How to Take Down a Government
(by Christopher Deliso in Skopje)

* Part One:
The International Campaign to Intervene in Macedonia's Elections
("Macedonia's parliamentary elections are slated for 15 September, and
the US government is taking them seriously...")

* Part Two:
Financial Coercion and Other Forms of Intervention
(Interviews with Macedonian Finance Minister Nikola Gruevski and Dr.
Sam Vaknin)

* Part Three:
Collaboration Between the Media and NGOs
("The media/PR war has been dictated by the ICG's Edward Joseph, and
implemented by affiliated interventionist media, most notably IWPR. To
a lesser extent, Reuters has been used. Not coincidentally, certain
local media have also pitched in, as have the Guardian and BBC...")

WARNING: is a conservative web site, nevertheless it publishes
interesting analyses and critics against the US Balkan "imperial"
policies. The three abovementioned articles by C. Deliso, while giving
to the reader an impressive amount of interesting information, do also
share right-wing orientation, which brings the author to
paradoxically state that US pressures are "intended to influence the
elections directly in favor of the Socialists", since "the Socialists"
are the opposition to the present Macedonian government (this is also
the opinion of Macedonian Finance Minister Nikola Gruevski, see "Part
However, this opinion is badly affected by ideology. The facts are
that the previous (Gligorov's socialdemocratic) government coalition
was pressured and destabilized by the US as well. Pressures and
destabilization were mainly realized by fostering Albanian separatism
and KLA terrorism, exactly in the way as it is happening now. The US
clearly intends to destabilize and to destroy a country, not just a
government coalition.
(I. Slavo)