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As Ex-Security Chief Testifies he was
Tortured to Lie -
By Jared Israel & Nico Varkevisser (at
The Hague)
(The authors are Vice-chairpersons,
[Posted 27 July 2002]

Today, as we prepared to post an article
about the utter hypocrisy of The
Hague "tribunal's" concern for Slobodan
Milosevic's health, this "trial of
the century" exploded and died.

Now the question is, will it linger in

The "tribunal" passed away during the
testimony of Rade Markovic, former
head of the Department of State Security
of the Serbian Ministry of the
Interior (the Serbian Secret Service).
Markovic (pronounced MARK-oh-vich)
was cross-examined today, 26 July, by
Slobodan Milosevic.

Mind you, the prosecution called Mr.
Markovic to testify. He was "their"
witness. That is, for some reason they
expected him to testify in their
favor. And yet, he testified against

1) Mr. Markovic testified that the
Milosevic government did *not* try to
drive ethnic Albanians out of Kosovo
during the NATO bombing. Quite the

"'I told (local officials) that
presidential orders are that the flow of
refugees must be stopped,' Markovic said
during cross-examination by
Milosevic..." (AP, 26 July 2002)

2) Mr. Markovic testified that Milosevic
came down hard on anti-Albanian
hate crime:

"'More than 200 criminal charges were
filed against members of the police,
and I think a similar figure stands for
the army,' said Markovic..." (AP,

Some news wire services reported the
above points while trying to downplay
their significance.

Earlier, Mr. Markovic had testified that
starting in 1997 Mr. Milosevic did
not exercise direct, daily control of
security police. This testimony was
misreported in the press. We shall
clarify that when we publish the
transcripts of Mr. Markovic's testimony,
which will be soon.

But no wire service reported the most
shocking revelation.

Prior to being brought to The Hague,
Rade Markovic was held in a Belgrade
jail for the past 17 months.

Today at The Hague, Mr. Markovic
testified that he was tortured in that
jail to force him to agree to give false
testimony against Slobodan

He also testified that the current
Belgrade security police, who work in
closest cooperation with "tribunal"
prosecutors, offered him and his family
a change of identity and a comfortable
new life in a foreign land if he
would lie against Slobodan Milosevic.

Mr. Markovic said that, at one point,
pro-NATO Serbian Interior Minister
Mihailovic and his Secret Police chief,
Goran Petrovic, showed up at the
jail with a squad of secret police. Mr.
Markovic said they removed him from
the facility - itself a violation of
Serbian law - and took him to a
private dinner where they made him the
offer of a new identity with a
luxury life - and no more torture - in
exchange for false testimony.

The torture and the bribes would explain
why the Prosecution had reason to
believe Mr. Markovic was "their"

Stunned to see Markovic defy him,
Prosecutor Jeffrey Nice (sic!) asked
so-called judge Richard May to do
something to stop it. And May did try,
interrupting the cross-examination to
argue that since "We are talking
about Kosovo," the issue of Markovic
being tortured to give false testimony
(about Milosevic's role in Kosovo) was

As of this writing, not one
English-language wire service has
Markovic's shattering accusations or the
amazing response of "judge" May.

Why not?

Could it be because there is no way for
them to spin these charges in favor
of the "tribunal" ...And thus the
charges can't be mentioned.

Doesn't this support our own charge,
that the Western media has been the
agent of a massive anti-Yugoslav
disinformation campaign? Is there any
other way to explain their not
mentioning that the head of Milosevic's
secret service was called to testify
against Milosevic and instead
testified that he had been tortured to


What we find in the wire services is
negative spin about Markovic, a
blackout regarding his torture, and

Dick Dicker from Human Rights Watch -
which, from our direct observation at
The Hague, virtually runs the "tribunal"
- told Agence France Presse that
Markovic's testimony "lacked

Ahh, is that so, Mr. Dicker?

If Rade Markovic so lacks credibility,
why did your "tribunal" call him as
a prosecution witness? Indeed, why did
they call him as the last
prosecution witness before the summer

Didn't your side call him because they
thought he was theirs? Now, why
would they think such a thing, Mr.

Rade Markovic was never Slobodan
Milosevic's political opponent.

So why was your "tribunal" so confident?
Why was Mr. Nice so surprised?

Doesn't it make sense that the "court"
expected Rade Markovic to cooperate
because, "It is understood that he has
had certain experiences in jail and
he knows what is in store for him - for
the rest of his life - if he defies
us." Perhaps the flunkies in Belgrade
exaggerated the extent of their
success persuading Markovic to
cooperate. Flunkies will do that to
the home office.

Is that why your associates trusted him
to cooperate? And is that why you
and they were stunned when he didn't, so
now you must sputter about
Markovic not being credible - and him
your own witness!

Speaking of credibility, why wasn't Rade
Markovic's stunning charge
broadcast on TV in the West?

Why doesn't the media report that Rade
Markovic named the two US/West
European agents - Mihailovic and
Petrovic - who oversaw his torture?

Why doesn't the media broadcast the news
- the scoop! - that instead of
ordering an immediate investigation and
putting Mr. Markovic under
protection, instead of taking these
minimal steps in accord with most basic
justice, instead "judge" May told
Markovic to stop wasting time with

Doesn't "judge" May's reaction testify
eloquently to the credibility of
what Rade Markovic said?

And as for your own credibility, Mr.
Dicker, why don't you demand an
investigation of this charge of torture
in this "trial of the century"?
Aren't you Human *Rights* Watch? And if
you don't demand an investigation
because you *know* he's lying, why don't
you share with the rest of us how
it is that you know?

In the same dispatch as Dicker's
"non-credible" remark, Agence France
Presse reported that:

"Markovic has been temporarily released
from prison in Serbia in order to
testify at the trial." (AFP, 16 July

This is called lying by half-truth. AFP
left out the fact that Mr. Markovic
is now being held in Scheveningen, where
the Nazis tortured leading members
of the Dutch Resistance during World War

So tonight Rade Markovic is at the mercy
of those whom he defied.

As we shall document in a forthcoming
article about the unbelievable
"suicide" of Slavko Dokmanovic, Serbian
leaders have died under suspicious
circumstances while incarcerated at The
Hague. In giving this testimony,
Rade Markovic has risked torture and

And what did he gain? A nice job with
Milosevic? Good treatment for his
family in a Belgrade now controlled by
NATO and the Western secret
services? Rade Markovic had nothing
whatsoever to gain in making these
charges and he had everything to lose.

His action today went beyond mere
credibility. It was magnificent.


But what of the New World Order?

On 28 June 2001, Slobodan Milosevic was
kidnapped from Belgrade.

The Yugoslav Constitutional Court had
forbidden his extradition: it would
violate the Yugoslav constitution.
Nevertheless the "tribunal" and its
Belgrade stooges kidnapped him. National
constitutions don't count under
the New Order. (1)

Mr. Milosevic has been abused in the
former Nazi jail at Scheveningen. At
times he has been tortured with lights
on him, 24 hours a day. He has been
denied the basic right to meet advisers
of his choice.

One of the authors of this article, Nico
Varkevisser, was denied permission
to see President Milosevic just this
month, despite being the Dutch
coordinator for Mr. Milosevic's defense.

Chris Black, head of Milosevic's legal
defense group, was banned from
visiting Mr. Milosevic by the
"tribunal", one of whose officials
at a press conference last year that the
criterion for deciding whether a
lawyer could see Mr. Milosevic was
whether the "tribunal" believed he or
she would have a "good effect" on the

President Milosevic is forbidden access
to the Internet or a library. His
research tool is a pay telephone near
his cell.

For five months we have seen an endless
parade of blatantly disreputable
"witnesses." Some are officials of NATO
governments or organizations
associated with NATO. It was NATO that
bombed Yugoslavia including Kosovo.
And NATO spokesperson, Jamie Shea, once
boasted that NATO runs the
"tribunal." (2)

Other "witnesses" have been Kosovo
Liberation Army terrorists, or members
of their front groups. That's whom the
Milosevic government was fighting on
the ground while NATO bombed from the

And now we have this case, the abuse of
Rade Markovic.

Really, is there a greater disgrace,
morally or professionally, than to be
part of this "tribunal" or to defend it
in the media or through some phony
human rights group that fawns and
scurries to serve the gangster bullies?

Slobodan Milosevic and Rade Markovic are
imprisoned in Scheveningen. On a
stone in that former Nazi prison a
member of the Dutch Resistance engraved
the following words:

"In deze bajes zit geen gajes, maar
Hollands glorie, potjandorie."

which means:

"In this prison there are no criminals,
but only the glory of Holland."

Let the NATO masters be careful how they
treat Slobodan Milosevic and Rade

- Jared Israel & Nico Varkevisser are
Vice Chairpersons, International
Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic



1) On the kidnapping of Mr. Milosevic,

2) For the press conference in which
Jamie Shea indicated that NATO
controls the "tribunal," see "Official
Statements Prove Hague 'Tribunal'
Belongs to NATO" at