primarily,
international terrorism.
There is no need for giving evidence that all OSCE
member-states have do deal with all of these problems
to this or another extent. In this regard, the issue of
coordinating their actions in order to effectively
combat all these threats and challenges takes the
At the same time, the recent events prove that the OSCE
member-states that also belong to NATO and the European
Union, have shoved this organisation into the
pan-European background. In fact, the OSCE is not
energetic with regard to the resolution to any
important problem the Old World is facing.
As to the struggle against terrorism, extremism and
separatism in Europe, we have to confess that the OSCE
currently takes no real steps on this front, with its
activities now being limited to human rights protection
and "assistance to democracies" alone. According to the
OSCE leadership, this is the very target the
organisation is pursuing in the Balkans. This could be
doubted if one analyses the results of OSCE actions in
Kosovo and Macedonia. Practical actions of both
missions virtually contradict the objective.
In Kosovo, OSCE representatives were, in fact, calmly
watching Albanians exercising genocide against ethnic
minorities, primarily Serbs, with NATO forces turning a
blind eye to their actions. And we all know the result
- approximately 300,000 non-Albanians have been forced
to flee the region over the past two years.
Nevertheless, the OSCE mission's leadership insisted
that mass abuse of human rights was not applicable to
Kosovo because the situation in the region was
advantageous for democratic parliamentary elections.
Last November, the OSCE mission rendered all possible
assistance to these elections. Moreover, the head of
the OSCE mission authorised the participation in
elections of a party established by warlords from the
so-called Kosovo Liberation Army - a terrorist
organisation whose gangs were involved in ethnic
cleansing in the area.
To put it straight, such OSCE actions, which deny
Kosovo Serbs elementary human rights, but give them to
Albanian terrorists are a classic example of double
standard policy.
The OSCE mission to Macedonia could hardly be described
in a positive way too. For more than a year, the OSCE
in conjunction with NATO and the EU have been
protecting Albanian extremists who do not cease to
carry out armed provocations against governmental
forces. This implies the use of human rights protection
as a cover for encouraging terrorists and extremists
who openly declare that their aim is to break
Macedonia's territorial integrity.
The OSCE position, especially that of its Parliamentary
Assembly, is equally non-constructive with regard to
Moscow's actions in Chechnya. On the one hand, the
Assembly's delegates do acknowledge the legitimacy of
such actions targeted at eliminating remnants of
terrorist gangs in Chechnya. At the same time, they
reiterate allegations about "excessive use of force"
and abuse of human rights by Russian troops in
Chechnya. They also demand that Russia should sit down
at the negotiating table with representatives of former
Chechen president Aslan Maskhadov - a separatist famous
for his close tires to Osama bin Laden's Al-Qaeda
terrorist network.
There is no need to say that the OSCE can hardly count
on the unification of its member-states' efforts in a
drive against "the plague of the 21st century" as long
as it sticks to such a special approach to the problem
of terrorism.




Moskva, 9. jula
Valentin KUNJIN, politicki komentator
Ruska informativna agencija RIA "Novosti"

U Berlinu je odrzano 11-to godisnje zasedanje
Parlamentarne skupstine OEBS. Kako se i ocekivalo,
jedna od centralnih tema bio je problem borbe protiv
medjunarodnog terorizma i ekstremizma.
Ta tema konstantno je prisutna prakticno u svim
dokumentima koji su usvajani tokom poslednjih godina u
okviru OEBS. Izmedju ostalog, najveca paznja tim
pitanjima bila je posvecena na Istambulskom samitu OEBS
1999. godine. Ucesnici tog samita tada su izjavili, da
suprostavljanje svakom obliku terorizma tretiraju kao
jedan od najznacajnijih elemenata u odrzavanju mira i
stabilnosti na evropskom kontinentu. Odmah nakon
tragicnih dogadjaja u Njujorku i Vasingtonu septembra
prosle godine Stalni savet OEBS izjavio je da je
odlucan u namerama da, delujuci zajedno sa celokupnom
svetskom zajednicom, "udruzenim naporima dokrajci
terorizam, nevolju naseg vremena, koja predstavlja
opasnost po mir i bezbednost u citavom svetu".
Ta izjava konkretizovana je na proteklom decembra
prosle godine u Bukurestu 9-om susretu ministara
inostranih poslova OEBS, na kome je prihvacen obiman
program delovanja u borbi protiv terorizma.
Taj dokument predvidja, izmedju ostalog, jacanje
nacionalnog zakonodavstva drzava-clanica OEBS u borbi
protiv terora, presecanje kanala za finansiranje
zlocinacke delatnosti, poostravanje borbe protiv svakog
oblika ekstremizma, nacionalistickih i separatistickih
pokreta i organizacija.
U Bukurestu je takodje ponovo apostrofiran znacaj
jacanja OEBS kao mehanizma politickog dijaloga po
pitanjima bezbednosti i saradnje u Evropi. Ovo
poslednje narocito je aktuelno u kontekstu desavajucih
u toj organizaciji procesa. Poznato je, naime, da je
OEBS zamisljen kao organizacija koja treba da igra
kljucnu ulogu u odrzavanju evropskog mira i
stabilnosti, da bude osnovni instrument preventivne
diplomatije, sprecavanja konflikata, sredjivanja kriza
i postkonfliktne obnove.
Ovom spisku tokom poslednjih godina dodat je i citav
set novih izazova, kao sto su promet narkotika koji
porpima sve vece razmere, rastuci sverc oruzja, porast
organizovanog kriminala, nezakonita emigracija. I u
prvom redu, razume se, medjunarodni terorizam.
Nije potrebno dokazivati, naravno, da se ti problemi u
ovoj ili onoj meri ticu prakticno svih drzava koje su u
sastavu OEBS. I sve nasusnijom postaje potreba za
koordinacijom njihovog delovanja, kako bi se efikasno
suprostavili svim tim izazovima i opasnostima.
Medjutim, dogadjaji iz poslednjih godina svedoce, da je
ova organizacija, naporima zemalja NATO i Evropske
unije koje su u sastavu OEBS, prakticno bacena na
periferiju opsteevropskog politickog procesa i fakticki
iskljucena iz resavanja iole znacajnijih problema koji
stoje pred Starim Svetom.
Ako konkretno govorimo o problemu borbe protiv
terorizma, ekstremizma i separatizma na kontinentu,
moramo konstatovati da OEBS nije preduzeo nikakve
realne korake u tom pravcu. Cak stavise, on je sada
prakticno suzio svoje delovanje na pravozastitnu sferu
i "pomoc u uspostavljanu demokratskih poredaka".
Kako izjavljuju u rukovodstvu OEBS, upravo te ciljeve
organizacija sledi na Balkanu. Medjutim, ako
analiziramo rezultate rada misija OEBS na Kosovu i u
Makedoniji, tesko da se s time mozemo sloziti. Rad obe
te misije ocigledno je kontradiktoran postavljenim
Na Kosovu su predstavnici OEBS prakticno bez
ucestvovanja posmatrali kako uz potpunu neangazovanost
i popustljivost mirovnjaka kosovski albanci vrsse pravi
genocid nad predstavnicima nacionalnih manjina, pre
svega Srbima. Rezultat je poznat - za dve poslednje
godine iz pokrajine je isterano trista hiljada ljudi
nealbanske nacionalnosti.
Pa i pored svega, rukovodstvo misije OEBS daje izjave
da se na Kosovu ne radi o masovnom krsenju ljudskih
prava i da su u pokrajini stvoreni uslovi za odrzavanje
demoklratskih parlamentarnih izbora. I uz pomoc misije
OEBS takvi izbori su i odrzani novembra prosle godine.
Cak stavise, sef misije OEBS dozvolio je ucesce na tim
izborima i partiji koju su formirali bivse glavesine
takozvane OVK - teroristicke organizacije, ciji odredi
su vrsili etnicko ciscenje u pokrajini.
Ako stvari zelimo da nazovemo svojim imenom, onda
slicne poteze predstavnika OEBS, koji kosovskim Srbima
uskracuju cak elementarna covekova prava, dok ta prava
priznaju albanskimm teroristima, ne mozemo nazvati
drugacije nego klasicnim primerom politike "dvojnih
Beznacajnu ulogu igra OEBS i u Makedoniji, gde zajedno
sa predstavnicima NATO i Evropske unije vec duze od
godine fakticki stiti albanske ekstremiste, koji ne
prestaju sa oruzanim provokacijama protiv vladinih
snaga. Tojest, pod tim istim izgovorom zastite
covekovih prava stimulisu se teroristi i ekstremisti,
koji optvoreno govore o svojim planovima razbijanja
makedonske drzave.
Ocigledno neproduktivnu poziciju zauzima OEBS, pre
svega Parlamentarna skupstina te organizacije, i u
odnosu na delovanje Moskve u Ceceniji. Sa jedne strane,
delegati Skupstine toboze se slazu sa pravomernoscu
takvih akcija, usmerenih u pravcu likvidacije ostataka
teroristickih bandi na cecenskoj teritoriji. Ali
istovremeno se daju izjave o toboze "prekomernoj
upotrebi sile" od strane ruske vojske i krsenju
covekovih prava u toj istoj Ceceniji. Ne prestaje se ni
sa upucivanjem apela Moskvi da sedne za pregovaracki
sto sa predstavnicima bivseg cecenskog predsednika
Aslana Mashadova - separatiste, poznatog po svojim
odavnasnjim vezama sa organizacijom medjunardonog
teroriste Osame bin Ladena - "Al-Kaidom".
Suvisno je govoriti o tome, da sve dok se OEBS bude
drzao takvih prilaza borbi protiv terorizma tesko da se
mogu stvoriti realni uslovi za udruzivanje napora
zemalja OEBS u borbi protiv "kuge XXI veka".